Two Police Officers Shot In The Head in Compton, California

Turns out they are not committing that many more than whites, they just get stopped five times as often and get sent to prison four times as much for the same offenses

Los Angeles Times
Web results
Analysis: LAPD searches blacks and Latinos more often

flags get stopped five times as often as whites from

Oct 8, 2019 · An L.A. Times analysis found a black person was more than four times as likely to be searched by police as a ... › news › world-us-ca...
George Floyd: How are African-Americans treated under ...

Jun 1, 2020 · 1. African- Americans are more likely to get fatally shot. Chart showing shootings by race and population ...
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.

ignorance of arrest is showing. It’s legal to arrest to gather evidence for a suspected crime. That’s what happens during OUI stops. There are many instances where arresting someone temporarily is legal without being charged later. Refusal to be temporally detained to gather evidence can get you arrested. Get a clue. Heck, in domestic disturbance, they can even arrest and remove a person they feel is in danger to remove them from the scene if they refuse to leave. .

Resisting arrest is a crime.......
You will be charge then and there if you do it. You won’t escape that charge if you could have been released for the original. DONT LISTEN TO YOURSELF. Sure, you’re a lawyer. You know what an illegal arrest is ? These guys don’t go through training with the legal system and cowboys don’t have a fking clue. You would be fking amazed at the cowboy advice given by jokers sitting in the seat beside a driver what they can and can’t do, and half these guys were in the bag too. You can legally and they do arrest the whole, Crew. The guy giving the false advice and inciting illegal behavior can be charged with a crime ! Your time to fight illegal arrest is with a lawyer and suit after wards. Poor people suddenly know more law then a cop ? What BS. You can’t go through life thinking your fking logic is a solution. It isn’t without training.

I argue that the police have no right to arrest you during an unlawful stop. You argue they have a right to arrest you during a lawful stop and tell me I am wrong.

I have no interest in this kind of discussion.

In the case where a driver was stopped with a broken tail light the passengers did absolutely NOTHING illegal. The guy the police beat is going to be rich because they would not accept no for an answer.

. Now you’re saying if the stop is illegal but maybe the suspected crime is real, the cop can’t arrest someone ? correct me if I’m wrong.....Good luck with that scenario .
We’re jumping from one assumption to another. The average person doesn’t have a clue what constitutes an unlawful stop. You’re jumping around from one idea, that you May not know more then the cops. A cop can make a stop based upon information gathering that he has to do on crimes you aren’t even aware of. You do get it happens all the time when OUI random stops, and a variety of traffic warning warning stops. If you think the stop is unlawful and try to evade it or ensuing arrest, we‘re in deep shit if you are wrong.. Cops are given lots of latitude for stops.
Cops have outstanding warrant sheets with dozens of car descriptions. We could easily be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Cooperate if we have nothing to hide. It costs us no more then a little time.

You are jumping from one thing to another, not me. My position has never changed.
It changes like the weather. First, it’s about illegal arrests, then, it’s about illegal stops. What will it be next ?
That's been pointed out elsewhere and on the news but another twist was added. Some folks have observed that the shooter running has the gait of a little person.
Yeah, when I first saw the video, the shooter looked like a kid to me.
My first thought (and it hasn't changed) was gang initiation or some young banger was looking for street cred. Based on size of the shooter, gun handling, and area where it took place.
Wow, Tucker Carlson’s take on this was amazing. Will post video when it’s up.

The female was shot through the jaw, and was helping the other officer. All while several animals in the area were streaming them and laughing at them.

