Two Proud Gun Nuts Second-Amendment Each Other To Death In Road Rage Incident

2agay, apparently you have done lots of homework on if guns are a safety net for innocent victims, and I'm sure many times they are. Thanks for posting, I may read some of your links, but then again, I know most women are raped by someone they know, and also unless gang related, most murders are done by someone the victim knows. The ones done by nut cases like above are becoming more common, and times are changing that is for sure. I guess I'll stick with the wasp spray for now.

This is a break down from my other covers the fact that guns are the best way for a woman to stop a violent rape...

And here we have studies that show that guns are the most effective way to stop a rape.....
Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

--Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun.

--Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.
Now, you have done it Penelope. You woke him up, and we will get a free 10,000 word lecture on how wonderful guns are for all of us......
More guns more guns more guns!!

Two men are dead in Ionia, Michigan after a road rage incident escalated into a shootout Wednesday. Police say that James Pullum, 43, and Robert Taylor, 56 apparently argued after Taylor became enraged over something that occurred while driving though the details are not clear as to exactly what precipitated the incident.

Both men had concealed carry permits and were legally carrying their weapons.

Two Proud Gun Nuts Second-Amendment Each Other To Death In Road Rage Incident Americans Against the Tea Party

Wouldn't it be so very nice if it always went down like this?

But sadly, they usually kill innocent bystanders.

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Now, you have done it Penelope. You woke him up, and we will get a free 10,000 word lecture on how wonderful guns are for all of us......

He's all gun and no ammo. About all he can do is post long copy/paste lies from gun nutter sites.

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Now, you have done it Penelope. You woke him up, and we will get a free 10,000 word lecture on how wonderful guns are for all of us......

He's all gun and no ammo. About all he can do is post long copy/paste lies from gun nutter sites.

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I've never read all of it, but I think that the gist of it is that he definatively proves that 2 out of every 3 men, women and children in Amertica owe their lives to having outdrawn a criminal sometime during each calandar year.
In this thread a couple people fail to realize that not all gun owners are responsible, but that that in and of itself shouldn't mean that everyone should lose their right to own a gun. For every stupid or criminal person involved with a legally-owned gun, what's the number of responsible citizens? This kind of crap being is stupid, because it's like saying cars should be banned because we have some 32,000 motor vehicle fatalities as of 2013. Not everyone in a group is the same, you know. And if you don't know, now's a good time to start knowing it.

They don't care....they have a mental disorder when it comes to guns.....nothing rational that you say will mean anything to them.....they would rather see innocents slaughtered than that they be saved by a gun.....
Judging by the number of innocents shot every year in the US, the guns aren't doing that much to save them. We have more guns in this nation per capita than any other first world nation, and we have the most deaths by gunfire per capita of any first world nation. A record to be really proud of.
Rate of rape for the US, 2010, 27.3 per 100,000 citizens.

For the European Union, 2009, 10.19 per 100,000 citizens
In this thread a couple people fail to realize that not all gun owners are responsible, but that that in and of itself shouldn't mean that everyone should lose their right to own a gun. For every stupid or criminal person involved with a legally-owned gun, what's the number of responsible citizens? This kind of crap being is stupid, because it's like saying cars should be banned because we have some 32,000 motor vehicle fatalities as of 2013. Not everyone in a group is the same, you know. And if you don't know, now's a good time to start knowing it.

They don't care....they have a mental disorder when it comes to guns.....nothing rational that you say will mean anything to them.....they would rather see innocents slaughtered than that they be saved by a gun.....
Judging by the number of innocents shot every year in the US, the guns aren't doing that much to save them. We have more guns in this nation per capita than any other first world nation, and we have the most deaths by gunfire per capita of any first world nation. A record to be really proud of.

You mean out of a country of over 320 million people, only 505 accidental gun deaths in 2013, the last year you can get numbers til the 2014 come out....

And out of 320 million people there are over 12. 8 million law abiding gun owners carrying guns for self defense.....and criminals, using stolen guns or guns they can't legally touch, kill 8,454 people, mostly in democrat cities, in small multi block areas of drug dealing and gang activity...

In Richmond California in a city of about 100,000 people there were 17 guys responsible for 76% of the shootings...

So no, there isn't a gun problem in our country, there is an inner city gang problem in our country...
Rate of rape for the US, 2010, 27.3 per 100,000 citizens.

For the European Union, 2009, 10.19 per 100,000 citizens

Yeah, the International Business Times disagrees with you.... hide the real rape rates by adding all of Europe together, spreading around the states......

Top 5 Countries with the Highest Rates of Rape

Sweden has the highest rate of rape in Europe, with the UN reporting 69 rape cases per 100,000 inhabitants in 2011, according to author and advocate of power feminism Naomi Wolf on opinion website Project Syndicate.

In 2010, Swedish police recorded the highest number of offences - about 63 per 100,000 inhabitants - of any force in Europe. That was the second highest in the world after Lesotho.

