Two-thirds of college Democrats want ‘In God We Trust’ removed from U.S. currency — hardly any Repub

When was the last time anyone read their currency?
The currency in reality is worthless. It is printed on our faith in it. It is a pure fiat currency that can quickly get out of hand and become very expensive to purchase or pay for anything. Our nation basically is one of the last safety valves for a fiat currency. "In God we Trust" actually helps it. The currency is negative money. It is debt money. There is a reason that the globalists want to go cashless. Because there is inflation that comes with this and they can hide it better. Lets face it most of us are not that smart in many ways. And definitely in not all ways.
When was the last time anyone read their currency?
The currency in reality is worthless. It is printed on our faith in it. It is a pure fiat currency that can quickly get out of hand and become very expensive to purchase or pay for anything. Our nation basically is one of the last safety valves for a fiat currency. "In God we Trust" actually helps it. The currency is negative money. It is debt money. There is a reason that the globalists want to go cashless. Because there is inflation that comes with this and they can hide it better. Lets face it most of us are not that smart in many ways. And definitely in not all ways.
I guess if our currency collapses, God can be trusted to save it
College Democrats???

If we truly trusted in God our military spending wouldn't be very high.
If we truly trusted in God our military spending wouldn't be very high.
We should write “In God We Trust” on our tanks
That way, nobody will shoot at us or risk pissing off God
Are we a secular nation or not??
Until Muslims start crowing about employers having to give breaks and prayer rooms to their employees.
Remove God from currency, then we can remove religion from the work place.

An employer does not have to provide a separate room for Muslims to pray.
Not by law, yet.
I don't have time to post the incredible amount of demands Muslims make.

Muslim students demand prayer space, religious advisor
Muslim students prayer row with Newcastle University intensifies
Are employers required to grant prayer breaks to Muslim employees?
They sure as hell are trying to force employers.
When the opposing ideology was one of State Mandated Atheism.

So, now, why the hostility to religion?

It reveals, once again, that the idea of Multiculturalism, was always a lie.

It was always meant to be an assault on Traditional American Culture.

It was mainly opposing the "godless communists".

I didn't say anything about being hostile to religion. I simply remarked on when it was added to our paper currency. It replaced "E. Pluribus Unum".

Two Thirds of college democrats ARE hostile.

Eh, you could be right. Doesn't bother me a lot. Kinda like taking "IGWT" off our currency. As someone said, it seems a minor problem in relation to others we are facing.

It is a symbol of Traditional American culture.

And the majority of young dems are hostile to it.

The peaceful everyone existing together future the multiculturalists promised US, is turning out to be a big fat lie.

What happens when Traditional Americans realized that they were lied to, are now the minority and will now be shit on and expected to like it?
It is a symbol of religious overreach in our society
Just like they had to add “under God” to the pledge of allegiance

It is a symbol of Traditional American culture.

And the majority of young dems are hostile to it.

The peaceful everyone existing together future the multiculturalists promised US, is turning out to be a big fat lie.

What happens when Traditional Americans realized that they were lied to, are now the minority and will now be shit on and expected to like it?
When the opposing ideology was one of State Mandated Atheism.

So, now, why the hostility to religion?

It reveals, once again, that the idea of Multiculturalism, was always a lie.

It was always meant to be an assault on Traditional American Culture.

It was mainly opposing the "godless communists".

I didn't say anything about being hostile to religion. I simply remarked on when it was added to our paper currency. It replaced "E. Pluribus Unum".

Two Thirds of college democrats ARE hostile.

Eh, you could be right. Doesn't bother me a lot. Kinda like taking "IGWT" off our currency. As someone said, it seems a minor problem in relation to others we are facing.

It is a symbol of Traditional American culture.

And the majority of young dems are hostile to it.

The peaceful everyone existing together future the multiculturalists promised US, is turning out to be a big fat lie.

What happens when Traditional Americans realized that they were lied to, are now the minority and will now be shit on and expected to like it?

There is a huge difference between having your religion and not being allowed to have your religion allowed free reign while others are squashed.