Do black people think this makes them look good?
Do whites think it makes them look good to defend police shooting an unarmed man 7 times in the back then trying to lie about him going for a gun?
Keep disobeying cops after breaking the law. You defend a rapist and a guy that was fighting with cops, and had a knife. Fuck him, they should had kept shooting until he was dead. Low IQ thugs like that are a danger to society, they have no place here. So move to Africa and live your life free of “racism”. But of course you won’t, because you’re a coward who loves white culture and knows it’s far superior to any African culture. So keep whining like a petulant little child, you all sound like pathetic bitches.
So blacks get stopped four or five times as many as whites
Or we could do something about the record inequality and upward mobility and hopelessness in the United States.... Crime is caused by poverty period if there were that many poor whites they would be the same. The average black family has 1/10 the wealth of the average white family and no they are not criminals more than whites. Amazingly. But their criminals are busy. Selling drugs to whites.. what a great GOP mess we have here..... could STOP giving criminals and excuse to kill cops. GFY
How exactly do you "give an excuse" to execute two cops sitting in a police car harming no one?
it's murder and he should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law duh. On the other hand if Trump ordered body cameras turned on for every cop or something like that this kind of thing might end. But he only turns on his racist or totally misinformed or both Base and divides the country with pure obstruction and disrespect.
Well, tell blacks to stop committing so many crimes.
Yah, we told them. We also told whites who commit 64% of the crimes and the gop admin personell who committed 114 times the number of crimes as Dems. It did no good.
Talk is cheap. The Gop doesn’t listen.
Wow, Tucker Carlson’s take on this was amazing. Will post video when it’s up.

The female was shot through the jaw, and was helping the other officer. All while several animals in the area were streaming them and laughing at them.

Do black people think this makes them look good?
Do whites think it makes them look good to defend police shooting an unarmed man 7 times in the back then trying to lie about him going for a gun?
Keep disobeying cops after breaking the law. You defend a rapist and a guy that was fighting with cops, and had a knife. Fuck him, they should had kept shooting until he was dead. Low IQ thugs like that are a danger to society, they have no place here. So move to Africa and live your life free of “racism”. But of course you won’t, because you’re a coward who loves white culture and knows it’s far superior to any African culture. So keep whining like a petulant little child, you all sound like pathetic bitches.
So blacks get stopped four or five times as many as whites
Or we could do something about the record inequality and upward mobility and hopelessness in the United States.... Crime is caused by poverty period if there were that many poor whites they would be the same. The average black family has 1/10 the wealth of the average white family and no they are not criminals more than whites. Amazingly. But their criminals are busy. Selling drugs to whites.. what a great GOP mess we have here..... could STOP giving criminals and excuse to kill cops. GFY
How exactly do you "give an excuse" to execute two cops sitting in a police car harming no one?
it's murder and he should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law duh. On the other hand if Trump ordered body cameras turned on for every cop or something like that this kind of thing might end. But he only turns on his racist or totally misinformed or both Base and divides the country with pure obstruction and disrespect.
Well, tell blacks to stop committing so many crimes.
Yah, we told them. We also told whites who commit 64% of the crimes and the gop admin personell who committed 114 times the number of crimes as Dems. It did no good.
Talk is cheap. The Gop doesn’t listen.
Over half of murders in our country are perpetuated by blacks, who make up about 12% of the population.

Then of the “white” offenders, Hispanics and Latinos are lumped in with them, but they commit about half of those “white offender” murders.

do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.
The police are given a wide latitude for detainment. If a subject is uncooperative, it can easily turn into an arrest That is legal regardless of what you think. You don’t know the arrest is illegal, cause you don’t know what they know. If we want to play games...we’ll lose more often then not. An experienced cop doesn’t make mistakes that allow a civilian to easily determine the legality of an arrest, let alone a stop.
Not by the law, they aren't.
If the cop does not have specific articulable facts in evidence, (not suspected) that would lead a reasonable person (not another cop) to believe a crime is being, has been, or is about to be committed, the cop has no right to stop or detain anyone. They can ask all the questions they want, but they are entitled to no answers, and the person can remain silent and simply walk away at any time. If they pulled you over and refuse to tell you why you were stopped, you are under no legal obligation to provide ID, or answer any questions.

Cops screw themselves, piss off everybody, and often cost their cities hundreds of thousands of dollars in settlement money, when they decide to stray outside of these boundaries.
Ego is a bitchkitty that'll scratch...... hard.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.
The police are given a wide latitude for detainment. If a subject is uncooperative, it can easily turn into an arrest That is legal regardless of what you think. You don’t know the arrest is illegal, cause you don’t know what they know. If we want to play games...we’ll lose more often then not. An experienced cop doesn’t make mistakes that allow a civilian to easily determine the legality of an arrest, let alone a stop.
Not by the law, they aren't.
If the cop does not have specific articulable facts in evidence, (not suspected) that would lead a reasonable person (not another cop) to believe a crime is being, has been, or is about to be committed, the cop has no right to stop or detain anyone. They can ask all the questions they want, but they are entitled to no answers, and the person can remain silent and simply walk away at any time. If they pulled you over and refuse to tell you why you were stopped, you are under no legal obligation to provide ID, or answer any questions.

