Two-thirds of college Democrats want ‘In God We Trust’ removed from U.S. currency — hardly any Repub

"In God We Trust" was only added to paper money during the Cold War.

When the opposing ideology was one of State Mandated Atheism.

So, now, why the hostility to religion?

It reveals, once again, that the idea of Multiculturalism, was always a lie.

It was always meant to be an assault on Traditional American Culture.

It was mainly opposing the "godless communists".

I didn't say anything about being hostile to religion. I simply remarked on when it was added to our paper currency. It replaced "E. Pluribus Unum".

Two Thirds of college democrats ARE hostile.

Eh, you could be right. Doesn't bother me a lot. Kinda like taking "IGWT" off our currency. As someone said, it seems a minor problem in relation to others we are facing.

It is a symbol of Traditional American culture.

And the majority of young dems are hostile to it.

The peaceful everyone existing together future the multiculturalists promised US, is turning out to be a big fat lie.

What happens when Traditional Americans realized that they were lied to, are now the minority and will now be shit on and expected to like it?
It is a symbol of religious overreach in our society
Just like they had to add “under God” to the pledge of allegiance
This isn't happening in any event and leftists once more display their reflexive hostility to the "G" word.
It will eventually happen

Current generation does not have the “in your face religion” passion of the older crowd
When the opposing ideology was one of State Mandated Atheism.

So, now, why the hostility to religion?

It reveals, once again, that the idea of Multiculturalism, was always a lie.

It was always meant to be an assault on Traditional American Culture.

It was mainly opposing the "godless communists".

I didn't say anything about being hostile to religion. I simply remarked on when it was added to our paper currency. It replaced "E. Pluribus Unum".

Two Thirds of college democrats ARE hostile.

Eh, you could be right. Doesn't bother me a lot. Kinda like taking "IGWT" off our currency. As someone said, it seems a minor problem in relation to others we are facing.

It is a symbol of Traditional American culture.

And the majority of young dems are hostile to it.

The peaceful everyone existing together future the multiculturalists promised US, is turning out to be a big fat lie.

What happens when Traditional Americans realized that they were lied to, are now the minority and will now be shit on and expected to like it?
It is a symbol of religious overreach in our society
Just like they had to add “under God” to the pledge of allegiance

I actually don't care one way or another. I just think it is a stupid fight.
This isn't happening in any event and leftists once more display their reflexive hostility to the "G" word.
It will eventually happen

Current generation does not have the “in your face religion” passion of the older crowd

I agree with the Leftist loon. My kids could not care less. They also could not care less in terms of what is written on the money so long as they have money.
I agree with the Leftist loon. My kids could not care less. They also could not care less in terms of what is written on the money so long as they have money.
I pretty much agree. So who is out in the streets marching and demanding the "G" words gets scrubbed from their loose change and folding green? Absolutely no one!

The founding fathers took God's existence on faith. As this century goes on real sophisticated science is finding more and more solid evidence for a superior intelligence behind everything that has engineered a universe and the life therein that leaves well meaning but ignorant (not stupid...ignorant of the facts that were inaccessible at the time) folks like Charles Darwin in the dust. Darwin himself facilitated the test that would invalidate his theory in the future - Science leads to God

So in a better world as time goes on respect for and understanding of God will increase, not decrease, and hopefully silly calls to remove four little words from our money will simply go away.
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Republicans have one God and his name is Donald Trump.

God of adultery.

God of lies

God of child torture

God of dirty air and dirty water

God of the wealthy

The god of the GOP is not the Christian God of tradition.
Republicans have one God and his name is Donald Trump.

God of adultery.

God of lies

God of child torture

God of dirty air and dirty water

God of the wealthy

The god of the GOP is not the Christian God of tradition.
Really? Post some more of your "information" when you get a free hand.
If God wants “In God We Trust” on our currency....
Let him put it there himself
"In God We Trust" was only added to paper money during the Cold War.

When the opposing ideology was one of State Mandated Atheism.

So, now, why the hostility to religion?

It reveals, once again, that the idea of Multiculturalism, was always a lie.

It was always meant to be an assault on Traditional American Culture.

It was mainly opposing the "godless communists".

I didn't say anything about being hostile to religion. I simply remarked on when it was added to our paper currency. It replaced "E. Pluribus Unum".

Two Thirds of college democrats ARE hostile.

Eh, you could be right. Doesn't bother me a lot. Kinda like taking "IGWT" off our currency. As someone said, it seems a minor problem in relation to others we are facing.

It is a symbol of Traditional American culture.

And the majority of young dems are hostile to it.

