Two Police Officers Shot In The Head in Compton, California

do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.


Texas Man Found Not Guilty for Shooting Three Cops During NoKnock Raid
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.
You miss the point. Who are “you” to determine what an illegal arrest is. That an arrest is illegal because the charges were dropped is a false argument.

How are you going to resist ? Physically or with a weapon ? That is a crime itself.

That is why the founders created the 2nd. To protect ourselves from the government. Was Bundy found to be not guilty?

Bundy followers found not guilty at Nevada trial: newspaper
I hope this statement does not imply you’re willing to use a weapon to prevent an arrest that YOU think is illegal. You’re fking ass is grass if you start think that way. Stop repeating this bogus shit. The police are public servants there to protect everyone. If they screw up, file charges and someone will arrest their ass and charge them. It’s not your job to be a vigilantly. .

Someone should have stopped Officer Cauvin.

I will note that what we are seeing that are finally getting cops arrested and fired went on for decades with nothing done. There are still people fighting something getting done. There are still officers not being held accountable.

For some they can not file a lawsuit because they are dead. Proper training is less expensive that lawsuits.
No..they shouldn't have. Floyd was a large violent criminal......holding down with a knee to prevent him from rolling around and attacking was warranted. If those whinning about the violent criminal floyd dying would get a damn clue----they would realize the violent criminal floyd dying was a good thing for everyone including the black community.
Went over this before. Yours is a misstatement. Floyd was handcuff with hands behind his back lying face down on the ground. There is NOTHING he can do.
Professionals can do better than cops with no patience.
“Professionals can do better than cops with no patience.”
Huh ? You just said the negotiator WAS a cop.

The mental health professionals that replace certain officers will technically be cops also. Just not ones trained to turn violent because you don't immediately get your way.
Wow, Tucker Carlson’s take on this was amazing. Will post video when it’s up.

The female was shot through the jaw, and was helping the other officer. All while several animals in the area were streaming them and laughing at them.

Do black people think this makes them look good?
Do whites think it makes them look good to defend police shooting an unarmed man 7 times in the back then trying to lie about him going for a gun?
Keep disobeying cops after breaking the law. You defend a rapist and a guy that was fighting with cops, and had a knife. Fuck him, they should had kept shooting until he was dead. Low IQ thugs like that are a danger to society, they have no place here. So move to Africa and live your life free of “racism”. But of course you won’t, because you’re a coward who loves white culture and knows it’s far superior to any African culture. So keep whining like a petulant little child, you all sound like pathetic bitches.
So blacks get stopped four or five times as many as whites
Or we could do something about the record inequality and upward mobility and hopelessness in the United States.... Crime is caused by poverty period if there were that many poor whites they would be the same. The average black family has 1/10 the wealth of the average white family and no they are not criminals more than whites. Amazingly. But their criminals are busy. Selling drugs to whites.. what a great GOP mess we have here..... could STOP giving criminals and excuse to kill cops. GFY
How exactly do you "give an excuse" to execute two cops sitting in a police car harming no one?
it's murder and he should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law duh. On the other hand if Trump ordered body cameras turned on for every cop or something like that this kind of thing might end. But he only turns on his racist or totally misinformed or both Base and divides the country with pure obstruction and disrespect.
Well, tell blacks to stop committing so many crimes.
Yah, we told them. We also told whites who commit 64% of the crimes and the gop admin personell who committed 114 times the number of crimes as Dems. It did no good.
Talk is cheap. The Gop doesn’t listen.
Over half of murders in our country are perpetuated by blacks, who make up about 12% of the population.

Then of the “white” offenders, Hispanics and Latinos are lumped in with them, but they commit about half of those “white offender” murders.

Poverty produces crime, and the GOP produces poverty. 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich has given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere. Great job! Change the channel for crying out loud.....
Wow, Tucker Carlson’s take on this was amazing. Will post video when it’s up.

The female was shot through the jaw, and was helping the other officer. All while several animals in the area were streaming them and laughing at them.