Cops screw themselves, piss off everybody, and often cost their cities hundreds of thousands of dollars in settlement money, when they decide to stray outside of these boundaries.
Ego is a bitchkitty that'll scratch...... hard.
You're going to get plugged some day by a cop. Who knows, your next of kin might get a few bucks, but it'll be worth it.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.
You miss the point. Who are “you” to determine what an illegal arrest is. That an arrest is illegal because the charges were dropped is a false argument.

How are you going to resist ? Physically or with a weapon ? That is a crime itself.

That is why the founders created the 2nd. To protect ourselves from the government. Was Bundy found to be not guilty?

Bundy followers found not guilty at Nevada trial: newspaper
I hope this statement does not imply you’re willing to use a weapon to prevent an arrest that YOU think is illegal. You’re fking ass is grass if you start think that way. Stop repeating this bogus shit. The police are public servants there to protect everyone. If they screw up, file charges and someone will arrest their ass and charge them. It’s not your job to be a vigilantly. .

Someone should have stopped Officer Cauvin.

I will note that what we are seeing that are finally getting cops arrested and fired went on for decades with nothing done. There are still people fighting something getting done. There are still officers not being held accountable.

For some they can not file a lawsuit because they are dead. Proper training is less expensive that lawsuits.
Not going to get that training with all these fucktards running around screaming to defund the police.
I agree with Jocko that if a cop works 5 days a week, one of those days should be spent doing training. And I mean real force-on-force scenario based training with attorneys reviewing it so they can actually learn how to do it within the bounds of the law, not dumbassed diversity training bullshit.

Yes, things are changing. You can tell yourself if isn't to make yourself feel better but the change will continue anyway.
Things are changing; they're getting worse.

The good cops are retiring, moving to smaller cities in more rural areas where they are supported, or they are just plain quitting. Who do you think is getting hired to replace them?
It ain't anyone you want to have police powers, I'll tell you that.
The job, like many, is often too demanding when the training budget can’t keep up with public expectations. For a simple example, a small town that doesn’t have access to a town or licensed kennel or trained animal control officer, has to handle dog or wild animal complaints with an unqualified rookie ? . The list goes on when budgets don’t keep up with expectations.
Its always about money.

All these people yelling defund the police? They got a plan in mind for where that money will go if not to the police....... they sure as hell aren't thinking of giving it back to the taxpayers. Someone's got a long game going on, and I don't think the end result is to make any of us wealthier, safer, or happier.
Wow, Tucker Carlson’s take on this was amazing. Will post video when it’s up.

The female was shot through the jaw, and was helping the other officer. All while several animals in the area were streaming them and laughing at them.

Do black people think this makes them look good?
Do whites think it makes them look good to defend police shooting an unarmed man 7 times in the back then trying to lie about him going for a gun?
Keep disobeying cops after breaking the law. You defend a rapist and a guy that was fighting with cops, and had a knife. Fuck him, they should had kept shooting until he was dead. Low IQ thugs like that are a danger to society, they have no place here. So move to Africa and live your life free of “racism”. But of course you won’t, because you’re a coward who loves white culture and knows it’s far superior to any African culture. So keep whining like a petulant little child, you all sound like pathetic bitches.
So blacks get stopped four or five times as many as whites
Or we could do something about the record inequality and upward mobility and hopelessness in the United States.... Crime is caused by poverty period if there were that many poor whites they would be the same. The average black family has 1/10 the wealth of the average white family and no they are not criminals more than whites. Amazingly. But their criminals are busy. Selling drugs to whites.. what a great GOP mess we have here..... could STOP giving criminals and excuse to kill cops. GFY
How exactly do you "give an excuse" to execute two cops sitting in a police car harming no one?
it's murder and he should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law duh. On the other hand if Trump ordered body cameras turned on for every cop or something like that this kind of thing might end. But he only turns on his racist or totally misinformed or both Base and divides the country with pure obstruction and disrespect.
The president doesn't give orders to local cops or sheriff's deputies.