The peaceful everyone existing together future the multiculturalists promised US, is turning out to be a big fat lie.

What happens when Traditional Americans realized that they were lied to, are now the minority and will now be shit on and expected to like it?

There is a huge difference between having your religion and not being allowed to have your religion allowed free reign while others are squashed.
All U.S. coins bear the inscription, “In God We Trust,” and that’s been the case since 1938, according to the Treasury Department. Now it’s on every bill, as well.

But it might not be there for long, if Democratic college kids have their way.

In a survey conducted by College Pulse for The College Fix, two-thirds of left-leaning college students say the motto should be removed from all U.S. currency, while only 6% of Republican students agree that it should go.
Two-thirds of college Democrats want ‘In God We Trust’ removed from U.S. currency — hardly any Republicans agree

But we remain one nation under God, and the last act of President Abraham Lincoln when he was in office was to secure our national motto "In God We Trust" on a coin, his last act in Congress.
Bachmann: Abraham Lincoln ALMOST DIED, but added "In God We Trust" to American currency


As the Civil War drew to its end, Confederate General Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant on April 9, 1865 — Palm Sunday — near Appomattox Court House. Then, four days later, on April 14 — Good Friday — President Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theatre. He would die the next day.
Abraham Lincoln Was Shot on Good Friday. Some Thought It Was Fate
Why do you care? Did you even go to college? Do you know anybody going to college? Do you know anybody who’s been to college?
The majority of Republicans believe college is bad for America.
All U.S. coins bear the inscription, “In God We Trust,” and that’s been the case since 1938, according to the Treasury Department. Now it’s on every bill, as well.

But it might not be there for long, if Democratic college kids have their way.

In a survey conducted by College Pulse for The College Fix, two-thirds of left-leaning college students say the motto should be removed from all U.S. currency, while only 6% of Republican students agree that it should go.
Two-thirds of college Democrats want ‘In God We Trust’ removed from U.S. currency — hardly any Republicans agree

But we remain one nation under God, and the last act of President Abraham Lincoln when he was in office was to secure our national motto "In God We Trust" on a coin, his last act in Congress.
Bachmann: Abraham Lincoln ALMOST DIED, but added "In God We Trust" to American currency


As the Civil War drew to its end, Confederate General Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant on April 9, 1865 — Palm Sunday — near Appomattox Court House. Then, four days later, on April 14 — Good Friday — President Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theatre. He would die the next day.
Abraham Lincoln Was Shot on Good Friday. Some Thought It Was Fate
Why do you care? Did you even go to college? Do you know anybody going to college? Do you know anybody who’s been to college?
The majority of Republicans believe college is bad for America.

All U.S. coins bear the inscription, “In God We Trust,” and that’s been the case since 1938, according to the Treasury Department. Now it’s on every bill, as well.

But it might not be there for long, if Democratic college kids have their way.

In a survey conducted by College Pulse for The College Fix, two-thirds of left-leaning college students say the motto should be removed from all U.S. currency, while only 6% of Republican students agree that it should go.
Two-thirds of college Democrats want ‘In God We Trust’ removed from U.S. currency — hardly any Republicans agree

But we remain one nation under God, and the last act of President Abraham Lincoln when he was in office was to secure our national motto "In God We Trust" on a coin, his last act in Congress.
Bachmann: Abraham Lincoln ALMOST DIED, but added "In God We Trust" to American currency


As the Civil War drew to its end, Confederate General Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant on April 9, 1865 — Palm Sunday — near Appomattox Court House. Then, four days later, on April 14 — Good Friday — President Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theatre. He would die the next day.
Abraham Lincoln Was Shot on Good Friday. Some Thought It Was Fate
Why do you care? Did you even go to college? Do you know anybody going to college? Do you know anybody who’s been to college?
The majority of Republicans believe college is bad for America.


Conservatives do believe that

Just read this board
Are we a secular nation or not??
Until Muslims start crowing about employers having to give breaks and prayer rooms to their employees.
Remove God from currency, then we can remove religion from the work place.
Republicans have one God and his name is Donald Trump.

God of adultery.

God of lies

God of child torture

God of dirty air and dirty water

God of the wealthy

The god of the GOP is not the Christian God of tradition.
He is a God with telepathic powers. He is in millions of heads with a single tweet.
Far more powerful than the Shadow King Farouk. ..
You will never escape his grasp into your puny mortal mind!
Republicans have one God and his name is Donald Trump.

God of adultery.

God of lies

God of child torture

God of dirty air and dirty water

God of the wealthy

The god of the GOP is not the Christian God of tradition.
Oh, go take your fuckin' meds.

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