Two Police Officers Shot In The Head in Compton, California

This thread will be locked in 5....4.....3....2.....1......

(citing repeat thread)

Silencing the truth, bribery of journalists, threats of physical harm, and complete control over the media and the minds of the people are the FAVORITE practice of the Deep State.

The fact remains: we have a political group in the country that organized and financially supports domestic terrorism in the person of BLM.

Yes, you threaten me every day, but you will not silence me ...

Whoa......I'm on your side bubba
The moderators have been locking the threads. Not me.


And one more detail:

this Forum is very popular in the world and is read in Africa, Asia, and Europe. The Deep State needs to THINK VERY WELL before blocking my comments:

Otherwise, it can destroy the illusion of free speech in America, which has been so diligently and for so long created by the Deep State "for export".
You're living in an anger-filled fantasy land.
If you're truly planning on going on the take, they don't even get the 'lay of the land' until 3 years on the job.
You're full of angry shit!
I actually do need to take a dump, but I'm out taking a friend on her errands.

What makes you feel im angry though?
You're living in an anger-filled fantasy land.
If you're truly planning on going on the take, they don't even get the 'lay of the land' until 3 years on the job.
You're full of angry shit!
I actually do need to take a dump, but I'm out taking a friend on her errands.

What makes you feel im angry though?

You talk shit that you know not of.
I'll just leave it at that.
From YOUR implication.....and your apparent assumption
Dummy, if you recall, I stated that its not likely that innocent cops would be assassinated in such a manner. That was my preface.

BasicHumanUnit said:
Please try to keep up with the nonsense you post
You're the idiot who interjected "ALL."
Are you trying to be funny ?? You can’t be that sick . “Once the blue line is gone “, then it’s everyone for themselves
Marc is very happy 2 cops are assassinated
He is a bum and loser and will never be anything more than white Trash

The two sherrifs who were shot are still alive. You should inform yourself before posting misinformation.
In what capacity ?

"Capacity"? Do you understand the difference between dead and alive?
Having permanent brain damage is not being much alive
Violence isn’t the answer for anything. Bad cops need to be rooted out and jailed, cop killers need to be jailed.
Out of the two things in your second sentence, which one doesn't currently happen, like, at all?

Hint, currently, cop killers are either in jail, or somehow meet an untimely death before that can occur.
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Are you trying to be funny ?? You can’t be that sick . “Once the blue line is gone “, then it’s everyone for themselves
What does that even mean? They have free reign to murder unarmed black people at will?
What I find funny is that a party that hates rich, old, white guys and cops , nominated a rich, old, white man for President and an ex-cop for VP!
Sounds like a good ticket for you to be voting for, right?
Is Quasar44 drunk posting again?
Are you also gloating that 2 cops were killed

Do you enter a thread only to read your own posts?
I don’t know what that means
2 cops are shot in the head . A nation cannot survive when it’s inhabitants have zero respect for the laws or order

I came in defending the police who were shot, and IM2 criticized me for it. You came in saying Jeff Zucker should be shot (for no reason), and you accused me of gloating for criticizing your batshit crazy response.
I did not criticize. I am simply saying that the conditions for this have been set due to people defending police murders of unarmed citizens. Did any of you think that police were going to keep getting to shot up innocent people and lying without retaliation?

This is going to be a vicious circle created by blind citizens who justify everything police do even when they need to be put in prison for crimes.

Do you think shooting two officers was an appropriate response?

Do you think the overall support shown here by many whites for police killing blacks is appropriate response?
It depends on the circumstances. If the black (or white, brown, red or yellow) man is violently resisting arrest, yes it’s appropriate. If the man is quietly obeying orders and surrendering, it’s not appropriate.
The people who have been killed have not been violently resisting arrest. Again this ability to lie in order to defend gross police misconduct is why two potentially innocent people are fighting for their lives because they happen to be police. Now this shit needs to end and on our side it ends with us making irresponsible assertions like this.
Most of them have been. Even the most recent one who was shot in the back seven times had wrestled with the police officers attempting to arrest him, shrugged off the effects to TWO tazers and was still ignoring commands. To me that's violently resisting arrest.

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