Two Police Officers Shot In The Head in Compton, California

Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

The Deputies were ambushed. This is work of cowards. I hope they recover and my thoughts go ou their families.
That was clearly a targeted attack against the police. Someone like that needs to be caught or they may re-offend.

I just saw a video on NY post of a kid chasing another kid down, in a gunfight, shooting him in the head when he fell on the sidewalk. Point blank, all caught on video. Was too disturbing for me to post here, someone killed in broad daylight.

This generation is raised on video games and online interaction. It's not like generations ago where people would interact face to face, see the world as flesh and blood. It's all digital pixels to these fools, taking a 17 year olds life in broad daylight is just another kill in his killstreak score. They are immune to the appreciation of life.

It will only get worse unfortunately. All Trump can do is try to bring jobs back from overseas and hope generations find there way. I pray to think what the West would look like if China took over. More disregard for life, loss of God in peoples lives, increased desperation and resentment towards anyone going about their business.
A lot of people are opposed to Sexual Assault, like Mr. Blake is accused of, and are interested in justice being carried out. Having a demonstration in front of the hospital would help to raise Awareness
LoL! You spew BS so easily.

Has the victim, Blake, been convicted of sexual assault?

Not from my understanding. But he has been accused, which is the same status as the police officers who took the bullets in Compton. And victims of rape want to see justice too.
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

Is there a reward for the capture of this perp? Post a reward, $50,000 dead or alive, and he'd be in custody before you know it.

You can't post a "dead or alive" reward without a picture of the perp.

There is a photo of him.
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

More Boogaloo Boys action?

when did libertrians start assassinating cops?

First ones arrested after the violence started, when trump started is on the Antifa A-holes, and Justice department were amazingly quiet and slow to back up claim, were he Boogaloo Boys for the assination of a California sheriff's deputy and in about the same 24 hour period the shooting of federal uniformed guard or guards outside a Federal building in same California county. Charges were post by that Sunday morning, same day trump came out, wanting to name atifa a terrorist organization, but with no mention of Boog or the other right wing extremist violence, such as the Boog member caught and Federally charged (also on Justice website) after filmed throwing firebomb and justice publishing in the charging that it was intended to incite more violence and be blamed on the BLM A-holes. Boogaloo libertarian? OK carried to extreme, I suppose. Just radical, anti-government. I haven't met that many actual libertarians to know if they might support actual attacks on police, sheriff's deputies or other uniformed government LEO, and kind of doubt it until I do. Radicals of any stripe, pretty much suck in my book.
Mind you, I believe BLM and opportunistic thugs are responsible for most of the violent destruction since the Floyd murder, if the do not count the absolute complicity of the Mayor and Governors. Of course, what I believe plus a $1.50 will get you a cup of coffee, unless the regular price of coffee is more.

to be clear the far right is not part of the right they are more closely resembling the far left
Not from my understanding. But he has been accused, which is the same status as the police officers who took the bullets in Compton. And victims of rape want to see justice too.
So tell me how does it make sense for a group claiming to want to bring attention to rape, waste their time and energy on protesting in front of a hospital of an individual NOT convicted of rape?
Violence isn’t the answer for anything. Bad cops need to be rooted out and jailed, cop killers need to be jailed.
ised, which is the same status as the police officers who took the bullets in Compton. And victims of rape want to see justice too.
So tell me how does it make sense for a group claiming to want to bring attention to rape, waste their time and energy on protesting in front of a hospital of an individual NOT convicted of rape?

The fellows accused of killing George Floyd weren't convicted of anything either. Neither are these police officers who were shot in Compton.
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

More Boogaloo Boys action?

when did libertrians start assassinating cops?

