Two reasons why " Negotiations" will fail

proudveteran06; et al,

We have a saying:

It isn't enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it.
And it isn't enough to believe in it. One must work at it.
..........................................................Eleanor Roosevelt

I would like to know what your solution would be (Serious question, NOT being sarcastic) Can't get a response from the Palestinian.

We know Israel gave up Gaza. Immediately after their Rocket Fire intensified . They offered to give up most of the W. Bank. I believe they also offered to make E. Jerusalem the Capital of " palestine" but to share it. In THEIR best interests, what do you think they should do?

Thanks !

Currently, our Secretary of State is trying to jump-start the talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians. While it is possible that something may come of it, it is unlikely (high probability of failure) because neither side has really anything to offer the other.

As is quite obvious to you, the Israelis only have one of three choices, and each requires either a compromise, a risk, or a sacrifice.

  • They can swing Left (anti-conflict, make a compromise, and assume greater risk).
  • They can continue with the status quo, no change (no increased in risk).
  • They can swing hard right (begin to gradually increase the stranglehold on Palestinians and assume greater risk).


These are the options. Behind the Left and Right Swing is a in depth preparation period. Obviously, the entire plot cannot be outlined in this limited space, but the bright overview can be outlined in broad brush strokes.


The swing left requires Israel to do the unexpected, both politically and militarily. It would shock everyone and cause a total re-evaluation of the paradigm that describes the Israeli-Palestine conflict. It is highly risky, yet peacefully provocative. It would require a lot of money, financing, and military preparedness.

The Plot, in silent coordination with the UN and (in particular) with the US, Israel will unilaterally begin complete withdrawal from the West Bank. Israel will move back to the Green Line. It will dismantle the Security Fence, every settlement and barricade.

The Plot is designed to accomplish three major goals.
  • To change the entire perspective that the global community holds, the various UN elements, regional government, and the Palestinian.
  • To draw-out the true nature of the Palestinian (good or bad).
  • To improve the overall economy of the West Bank and to allow the self-governing body to take responsibility for its growth.


The swing right requires Israel to apply greater pressure on the Palestinian Authority. It will change the paradigm that describes the Israeli-Palestine conflict to a more confrontational aspect. It is highly risky and provocative. It would require a lot of political capital and military preparedness.

The Plot is the unexpected announcement by Israel to quarantine the border, an indefinite total lockdown, and total cut in communications and utilities between the West Bank government and Israel. There would be a 60 day preparation period, for Palestinians to make arrangements and establish alternatives.

The Plot is designed to accomplish three major goals.
  • To change the entire perspective economically.
  • To draw-out the true nature of the Palestinian politically (good or bad).
  • To improve the overall security of the West Bank Border.

Most Respectfully,
proudveteran06; et al,

We have a saying:

It isn't enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it.
And it isn't enough to believe in it. One must work at it.
..........................................................Eleanor Roosevelt

I would like to know what your solution would be (Serious question, NOT being sarcastic) Can't get a response from the Palestinian.

We know Israel gave up Gaza. Immediately after their Rocket Fire intensified . They offered to give up most of the W. Bank. I believe they also offered to make E. Jerusalem the Capital of " palestine" but to share it. In THEIR best interests, what do you think they should do?

Thanks !

Currently, our Secretary of State is trying to jump-start the talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians. While it is possible that something may come of it, it is unlikely (high probability of failure) because neither side has really anything to offer the other.

As is quite obvious to you, the Israelis only have one of three choices, and each requires either a compromise, a risk, or a sacrifice.

  • They can swing Left (anti-conflict, make a compromise, and assume greater risk).
  • They can continue with the status quo, no change (no increased in risk).
  • They can swing hard right (begin to gradually increase the stranglehold on Palestinians and assume greater risk).


These are the options. Behind the Left and Right Swing is a in depth preparation period. Obviously, the entire plot cannot be outlined in this limited space, but the bright overview can be outlined in broad brush strokes.


The swing left requires Israel to do the unexpected, both politically and militarily. It would shock everyone and cause a total re-evaluation of the paradigm that describes the Israeli-Palestine conflict. It is highly risky, yet peacefully provocative. It would require a lot of money, financing, and military preparedness.

The Plot, in silent coordination with the UN and (in particular) with the US, Israel will unilaterally begin complete withdrawal from the West Bank. Israel will move back to the Green Line. It will dismantle the Security Fence, every settlement and barricade.

The Plot is designed to accomplish three major goals.
  • To change the entire perspective that the global community holds, the various UN elements, regional government, and the Palestinian.
  • To draw-out the true nature of the Palestinian (good or bad).
  • To improve the overall economy of the West Bank and to allow the self-governing body to take responsibility for its growth.


The swing right requires Israel to apply greater pressure on the Palestinian Authority. It will change the paradigm that describes the Israeli-Palestine conflict to a more confrontational aspect. It is highly risky and provocative. It would require a lot of political capital and military preparedness.

The Plot is the unexpected announcement by Israel to quarantine the border, an indefinite total lockdown, and total cut in communications and utilities between the West Bank government and Israel. There would be a 60 day preparation period, for Palestinians to make arrangements and establish alternatives.

The Plot is designed to accomplish three major goals.
  • To change the entire perspective economically.
  • To draw-out the true nature of the Palestinian politically (good or bad).
  • To improve the overall security of the West Bank Border.

Most Respectfully,

Fact Sheet: Abbas is the Obstacle to Peace

This is what was turned down. I don't see Israel leaning a Hard Right . If anything they are leaning more towards the left.
proudveteran06; et al,

Exposing the Palestinian movement for the fraud that it is, will be a risky and expensive adventure. It will require, as I said, compromise, sacrifice and an exposure to a level of terrorist risk that Israel has not seen in many years.

Fact Sheet: Abbas is the Obstacle to Peace

This is what was turned down. I don't see Israel leaning a Hard Right . If anything they are leaning more towards the left.

Anything that Israel does that is favorable to the general Arab/Palestinian population will be subject to counter-propaganda efforts by the Arab/Palestinian leadership (APL). The APL will immediately try to jump on the Bandwagon and claim that they had something to do with altering the Israeli position. The will claim that they forced the Israeli into capitulation. Because it requires some secrecy, over an extended period of time, its difficulty level is compounded. It is, in effect, another Unilateral Disengagement Plan (UDP) on the part of the Israeli, the first of which did not workout so well in the withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.

This effort requires a great sacrifice on the part of the general population of Israel and a level of trust and confidence in the body of the Israeli leadership (IL) that has not been seen in three decades or more. Every facet of Israeli life is going to have to make a contribution to the overall effort. There will be a special burden placed upon the Israeli Settlers that were encouraged to move into the West Bank and now encouraged to move back to Israel proper (compensation and relocation assistance will be required).

This is not an overnight plan. This plan will take 18 months or more. It will require the best minds of Israel to come-up with a construction plan for a new population center (ultimate planning for 1M+) (probably somewhere along Route 40, south of Midreshet Ben Gurion and east of Ramon Airbase); and the infrastructure umbilical to support it.

A Hard Left, is a huge undertaking. But in the end, it has the better chance for success.

I have not discussed the security components, the political fallout, or some of the unusual infrastructure concerns; but am aware of them. But such a move, would stimulate conversation. It would also require a certain amount of isolation of the APL in the process. They must be kept in the dark as much as possible. Able to observe, but not knowing the reason or the next steps.

Most Respectfully,

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