Two Russians Who Helped Giuliani on Ukraine Are Arrested in U.S.

Progs don't play by rules. They make up their own and dare the other side to do something. Since the other side has done nothing for many decades everything pushed was a piece of cake. Now someone fights back. And it bristles the hair on their rat backs.

The media and the Elitist/ Globalists system is pushing a radical Leftist agenda to "transform" America. And it's working.

They are facing ZERO resistance.

Basically, Americans have decided to hand over their freedom and their nation with barely a whimper.
Campaign finance violations Only republicans get arrested lol

Let’s See AOC , Talib , The Muslim from Minnesota
All violated Campaign finance

Why are democrats using law enforcement as nazi brown shirts?

It’s funny, Barr was laying a olive branch when he didn’t indict Comey.. thinking democrats would take it.

Time to pay the Barr tab
B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Democrats! :206:
Campaign finance violations Only republicans get arrested lol

Let’s See AOC , Talib , The Muslim from Minnesota
All violated Campaign finance

Why are democrats using law enforcement as nazi brown shirts?

It’s funny, Barr was laying a olive branch when he didn’t indict Comey.. thinking democrats would take it.

Time to pay the Barr tab
B-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Democrats! :206:
You have lost over 1,000 seats since 2012 lol
Crazy Eyes Rudy has all kinds of slime and scum on his client list. Money launderers, US sanctions violators, mobsters...

No wonder he's the Colluder's go-to guy!

I wonder what happened to Crazy Eyes Rudy. I used to like him. He did a great job cleaning up New York City. But then somewhere along the way he became a real sicko.

Maybe he's had his head up his ass for so long, that prostrate cancer went to his brain?

He looks like a guy who just pulled his head out of his ass and is seeing daylight for the first time in years, doesn't he?

Giuliani Associates Who Targeted Biden Arrested On Campaign Finance Charges | HuffPost

They illegally contributed to Pete Sessions in order to get the US Ambassador to Ukraine removed.

Rudy's gonna be wearing an Orange jump suit soon.

And Sessions is in hot water as well
Sounds like a scam to me. The "campaign Finance violation" is a favored tactic of Trump hating Dim douchebags. Do people go to jail just because people they know go to jail?

You are truly fucking stupid and a true douchebag.
It is because they will be released and Barr is going to rein he’ll on democrats very soon

Nothing is going to happen. You'll be waiting around for this until you're a skeleton in a La-Z-Boy.

Osiris is correct.
You haven't figured it out just yet.

Only small players will do the role of fall guy. Everyone in the Elite circles is above the law.
with all the rule bending and law breaking going on, name the BIG players sitting in jail.......waiting....

You're waiting on Colonel Sanders to be the savior of chickens.

With all due respect sir....
If I told you once, I told you 1000 times.....ONLY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE can save America at this point......and they've spoken...."Sry....not my problem.....pass....I'm do it....Burgers on the grill!......hey, that new movie out yet?....Games on tonight !!!"
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Nothing is going to happen. You'll be waiting around for this until you're a skeleton in a La-Z-Boy.
Um ok

He's correct.
You haven't figured it out just yet.

Only small players will do the role of fall guy. Everyone in the Elite circles is above the law.

You're waiting on Colonel Sanders to be the savior of chickens.[/QUOTE]
Good story very nice thanks for sharing lol
Good story very nice thanks for sharing lol

Denial is NOT a good strategy.

Go ahead if you're not afraid to face truth....NAME the big ones sitting in prison on EITHER side......

THIS is exactly why the Left is winning.....too many on the Right are in denial and refuse to believe that freedom was never free.

You're LITERALLY pinning all your hopes to be saved from a corrupt system...ON that corrupt system. WTF?? :dunno:

Good luck Kemosabe.
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