Two Russians Who Helped Giuliani on Ukraine Are Arrested in U.S.

Campaign finance violations Only republicans get arrested lol

Let’s See AOC , Talib , The Muslim from Minnesota
All violated Campaign finance

Why are democrats using law enforcement as nazi brown shirts?

It’s funny, Barr was laying a olive branch when he didn’t indict Comey.. thinking democrats would take it.

Time to pay the Barr tab
They were arrested for bringing forward info on the Bidens. This was just their excuse. What do you bet they are leaned on to lie?

Dude they funneled campaign money to trump campaign finances under false name. Any $ coming from foreign individuals is against the law. FBI did their home work.

Guilliani was warned of these 2 corrupted Ukrainian people. But he went along promoted conspiracy crap from these 2 foreigners.

Don’t be surprised if Guilliani will get arrested.

Now Trump is now distancing himself from Guilliani. He even ask if he still his lawyer........ At the end Guilliani and Trump will become enemies saving each own asses...... YOU WATCH.
Campaign finance violations Only republicans get arrested lol

Let’s See AOC , Talib , The Muslim from Minnesota
All violated Campaign finance

Why are democrats using law enforcement as nazi brown shirts?

It’s funny, Barr was laying a olive branch when he didn’t indict Comey.. thinking democrats would take it.

Time to pay the Barr tab
They were arrested for bringing forward info on the Bidens. This was just their excuse. What do you bet they are leaned on to lie?

Dude they funneled campaign money to trump campaign finances under false name. Any $ coming from foreign individuals is against the law. FBI did their home work.

Guilliani was warned of these 2 corrupted Ukrainian people. But he went along promoted conspiracy crap from these 2 foreigners.

Don’t be surprised if Guilliani will get arrested.

Now Trump is now distancing himself from Guilliani. He even ask if he still his lawyer........ At the end Guilliani and Trump will become enemies saving each own asses...... YOU WATCH.
They are US citizens. Someone forgot to tell you.
Campaign finance violations Only republicans get arrested lol

Let’s See AOC , Talib , The Muslim from Minnesota
All violated Campaign finance

Why are democrats using law enforcement as nazi brown shirts?

It’s funny, Barr was laying a olive branch when he didn’t indict Comey.. thinking democrats would take it.

Time to pay the Barr tab
They were arrested for bringing forward info on the Bidens. This was just their excuse. What do you bet they are leaned on to lie?

Dude they funneled campaign money to trump campaign finances under false name. Any $ coming from foreign individuals is against the law. FBI did their home work.

Guilliani was warned of these 2 corrupted Ukrainian people. But he went along promoted conspiracy crap from these 2 foreigners.

Don’t be surprised if Guilliani will get arrested.

Now Trump is now distancing himself from Guilliani. He even ask if he still his lawyer........ At the end Guilliani and Trump will become enemies saving each own asses...... YOU WATCH.
Giuliani did not "promote conspiracy crap from these 2 foreigners." He went to Ukraine and got signed affidavits from the people involved.I have seen nothing that indicates that Trump is "distancing" himself from Giuliani.

As usual, your entire post is utter horseshit.
Who'd have thunk there was corruption in Ukraine
Well sure. Trump fired his ambassador for going after it. Pay attention!
Which one was that?
I am not your mpmmy. If you aren't up to speed on the most basic facts of this, you really should not even be posting.
In other words, you can't answer the question. I believe he fired his ambassador to Ukraine because he refused to acknowledge the lawfully elected leader as the president.
Parnas and Frum dined with Trump at the White House.

Here are the hoodlums all together. One big happy crime family:


Lock them up. Lock them up. Lock them up.
Giuliani Associates Who Targeted Biden Arrested On Campaign Finance Charges | HuffPost

They illegally contributed to Pete Sessions in order to get the US Ambassador to Ukraine removed.

Rudy's gonna be wearing an Orange jump suit soon.

And Sessions is in hot water as well
Sounds like a scam to me. The "campaign Finance violation" is a favored tactic of Trump hating Dim douchebags. Do people go to jail just because people they know go to jail?

You are truly fucking stupid and a true douchebag.

Dude. Guilliani was warned that he is dealing with corrupted Ukrainian. These 2 concocted a crap conspiracy crap against Biden.

Trump and Guilliani will pay a dear price for these conspiracy crap theory against Biden.
Campaign finance violations Only republicans get arrested lol

Let’s See AOC , Talib , The Muslim from Minnesota
All violated Campaign finance

Why are democrats using law enforcement as nazi brown shirts?

It’s funny, Barr was laying a olive branch when he didn’t indict Comey.. thinking democrats would take it.

