Two-thirds of college Democrats want ‘In God We Trust’ removed from U.S. currency — hardly any Repub

All U.S. coins bear the inscription, “In God We Trust,” and that’s been the case since 1938, according to the Treasury Department. Now it’s on every bill, as well.

But it might not be there for long, if Democratic college kids have their way.

In a survey conducted by College Pulse for The College Fix, two-thirds of left-leaning college students say the motto should be removed from all U.S. currency, while only 6% of Republican students agree that it should go.
Two-thirds of college Democrats want ‘In God We Trust’ removed from U.S. currency — hardly any Republicans agree

But we remain one nation under God, and the last act of President Abraham Lincoln when he was in office was to secure our national motto "In God We Trust" on a coin, his last act in Congress.
Bachmann: Abraham Lincoln ALMOST DIED, but added "In God We Trust" to American currency


As the Civil War drew to its end, Confederate General Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant on April 9, 1865 — Palm Sunday — near Appomattox Court House. Then, four days later, on April 14 — Good Friday — President Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theatre. He would die the next day.
Abraham Lincoln Was Shot on Good Friday. Some Thought It Was Fate
100 percent of the thread premise fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.
All U.S. coins bear the inscription, “In God We Trust,” and that’s been the case since 1938, according to the Treasury Department. Now it’s on every bill, as well.

But it might not be there for long, if Democratic college kids have their way.

In a survey conducted by College Pulse for The College Fix, two-thirds of left-leaning college students say the motto should be removed from all U.S. currency, while only 6% of Republican students agree that it should go.
Two-thirds of college Democrats want ‘In God We Trust’ removed from U.S. currency — hardly any Republicans agree

But we remain one nation under God, and the last act of President Abraham Lincoln when he was in office was to secure our national motto "In God We Trust" on a coin, his last act in Congress.
Bachmann: Abraham Lincoln ALMOST DIED, but added "In God We Trust" to American currency


As the Civil War drew to its end, Confederate General Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant on April 9, 1865 — Palm Sunday — near Appomattox Court House. Then, four days later, on April 14 — Good Friday — President Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theatre. He would die the next day.
Abraham Lincoln Was Shot on Good Friday. Some Thought It Was Fate
100 percent of the thread premise fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.

It took you all morning to come up with your same redundant crap.
I wrote it on my credit/debit cards b/c I didn't want to feel disconnected from God when buying shit.
All U.S. coins bear the inscription, “In God We Trust,” and that’s been the case since 1938, according to the Treasury Department. Now it’s on every bill, as well.

But it might not be there for long, if Democratic college kids have their way.

In a survey conducted by College Pulse for The College Fix, two-thirds of left-leaning college students say the motto should be removed from all U.S. currency, while only 6% of Republican students agree that it should go.
Two-thirds of college Democrats want ‘In God We Trust’ removed from U.S. currency — hardly any Republicans agree

But we remain one nation under God, and the last act of President Abraham Lincoln when he was in office was to secure our national motto "In God We Trust" on a coin, his last act in Congress.
Bachmann: Abraham Lincoln ALMOST DIED, but added "In God We Trust" to American currency


As the Civil War drew to its end, Confederate General Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant on April 9, 1865 — Palm Sunday — near Appomattox Court House. Then, four days later, on April 14 — