Two Police Officers Shot In The Head in Compton, California

Should we have a “New Room “ for “‘ape talk”
Ok..........the troll is running out of right turns to flame.................which his purpose.........

Be sure to spay and nueter a liberal they can't breed more stupid people............

The majority of Leftist men considering they are nearly ALL Vegans now and OD on Soy should have DIFFICULTY breeding thank goodness as the Soy produces Estrogen in males and lowers their Sperm Count to nearly ZERO and so thank goodness all those Leftist men are basically shooting blanks now.
Thought the largest importer and consumer of soy beans was China. Does not seem to have effected their ability to reproduce.

Yeah, gotta agree with you on the Soy myth.
There is not supposed to be outrage when cops are killed. Just ignore and move on. Some lives really don’t matter and they wear a uniform.
Thank the nra for the proliferation of guns where anyone can buy one anytime, anywhere.

No, thank you for the fall of the family unit and respect for others. Thank you for a selfish society where your needs come before others. Thank you for a world where two parents aren’t needed or wanted. Blaming one organization for making all the guns available is plain stupid and moronic. Guns were readily available in this country long before there was an NRA.

Too many on the left have a serious flaw and it dictates their behavior. Psychologist cal it Moral Narcissism.
in addition, it appears many on the left are suffering from mental disorders layered on top of that.
Please, denying science during a pandemic and climate change is morally reprehensible. The GOP and TrumpHole and you Humpers need to look in the mirror when it comes to mental disorders. You have complete disregard for people or, you’re just ignorant. Take your choice. What are you ?
Off topic
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

There is now an official Wanted Poster and an official Reward of $100K for the giving up of this feral POS:


I blame Trump for allowing the Coup plotters to walk.
They're smugly strolling toward the exit door, but they have yet to walk away. Barr, Durham and public opinion are not done with them yet.
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

There is now an official Wanted Poster and an official Reward of $100K for the giving up of this feral POS:

View attachment 388256

One minority midget: armed and dangerous.
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

Have the police issued a description of the shooter, including his age and race?

There is film, it really looks like a kid.

There are a lot of very deadly "kids" in gangs.

Street gangs should be outlawed. Motorcycle gangs are different, because they have to have jobs to keep up their rides, most are married, and these days they've cleaned up their acts the most of them. Still some problems out there, but most are peaceful weekend bikers that are productive citizen's in society.

These street walker gangs are something way worse in society, and the stats usually air that out. Most everything in as far as the threat level goes, is dependent upon the data and criminal stats of the members. The nation knows who the worst are, but for some reason has turned a blind eye to them for way to long.

Biker gangs have had their cleansing over the years, and they have calmed down a lot when it comes to criminal activity, but these street gangs are gaining speed. Time to slow them back down or in some cases stop them all together by dispersement.
I sense the shooter is a midget.

Has anyone here at USMB ever met a midget that they ever trusted?
All of them have this evil leprechaun glint in their eye like they know something that you don't!
It's got to be an unhinged leftist cop-hating homicidal midget.........

like Mac1958......
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

My brother is a police officer. If the soon to be dead motherfuckers ever showed up at hospital to wish him death... I've already killed before... these shots would be easier than those. No remorse for Republican Guard Iraq thug and child rapists. No remorse for Black Lives Matter that is on their same level. Sub-human motherfuckers.
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

Have the police issued a description of the shooter, including his age and race?

There is film, it really looks like a kid.

There are a lot of very deadly "kids" in gangs.

Street gangs should be outlawed. Motorcycle gangs are different, because they have to have jobs to keep up their rides, most are married, and these days they've cleaned up their acts the most of them. Still some problems out there, but most are peaceful weekend bikers that are productive citizen's in society.

These street walker gangs are something way worse in society, and the stats usually air that out. Most everything in as far as the threat level goes, is dependent upon the data and criminal stats of the members. The nation knows who the worst are, but for some reason has turned a blind eye to them for way to long.

Biker gangs have had their cleansing over the years, and they have calmed down a lot when it comes to criminal activity, but these street gangs are gaining speed. Time to slow them back down or in some cases stop them all together by dispersement.

Tell me about it---we went to the local biker bar out here. They had tons of bikes out front and live music with good food. My favorite song was being played...." are a fine girl:
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

Latest News:


Ok..........the troll is running out of right turns to flame.................which his purpose.........

Be sure to spay and nueter a liberal they can't breed more stupid people............

The majority of Leftist men considering they are nearly ALL Vegans now and OD on Soy should have DIFFICULTY breeding thank goodness as the Soy produces Estrogen in males and lowers their Sperm Count to nearly ZERO and so thank goodness all those Leftist men are basically shooting blanks now.
Thought the largest importer and consumer of soy beans was China. Does not seem to have effected their ability to reproduce.

Yeah, gotta agree with you on the Soy myth.
There is not supposed to be outrage when cops are killed. Just ignore and move on. Some lives really don’t matter and they wear a uniform.
Thank the nra for the proliferation of guns where anyone can buy one anytime, anywhere.

No, thank you for the fall of the family unit and respect for others. Thank you for a selfish society where your needs come before others. Thank you for a world where two parents aren’t needed or wanted. Blaming one organization for making all the guns available is plain stupid and moronic. Guns were readily available in this country long before there was an NRA.

Too many on the left have a serious flaw and it dictates their behavior. Psychologist cal it Moral Narcissism.
in addition, it appears many on the left are suffering from mental disorders layered on top of that.
Please, denying science during a pandemic and climate change is morally reprehensible. The GOP and TrumpHole and you Humpers need to look in the mirror when it comes to mental disorders. You have complete disregard for people or, you’re just ignorant. Take your choice. What are you ?
Off topic
It’s off topic for you when you have no response. You guys are frauds lying about the the left. Your denial of science and facts show mentally deficiency . Your typical “off topic” response is a further indication how limited you are mentally.
Last edited:
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

Hope they catch the murderer and throw the book at him. Heard it on the radio while I was driving...haven't seen updates, except asshole protestors were trying to get INTO the hospital!

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