Two Police Officers Shot In The Head in Compton, California

do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.


Texas Man Found Not Guilty for Shooting Three Cops During NoKnock Raid

"Sec. 38.03. RESISTING ARREST, SEARCH, OR TRANSPORTATION. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally prevents or obstructs a person he knows is a peace officer or a person acting in a peace officer's presence and at his direction from effecting an arrest, search, or transportation of the actor or another by using force against the peace officer or another.
(b) It is no defense to prosecution under this section that the arrest or search was unlawful.
(c) Except as provided in Subsection (d), an offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
(d) An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree if the actor uses a deadly weapon to resist the arrest or search."

Watch, we are going to get a case and the person is going to either have the charges dropped or found not guilty. You can pass laws but that doesn't mean they are lawful. People have rights backed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Was Bundy found not guilty?

Bundy followers found not guilty at Nevada trial: newspaper

The right to self defense is right in the 2nd Amendment. I find it funny that those who argue the most for the 2nd do not support or understand this.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.
You miss the point. Who are “you” to determine what an illegal arrest is. That an arrest is illegal because the charges were dropped is a false argument.

How are you going to resist ? Physically or with a weapon ? That is a crime itself.

That is why the founders created the 2nd. To protect ourselves from the government. Was Bundy found to be not guilty?

Bundy followers found not guilty at Nevada trial: newspaper
I hope this statement does not imply you’re willing to use a weapon to prevent an arrest that YOU think is illegal. You’re fking ass is grass if you start think that way. Stop repeating this bogus shit. The police are public servants there to protect everyone. If they screw up, file charges and someone will arrest their ass and charge them. It’s not your job to be a vigilantly. .

Someone should have stopped Officer Cauvin.

I will note that what we are seeing that are finally getting cops arrested and fired went on for decades with nothing done. There are still people fighting something getting done. There are still officers not being held accountable.

For some they can not file a lawsuit because they are dead. Proper training is less expensive that lawsuits.
Not going to get that training with all these fucktards running around screaming to defund the police.
I agree with Jocko that if a cop works 5 days a week, one of those days should be spent doing training. And I mean real force-on-force scenario based training with attorneys reviewing it so they can actually learn how to do it within the bounds of the law, not dumbassed diversity training bullshit.

Yes, things are changing. You can tell yourself if isn't to make yourself feel better but the change will continue anyway.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
Animal---not bright enough to know that you are forcing the US to make a choice to either allow criminals and their supporters to terrorize cops and their communities as you suggest or to go back to common sense---if you resist arrest, you should expect to be shot.

Resisting arrest is a crime idgit-----and sorry but all of these cases that blm keep putting are up are cases of violent criminals resisting lawful arrests------think you have been unfairly arrested, tell it to the judge. Refuse to be arrested, get shot.
I don’t know if getting shot is valid. Usually police are taught to respond to the level of resistance. It’s that level of response that is in question. Do you shoot an un armed fleeing subject of a non violent crime ? No.
do you shoot a resistant you “suspect“ is armed ? Nope.

Michael Slager is still a police officer today if not for someone with a cell phone.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.


Texas Man Found Not Guilty for Shooting Three Cops During NoKnock Raid

"Sec. 38.03. RESISTING ARREST, SEARCH, OR TRANSPORTATION. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally prevents or obstructs a person he knows is a peace officer or a person acting in a peace officer's presence and at his direction from effecting an arrest, search, or transportation of the actor or another by using force against the peace officer or another.
(b) It is no defense to prosecution under this section that the arrest or search was unlawful.
(c) Except as provided in Subsection (d), an offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
(d) An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree if the actor uses a deadly weapon to resist the arrest or search."

Watch, we are going to get a case and the person is going to either have the charges dropped or found not guilty. You can pass laws but that doesn't mean they are lawful. People have rights backed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Was Bundy found not guilty?

Bundy followers found not guilty at Nevada trial: newspaper

The right to self defense is right in the 2nd Amendment. I find it funny that those who argue the most for the 2nd do not support or understand this.
I agree with you, but the reality we have to deal with is that as of now, it's illegal.
You got the time or the money to be the test case that fights this?