ANd being so hostile to a religion, that you have to remove "in god we trust" from money,

is a political ideology that is hostile to and wishes to squash Traditional American Christianity.

That is my point.
It was mainly opposing the "godless communists".

I didn't say anything about being hostile to religion. I simply remarked on when it was added to our paper currency. It replaced "E. Pluribus Unum".

Two Thirds of college democrats ARE hostile.

Eh, you could be right. Doesn't bother me a lot. Kinda like taking "IGWT" off our currency. As someone said, it seems a minor problem in relation to others we are facing.

It is a symbol of Traditional American culture.

And the majority of young dems are hostile to it.

The peaceful everyone existing together future the multiculturalists promised US, is turning out to be a big fat lie.

What happens when Traditional Americans realized that they were lied to, are now the minority and will now be shit on and expected to like it?
It is a symbol of religious overreach in our society
Just like they had to add “under God” to the pledge of allegiance

It is a symbol of Traditional American culture.

And the majority of young dems are hostile to it.

The peaceful everyone existing together future the multiculturalists promised US, is turning out to be a big fat lie.

What happens when Traditional Americans realized that they were lied to, are now the minority and will now be shit on and expected to like it?
Dems think it is in appropriate in a secular nation

Our traditional American founders left God out of our Constitution and specifically included a separation of church and state
Two Thirds of college democrats ARE hostile.

Eh, you could be right. Doesn't bother me a lot. Kinda like taking "IGWT" off our currency. As someone said, it seems a minor problem in relation to others we are facing.

It is a symbol of Traditional American culture.

And the majority of young dems are hostile to it.

The peaceful everyone existing together future the multiculturalists promised US, is turning out to be a big fat lie.

What happens when Traditional Americans realized that they were lied to, are now the minority and will now be shit on and expected to like it?
It is a symbol of religious overreach in our society
Just like they had to add “under God” to the pledge of allegiance

It is a symbol of Traditional American culture.

And the majority of young dems are hostile to it.

The peaceful everyone existing together future the multiculturalists promised US, is turning out to be a big fat lie.

What happens when Traditional Americans realized that they were lied to, are now the minority and will now be shit on and expected to like it?
Dems think it is in appropriate in a secular nation

Our traditional American founders left God out of our Constitution and specifically included a separation of church and state

YOur ignorance over what an established state religion MEANS, is noted and laughed at.

Our founders, would have looked at people like you, who find the mention of the Christian God in public, to be offensive, as want a be godless tyrants.

And they would have been right.

The peaceful everyone existing together future the multiculturalists promised US, is turning out to be a big fat lie.

What happens when Traditional Americans realized that they were lied to, are now the minority and will now be shit on and expected to like it?
Eh, you could be right. Doesn't bother me a lot. Kinda like taking "IGWT" off our currency. As someone said, it seems a minor problem in relation to others we are facing.

It is a symbol of Traditional American culture.

And the majority of young dems are hostile to it.

The peaceful everyone existing together future the multiculturalists promised US, is turning out to be a big fat lie.

What happens when Traditional Americans realized that they were lied to, are now the minority and will now be shit on and expected to like it?
It is a symbol of religious overreach in our society
Just like they had to add “under God” to the pledge of allegiance

It is a symbol of Traditional American culture.

And the majority of young dems are hostile to it.

The peaceful everyone existing together future the multiculturalists promised US, is turning out to be a big fat lie.

What happens when Traditional Americans realized that they were lied to, are now the minority and will now be shit on and expected to like it?
Dems think it is in appropriate in a secular nation

Our traditional American founders left God out of our Constitution and specifically included a separation of church and state

YOur ignorance over what an established state religion MEANS, is noted and laughed at.

Our founders, would have looked at people like you, who find the mention of the Christian God in public, to be offensive, as want a be godless tyrants.

And they would have been right.

The peaceful everyone existing together future the multiculturalists promised US, is turning out to be a big fat lie.