"According to rape crisis advocates in Sweden, one-third of Swedish women have been sexually assaulted by the time they leave their teens. According to a study published in 2003, and other later studies through 2009, Sweden has the highest sexual assault rate in Europe, and among the lowest conviction rates," Wolf wrote.

A 2010 Amnesty report said: "In Sweden, according to official crime statistics, the number of reported rapes has quadrupled during the past 20 years. In 2008, there were just over 4,000 rapes of people over 15, the great majority of them girls and women."
So you aren't overwhelmed by stats.....

New Zealand The recent scandal of the "Roast Buster" exposed the truth about rape in New Zealand.

A group of boys from West Auckland, calling themselves "Roast Busters", targeted often underage teenage girls, plied them with alcohol and then gang-raped them.

The videos of the sexual assaults were then uploaded to social media sites.

Sexual assaults rose 15% in a year, and at schools the number doubled in 2012, according to the New Zealand Herald.

In 2011, police recorded 3,466 rapes and related offences, up from 3,016 in 2010.

According to UN, the rate of rape cases per 100,000 inhabitants was 30 in 2011.

And here is another one......

Belgium Dutch newspaper De Morgen reported that between 2009 and 2011, the number of reported rapes increased from 3,360 to 4,038 - an increase of more than 20%. The report was based on figures from the federal justice department.

A total of 11,170 rape cases was filed between January 2009 and December 2011. In Brussels 2,542 cases were presented.

More than 11 rapes took place every day in 2011.

The rate of rape cases per 100,000 inhabitants in Belgium was of 28.1, the UN reported.
Rate of rape for the US, 2010, 27.3 per 100,000 citizens.

For the European Union, 2009, 10.19 per 100,000 citizens

Of course the U.S. isn't in the top 5 countries for rape and Norway and Finland aren't far behind us....

Sweden is the rape capitol of the west.....

Sweden Rape Capital of the West


Rape rate per 100,000 population, comparison by country (selected top and bottom countries), 2012 statistics taken from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (Image source: Wikimedia Commons)
Step one. The NRA manipulates a bunch of half-wits into believing a big bad black liberal is going to take their guns away from them.
Step two. The half-wits stock up on guns, ammo, and anything that will inflict bodily harm.
Step three. The "jackbooted thugs" never show up
Step four. So these half-wits now have the same deficit of brain cells and are armed to the teeth.
Step five. Any breech of redneck etiquette is a reason to get upset and since they have all of these guns and bullets laying around; the results are easy to predict.
^ that

one thing you forgot is

Step six. the gun nuts wallets are lighter after falling for the NRA's yearly sky is falling ploy.
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Step one. The NRA manipulates a bunch of half-wits into believing a big bad black liberal is going to take their guns away from them.
Step two. The half-wits stock up on guns, ammo, and anything that will inflict bodily harm.
Step three. The "jackbooted thugs" never show up
Step four. So these half-wits now have the same deficit of brain cells and are armed to the teeth.
Step five. Any breech of redneck etiquette is a reason to get upset and since they have all of these guns and bullets laying around; the results are easy to predict.
^ that

one thing you forgot is

Step six. the gun nuts wallets are lighter after falling for the NRA's yearly sky is falling ploy.

Self defense strategies of anti gun extremists.....

1) hope that your rapist, robber, murderer is kind.....

2) hope that your rapist, robber, murderer is incompetent...

3) when confronted by a rapist, robber or murderer, hope that dumb luck will keep you safe...

Please....if you are ever confronted by a rapist, or someone intent on robbing and possibly murdering not use a gun.....please rely on one or more of the above anti gun extremist self defense methods....

The world needs a few less morons populating it..............
It's kinda sad how some on the Left portray people who want the right to own and carry a gun.

Just as sad as some on the Right who portray all black or gay people as bad.
Strange that you attribute the incident to the Tea Party when no mention of political party was made in the article....

Maybe you haven't heard the saying about assume.

gun haters are both generally cowards and liars
Step one. The NRA manipulates a bunch of half-wits into believing a big bad black liberal is going to take their guns away from them.
Step two. The half-wits stock up on guns, ammo, and anything that will inflict bodily harm.
Step three. The "jackbooted thugs" never show up
Step four. So these half-wits now have the same deficit of brain cells and are armed to the teeth.
Step five. Any breech of redneck etiquette is a reason to get upset and since they have all of these guns and bullets laying around; the results are easy to predict.
^ that

one thing you forgot is

Step six. the gun nuts wallets are lighter after falling for the NRA's yearly sky is falling ploy.

Self defense strategies of anti gun extremists.....

1) hope that your rapist, robber, murderer is kind.....

2) hope that your rapist, robber, murderer is incompetent...

3) when confronted by a rapist, robber or murderer, hope that dumb luck will keep you safe...

Please....if you are ever confronted by a rapist, or someone intent on robbing and possibly murdering not use a gun.....please rely on one or more of the above anti gun extremist self defense methods....

The world needs a few less morons populating it..............
in a just world, only gun banners would be targeted for rape or robbery.

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