You posted a pinac link earlier; I personally know several of their guys and you know one thing they never do? They never resist...... they know to stay in bounds.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.
You miss the point. Who are “you” to determine what an illegal arrest is. That an arrest is illegal because the charges were dropped is a false argument.

How are you going to resist ? Physically or with a weapon ? That is a crime itself.

That is why the founders created the 2nd. To protect ourselves from the government. Was Bundy found to be not guilty?

Bundy followers found not guilty at Nevada trial: newspaper
I hope this statement does not imply you’re willing to use a weapon to prevent an arrest that YOU think is illegal. You’re fking ass is grass if you start think that way. Stop repeating this bogus shit. The police are public servants there to protect everyone. If they screw up, file charges and someone will arrest their ass and charge them. It’s not your job to be a vigilantly. .

Someone should have stopped Officer Cauvin.

I will note that what we are seeing that are finally getting cops arrested and fired went on for decades with nothing done. There are still people fighting something getting done. There are still officers not being held accountable.

For some they can not file a lawsuit because they are dead. Proper training is less expensive that lawsuits.
Not going to get that training with all these fucktards running around screaming to defund the police.
I agree with Jocko that if a cop works 5 days a week, one of those days should be spent doing training. And I mean real force-on-force scenario based training with attorneys reviewing it so they can actually learn how to do it within the bounds of the law, not dumbassed diversity training bullshit.

Yes, things are changing. You can tell yourself if isn't to make yourself feel better but the change will continue anyway.
Things are changing; they're getting worse.

The good cops are retiring, moving to smaller cities in more rural areas where they are supported, or they are just plain quitting. Who do you think is getting hired to replace them?
It ain't anyone you want to have police powers, I'll tell you that.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.


Texas Man Found Not Guilty for Shooting Three Cops During NoKnock Raid

"Sec. 38.03. RESISTING ARREST, SEARCH, OR TRANSPORTATION. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally prevents or obstructs a person he knows is a peace officer or a person acting in a peace officer's presence and at his direction from effecting an arrest, search, or transportation of the actor or another by using force against the peace officer or another.
(b) It is no defense to prosecution under this section that the arrest or search was unlawful.
(c) Except as provided in Subsection (d), an offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
(d) An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree if the actor uses a deadly weapon to resist the arrest or search."

Watch, we are going to get a case and the person is going to either have the charges dropped or found not guilty. You can pass laws but that doesn't mean they are lawful. People have rights backed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Was Bundy found not guilty?

Bundy followers found not guilty at Nevada trial: newspaper

The right to self defense is right in the 2nd Amendment. I find it funny that those who argue the most for the 2nd do not support or understand this.
I agree with you, but the reality we have to deal with is that as of now, it's illegal.
You got the time or the money to be the test case that fights this?

That's the problem. Those that argue to fight an illegal arrest in court. Not many can afford to actually do that. That's why they have resorted to violence to get their point across.

We can address the fact that the police are not above the law or we can watch things burn.

You posted a pinac link earlier; I personally know several of their guys and you know one thing they never do? They never resist...... they know to stay in bounds.

They post video's of people resisting all the time. They post video's all the time being told to do something they know they do not have to do and they say no. The facts are in the overwhelming majority of cases the police know they can not enforce what they are demanding and are on video and back off.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.
You miss the point. Who are “you” to determine what an illegal arrest is. That an arrest is illegal because the charges were dropped is a false argument.

How are you going to resist ? Physically or with a weapon ? That is a crime itself.

That is why the founders created the 2nd. To protect ourselves from the government. Was Bundy found to be not guilty?

Bundy followers found not guilty at Nevada trial: newspaper
I hope this statement does not imply you’re willing to use a weapon to prevent an arrest that YOU think is illegal. You’re fking ass is grass if you start think that way. Stop repeating this bogus shit. The police are public servants there to protect everyone. If they screw up, file charges and someone will arrest their ass and charge them. It’s not your job to be a vigilantly. .