Do black people think this makes them look good?
Do whites think it makes them look good to defend police shooting an unarmed man 7 times in the back then trying to lie about him going for a gun?
Keep disobeying cops after breaking the law. You defend a rapist and a guy that was fighting with cops, and had a knife. Fuck him, they should had kept shooting until he was dead. Low IQ thugs like that are a danger to society, they have no place here. So move to Africa and live your life free of “racism”. But of course you won’t, because you’re a coward who loves white culture and knows it’s far superior to any African culture. So keep whining like a petulant little child, you all sound like pathetic bitches.
So blacks get stopped four or five times as many as whites
Or we could do something about the record inequality and upward mobility and hopelessness in the United States.... Crime is caused by poverty period if there were that many poor whites they would be the same. The average black family has 1/10 the wealth of the average white family and no they are not criminals more than whites. Amazingly. But their criminals are busy. Selling drugs to whites.. what a great GOP mess we have here..... could STOP giving criminals and excuse to kill cops. GFY
How exactly do you "give an excuse" to execute two cops sitting in a police car harming no one?
it's murder and he should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law duh. On the other hand if Trump ordered body cameras turned on for every cop or something like that this kind of thing might end. But he only turns on his racist or totally misinformed or both Base and divides the country with pure obstruction and disrespect.
Well, tell blacks to stop committing so many crimes.
Yah, we told them. We also told whites who commit 64% of the crimes and the gop admin personell who committed 114 times the number of crimes as Dems. It did no good.
Talk is cheap. The Gop doesn’t listen.
Over half of murders in our country are perpetuated by blacks, who make up about 12% of the population.

Then of the “white” offenders, Hispanics and Latinos are lumped in with them, but they commit about half of those “white offender” murders.

Poverty produces crime, and the GOP produces poverty. 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich has given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere. Great job! Change the channel for crying out loud.....

Inequality grew under Obama also.
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.


Texas Man Found Not Guilty for Shooting Three Cops During NoKnock Raid
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.
You miss the point. Who are “you” to determine what an illegal arrest is. That an arrest is illegal because the charges were dropped is a false argument.

How are you going to resist ? Physically or with a weapon ? That is a crime itself.

That is why the founders created the 2nd. To protect ourselves from the government. Was Bundy found to be not guilty?

Bundy followers found not guilty at Nevada trial: newspaper
I hope this statement does not imply you’re willing to use a weapon to prevent an arrest that YOU think is illegal. You’re fking ass is grass if you start think that way. Stop repeating this bogus shit. The police are public servants there to protect everyone. If they screw up, file charges and someone will arrest their ass and charge them. It’s not your job to be a vigilantly. .

Someone should have stopped Officer Cauvin.

I will note that what we are seeing that are finally getting cops arrested and fired went on for decades with nothing done. There are still people fighting something getting done. There are still officers not being held accountable.

For some they can not file a lawsuit because they are dead. Proper training is less expensive that lawsuits.
No..they shouldn't have. Floyd was a large violent criminal......holding down with a knee to prevent him from rolling around and attacking was warranted. If those whinning about the violent criminal floyd dying would get a damn clue----they would realize the violent criminal floyd dying was a good thing for everyone including the black community.
Went over this before. Yours is a misstatement. Floyd was handcuff with hands behind his back lying face down on the ground. There is NOTHING he can do.
Professionals can do better than cops with no patience.
“Professionals can do better than cops with no patience.”
Huh ? You just said the negotiator WAS a cop.

The mental health professionals that replace certain officers will technically be cops also. Just not ones trained to turn violent because you don't immediately get your way.

I am fascinated. "mental health professionals" will replace cops? I have spent considerable time during my working years with people brought to hospital
emergency rooms and placed in the "padded room"
This particular activity is really DISDAINED by lots of
people------I got called to do it because of the specifics of my education and---probably because
I did not complain. Even I would not do it if there was not an ARMED GUARD at the door. I have known
and worked with LOTS of psychiatrists----I cannot
imagine them handling a neighborhood shoot out
or an organized robbery or a gang "war". Will
the mental health professionals be armed?
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.


Texas Man Found Not Guilty for Shooting Three Cops During NoKnock Raid
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.
You miss the point. Who are “you” to determine what an illegal arrest is. That an arrest is illegal because the charges were dropped is a false argument.

