Two Police Officers Shot In The Head in Compton, California

Are the MODs cool with posters openly wishing death on others?

Is this something that is allowed and/or supported on this platform?

I don't know, what about all the Leftists aka Communists who are supporting the BLM crowd DEMANDING that Police Officers should be murdered? I mean IF you SUPPORT BLM then you are supporting the murder of Police Officers.
Yes indeedy if the murders are tied to them in anyway. Have they BLM come out with a statement yet, you know condemning this sort of thing if people are openly doing it in their name ????? Tick, tock, tick, tock the clock is ticking away. No statement yet huh.

Now as each of you justify the beating of a law abiding lyft passenger by police because he didn't show his ID that he didn't have nor should it have been asked for, just remember why I say that it is continuing instances like this which create 2 cops sitting in a car and getting shot up.
You have no clue.
I noticed in this thread (and others) you make many wild assumptions and crazy assertions.
The only wild and crazy assumptions made were done by the usual white supremacist race soldiers of USMB.

So tell us, how were blacks in Compton treated decades before that song was released?
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Ok..........the troll is running out of right turns to flame.................which his purpose.........

Be sure to spay and nueter a liberal they can't breed more stupid people............

The majority of Leftist men considering they are nearly ALL Vegans now and OD on Soy should have DIFFICULTY breeding thank goodness as the Soy produces Estrogen in males and lowers their Sperm Count to nearly ZERO and so thank goodness all those Leftist men are basically shooting blanks now.
Thought the largest importer and consumer of soy beans was China. Does not seem to have effected their ability to reproduce.

Go back to bed you Pro-China Communist Soy Boi.
You have no clue.
I noticed in this thread (and others) you make many wild assumptions and crazy assertions.
The only wild and crazy assumptions made were done by the usual white supremacist race soldiers of USMB.

So tell us, how were blacks in Compton treated decades before that song was released?

There are NO "White Supremacist race soldiers" in this thread, stop posting such absolute horsecrap. BUT there are SEVERAL Black Supremacists in THIS thread who would LOVE to assist in STARTING an actual Race War, that is IF you had the BALLS to do it as opposed to being Keyboard Warriors sitting in your basement or whatever.
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

Is there a reward for the capture of this perp? Post a reward, $50,000 dead or alive, and he'd be in custody before you know it.

You can't post a "dead or alive" reward without a picture of the perp.
From YOUR implication.....and your apparent assumption
Dummy, if you recall, I stated that its not likely that innocent cops would be assassinated in such a manner. That was my preface.

BasicHumanUnit said:
Please try to keep up with the nonsense you post
You're the idiot who interjected ALL.

Using insults in place of rationale speaks volumes.

That said, you are making another wild assumption....that these particular cops were corrupt, and that they were targeted only because of that.

Do you have some insider information to share? Otherwise you are again making wild assumptions and fantasy allegations.

Now as each of you justify the beating of a law abiding lyft passenger by police because he didn't show his ID that he didn't have nor should it have been asked for, just remember why I say that it is continuing instances like this which create 2 cops sitting in a car and getting shot up.
Police shoulda shot him.

Now as each of you justify the beating of a law abiding lyft passenger by police because he didn't show his ID that he didn't have nor should it have been asked for, just remember why I say that it is continuing instances like this which create 2 cops sitting in a car and getting shot up.
There you go again, advocating that the innocent pay for the alledged crimes of others. Get help bud, something is wrong with you.
Thought the largest importer and consumer of soy beans was China. Does not seem to have effected their ability to reproduce.
China has a serious demographics problem thanks to their totalitarian form of government

namely too many boys and not enough girls because of the one child policy
Damn. Compton is a famously safe place to live in too. :(
Again, this is the result of your support and excuse making for police shootings of unarmed people.
We wouldn't see you getting down on one knee and protesting in the street for the two injured policemen, would we?
Nous ne vous verrons pas déménager en Amérique du tout. Alors tais-toi.
LOL, Maybe you should moved from the United States since you are so miserable there ?.:p
J’ai le droit, selon notre Constitution, d’exprimer pacifiquement mon grief au gouvernement. Donc je vais l’utiliser. Votre cul raciste grenouille blanche peut aller directement en enfer en essayant que vous pouvez laisser de la merde.
Using insults in place of rationale speaks volumes.

