Two Police Officers Shot In The Head in Compton, California

Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

More Boogaloo Boys action?

No, blm marxists anti americans.

Lots of possibilities. Will have to wait until they have a suspect or capture and charge.
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

Have the police issued a description of the shooter, including his age and race?

There is film, it really looks like a kid.

Looks like a kid because of the clothes he's wearing. The pants on the ground look, makes them appear shorter when they are actually taller. He looks like a teen even so, but who knows really.

Standing beside the car, he doesn't look tall at all. I'd guess max 5 feet. Doesn't matter.

I think the perp is a bowlegged black punk. I do not yet know the ethnicity or skin color of the officers shot by the perp.

The latter doesn't matter either.
It's called an eye for an eye.............

Your side threw gas on the fire.....and play stupid when a thug influenced by your BS murders police in their car as an assassination.

eventually that POS will not be a concern on this earth................Police don't like those who assassinate their brothers...........I don't either.
Who poked out who's eye first race soldier? don't honor the dead by killing don't kill the piglet because he saw the chicken get killed by the Fox

You support a terrorist achieve a political end by threats and violence.

Sorry.........I DON'T NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORIST.....and that is what you have become.

Sooner or later ...........this shit will either end or get very ugly............oh opened the dang box.

But I am not going to agree with the sentiment of people who have consistently called for police to step up their killing of people looking like me.
People that look like you kill a whole hell of a lot of more people that look like you than do cops or anyone else for that matter. But go ahead, people that don't look like you only care when they want your vote.
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Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

More Boogaloo Boys action?

No, blm marxists anti americans.

Lots of possibilities. Will have to wait until they have a suspect or capture and charge.

Did the left wing hyping this up help lead to this......along with months of violence for this action

Repeatedly the left uses that same line against the GOP...........then says it' wrong to use it on them when they fan the flames.

Did they gaslight us to this point........YES OR NO.
Are the MODs cool with posters openly wishing death on others?

Is this something that is allowed and/or supported on this platform?
There is not supposed to be outrage when cops are killed. Just ignore and move on. Some lives really don’t matter and they wear a uniform.
Thank the nra for the proliferation of guns where anyone can buy one anytime, anywhere.
Sounds just like the posts we read here when an officer unjustifiably shoots a citizen.

The majority of the scum that the Police have shot have actually had long criminal records, some for things like sexual assault and drug dealing, so who the fuck gives a SHIT if the Police have removed that type of scum from the planet, nobody should, actually the Police should be congratulated to removing wastes of human skin like George Floyd, a drug dealer who had an arrest record and held a GUN to a PREGNANT woman's stomach.

There we go. Now if others would only be as honest as you.
Let’s be honest; you KNOW for absolute fact how ALL decent, legitimate people feel about illiterate, filthy, savage subhumans...Do you really need to hear it from their mouths to know it?
Don’t play the fool.

The BLM feral zoo animals literally FILMED themselves on the way to ATTEMPT to BREAK INTO THE HOSPITAL to get to the Emergency Room where that BRAVE female Police Officer is, as I said they should just air hole them where they STAND.

View attachment 388109

The video is 2 minutes and 10 minutes in duration, here is a direct link to it:

For now these subhuman beasts are a protected class in all filth won’t be long before all this bizarro bullshit blows over and they return to their rightful position among society...right there with whale shit.

Look at this....WHO exactly is Adam Schiff praying to, he's of the Jesus Christ REJECTING ilk:


Oh I FORGOT, he's praying to his ilk's god, the DEMON Moloch:


Adam Schiff and his ilk are the Descendents of the Canaanites who worshipped Moloch as their god, just like Schiff and his Jesus Christ REJECTING ilk still do:

Are the MODs cool with posters openly wishing death on others?

Is this something that is allowed and/or supported on this platform?

I don't know, what about all the Leftists aka Communists who are supporting the BLM crowd DEMANDING that Police Officers should be murdered? I mean IF you SUPPORT BLM then you are supporting the murder of Police Officers.
ABC7 Los Angeles reports two county deputies — one male, one female — were ambushed and shot while they were sitting in their patrol car Saturday night.
Surveillance video of the shooting shows the suspect ambush the deputies as they sat in the patrol car.
A person clad in dark clothing walks up to the parked vehicle at the Metro station, approaches the window on the passenger’s side and fires several times at close range. The suspect then runs off on foot.
The surveillance video can be viewed here. Warning: Footage of the shooting may be disturbing to some viewers.
The two deputies have been rushed to the hospital and are reported to be “fighting for their lives.”

The surveillance video shows the attack was clearly unprovoked. (WARNING: very disturbing video).

No words. Time to start putting these animals down. Go ahead, tell us "White Supremacists" did it.
How many "white folk" are in Compton?

As a lifelong native Californian, who knows many people who have lived and worked in Compton, and has been there recently, as of 2019, Compton as has a population of 95,700.

35.9% of its residents are WHITE and 30.9% of them are BLACK.

66.8% are HISPANIC.

So what is your point?

In addition to that, there is a well known criminal element that is within the Compton Sheriffs Department.

It could have even been one of their own colleagues that shot them.

Try as you might it isn't safe for whites, you know this full well. Sure, but it wasn't, WATCH the recording.

Why no links to the bullshit flowing from your mouth?
ABC7 Los Angeles reports two county deputies — one male, one female — were ambushed and shot while they were sitting in their patrol car Saturday night.
Surveillance video of the shooting shows the suspect ambush the deputies as they sat in the patrol car.
A person clad in dark clothing walks up to the parked vehicle at the Metro station, approaches the window on the passenger’s side and fires several times at close range. The suspect then runs off on foot.
The surveillance video can be viewed here. Warning: Footage of the shooting may be disturbing to some viewers.
The two deputies have been rushed to the hospital and are reported to be “fighting for their lives.”

The surveillance video shows the attack was clearly unprovoked. (WARNING: very disturbing video).

No words. Time to start putting these animals down. Go ahead, tell us "White Supremacists" did it.
How many "white folk" are in Compton?

As a lifelong native Californian, who knows many people who have lived and worked in Compton, and has been there recently, as of 2019, Compton as has a population of 95,700.

35.9% of its residents are WHITE and 30.9% of them are BLACK.

66.8% are HISPANIC.

So what is your point?

In addition to that, there is a well known criminal element that is within the Compton Sheriffs Department.

It could have even been one of their own colleagues that shot them.

Try as you might it isn't safe for whites, you know this full well. Sure, but it wasn't, WATCH the recording.

I've watched the recording multiple times, and it is impossible to determine what the shooter looks like. Furthermore I've known white people who lived for decades in Compton and never had a problem.

Like all ghettos and barrios throughout America, the only whites you’ll find in these shitholes are white trash meth head criminals as filth is never bothered by other filth.
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

More Boogaloo Boys action?

No, blm marxists anti americans.

Lots of possibilities. Will have to wait until they have a suspect or capture and charge.

Did the left wing hyping this up help lead to this......along with months of violence for this action

Repeatedly the left uses that same line against the GOP...........then says it' wrong to use it on them when they fan the flames.

Did they gaslight us to this point........YES OR NO.

Pretty sure, being gas lighted or at least attempted by both sides. That is why I observe it all, paying particular attention to indictments and trial outcomes, especially at Fed level.

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