How are you going to resist ? Physically or with a weapon ? That is a crime itself.

That is why the founders created the 2nd. To protect ourselves from the government. Was Bundy found to be not guilty?

Bundy followers found not guilty at Nevada trial: newspaper
I hope this statement does not imply you’re willing to use a weapon to prevent an arrest that YOU think is illegal. You’re fking ass is grass if you start think that way. Stop repeating this bogus shit. The police are public servants there to protect everyone. If they screw up, file charges and someone will arrest their ass and charge them. It’s not your job to be a vigilantly. .

Someone should have stopped Officer Cauvin.

I will note that what we are seeing that are finally getting cops arrested and fired went on for decades with nothing done. There are still people fighting something getting done. There are still officers not being held accountable.

For some they can not file a lawsuit because they are dead. Proper training is less expensive that lawsuits.
No..they shouldn't have. Floyd was a large violent criminal......holding down with a knee to prevent him from rolling around and attacking was warranted. If those whinning about the violent criminal floyd dying would get a damn clue----they would realize the violent criminal floyd dying was a good thing for everyone including the black community.
Went over this before. Yours is a misstatement. Floyd was handcuff with hands behind his back lying face down on the ground. There is NOTHING he can do.
Professionals can do better than cops with no patience.
“Professionals can do better than cops with no patience.”
Huh ? You just said the negotiator WAS a cop.

The mental health professionals that replace certain officers will technically be cops also. Just not ones trained to turn violent because you don't immediately get your way.

I am fascinated. "mental health professionals" will replace cops?

You understand.
anyone who imagines that a large strong HANDCUFFED man "CAN DO NOTHING" has very little experience
with large strong arrestees. In the course of my life
I have seen such pleasant sights as a large strong man---
handcuffed to his bed rails, PULL THE BED RAIL off
the bed and create havoc in a large emergency room
by running around and swinging the bedrail apparatus like a weapon with his hands STILL CUFFED. Where there is a WILL, there is a way. The spitting thug is
another example. Spit, bite, kick----just let it happen
mr policeman
anyone who imagines that a large strong HANDCUFFED man "CAN DO NOTHING" has very little experience
you’re exaggerating and like many, making up shit
Hand cuffed behind his back on his stomach can easily be held down with weight on his’re arguing for an execution.
Last edited:
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.


Texas Man Found Not Guilty for Shooting Three Cops During NoKnock Raid
do have a right to resist an unlawful arrest. Before long everyone will understand that. Its why the founders incorporated the 2nd Amendment.
You’d better not take that advice. Resisting arrest is itself a crime. FU and your second amendment. It has no place when it comes to a cop performing his duty. You’d better not resist by producing a weapon. Terrible post. The time to resist any arrest is by filing a complaint or instituting a suit after the fact. You’re giving stupid advice.

Resisting an illegal arrest is not a crime. Yes forever the cops would arrest you for that but when we have proof that the arrest was not lawful the charges get dropped. We are going to stop that practice. The cops are going to learn what they can and what they can not do or they are going to continue to lose their jobs.

Poor people can not afford to file lawsuits. I have never understood those who believe that paying people millions and millions dollars a year in settlements is a better system than proper police training.
It is in Texas.
I agree that's bullshit, but it is a law here.

It can't be. There is NO law that states that I have to have I.D. on me.
No, I mean it is unlawful to resist even an illegal arrest.
I think that's bullshit personally, but that's the way the law is written.
You miss the point. Who are “you” to determine what an illegal arrest is. That an arrest is illegal because the charges were dropped is a false argument.

How are you going to resist ? Physically or with a weapon ? That is a crime itself.

That is why the founders created the 2nd. To protect ourselves from the government. Was Bundy found to be not guilty?

Bundy followers found not guilty at Nevada trial: newspaper
I hope this statement does not imply you’re willing to use a weapon to prevent an arrest that YOU think is illegal. You’re fking ass is grass if you start think that way. Stop repeating this bogus shit. The police are public servants there to protect everyone. If they screw up, file charges and someone will arrest their ass and charge them. It’s not your job to be a vigilantly. .

Someone should have stopped Officer Cauvin.