Someone should have stopped Officer Cauvin.

I will note that what we are seeing that are finally getting cops arrested and fired went on for decades with nothing done. There are still people fighting something getting done. There are still officers not being held accountable.

For some they can not file a lawsuit because they are dead. Proper training is less expensive that lawsuits.
Not going to get that training with all these fucktards running around screaming to defund the police.
I agree with Jocko that if a cop works 5 days a week, one of those days should be spent doing training. And I mean real force-on-force scenario based training with attorneys reviewing it so they can actually learn how to do it within the bounds of the law, not dumbassed diversity training bullshit.

Yes, things are changing. You can tell yourself if isn't to make yourself feel better but the change will continue anyway.
Things are changing; they're getting worse.

The good cops are retiring, moving to smaller cities in more rural areas where they are supported, or they are just plain quitting. Who do you think is getting hired to replace them?
It ain't anyone you want to have police powers, I'll tell you that.

I do not believe that. There is NO reason for a good cop to quit. Only cops who think they can no longer get away with the things they have been doing feel compelled to quit.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.


Texas Man Found Not Guilty for Shooting Three Cops During NoKnock Raid

"Sec. 38.03. RESISTING ARREST, SEARCH, OR TRANSPORTATION. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally prevents or obstructs a person he knows is a peace officer or a person acting in a peace officer's presence and at his direction from effecting an arrest, search, or transportation of the actor or another by using force against the peace officer or another.
(b) It is no defense to prosecution under this section that the arrest or search was unlawful.
(c) Except as provided in Subsection (d), an offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
(d) An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree if the actor uses a deadly weapon to resist the arrest or search."

Watch, we are going to get a case and the person is going to either have the charges dropped or found not guilty. You can pass laws but that doesn't mean they are lawful. People have rights backed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Was Bundy found not guilty?

Bundy followers found not guilty at Nevada trial: newspaper

The right to self defense is right in the 2nd Amendment. I find it funny that those who argue the most for the 2nd do not support or understand this.
I agree with you, but the reality we have to deal with is that as of now, it's illegal.
You got the time or the money to be the test case that fights this?

That's the problem. Those that argue to fight an illegal arrest in court. Not many can afford to actually do that. That's why they have resorted to violence to get their point across.

We can address the fact that the police are not above the law or we can watch things burn.

You posted a pinac link earlier; I personally know several of their guys and you know one thing they never do? They never resist...... they know to stay in bounds.

They post video's of people resisting all the time. They post video's all the time being told to do something they know they do not have to do and they say no. The facts are in the overwhelming majority of cases the police know they can not enforce what they are demanding and are on video and back off.
And when they're are told they're under arrest, do any of them ever fight the cops?
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.
You miss the point. Who are “you” to determine what an illegal arrest is. That an arrest is illegal because the charges were dropped is a false argument.

How are you going to resist ? Physically or with a weapon ? That is a crime itself.

That is why the founders created the 2nd. To protect ourselves from the government. Was Bundy found to be not guilty?

Bundy followers found not guilty at Nevada trial: newspaper
I hope this statement does not imply you’re willing to use a weapon to prevent an arrest that YOU think is illegal. You’re fking ass is grass if you start think that way. Stop repeating this bogus shit. The police are public servants there to protect everyone. If they screw up, file charges and someone will arrest their ass and charge them. It’s not your job to be a vigilantly. .

Someone should have stopped Officer Cauvin.

I will note that what we are seeing that are finally getting cops arrested and fired went on for decades with nothing done. There are still people fighting something getting done. There are still officers not being held accountable.

For some they can not file a lawsuit because they are dead. Proper training is less expensive that lawsuits.
Not going to get that training with all these fucktards running around screaming to defund the police.
I agree with Jocko that if a cop works 5 days a week, one of those days should be spent doing training. And I mean real force-on-force scenario based training with attorneys reviewing it so they can actually learn how to do it within the bounds of the law, not dumbassed diversity training bullshit.

Yes, things are changing. You can tell yourself if isn't to make yourself feel better but the change will continue anyway.
Things are changing; they're getting worse.

The good cops are retiring, moving to smaller cities in more rural areas where they are supported, or they are just plain quitting. Who do you think is getting hired to replace them?
It ain't anyone you want to have police powers, I'll tell you that.

I do not believe that. There is NO reason for a good cop to quit. Only cops who think they can no longer get away with the things they have been doing feel compelled to quit.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.


Texas Man Found Not Guilty for Shooting Three Cops During NoKnock Raid

"Sec. 38.03. RESISTING ARREST, SEARCH, OR TRANSPORTATION. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally prevents or obstructs a person he knows is a peace officer or a person acting in a peace officer's presence and at his direction from effecting an arrest, search, or transportation of the actor or another by using force against the peace officer or another.
(b) It is no defense to prosecution under this section that the arrest or search was unlawful.
(c) Except as provided in Subsection (d), an offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
(d) An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree if the actor uses a deadly weapon to resist the arrest or search."

Watch, we are going to get a case and the person is going to either have the charges dropped or found not guilty. You can pass laws but that doesn't mean they are lawful. People have rights backed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Was Bundy found not guilty?

Bundy followers found not guilty at Nevada trial: newspaper

The right to self defense is right in the 2nd Amendment. I find it funny that those who argue the most for the 2nd do not support or understand this.
I agree with you, but the reality we have to deal with is that as of now, it's illegal.
You got the time or the money to be the test case that fights this?

That's the problem. Those that argue to fight an illegal arrest in court. Not many can afford to actually do that. That's why they have resorted to violence to get their point across.

We can address the fact that the police are not above the law or we can watch things burn.

You posted a pinac link earlier; I personally know several of their guys and you know one thing they never do? They never resist...... they know to stay in bounds.

They post video's of people resisting all the time. They post video's all the time being told to do something they know they do not have to do and they say no. The facts are in the overwhelming majority of cases the police know they can not enforce what they are demanding and are on video and back off.
And when they're are told they're under arrest, do any of them ever fight the cops?

I have seen them post video's of people who have. One real ugly one where the officer refused over and over to tell a driver why he pulled him over. I unfortunately have not seen the outcome of that.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.
You miss the point. Who are “you” to determine what an illegal arrest is. That an arrest is illegal because the charges were dropped is a false argument.

How are you going to resist ? Physically or with a weapon ? That is a crime itself.

That is why the founders created the 2nd. To protect ourselves from the government. Was Bundy found to be not guilty?

Bundy followers found not guilty at Nevada trial: newspaper
I hope this statement does not imply you’re willing to use a weapon to prevent an arrest that YOU think is illegal. You’re fking ass is grass if you start think that way. Stop repeating this bogus shit. The police are public servants there to protect everyone. If they screw up, file charges and someone will arrest their ass and charge them. It’s not your job to be a vigilantly. .

Someone should have stopped Officer Cauvin.

I will note that what we are seeing that are finally getting cops arrested and fired went on for decades with nothing done. There are still people fighting something getting done. There are still officers not being held accountable.

For some they can not file a lawsuit because they are dead. Proper training is less expensive that lawsuits.
Not going to get that training with all these fucktards running around screaming to defund the police.
I agree with Jocko that if a cop works 5 days a week, one of those days should be spent doing training. And I mean real force-on-force scenario based training with attorneys reviewing it so they can actually learn how to do it within the bounds of the law, not dumbassed diversity training bullshit.

Yes, things are changing. You can tell yourself if isn't to make yourself feel better but the change will continue anyway.
Things are changing; they're getting worse.

The good cops are retiring, moving to smaller cities in more rural areas where they are supported, or they are just plain quitting. Who do you think is getting hired to replace them?
It ain't anyone you want to have police powers, I'll tell you that.

I do not believe that. There is NO reason for a good cop to quit. Only cops who think they can no longer get away with the things they have been doing feel compelled to quit.

Psychopaths that have been fired.

4 HPD officers fired after unloading 21 shots at man in distress

We had an instance here of a guy obviously with mental health issues.