(WTF is wrong with you?)
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.

ignorance of arrest is showing. It’s legal to arrest to gather evidence for a suspected crime. That’s what happens during OUI stops. There are many instances where arresting someone temporarily is legal without being charged later. Refusal to be temporally detained to gather evidence can get you arrested. Get a clue. Heck, in domestic disturbance, they can even arrest and remove a person they feel is in danger to remove them from the scene if they refuse to leave. .

Resisting arrest is a crime.......
You will be charge then and there if you do it. You won’t escape that charge if you could have been released for the original. DONT LISTEN TO YOURSELF. Sure, you’re a lawyer. You know what an illegal arrest is ? These guys don’t go through training with the legal system and cowboys don’t have a fking clue. You would be fking amazed at the cowboy advice given by jokers sitting in the seat beside a driver what they can and can’t do, and half these guys were in the bag too. You can legally and they do arrest the whole, Crew. The guy giving the false advice and inciting illegal behavior can be charged with a crime ! Your time to fight illegal arrest is with a lawyer and suit after wards. Poor people suddenly know more law then a cop ? What BS. You can’t go through life thinking your fking logic is a solution. It isn’t without training.

I argue that the police have no right to arrest you during an unlawful stop. You argue they have a right to arrest you during a lawful stop and tell me I am wrong.

I have no interest in this kind of discussion.

In the case where a driver was stopped with a broken tail light the passengers did absolutely NOTHING illegal. The guy the police beat is going to be rich because they would not accept no for an answer.

. Now you’re saying if the stop is illegal but maybe the suspected crime is real, the cop can’t arrest someone ? correct me if I’m wrong.....Good luck with that scenario .
We’re jumping from one assumption to another. The average person doesn’t have a clue what constitutes an unlawful stop. You’re jumping around from one idea, that you May not know more then the cops. A cop can make a stop based upon information gathering that he has to do on crimes you aren’t even aware of. You do get it happens all the time when OUI random stops, and a variety of traffic warning warning stops. If you think the stop is unlawful and try to evade it or ensuing arrest, we‘re in deep shit if you are wrong.. Cops are given lots of latitude for stops.
Cops have outstanding warrant sheets with dozens of car descriptions. We could easily be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Cooperate if we have nothing to hide. It costs us no more then a little time.

You are jumping from one thing to another, not me. My position has never changed.
It changes like the weather. First, it’s about illegal arrests, then, it’s about illegal stops. What will it be next ?

You are just making stuff up again.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.
You miss the point. Who are “you” to determine what an illegal arrest is. That an arrest is illegal because the charges were dropped is a false argument.

How are you going to resist ? Physically or with a weapon ? That is a crime itself.

That is why the founders created the 2nd. To protect ourselves from the government. Was Bundy found to be not guilty?

Bundy followers found not guilty at Nevada trial: newspaper
I hope this statement does not imply you’re willing to use a weapon to prevent an arrest that YOU think is illegal. You’re fking ass is grass if you start think that way. Stop repeating this bogus shit. The police are public servants there to protect everyone. If they screw up, file charges and someone will arrest their ass and charge them. It’s not your job to be a vigilantly. .

Someone should have stopped Officer Cauvin.

I will note that what we are seeing that are finally getting cops arrested and fired went on for decades with nothing done. There are still people fighting something getting done. There are still officers not being held accountable.

For some they can not file a lawsuit because they are dead. Proper training is less expensive that lawsuits.
Not going to get that training with all these fucktards running around screaming to defund the police.
I agree with Jocko that if a cop works 5 days a week, one of those days should be spent doing training. And I mean real force-on-force scenario based training with attorneys reviewing it so they can actually learn how to do it within the bounds of the law, not dumbassed diversity training bullshit.

Yes, things are changing. You can tell yourself if isn't to make yourself feel better but the change will continue anyway.
Things are changing; they're getting worse.