I will note that what we are seeing that are finally getting cops arrested and fired went on for decades with nothing done. There are still people fighting something getting done. There are still officers not being held accountable.

For some they can not file a lawsuit because they are dead. Proper training is less expensive that lawsuits.
No..they shouldn't have. Floyd was a large violent criminal......holding down with a knee to prevent him from rolling around and attacking was warranted. If those whinning about the violent criminal floyd dying would get a damn clue----they would realize the violent criminal floyd dying was a good thing for everyone including the black community.
Went over this before. Yours is a misstatement. Floyd was handcuff with hands behind his back lying face down on the ground. There is NOTHING he can do.
Professionals can do better than cops with no patience.
“Professionals can do better than cops with no patience.”
Huh ? You just said the negotiator WAS a cop.

The mental health professionals that replace certain officers will technically be cops also. Just not ones trained to turn violent because you don't immediately get your way.

I am fascinated. "mental health professionals" will replace cops? I have spent considerable time during my working years with people brought to hospital
emergency rooms and placed in the "padded room"
This particular activity is really DISDAINED by lots of
people------I got called to do it because of the specifics of my education and---probably because
I did not complain. Even I would not do it if there was not an ARMED GUARD at the door. I have known
and worked with LOTS of psychiatrists----I cannot
imagine them handling a neighborhood shoot out
or an organized robbery or a gang "war". Will
the mental health professionals be armed?
It takes both. It’s no different then a domestic disturbance with kids involved. Social workers under the protection of police means a multi mode approach. It’s not one or the other.
The mental health professionals that replace certain officers will technically be cops also.
Seriously. You couldn't afford a trained psychologist with a masters or doctorate also trained as a cop. The only people who are includes the FBI and other upper level govt. and corporate employees . They don’t exist in the normal town budget.
anyone who imagines that a large strong HANDCUFFED man "CAN DO NOTHING" has very little experience
you’re exaggerating and like many, making up shit
Hand cuffed behind his back on his stomach can easily be held down with weight on his’re arguing for an execution.

Nope ON HIS "hips" ? could you describe
the specific restraint. What are you calling the "HIP"
AS I understand "hip" it is the head of the femur as it
inserts into the pelvic bone and the overlying soft tissue. Some cop is supposed to IMMOBILIZE and
control the arrestee by grasping onto either side of
the pelvis? That maneuver leaves the arrestee free
to kick, buck, and spit to his heart's content and even
flip over onto his back giving him the opportunity to
kick more effectively.
The mental health professionals that replace certain officers will technically be cops also.
Seriously. You couldn't afford a trained psychologist with a masters or doctorate also trained as a cop. The only people who are includes the FBI and other upper level govt. and corporate employees . They don’t exist in the normal town budget.

Police forces already have them.

This town of 170,000 replaced some cops with medics and mental health workers. It's worked for over 30 years
Wow, Tucker Carlson’s take on this was amazing. Will post video when it’s up.

The female was shot through the jaw, and was helping the other officer. All while several animals in the area were streaming them and laughing at them.

Do black people think this makes them look good?
Do whites think it makes them look good to defend police shooting an unarmed man 7 times in the back then trying to lie about him going for a gun?
Keep disobeying cops after breaking the law. You defend a rapist and a guy that was fighting with cops, and had a knife. Fuck him, they should had kept shooting until he was dead. Low IQ thugs like that are a danger to society, they have no place here. So move to Africa and live your life free of “racism”. But of course you won’t, because you’re a coward who loves white culture and knows it’s far superior to any African culture. So keep whining like a petulant little child, you all sound like pathetic bitches.
So blacks get stopped four or five times as many as whites
Or we could do something about the record inequality and upward mobility and hopelessness in the United States.... Crime is caused by poverty period if there were that many poor whites they would be the same. The average black family has 1/10 the wealth of the average white family and no they are not criminals more than whites. Amazingly. But their criminals are busy. Selling drugs to whites.. what a great GOP mess we have here..... could STOP giving criminals and excuse to kill cops. GFY
How exactly do you "give an excuse" to execute two cops sitting in a police car harming no one?
it's murder and he should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law duh. On the other hand if Trump ordered body cameras turned on for every cop or something like that this kind of thing might end. But he only turns on his racist or totally misinformed or both Base and divides the country with pure obstruction and disrespect.
Well, tell blacks to stop committing so many crimes.
Yah, we told them. We also told whites who commit 64% of the crimes and the gop admin personell who committed 114 times the number of crimes as Dems. It did no good.
Talk is cheap. The Gop doesn’t listen.
Over half of murders in our country are perpetuated by blacks, who make up about 12% of the population.