UPDATE: Suspect had toy gun; problems elsewhere

And kudo's to them. They didn't go blasting away. They called in an expert in dealing with a situation like this. There is no rush, they get paid by the hour. This was ended with no one getting hurt.

In the first post I posted you have officers that felt a need to keep on blasting away at someone with a mental health issue who was already down on the ground. That can only be explained by a sociopath with a gun. Police forces are learning that you do not keep these kinds of people around.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.


Texas Man Found Not Guilty for Shooting Three Cops During NoKnock Raid

"Sec. 38.03. RESISTING ARREST, SEARCH, OR TRANSPORTATION. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally prevents or obstructs a person he knows is a peace officer or a person acting in a peace officer's presence and at his direction from effecting an arrest, search, or transportation of the actor or another by using force against the peace officer or another.
(b) It is no defense to prosecution under this section that the arrest or search was unlawful.
(c) Except as provided in Subsection (d), an offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
(d) An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree if the actor uses a deadly weapon to resist the arrest or search."

Watch, we are going to get a case and the person is going to either have the charges dropped or found not guilty. You can pass laws but that doesn't mean they are lawful. People have rights backed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Was Bundy found not guilty?

Bundy followers found not guilty at Nevada trial: newspaper

The right to self defense is right in the 2nd Amendment. I find it funny that those who argue the most for the 2nd do not support or understand this.
I agree with you, but the reality we have to deal with is that as of now, it's illegal.
You got the time or the money to be the test case that fights this?

That's the problem. Those that argue to fight an illegal arrest in court. Not many can afford to actually do that. That's why they have resorted to violence to get their point across.

We can address the fact that the police are not above the law or we can watch things burn.

You posted a pinac link earlier; I personally know several of their guys and you know one thing they never do? They never resist...... they know to stay in bounds.

They post video's of people resisting all the time. They post video's all the time being told to do something they know they do not have to do and they say no. The facts are in the overwhelming majority of cases the police know they can not enforce what they are demanding and are on video and back off.
And when they're are told they're under arrest, do any of them ever fight the cops?

I have seen them post video's of people who have. One real ugly one where the officer refused over and over to tell a driver why he pulled him over. I unfortunately have not seen the outcome of that.

Here's one for you.....

The thing about this one, is that I have met almost everyone in this video at least once, and I have been in the building they're filming multiple times. The bareheaded guy at the end who came out, took their pictures and then sent all the troopers back to work, is retired now. He was considered a miserable asshole by almost everyone, but he was the most professional and smartest guy onsite that day, IMO. Everyone else there was busy trying to come up with some bullshit way to force these guys to at least ID themselves.

Being the guy who does the right thing and fuck what anyone else thinks about it, is a hard role to play, and most folks ain't up to it.
It should not be illegal to refuse to be kidnapped off the street just because the guy doing the kidnapping is wearing a badge.
I know when I'm breaking the law; I ought to, I do it enough. If I am, I got lawyers and a bondsman. If I'm not, you better hope I'm in a real congenial mood because I know a whole lot about how to not be dragged into a car against my will. Stabbing someone in the face repeatedly is a real emphatic way of telling someone to get their hands off me.

It should not be illegal to refuse to be kidnapped off the street just because the guy doing the kidnapping is wearing a badge.
I know when I'm breaking the law; I ought to, I do it enough. If I am, I got lawyers and a bondsman. If I'm not, you better hope I'm in a real congenial mood because I know a whole lot about how to not be dragged into a car against my will. Stabbing someone in the face repeatedly is a real emphatic way of telling someone to get their hands off me.

I know you want some, all you little bitches do, but there's a line sweetie..... go get in the back of it.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.


Texas Man Found Not Guilty for Shooting Three Cops During NoKnock Raid

"Sec. 38.03. RESISTING ARREST, SEARCH, OR TRANSPORTATION. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally prevents or obstructs a person he knows is a peace officer or a person acting in a peace officer's presence and at his direction from effecting an arrest, search, or transportation of the actor or another by using force against the peace officer or another.
(b) It is no defense to prosecution under this section that the arrest or search was unlawful.
(c) Except as provided in Subsection (d), an offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
(d) An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree if the actor uses a deadly weapon to resist the arrest or search."