The good cops are retiring, moving to smaller cities in more rural areas where they are supported, or they are just plain quitting. Who do you think is getting hired to replace them?
It ain't anyone you want to have police powers, I'll tell you that.
The job, like many, is often too demanding when the training budget can’t keep up with public expectations. For a simple example, a small town that doesn’t have access to a town or licensed kennel or trained animal control officer, has to handle dog or wild animal complaints with an unqualified rookie ? . The list goes on when budgets don’t keep up with expectations.
Its always about money.

All these people yelling defund the police? They got a plan in mind for where that money will go if not to the police....... they sure as hell aren't thinking of giving it back to the taxpayers. Someone's got a long game going on, and I don't think the end result is to make any of us wealthier, safer, or happier.

No it's not going back. Its going to go to do things like hire mental health professionals.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.
The police are given a wide latitude for detainment. If a subject is uncooperative, it can easily turn into an arrest That is legal regardless of what you think. You don’t know the arrest is illegal, cause you don’t know what they know. If we want to play games...we’ll lose more often then not. An experienced cop doesn’t make mistakes that allow a civilian to easily determine the legality of an arrest, let alone a stop.
Not by the law, they aren't.
If the cop does not have specific articulable facts in evidence, (not suspected) that would lead a reasonable person (not another cop) to believe a crime is being, has been, or is about to be committed, the cop has no right to stop or detain anyone. They can ask all the questions they want, but they are entitled to no answers, and the person can remain silent and simply walk away at any time. If they pulled you over and refuse to tell you why you were stopped, you are under no legal obligation to provide ID, or answer any questions.

Cops screw themselves, piss off everybody, and often cost their cities hundreds of thousands of dollars in settlement money, when they decide to stray outside of these boundaries.
Ego is a bitchkitty that'll scratch...... hard.
You're going to get plugged some day by a cop. Who knows, your next of kin might get a few bucks, but it'll be worth it.
The only way that's likely to happen is if the leftists manage to run off all the halfway decent cops, and I get blasted by one of the inbreds that replace them on the roster.

I teach a lot; I give classes in lots of different things, all related to personal security, so I usually treat it as a teaching moment and explain that I'm going to do them a favor, and keep them from getting in trouble, by explaining how they're fucking up. This approach works with all but the most ignorant and ego-driven...... for them, I just shut up and call my bondsman, and then some of the local lawdogs who outrank them, and can explain that some people simply shouldn't be fucked with, and I'm on that list.
I make it a point to maintain relationships with various local cops in several area LE agencies, for just that reason.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.
You miss the point. Who are “you” to determine what an illegal arrest is. That an arrest is illegal because the charges were dropped is a false argument.

How are you going to resist ? Physically or with a weapon ? That is a crime itself.

That is why the founders created the 2nd. To protect ourselves from the government. Was Bundy found to be not guilty?

Bundy followers found not guilty at Nevada trial: newspaper
I hope this statement does not imply you’re willing to use a weapon to prevent an arrest that YOU think is illegal. You’re fking ass is grass if you start think that way. Stop repeating this bogus shit. The police are public servants there to protect everyone. If they screw up, file charges and someone will arrest their ass and charge them. It’s not your job to be a vigilantly. .

Someone should have stopped Officer Cauvin.

I will note that what we are seeing that are finally getting cops arrested and fired went on for decades with nothing done. There are still people fighting something getting done. There are still officers not being held accountable.

For some they can not file a lawsuit because they are dead. Proper training is less expensive that lawsuits.
Not going to get that training with all these fucktards running around screaming to defund the police.
I agree with Jocko that if a cop works 5 days a week, one of those days should be spent doing training. And I mean real force-on-force scenario based training with attorneys reviewing it so they can actually learn how to do it within the bounds of the law, not dumbassed diversity training bullshit.

Yes, things are changing. You can tell yourself if isn't to make yourself feel better but the change will continue anyway.
Things are changing; they're getting worse.

The good cops are retiring, moving to smaller cities in more rural areas where they are supported, or they are just plain quitting. Who do you think is getting hired to replace them?
It ain't anyone you want to have police powers, I'll tell you that.
The job, like many, is often too demanding when the training budget can’t keep up with public expectations. For a simple example, a small town that doesn’t have access to a town or licensed kennel or trained animal control officer, has to handle dog or wild animal complaints with an unqualified rookie ? . The list goes on when budgets don’t keep up with expectations.
Its always about money.