Then of the “white” offenders, Hispanics and Latinos are lumped in with them, but they commit about half of those “white offender” murders.

Poverty produces crime, and the GOP produces poverty. 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich has given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere. Great job! Change the channel for crying out loud.....
Bullcrap.... Don't you ever get tired of lying ?? Yeah change the channel is right in the case of your hyperbolic partisan bullcrap.
The mental health professionals that replace certain officers will technically be cops also.
Seriously. You couldn't afford a trained psychologist with a masters or doctorate also trained as a cop. The only people who are includes the FBI and other upper level govt. and corporate employees . They don’t exist in the normal town budget.

Police forces already have them.

This town of 170,000 replaced some cops with medics and mental health workers. It's worked for over 30 years
LOL... If you think your pie in the sky bullcrap works everywhere, then I got some ocean front property in AZ to sell you.
The mental health professionals that replace certain officers will technically be cops also.
Seriously. You couldn't afford a trained psychologist with a masters or doctorate also trained as a cop. The only people who are includes the FBI and other upper level govt. and corporate employees . They don’t exist in the normal town budget.

Police forces already have them.

This town of 170,000 replaced some cops with medics and mental health workers. It's worked for over 30 years
LOL... If you think your pie in the sky bullcrap works everywhere, then I got some ocean front property in AZ to sell you.

I can only lead you to the facts, I can't make you accept them.
Damn. Compton is a famously safe place to live in too. :(
Again, this is the result of your support and excuse making for police shootings of unarmed people.

No, it is the result of savages thinking shooting the Police will score them some street cred when all it will do is get them and some more killed...

the operative concept being STREET CRED.
do your best IM-2. Try to refute the "street cred"
theory. I am now residing on the edge of a
neighborhood that has lived by this creed at the
very least since I got to this area---30 years ago.
Bullet to the head ain't nuthin new here---it has picked up a bit for the BLM -----but not so much---no cops
here unless we get to the phone to report an
The mental health professionals that replace certain officers will technically be cops also.
Seriously. You couldn't afford a trained psychologist with a masters or doctorate also trained as a cop. The only people who are includes the FBI and other upper level govt. and corporate employees . They don’t exist in the normal town budget.

Police forces already have them.

This town of 170,000 replaced some cops with medics and mental health workers. It's worked for over 30 years
LOL... If you think your pie in the sky bullcrap works everywhere, then I got some ocean front property in AZ to sell you.

I can only lead you to the facts, I can't make you accept them.

Knopp-----do you know any Ph-d's in psychology? I know lots-----and they do work with criminals and
violent people------but NOT IN THE GUTTER and they don't have to carry guns. Lots that I know carried on with an education in Psychology in order to AVOID
THE GUTTER into which their childhood friends
descended (or originated) They are not called upon
to RESTRAIN violent people or deal with bullets flying
The mental health professionals that replace certain officers will technically be cops also.
Seriously. You couldn't afford a trained psychologist with a masters or doctorate also trained as a cop. The only people who are includes the FBI and other upper level govt. and corporate employees . They don’t exist in the normal town budget.

Police forces already have them.

This town of 170,000 replaced some cops with medics and mental health workers. It's worked for over 30 years
LOL... If you think your pie in the sky bullcrap works everywhere, then I got some ocean front property in AZ to sell you.

I can only lead you to the facts, I can't make you accept them.

Knopp-----do you know any Ph-d's in psychology? I know lots-----and they do work with criminals and
violent people------but NOT IN THE GUTTER and they don't have to carry guns. Lots that I know carried on with an education in Psychology in order to AVOID
THE GUTTER into which their childhood friends
descended (or originated) They are not called upon
to RESTRAIN violent people or deal with bullets flying

This town of 170,000 replaced some cops with medics and mental health workers. It's worked for over 30 years
The mental health professionals that replace certain officers will technically be cops also.
Seriously. You couldn't afford a trained psychologist with a masters or doctorate also trained as a cop. The only people who are includes the FBI and other upper level govt. and corporate employees . They don’t exist in the normal town budget.