What happens when Traditional Americans realized that they were lied to, are now the minority and will now be shit on and expected to like it?

Our Liberal founders intentionally left religion out of our government. They had seen the damage religious zealots could do

Conservatives have been fighting to insert God ever since.

Hint: You want God, go to church

There are no Traditional Americans.......only AMERICANS
It is a symbol of Traditional American culture.

And the majority of young dems are hostile to it.

The peaceful everyone existing together future the multiculturalists promised US, is turning out to be a big fat lie.

What happens when Traditional Americans realized that they were lied to, are now the minority and will now be shit on and expected to like it?
It is a symbol of religious overreach in our society
Just like they had to add “under God” to the pledge of allegiance

It is a symbol of Traditional American culture.

And the majority of young dems are hostile to it.

The peaceful everyone existing together future the multiculturalists promised US, is turning out to be a big fat lie.

What happens when Traditional Americans realized that they were lied to, are now the minority and will now be shit on and expected to like it?
Dems think it is in appropriate in a secular nation

Our traditional American founders left God out of our Constitution and specifically included a separation of church and state

YOur ignorance over what an established state religion MEANS, is noted and laughed at.

Our founders, would have looked at people like you, who find the mention of the Christian God in public, to be offensive, as want a be godless tyrants.

And they would have been right.

The peaceful everyone existing together future the multiculturalists promised US, is turning out to be a big fat lie.

What happens when Traditional Americans realized that they were lied to, are now the minority and will now be shit on and expected to like it?

Our Liberal founders intentionally left religion out of our government. They had seen the damage religious zealots could do

Conservatives have been fighting to insert God ever since.

Hint: You want God, go to church

There are no Traditional Americans.......only AMERICANS

YOur words are made up shit.

Our Age of Enlightenment founders, intentionally did not have an Established Religion in the government.

There was never any fear of Christians or Christianity, nor God Forbid, any hostility to them, as you modern libs demonstrate.

From the declarations of independence.

The Declaration of Independence: Full text

"the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them"

"all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator "

"with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence,"

Your fear of religious people, makes you a bigot.
It is a symbol of religious overreach in our society
Just like they had to add “under God” to the pledge of allegiance

It is a symbol of Traditional American culture.

And the majority of young dems are hostile to it.

The peaceful everyone existing together future the multiculturalists promised US, is turning out to be a big fat lie.

What happens when Traditional Americans realized that they were lied to, are now the minority and will now be shit on and expected to like it?
Dems think it is in appropriate in a secular nation

Our traditional American founders left God out of our Constitution and specifically included a separation of church and state

YOur ignorance over what an established state religion MEANS, is noted and laughed at.

Our founders, would have looked at people like you, who find the mention of the Christian God in public, to be offensive, as want a be godless tyrants.

And they would have been right.

The peaceful everyone existing together future the multiculturalists promised US, is turning out to be a big fat lie.

What happens when Traditional Americans realized that they were lied to, are now the minority and will now be shit on and expected to like it?

Our Liberal founders intentionally left religion out of our government. They had seen the damage religious zealots could do

Conservatives have been fighting to insert God ever since.

Hint: You want God, go to church

There are no Traditional Americans.......only AMERICANS

YOur words are made up shit.

Our Age of Enlightenment founders, intentionally did not have an Established Religion in the government.

There was never any fear of Christians or Christianity, nor God Forbid, any hostility to them, as you modern libs demonstrate.

From the declarations of independence.

The Declaration of Independence: Full text

"the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them"

"all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator "

"with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence,"

Your fear of religious people, makes you a bigot.
They had no problems with people exercising their religious freedoms without interference from the government

But they insisted that religion not interfere with the government

God was rightfully left out of our Constitution
All U.S. coins bear the inscription, “In God We Trust,” and that’s been the case since 1938, according to the Treasury Department. Now it’s on every bill, as well.

But it might not be there for long, if Democratic college kids have their way.