First ones arrested after the violence started, when trump started is on the Antifa A-holes, and Justice department were amazingly quiet and slow to back up claim, were he Boogaloo Boys for the assination of a California sheriff's deputy and in about the same 24 hour period the shooting of federal uniformed guard or guards outside a Federal building in same California county. Charges were post by that Sunday morning, same day trump came out, wanting to name atifa a terrorist organization, but with no mention of Boog or the other right wing extremist violence, such as the Boog member caught and Federally charged (also on Justice website) after filmed throwing firebomb and justice publishing in the charging that it was intended to incite more violence and be blamed on the BLM A-holes. Boogaloo libertarian? OK carried to extreme, I suppose. Just radical, anti-government. I haven't met that many actual libertarians to know if they might support actual attacks on police, sheriff's deputies or other uniformed government LEO, and kind of doubt it until I do. Radicals of any stripe, pretty much suck in my book.
Mind you, I believe BLM and opportunistic thugs are responsible for most of the violent destruction since the Floyd murder, if the do not count the absolute complicity of the Mayor and Governors. Of course, what I believe plus a $1.50 will get you a cup of coffee, unless the regular price of coffee is more.

to be clear the far right is not part of the right they are more closely resembling the far left

Yep. Seen the circular diagrams. Both directions lead to the same place.
TWO deputies from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department were shot in an ambush in Compton late on Saturday night.

Shocking video shows a man repeatedly shooting at the male and female officer from the Transit Services Bureau in their patrol car outside the city’s Metro Blue Line station.

Footage shows the unidentified shooter open firing on the passenger side of the patrol vehicle, leaving both the male and female deputy with head wounds.


The suspect got off a bus at the station and then carried out the attack before fleeing on foot.


"At this point we have a very very generic description of a dark-skinned male and that came from one of the victims," Captain Kent Wegener told news conference.

The L.A. county sheriff's department tweeted: "One male deputy and one female deputy were ambushed as they sat in their patrol vehicle.
"Both sustained multiple gunshot wounds and are in critical condition. They are currently being treated.”

Sheriff Alex Villanueva said one deputy was a 31-year-old mother of a six-year-old son and her husband is with her at the hospital.

The other deputy is a 24-year-old male and his parents and girlfriend are at the hospital.

Reacting to the incident, U.S. President Donald Trump retweeted shocking video of the attack and wrote: "Animals that must be hit hard!"

But that is NOT the end of the story!!!

A GROUP of "Black Lives Matter protesters" tried to block a hospital entrance where cops were being cared for, screaming

"I hope they f***ing die," reports say.

Bystanders recalled that the alleged Black Lives Matter demonstrators said they hoped the injured police officers "died" and tried to storm the emergency room where they were being treated.

In one video, a person can be heard yelling, “I want to deliver a message to the family of the pigs: I hope they f***ing die.”

In an extended version of the shocking clip, the person filming tells cops guarding the hospital they are "stupid f***s," while others can be heard saying: "y'all are going to die," "you're gonna die one by one," and telling police to "suck my d***."

From the author:
In the 60s, the CIA organized a number of coup d'etat attempts in African countries, created and strongly financially and materially supported the guerrillas who carried out the CIA's tactics of STATE TERRORISM against governments that were objectionable to the American economic and political elite.

African journalists then warned the Americans:

"You have released a genie from the bottle, which you will not be able to drive back. And it by all means WILL COME to America ...

It CAME ...
We remember all the terrorist attempts to attack America from the inside. Never mind that most Americans are convinced that the tragic events of 9/11 were inspired and prepared by the international group of one specific interest, which Henry Ford warned about a hundred years ago.

Americans do not know their history well, or they quickly forget it.

The pro-Chinese political leadership of the Democratic Party, having created and funded BLM, released an equally terrible genie from the bottle.

Everything goes to the point that only a silver bullet can stop him.

Destruction of the state if it is contrary to the interests of this international cosmopolitan criminal group called the "Deep State" is its favorite tactic.

If someone does not understand something - ask questions, I will explain ...
The fellows accused of killing George Floyd weren't convicted of anything either. Neither are these police officers who were shot in Compton.
Are you going to pretend there's no video of the perps committing their heinous acts?

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