Watch, we are going to get a case and the person is going to either have the charges dropped or found not guilty. You can pass laws but that doesn't mean they are lawful. People have rights backed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Was Bundy found not guilty?

Bundy followers found not guilty at Nevada trial: newspaper

The right to self defense is right in the 2nd Amendment. I find it funny that those who argue the most for the 2nd do not support or understand this.
I agree with you, but the reality we have to deal with is that as of now, it's illegal.
You got the time or the money to be the test case that fights this?

That's the problem. Those that argue to fight an illegal arrest in court. Not many can afford to actually do that. That's why they have resorted to violence to get their point across.

We can address the fact that the police are not above the law or we can watch things burn.

You posted a pinac link earlier; I personally know several of their guys and you know one thing they never do? They never resist...... they know to stay in bounds.

They post video's of people resisting all the time. They post video's all the time being told to do something they know they do not have to do and they say no. The facts are in the overwhelming majority of cases the police know they can not enforce what they are demanding and are on video and back off.
And when they're are told they're under arrest, do any of them ever fight the cops?

I have seen them post video's of people who have. One real ugly one where the officer refused over and over to tell a driver why he pulled him over. I unfortunately have not seen the outcome of that.

Here's one for you.....

The thing about this one, is that I have met almost everyone in this video at least once, and I have been in the building they're filming multiple times. The bareheaded guy at the end who came out, took their pictures and then sent all the troopers back to work, is retired now. He was considered a miserable asshole by almost everyone, but he was the most professional and smartest guy onsite that day, IMO. Everyone else there was busy trying to come up with some bullshit way to force these guys to at least ID themselves.

Being the guy who does the right thing and fuck what anyone else thinks about it, is a hard role to play, and most folks ain't up to it.

Intentionally antagonizing police officers really isn't my thing but I understand the argument of those who do that. The guy was able to tell the officer he didn't have an I.D. and unless the officer had a valid reason he had no reason to give his name. To the credit of the officer he understood and accepted that.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.


Texas Man Found Not Guilty for Shooting Three Cops During NoKnock Raid

"Sec. 38.03. RESISTING ARREST, SEARCH, OR TRANSPORTATION. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally prevents or obstructs a person he knows is a peace officer or a person acting in a peace officer's presence and at his direction from effecting an arrest, search, or transportation of the actor or another by using force against the peace officer or another.
(b) It is no defense to prosecution under this section that the arrest or search was unlawful.
(c) Except as provided in Subsection (d), an offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
(d) An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree if the actor uses a deadly weapon to resist the arrest or search."

Watch, we are going to get a case and the person is going to either have the charges dropped or found not guilty. You can pass laws but that doesn't mean they are lawful. People have rights backed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Was Bundy found not guilty?

Bundy followers found not guilty at Nevada trial: newspaper

The right to self defense is right in the 2nd Amendment. I find it funny that those who argue the most for the 2nd do not support or understand this.
I agree with you, but the reality we have to deal with is that as of now, it's illegal.
You got the time or the money to be the test case that fights this?

That's the problem. Those that argue to fight an illegal arrest in court. Not many can afford to actually do that. That's why they have resorted to violence to get their point across.

We can address the fact that the police are not above the law or we can watch things burn.

You posted a pinac link earlier; I personally know several of their guys and you know one thing they never do? They never resist...... they know to stay in bounds.

They post video's of people resisting all the time. They post video's all the time being told to do something they know they do not have to do and they say no. The facts are in the overwhelming majority of cases the police know they can not enforce what they are demanding and are on video and back off.
And when they're are told they're under arrest, do any of them ever fight the cops?

I have seen them post video's of people who have. One real ugly one where the officer refused over and over to tell a driver why he pulled him over. I unfortunately have not seen the outcome of that.

Here's one for you.....