Police forces already have them.

This town of 170,000 replaced some cops with medics and mental health workers. It's worked for over 30 years
LOL... If you think your pie in the sky bullcrap works everywhere, then I got some ocean front property in AZ to sell you.

I can only lead you to the facts, I can't make you accept them.

Knopp-----do you know any Ph-d's in psychology? I know lots-----and they do work with criminals and
violent people------but NOT IN THE GUTTER and they don't have to carry guns. Lots that I know carried on with an education in Psychology in order to AVOID
THE GUTTER into which their childhood friends
descended (or originated) They are not called upon
to RESTRAIN violent people or deal with bullets flying

This town of 170,000 replaced some cops with medics and mental health workers. It's worked for over 30 years

ok In my town the FIREMEN are excellent IN THE FIELD when people are in danger---they are trained
in first aid and know as much as any trained
PHYSICIAN's ASST. But actual crime-----with guns? call a guy who did psychology in college????? \
In my town, arrestees TYPICALLY do a stopover for
medical clearance in one of the emergency rooms
to determine if they are FIT to survive Riker's Island.
uhm.............the ER people are not part of the police
Wow, Tucker Carlson’s take on this was amazing. Will post video when it’s up.

The female was shot through the jaw, and was helping the other officer. All while several animals in the area were streaming them and laughing at them.

Do black people think this makes them look good?
Do whites think it makes them look good to defend police shooting an unarmed man 7 times in the back then trying to lie about him going for a gun?
Keep disobeying cops after breaking the law. You defend a rapist and a guy that was fighting with cops, and had a knife. Fuck him, they should had kept shooting until he was dead. Low IQ thugs like that are a danger to society, they have no place here. So move to Africa and live your life free of “racism”. But of course you won’t, because you’re a coward who loves white culture and knows it’s far superior to any African culture. So keep whining like a petulant little child, you all sound like pathetic bitches.
So blacks get stopped four or five times as many as whites
Or we could do something about the record inequality and upward mobility and hopelessness in the United States.... Crime is caused by poverty period if there were that many poor whites they would be the same. The average black family has 1/10 the wealth of the average white family and no they are not criminals more than whites. Amazingly. But their criminals are busy. Selling drugs to whites.. what a great GOP mess we have here..... could STOP giving criminals and excuse to kill cops. GFY
How exactly do you "give an excuse" to execute two cops sitting in a police car harming no one?
it's murder and he should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law duh. On the other hand if Trump ordered body cameras turned on for every cop or something like that this kind of thing might end. But he only turns on his racist or totally misinformed or both Base and divides the country with pure obstruction and disrespect.
Well, tell blacks to stop committing so many crimes.
Yah, we told them. We also told whites who commit 64% of the crimes and the gop admin personell who committed 114 times the number of crimes as Dems. It did no good.
Talk is cheap. The Gop doesn’t listen.
Over half of murders in our country are perpetuated by blacks, who make up about 12% of the population.

Then of the “white” offenders, Hispanics and Latinos are lumped in with them, but they commit about half of those “white offender” murders.

Poverty produces crime, and the GOP produces poverty. 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich has given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever anywhere. Great job! Change the channel for crying out loud.....
The GOP wants everyone working and paying taxes. President Trump brought record low unemployment to blacks and Latinos, while your plan is to keep them on welfare. Every center of poverty is a Dem run shit hole, so stop trying to blame Republicans. The GOP hasn’t been in charge of anything for 40 years.

President Trump is the only one trying to bring manufacturing jobs back to the US, when Dems like Beijing Biden have spent the last 45 years shipping jobs to China. Plus President Trump is against rampant illegal immigration which lowers wages for the lower income Americans, if not just making them lose their jobs.

So your Democrat policies of open borders, “free trade” with China, and infinite welfare have grown the amount of people on poverty and increases the income gap.

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