Time to pay the Barr tab
They were arrested for bringing forward info on the Bidens. This was just their excuse. What do you bet they are leaned on to lie?

Dude they funneled campaign money to trump campaign finances under false name. Any $ coming from foreign individuals is against the law. FBI did their home work.

Guilliani was warned of these 2 corrupted Ukrainian people. But he went along promoted conspiracy crap from these 2 foreigners.

Don’t be surprised if Guilliani will get arrested.

Now Trump is now distancing himself from Guilliani. He even ask if he still his lawyer........ At the end Guilliani and Trump will become enemies saving each own asses...... YOU WATCH.
Giuliani did not "promote conspiracy crap from these 2 foreigners." He went to Ukraine and got signed affidavits from the people involved.I have seen nothing that indicates that Trump is "distancing" himself from Giuliani.

As usual, your entire post is utter horseshit.

Rudy must have been getting too close to something embarrassing the fing Demrats.
Well sure. Trump fired his ambassador for going after it. Pay attention!
Is that the information you got from the fake news stations?
"Fake" = any outlet that is not official trump cult state media.
Wrong, as usual.

"Fake" is the media you believe in, not matter how many times it has been discredited.

This was also shown at Fox News. Is that valid? Bri.
Campaign finance violations Only republicans get arrested lol

Let’s See AOC , Talib , The Muslim from Minnesota
All violated Campaign finance

Why are democrats using law enforcement as nazi brown shirts?

It’s funny, Barr was laying a olive branch when he didn’t indict Comey.. thinking democrats would take it.

Time to pay the Barr tab
They were arrested for bringing forward info on the Bidens. This was just their excuse. What do you bet they are leaned on to lie?

Dude they funneled campaign money to trump campaign finances under false name. Any $ coming from foreign individuals is against the law. FBI did their home work.

Guilliani was warned of these 2 corrupted Ukrainian people. But he went along promoted conspiracy crap from these 2 foreigners.

Don’t be surprised if Guilliani will get arrested.

Now Trump is now distancing himself from Guilliani. He even ask if he still his lawyer........ At the end Guilliani and Trump will become enemies saving each own asses...... YOU WATCH.
Giuliani did not "promote conspiracy crap from these 2 foreigners." He went to Ukraine and got signed affidavits from the people involved.I have seen nothing that indicates that Trump is "distancing" himself from Giuliani.

As usual, your entire post is utter horseshit.

Well you just said you don’t believe News from news media that cultist don’t like. Means you don’t know shit.

He went to Ukraine trying to dig dirt against the Biden with the help of these 2 corrupted individuals. Anything and everything you hear from henchmen personal lawyer of Trump against Biden are all from conspiracy theory crap supported by Trump.
Campaign finance violations Only republicans get arrested lol

Let’s See AOC , Talib , The Muslim from Minnesota
All violated Campaign finance

Why are democrats using law enforcement as nazi brown shirts?

It’s funny, Barr was laying a olive branch when he didn’t indict Comey.. thinking democrats would take it.

Time to pay the Barr tab

You Russians all think that Democrats are controlling the police . Democratas aren't stupid like Republicans and do stupid shit that is illegal. Nixon thought he could break into the DNC and steal stuff and cover it up and get away with it.

REPUBLICANS ARE INVESTIGATING TRUMP. The Republican Justice Department under William Barr arrested Guliani's clients.
Why is Hillary, comey, Obama, Biden, rice.. not in jail?
Campaign finance violations Only republicans get arrested lol

Let’s See AOC , Talib , The Muslim from Minnesota
All violated Campaign finance

Why are democrats using law enforcement as nazi brown shirts?

It’s funny, Barr was laying a olive branch when he didn’t indict Comey.. thinking democrats would take it.

Time to pay the Barr tab
They were arrested for bringing forward info on the Bidens. This was just their excuse. What do you bet they are leaned on to lie?

Dude they funneled campaign money to trump campaign finances under false name. Any $ coming from foreign individuals is against the law. FBI did their home work.

Guilliani was warned of these 2 corrupted Ukrainian people. But he went along promoted conspiracy crap from these 2 foreigners.

Don’t be surprised if Guilliani will get arrested.

Now Trump is now distancing himself from Guilliani. He even ask if he still his lawyer........ At the end Guilliani and Trump will become enemies saving each own asses...... YOU WATCH.
Giuliani did not "promote conspiracy crap from these 2 foreigners." He went to Ukraine and got signed affidavits from the people involved.I have seen nothing that indicates that Trump is "distancing" himself from Giuliani.

As usual, your entire post is utter horseshit.

Rudy must have been getting too close to something embarrassing the fing Demrats.

Like what buuud? From a henchmen personal lawyer of Trump absolutely.

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