That said, you are making another wild assumption....that these particular cops were corrupt, and that they were targeted only because of that.

Do you have some insider information to share? Otherwise you are again making wild assumptions and fantasy allegations.
How is that more wild than assuming they were pure as the driven snow?

Now as each of you justify the beating of a law abiding lyft passenger by police because he didn't show his ID that he didn't have nor should it have been asked for, just remember why I say that it is continuing instances like this which create 2 cops sitting in a car and getting shot up.
There you go again, advocating that the innocent pay for the alledged crimes of others. Get help bud, something is wrong with you.
Nope, you get help for your psychosis.
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

More Boogaloo Boys action?

CNN just said this shooting helped Biden increase his lead over Trump by 16%

That is hilarious. It is so recent, cannot believe somebody actually manufactured a projection like that.
Amazing the number of dislikes because I could ask such a question. I had no idea there was such support for the Boog movement on here. They seem like just another radical group to me. Are we talking about the same folks?

The boogaloo movement is a loosely organized American far-right anti-government extremist movement.[note 1] The movement has also been described as a militia.[9][10][11] Adherents of the movement are often referred to as boogaloo boys or boogaloo bois.[12]

Participants often identify themselves as libertarian and say they are preparing for, or seek to incite, a second American Civil War which they call the boogaloo.[note 2][13][14] The term boogaloo has been used on the fringe imageboard website 4chan since 2012, but it did not come to widespread attention until late 2019.[1] Adherents use the term boogaloo, including variations so as to avoid social media crackdowns, to refer to violent uprisings against the federal government or left-wing political opponents, often anticipated to follow government confiscation of firearms.[1][15][16]

Since 2019, at least ten people affiliated with the boogaloo movement have been charged with crimes, including the killings of two security and law enforcement officers in May and June 2020 and incidents related to the George Floyd protests.[15][21][22][23][24] In May and June 2020, several companies acted to limit the movement's activities and visibility on their social media and chat platforms.[25][26]

Since 2019, at least ten people affiliated with the boogaloo movement have been arrested. Some of the charges against people affiliated with the movement include murder,[21] conspiracy to damage and destroy by fire and explosive, possession of unregistered firearms,[22] making a terroristic threat against a peace officer,[15] inciting a riot, aggravated breach of peace and drugs charges.[23][24]

Killings of police and security officers in California
Is this the bunch of radical nut-ball you guys are pissed that I would ask about? Get real. There is no such thing as a good radical group on either side.
You have no clue.
I noticed in this thread (and others) you make many wild assumptions and crazy assertions.
The only wild and crazy assumptions made were done by the usual white supremacist race soldiers of USMB.

So tell us, how were blacks in Compton treated decades before that song was released?
First tell us how blacks (the one's guilty), treat each other, and also how they love to blame others for it once the heat gets on them.
Are the MODs cool with posters openly wishing death on others?

Is this something that is allowed and/or supported on this platform?

I don't know, what about all the Leftists aka Communists who are supporting the BLM crowd DEMANDING that Police Officers should be murdered? I mean IF you SUPPORT BLM then you are supporting the murder of Police Officers.
Yes indeedy if the murders are tied to them in anyway. Have they BLM come out with a statement yet, you know condemning this sort of thing if people are openly doing it in their name ????? Tick, tock, tick, tock the clock is ticking away. No statement yet huh.
I doubt that shooting was done in BLM's name.
Are the MODs cool with posters openly wishing death on others?

Is this something that is allowed and/or supported on this platform?

I don't know, what about all the Leftists aka Communists who are supporting the BLM crowd DEMANDING that Police Officers should be murdered? I mean IF you SUPPORT BLM then you are supporting the murder of Police Officers.
Yes indeedy if the murders are tied to them in anyway. Have they BLM come out with a statement yet, you know condemning this sort of thing if people are openly doing it in their name ????? Tick, tock, tick, tock the clock is ticking away. No statement yet huh.
I doubt that shooting was done in BLM's name.
Don't matters, cops just need to start shooting first.

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