All these people yelling defund the police? They got a plan in mind for where that money will go if not to the police....... they sure as hell aren't thinking of giving it back to the taxpayers. Someone's got a long game going on, and I don't think the end result is to make any of us wealthier, safer, or happier.

No it's not going back. Its going to go to do things like hire mental health professionals.
Yeah, that is a profession that has historically (and still is) been perverted and used for political purposes to the detriment of entire populations.
From the link;

"Examples of political abuse of psychiatry? There are many. When I mentioned this topic to The Mrs., she immediately said, “the Soviet Union.” And that’s the example I thought of first, too. The Soviets systematically used diagnosis of psychological disorders such as “philosophical intoxication” and “sluggish schizophrenia” to put people who didn’t like Marxism into mental institutions. And, no, those diagnoses aren’t lame jokes – those were really Soviet-era diagnoses.

How many were caught up in the psychological gulags?

We really don’t know since those records are still secret, but in 1978 at least 4.5 million Soviet citizens were listed as having mental health problems. In 1988, perhaps thinking that they might face their own version of Soviet Nuremburg Trials for Crimes Against Humanity, Soviet leaders had over 800,000 thousand patients removed from the list of the mentally ill. Paperwork error, surely?

Did the Soviets condemn thousands with false diagnosis? Nearly certainly. Hundreds of thousands? Very likely.


Probably. Think of it, millions of people falsely diagnosed with a mental illness due to political beliefs and sent to asylums and work camps. Certainly some were executed.

Okay, it was just the Soviet Union, right?

No. Cuba did the same thing. There is evidence that China is still doing it, and likely on scale similar to that of the Soviet Union. Thankfully the World Psychiatric Association took the lead in investigations. Oh, they didn’t? The World Psychiatric Association pretty much ignored it and said that people associated with Falun Gong are nuts and that putting them in asylums run by the state security apparatus (not the medical directorate) was perfectly normal?


One flew east, one flew west, one flew over the cuckoo’s nest . . . and if you haven’t see the movie, you should, it’s a lighthearted comedy and perfect for a first date.

Okay, that’s just China. Thankfully this would never happen in the United States.

Oh, it did?

Sure. In the 1920’s dissidents (like one who protested the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti) were put into asylums. In the 1960’s members of the American Psychological Association smeared presidential candidate Barry Goldwater in the press by diagnosing him. But that wasn’t political, right?

Thankfully it isn’t happening now.

Oh, in 2012 a whistleblower with the NYPD was railroaded on mental health? Ouch. But New York is corrupt.

It would never happen based on political motives, right?

Dinesh D’Souza, author and filmmaker on the Right was convicted of a crime based on giving too much money to a political campaign. He admitted he was wrong. The Federal Judge involved in the case sentenced D’Souza not only to prison, he sentenced D’Souza to years of mental health counselling despite a licensed psychologist saying that D’Souza was just fine mentally.

So, yes. Psychiatry is a political weapon. It’s not like the Left has sentenced political opponents to chemotherapy, but I hear that they’re working on it."
Do you think the overall support shown here by many whites for police killing blacks is appropriate response?

So justice is the same for blacks that resist arrest and get shot for resisting and cops shot for sitting in a patrol car.

You're a wretched horrible thing, and I hope you get ass cancer. Top 5 of worst human PoS on this forum.

Since resisting arrest never was punishable by death, your dumb ass argument dies right there. But unarmed people getting murdered is what I am talking about not some lie made up by racists about blacks resisting arrest. Was Brionna Taylor resisting arrest? Amaud Arbery? Tamir Rice? John Crawford? I can keep going. Philando Castile? Sam Dubose? Sandra Bland?
I know you are an attention whore, but we will not communicate again. You sicken me, and the only way I will allow myself to kill you is by completely ignoring you.

