Two Things Congressional Conservatives Dont Seem To Grasp About the AHCA

There are many issues, but two things I keep hearing from conservative law makeres that places them in the Ignorant zone are:

1. They are opposed to keeping the ACA entitlement. Sorry, but once the federal government gives an entitlement that tens of millions of people then come to depend on to maintain their life style, you cant just yank the rug out from under them by ending it. At most one might slowly withdraw it over a decade or two, but no, if you kill it there will be a new group of tens of millions of people who are going to vote against you every time they get a chance; i.e. it is political suicide. I know a lot of conservatives prefer to slowly stroke their copy of "Atlas Shrugged" in preference to serving the American people, but thems the Realities here.

2. The Budget Reconciliation process can only be done once a year. If this bill is defeated, Senator Rand Paul, NO,you will NOT get a second shot to rebuild a new bill. You will have to submit an entirely new bill that then has to hurdle over the 60 vote threshold to end a filibuster. To do that you will have to bring in some moderate Democrat Senators and that means coming up with aan even MORE MODERATE piece of legislation.

Conservatives in Congress, please, pull your heads out of your collective asses and realize that these two things will hurt you, not help you.

Grow the hell up and pass this damned bill as it is likely your last shot at keeping your campaign pledges to end the worst features of Obamacare..

It was/is a shit bill and did not deserve to be voted on let alone passed.
and miss an opportunity to shoot themselves in both feet ?

surely ye jest ...
Yeah, I wish I could say you are wrong, but you do have the historical record on your side in this case.

The GOP is ever ready to form a circular firing squad.

There is a reason they are called the "Stupid Party" by those who support them only because the alternative is the "Evil Party".
I'm sick and tired of hearing that nobody knew what was in the bill. Here is the link to the summary AND the entire bill @ H.R.1628 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): American Health Care Act of 2017

Read the damned thing. I for one don't understand why the hell no amendments could be made to the damned thing. Ryan screwed up. Big

That is a summary from Monday 3/20- certainly not the details or final version that the House was presented on Thursday March 23.

Everything you conservatives whined about the passage of the ACA this mess of a bill actually was:
  • Rushed
  • No bipartisan support
  • Disliked by the American voters
  • Arm twisting to get people to change their votes
  • Attempt to pass without congress knowing the content.
Maybe the GOP needs another 7 years to figure out how to do more than just pass symbolic votes to abolish the ACA?
The decision to purchase insurance SHOULD be a personal one, based on one's own perception of the cost-benefit relationship. State governments can legitimately get involved in this decision with respect to Auto Insurance, because it is good policy to ensure that anyone potentially causing great damage has the means to compensate the victims, at least to a certain extent.

The Federal Government HAS NO RIGHT to demand that anyone purchase health insurance, as reiterated by the USSC a few years ago.

If fewer people buy insurance because they choose not to buy insurance THAT IS A GOOD THING.

Yes- so when those people get hit on their motorcycles when riding without a helmet, and get sent to the hospital for 6 months of recovery- then we the tax payers get to pay for their bills.

What a great plan!

Considering a lot of people on the Exchange plans get government subsidies, I'm already paying for their medical coverage through my taxes...

What's the difference?

Oh wait the difference is with Obamacare the $$ filters through layers of government drones who now have jobs managing all the goodies in Obamacare, thus fattening the slug even further....
There is a reason they are called the "Stupid Party" by those who support them only because the alternative is the "Evil Party".
For more than four decades the GOP survived in Congress as the Democratic PArty Establishments lap dogs who fought for the scraps that fell from their table.

Then they became a true opposition party that thrived on resisting the Dimmocrats, who now emulate them from the 1990s to the 2009-2016 period.

But now they need to man up and learn again how to compromise, how to share accomplishing goals with those who do not entirely agree with them on every topic.

I suspect that that is a very difficult pivot for the Eternal Opposition.
There is a reason they are called the "Stupid Party" by those who support them only because the alternative is the "Evil Party".
For more than four decades the GOP survived in Congress as the Democratic PArty Establishments lap dogs who fought for the scraps that fell from their table.

Then they became a true opposition party that thrived on resisting the Dimmocrats, who now emulate them from the 1990s to the 2009-2016 period.

But now they need to man up and learn again how to compromise, how to share accomplishing goals with those who do not entirely agree with them on every topic.

I suspect that that is a very difficult pivot for the Eternal Opposition.

To me they have to do SOMETHING. I'd rather deal with the fallout of a full repeal and replace if we can than the ineffective "???????" going on right now.

Hell, just dump take some of funding used to finance Obamacare at the federal level and let the States figure it out via block grants until something better can be figured out.

Let California try Single payer, hell, give them some $$ to start it. At least then it would be Constitutional and we would see once and for all if it works or not.
I'm sick and tired of hearing that nobody knew what was in the bill. Here is the link to the summary AND the entire bill @ H.R.1628 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): American Health Care Act of 2017

Read the damned thing. I for one don't understand why the hell no amendments could be made to the damned thing. Ryan screwed up. Big

Trump screwed up. Huge!

Explain please.

Trump screwed up. Huge.

Trump sold himself to the American people as the great deal maker- that things would be different when he was President.

He failed to make the deal. He failed in the Art of the Deal. This was the one thing he was supposed to be really, really great at- it was going to be HUGE!

Trump campaigned on repealing Obamacare- he also promised that the replacement would be better, and that no one would be left out- those promises all came back to bite in his ass.

Then he rushed and demanded that the Trumpcareless Bill be pushed through to a vote- even though Ryan knew there were not the votes.

The ACA took a year of hard work, including lots of contact with the GOP, to get to the first vote. Trump and the GOP were in such a rush to look tough that they just didn't do the job of bill making.

Trump screwed up. Huge.

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