The thing about this one, is that I have met almost everyone in this video at least once, and I have been in the building they're filming multiple times. The bareheaded guy at the end who came out, took their pictures and then sent all the troopers back to work, is retired now. He was considered a miserable asshole by almost everyone, but he was the most professional and smartest guy onsite that day, IMO. Everyone else there was busy trying to come up with some bullshit way to force these guys to at least ID themselves.

Being the guy who does the right thing and fuck what anyone else thinks about it, is a hard role to play, and most folks ain't up to it.

Intentionally antagonizing police officers really isn't my thing but I understand the argument of those who do that. The guy was able to tell the officer he didn't have an I.D. and unless the officer had a valid reason he had no reason to give his name. To the credit of the officer he understood and accepted that.

Texas DPS are some of the best trained cops around.
Their academy is 6 months long and they live on site when they attend it.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.


Texas Man Found Not Guilty for Shooting Three Cops During NoKnock Raid

"Sec. 38.03. RESISTING ARREST, SEARCH, OR TRANSPORTATION. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally prevents or obstructs a person he knows is a peace officer or a person acting in a peace officer's presence and at his direction from effecting an arrest, search, or transportation of the actor or another by using force against the peace officer or another.
(b) It is no defense to prosecution under this section that the arrest or search was unlawful.
(c) Except as provided in Subsection (d), an offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor.
(d) An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree if the actor uses a deadly weapon to resist the arrest or search."

Watch, we are going to get a case and the person is going to either have the charges dropped or found not guilty. You can pass laws but that doesn't mean they are lawful. People have rights backed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Was Bundy found not guilty?

Bundy followers found not guilty at Nevada trial: newspaper

The right to self defense is right in the 2nd Amendment. I find it funny that those who argue the most for the 2nd do not support or understand this.
I agree with you, but the reality we have to deal with is that as of now, it's illegal.
You got the time or the money to be the test case that fights this?

That's the problem. Those that argue to fight an illegal arrest in court. Not many can afford to actually do that. That's why they have resorted to violence to get their point across.

We can address the fact that the police are not above the law or we can watch things burn.

You posted a pinac link earlier; I personally know several of their guys and you know one thing they never do? They never resist...... they know to stay in bounds.

They post video's of people resisting all the time. They post video's all the time being told to do something they know they do not have to do and they say no. The facts are in the overwhelming majority of cases the police know they can not enforce what they are demanding and are on video and back off.
And when they're are told they're under arrest, do any of them ever fight the cops?

I have seen them post video's of people who have. One real ugly one where the officer refused over and over to tell a driver why he pulled him over. I unfortunately have not seen the outcome of that.

Here's one for you.....

The thing about this one, is that I have met almost everyone in this video at least once, and I have been in the building they're filming multiple times. The bareheaded guy at the end who came out, took their pictures and then sent all the troopers back to work, is retired now. He was considered a miserable asshole by almost everyone, but he was the most professional and smartest guy onsite that day, IMO. Everyone else there was busy trying to come up with some bullshit way to force these guys to at least ID themselves.

Being the guy who does the right thing and fuck what anyone else thinks about it, is a hard role to play, and most folks ain't up to it.

Intentionally antagonizing police officers really isn't my thing but I understand the argument of those who do that. The guy was able to tell the officer he didn't have an I.D. and unless the officer had a valid reason he had no reason to give his name. To the credit of the officer he understood and accepted that.

Texas DPS are some of the best trained cops around.
Their academy is 6 months long and they live on site when they attend it.

That's great. I'm glad to hear that. I would have liked to have seen them ignore those filming but all the same they violated no one's rights and good on them.
I do not believe that. There is NO reason for a good cop to quit.

Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

Someone may have pointed this out already.....from the video, the shooter looks like a kid......a young kid......
I have seen them post video's of people who have. One real ugly one where the officer refused over and over to tell a driver why he pulled him over. I unfortunately have not seen the outcome of that.

There is no requirement that the officer tells the driver the reason they were pulled until the driver has identified themselves to the satisfaction of the officer.

It is really quite simple. If you're pulled over, simply comply. Problem solved. Have you seen where someone pulled over, complied with the officer's legal instructions, provided their valid driver's license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance suddenly going south for no reason?

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