Go FUCK YOURSELF, wretched thug.
Fuck off loser. People like you are why those officers got shot. And you're too fucking dumb to understand why that is so.
You, the BLM, you threaten white people all the time and then you go crying on the street screaming that you’re a victim you really think white people are stupid ? You reap what you sown, right?:p
Mauvaise réponse frenchie. Nous avons affaire au racisme blanc pendant 400 ans. Alors fermez la merde et vous préoccupez de français affaires
No one’s gonna tell me what to say if you’re not happy, that is great for me.
Do you think the overall support shown here by many whites for police killing blacks is appropriate response?

So justice is the same for blacks that resist arrest and get shot for resisting and cops shot for sitting in a patrol car.

You're a wretched horrible thing, and I hope you get ass cancer. Top 5 of worst human PoS on this forum.

Since resisting arrest never was punishable by death, your dumb ass argument dies right there. But unarmed people getting murdered is what I am talking about not some lie made up by racists about blacks resisting arrest. Was Brionna Taylor resisting arrest? Amaud Arbery? Tamir Rice? John Crawford? I can keep going. Philando Castile? Sam Dubose? Sandra Bland?
I know you are an attention whore, but we will not communicate again. You sicken me, and the only way I will allow myself to kill you is by completely ignoring you.

Go FUCK YOURSELF, wretched thug.
Fuck off loser. People like you are why those officers got shot. And you're too fucking dumb to understand why that is so.
You, the BLM, you threaten white people all the time and then you go crying on the street screaming that you’re a victim you really think white people are stupid ? You reap what you sown, right?:p
Mauvaise réponse frenchie. Nous avons affaire au racisme blanc pendant 400 ans. Alors fermez la merde et vous préoccupez de français affaires
Is that why you're destroying statues? change names that are offensive to you? and what else do you find justified? maybe it's normal for you to shoot police officers? and all this is going to make a difference? what won't change is that you are annoying in the long run.
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

BLM and Biden.....

Yes! George Soros, the NAZI WAR CRIMINAL supports BLM, ANTIFA and Joe Biden

WASHINGTON, DC: George Soros has given Black Lives Matter and the Antifa related revolutionary movement more than $100 million dollars. The Soros run Open Society Foundations is on record with giving Black Lives Matter $33 million dollars this year alone. This is in concert with an array of funding for a variety of Democrat and DNC related left-wing groups across the country.

Now as each of you justify the beating of a law abiding lyft passenger by police because he didn't show his ID that he didn't have nor should it have been asked for, just remember why I say that it is continuing instances like this which create 2 cops sitting in a car and getting shot up.
No surprise that you would justify that little monster's assassination attempt on two officers sitting in their fucking car.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
Whatyou don’t get is, police are legally entitled to be wrong if they have reasonable suspicion of a criminal act that turns out not to be a crime later. A legal arrest can be made with no charges later. It happens legally. Law enforcement would be impossible over wise.

In the case of the driver getting stopped for a broken tail light there was no case where a reasonable suspicion falls on a passenger.
None of these losers had ID? Comeon now------------that is a clear sign that they are all up to no good.....along with biting the officer I mean.
They bit the officer? Oh, my aching back.
Just heard on Fox News (with video)

Two police officers were shot in the head as they sat in their patrol car in Compton, California.

They are hospitalized and in surgery at this time.

The shooter fled on foot.

BLM and Biden.....

Yes! George Soros, the NAZI WAR CRIMINAL supports BLM, ANTIFA and Joe Biden

WASHINGTON, DC: George Soros has given Black Lives Matter and the Antifa related revolutionary movement more than $100 million dollars. The Soros run Open Society Foundations is on record with giving Black Lives Matter $33 million dollars this year alone. This is in concert with an array of funding for a variety of Democrat and DNC related left-wing groups across the country.

It sounds to me like George Soros has funded a criminal war in the USA. Antifa is no longer a political cause. Those funding them should spend some serious time in a detention area to rethink their life goals in terms of if their release from Guantanamo Bay after paying reparations to the victim families they mercilessly maimed and murdered.
You have no clue.
I noticed in this thread (and others) you make many wild assumptions and crazy assertions.
The only wild and crazy assumptions made were done by the usual white supremacist race soldiers of USMB.

So tell us, how were blacks in Compton treated decades before that song was released?
How did I treat the people breaking into my 2nd floor apartment in Compton, CA in 1967?

I screamed. They mumbled something unfriendly in jive talk and left.

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