Two Police Officers Shot In The Head in Compton, California

Isn't Compton where Kendrick Lamar, a popular hip hop artist & frequent guest of President My Brother's Keeper & Mrs. GIRL POWER Obama was raised nurtured & socialized by emotionally troubled, SHOTGUN TOTING, drug peddling gang & family members?

Cali Surgeon General Dr. Harris explains the effects of Childhood Trauma, Child Neglect & Maltreatment:

Child Brain Development MD, PhD Educates an American Billionaire:


Sorry I am NOT a "race soldier" and being an educated person unlike you I am aware that probably a MAJORITY of Blacks are AGAINST the BLM feral thugs and are as horrified about what is going on as much as Non-Blacks are.
You're the living definition of a race soldier.
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

More Boogaloo Boys action?

Have you been to Compton son?

Never. I do understand there are a lot of gangs, but I alway thought there were a lot of gangs throughout California. Well aware it could be street gang related, if that is what you are about to tell me.
Marc is very happy 2 cops are assassinated
He is a bum and loser and will never be anything more than white Trash
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

More Boogaloo Boys action?

Compton is heavily black and hispanic

Understand what you are trying to telegraph me, but living 86 miles from Memphis, still not aware of blacks or Hispanics going out of their way to attempt to assassinate LEO, but have seen Fed indictment for that very thing against Boogs within last two months.
It's called an eye for an eye.............

Your side threw gas on the fire.....and play stupid when a thug influenced by your BS murders police in their car as an assassination.

eventually that POS will not be a concern on this earth................Police don't like those who assassinate their brothers...........I don't either.
Who poked out who's eye first race soldier?
These fucking Democrats are the scum of the earth. BLM, Antifa, Kamala Harris, Democrats...all the same bunch!

And to all those people who say they hate both Donald and Joe and aren't voting or hate Trump so much they will vote for Biden instead, all I can say is that a vote for Biden is a vote for Harris, and a vote for Harris will be to make these kind of people and give these kind of people real power and prominence and control in this country.

So if you really DIG this kind of mindless, hateful radicalism as to wish cops dead for no reason other than being police after being shot in the head for no reason other than being police, then by all means, vote for Joe.
ABC7 Los Angeles reports two county deputies — one male, one female — were ambushed and shot while they were sitting in their patrol car Saturday night.
Surveillance video of the shooting shows the suspect ambush the deputies as they sat in the patrol car.
A person clad in dark clothing walks up to the parked vehicle at the Metro station, approaches the window on the passenger’s side and fires several times at close range. The suspect then runs off on foot.
The surveillance video can be viewed here. Warning: Footage of the shooting may be disturbing to some viewers.
The two deputies have been rushed to the hospital and are reported to be “fighting for their lives.”

The surveillance video shows the attack was clearly unprovoked. (WARNING: very disturbing video).

No words. Time to start putting these animals down. Go ahead, tell us "White Supremacists" did it.
How many "white folk" are in Compton?

As a lifelong native Californian, who knows many people who have lived and worked in Compton, and has been there recently, as of 2019, Compton as has a population of 95,700.

35.9% of its residents are WHITE and 30.9% of them are BLACK.

66.8% are HISPANIC.

So what is your point?

In addition to that, there is a well known criminal element that is within the Compton Sheriffs Department.

It could have even been one of their own colleagues that shot them.

Try as you might it isn't safe for whites, you know this full well. Sure, but it wasn't, WATCH the recording.

Why no links to the bullshit flowing from your mouth?
ABC7 Los Angeles reports two county deputies — one male, one female — were ambushed and shot while they were sitting in their patrol car Saturday night.
Surveillance video of the shooting shows the suspect ambush the deputies as they sat in the patrol car.
A person clad in dark clothing walks up to the parked vehicle at the Metro station, approaches the window on the passenger’s side and fires several times at close range. The suspect then runs off on foot.
The surveillance video can be viewed here. Warning: Footage of the shooting may be disturbing to some viewers.
The two deputies have been rushed to the hospital and are reported to be “fighting for their lives.”

The surveillance video shows the attack was clearly unprovoked. (WARNING: very disturbing video).

No words. Time to start putting these animals down. Go ahead, tell us "White Supremacists" did it.
How many "white folk" are in Compton?

As a lifelong native Californian, who knows many people who have lived and worked in Compton, and has been there recently, as of 2019, Compton as has a population of 95,700.

35.9% of its residents are WHITE and 30.9% of them are BLACK.

66.8% are HISPANIC.

So what is your point?

In addition to that, there is a well known criminal element that is within the Compton Sheriffs Department.

It could have even been one of their own colleagues that shot them.

Try as you might it isn't safe for whites, you know this full well. Sure, but it wasn't, WATCH the recording.

I've watched the recording multiple times, and it is impossible to determine what the shooter looks like. Furthermore I've known white people who lived for decades in Compton and never had a problem.
I'm sorry, but good cops don't just get assassinated for no reason. They were very likely involved in corrupt criminal activity and crossed the wrong people.

We're better off as a society with less crooked significantly increasing the crime rate.
No moron - they were assassinated by a black thug

It is not possible to determine the race of the shooter by the video, so stop lying.
A lot of people are opposed to Sexual Assault, like Mr. Blake is accused of, and are interested in justice being carried out. Having a demonstration in front of the hospital would help to raise Awareness
LoL! You spew BS so easily.

Has the victim, Blake, been convicted of sexual assault?

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