Two Police Officers Shot In The Head in Compton, California

ABC7 Los Angeles reports two county deputies — one male, one female — were ambushed and shot while they were sitting in their patrol car Saturday night.
Surveillance video of the shooting shows the suspect ambush the deputies as they sat in the patrol car.
A person clad in dark clothing walks up to the parked vehicle at the Metro station, approaches the window on the passenger’s side and fires several times at close range. The suspect then runs off on foot.
The surveillance video can be viewed here. Warning: Footage of the shooting may be disturbing to some viewers.
The two deputies have been rushed to the hospital and are reported to be “fighting for their lives.”

The surveillance video shows the attack was clearly unprovoked. (WARNING: very disturbing video).

No words. Time to start putting these animals down. Go ahead, tell us "White Supremacists" did it.
How many "white folk" are in Compton?

As a lifelong native Californian, who knows many people who have lived and worked in Compton, and has been there recently, as of 2019, Compton as has a population of 95,700.

35.9% of its residents are WHITE and 30.9% of them are BLACK.

66.8% are HISPANIC.

So what is your point?

In addition to that, there is a well known criminal element that is within the Compton Sheriffs Department.

It could have even been one of their own colleagues that shot them.

Try as you might it isn't safe for whites, you know this full well. Sure, but it wasn't, WATCH the recording.

Why no links to the bullshit flowing from your mouth?
ABC7 Los Angeles reports two county deputies — one male, one female — were ambushed and shot while they were sitting in their patrol car Saturday night.
Surveillance video of the shooting shows the suspect ambush the deputies as they sat in the patrol car.
A person clad in dark clothing walks up to the parked vehicle at the Metro station, approaches the window on the passenger’s side and fires several times at close range. The suspect then runs off on foot.
The surveillance video can be viewed here. Warning: Footage of the shooting may be disturbing to some viewers.
The two deputies have been rushed to the hospital and are reported to be “fighting for their lives.”

The surveillance video shows the attack was clearly unprovoked. (WARNING: very disturbing video).

No words. Time to start putting these animals down. Go ahead, tell us "White Supremacists" did it.
How many "white folk" are in Compton?

As a lifelong native Californian, who knows many people who have lived and worked in Compton, and has been there recently, as of 2019, Compton as has a population of 95,700.

35.9% of its residents are WHITE and 30.9% of them are BLACK.

66.8% are HISPANIC.

So what is your point?

In addition to that, there is a well known criminal element that is within the Compton Sheriffs Department.

It could have even been one of their own colleagues that shot them.

Try as you might it isn't safe for whites, you know this full well. Sure, but it wasn't, WATCH the recording.

I've watched the recording multiple times, and it is impossible to determine what the shooter looks like. Furthermore I've known white people who lived for decades in Compton and never had a problem.

Like all ghettos and barrios throughout America, the only whites you’ll find in these shitholes are white trash meth head criminals as filth is never bothered by other filth.

Are you speaking from experience of having been to or lived in all of these so called "shitholes"?

If so, wouldn't that make you one of the "white trash meth heads" that you're referring to?
This (and other events similar) is going to result in a nationwide reduction in the number of Police officers overall as potential new recruits are discouraged.
We could see Police dissolved in some major Democrat cities.
I suspect Democrat cities will then set up their own flavor of "Law enforcement". Maybe directed by BLM.

The goal?
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

More Boogaloo Boys action?

No, blm marxists anti americans.

Lots of possibilities. Will have to wait until they have a suspect or capture and charge.

Did the left wing hyping this up help lead to this......along with months of violence for this action

Repeatedly the left uses that same line against the GOP...........then says it' wrong to use it on them when they fan the flames.

Did they gaslight us to this point........YES OR NO.

Pretty sure, being gas lighted or at least attempted by both sides. That is why I observe it all, paying particular attention to indictments and trial outcomes, especially at Fed level.

The feds rounded up a lot of the professional mobsters ..............Travelling mob..........hope they rat out the ones paying them

Yeah .........I've noticed it.
We need need to get to the bottom of this, the first step is to dig into their past to uncover all the corruption these two cops were very likely involved in. That way we can determine the link to that shooter.
We need need to get to the bottom of this, the first step is to dig up all the corruption these two cops were very likely involved in. That way we can determine the link to that shooter.

Why would you erroneously assume ALL cops are involved in corruption?
That said, I'm sure many are.

Do you believe society needs no policing?
While we can assume some cops are corrupt, we can also assume many civilians are corrupt (and dangerous)

Seriously, statistically it is probably more likely you would be killed by black on black violence, than killed by a cop.
We need need to get to the bottom of this, the first step is to dig into their past to uncover all the corruption these two cops were very likely involved in. That way we can determine the link to that shooter.
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

More Boogaloo Boys action?

Compton is heavily black and hispanic

Understand what you are trying to telegraph me, but living 86 miles from Memphis, still not aware of blacks or Hispanics going out of their way to attempt to assassinate LEO, but have seen Fed indictment for that very thing against Boogs within last two months.

Black radicalism and violence inspires white radicals to respond

its why the “peaceful protests” aka riots based on lies should have been closed down 99 days ago

but I seriously doubt if these Two cops were shot by white radicals
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

Compton has been literally a SHIT HOLE for nearly 40 years and FULL of feral and criminal Blacks for nearly 40 years, I mean N.W.A even wrote an ENTIRE ALBUM about it:


And the feral Blacks in Compton have literally HATED the Police for nearly 40 years, afterall N.W.A on the above album even have a song "Fuck Tha Police" about how MUCH the feral Blacks in Compton HATE the Police and THIS was released in 1988:

Why would you erroneously assume ALL cops are involved in corruption?
That said, I'm sure many are.

Do you believe society needs no policing?
While we can assume some cops are corrupt, we can also assume many civilians are corrupt (and dangerous)
Why would you erroneously assume that ALL cops are as pure an innocent as the driven snow?
Why would you erroneously assume that ALL cops are as pure an innocent as the driven snow?

I don't. Not sure where you got that notion?
If you can't be reasonable then the discussion is over.

I already said not all cops are honest, in the post you responded to.

Why would you erroneously assume ALL cops are involved in corruption?
That said, I'm sure many are.
Ok..........the troll is running out of right turns to flame.................which his purpose.........

Be sure to spay and nueter a liberal they can't breed more stupid people............
Why would you erroneously assume ALL cops are involved in corruption?
That said, I'm sure many are.

Do you believe society needs no policing?
While we can assume some cops are corrupt, we can also assume many civilians are corrupt (and dangerous)
Why would you erroneously assume that ALL cops are as pure an innocent as the driven snow?

Why would you erroneously assume that ALL Whites are "race soldiers"? Oh sorry I forgot, your feral Black thugs aka BLM are LITERALLY attempting to START an ACTUAL Race War.

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