In a survey conducted by College Pulse for The College Fix, two-thirds of left-leaning college students say the motto should be removed from all U.S. currency, while only 6% of Republican students agree that it should go.
Two-thirds of college Democrats want ‘In God We Trust’ removed from U.S. currency — hardly any Republicans agree

But we remain one nation under God, and the last act of President Abraham Lincoln when he was in office was to secure our national motto "In God We Trust" on a coin, his last act in Congress.
Bachmann: Abraham Lincoln ALMOST DIED, but added "In God We Trust" to American currency


As the Civil War drew to its end, Confederate General Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant on April 9, 1865 — Palm Sunday — near Appomattox Court House. Then, four days later, on April 14 — Good Friday — President Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theatre. He would die the next day.
Abraham Lincoln Was Shot on Good Friday. Some Thought It Was Fate
These stupid college kids need to grow up and focus on actual important things, like careers. I'm an Atheist and frankly, I don't care what is spelled out on the currency, as long as it spends. It could say, "In The Flying Spaghetti Monster We Trust," for all I care.
All U.S. coins bear the inscription, “In God We Trust,” and that’s been the case since 1938, according to the Treasury Department. Now it’s on every bill, as well.

But it might not be there for long, if Democratic college kids have their way.

In a survey conducted by College Pulse for The College Fix, two-thirds of left-leaning college students say the motto should be removed from all U.S. currency, while only 6% of Republican students agree that it should go.
Two-thirds of college Democrats want ‘In God We Trust’ removed from U.S. currency — hardly any Republicans agree

But we remain one nation under God, and the last act of President Abraham Lincoln when he was in office was to secure our national motto "In God We Trust" on a coin, his last act in Congress.
Bachmann: Abraham Lincoln ALMOST DIED, but added "In God We Trust" to American currency


As the Civil War drew to its end, Confederate General Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant on April 9, 1865 — Palm Sunday — near Appomattox Court House. Then, four days later, on April 14 — Good Friday — President Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theatre. He would die the next day.
Abraham Lincoln Was Shot on Good Friday. Some Thought It Was Fate
These stupid college kids need to grow up and focus on actual important things, like careers. I'm an Atheist and frankly, I don't care what is spelled out on the currency, as long as it spends. It could say, "In The Flying Spaghetti Monster We Trust," for all I care.
We could try that and see what happens
College kids understand the separation of church and state
Republicans don’t
It is a symbol of Traditional American culture.

And the majority of young dems are hostile to it.

The peaceful everyone existing together future the multiculturalists promised US, is turning out to be a big fat lie.

What happens when Traditional Americans realized that they were lied to, are now the minority and will now be shit on and expected to like it?
Dems think it is in appropriate in a secular nation

Our traditional American founders left God out of our Constitution and specifically included a separation of church and state

YOur ignorance over what an established state religion MEANS, is noted and laughed at.

Our founders, would have looked at people like you, who find the mention of the Christian God in public, to be offensive, as want a be godless tyrants.

And they would have been right.

The peaceful everyone existing together future the multiculturalists promised US, is turning out to be a big fat lie.

What happens when Traditional Americans realized that they were lied to, are now the minority and will now be shit on and expected to like it?

Our Liberal founders intentionally left religion out of our government. They had seen the damage religious zealots could do

Conservatives have been fighting to insert God ever since.

Hint: You want God, go to church

There are no Traditional Americans.......only AMERICANS

YOur words are made up shit.

Our Age of Enlightenment founders, intentionally did not have an Established Religion in the government.

There was never any fear of Christians or Christianity, nor God Forbid, any hostility to them, as you modern libs demonstrate.

From the declarations of independence.

The Declaration of Independence: Full text

"the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them"

"all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator "

"with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence,"

Your fear of religious people, makes you a bigot.
They had no problems with people exercising their religious freedoms without interference from the government

But they insisted that religion not interfere with the government

God was rightfully left out of our Constitution

A couple of words on the dollar bill design, is not interfering with the government.

Your hostility to any public display, even the tiniest, reveals that you and yours are hostile to traditional Christian culture in this country.

And thus, that multiculturalism, was always a lie.

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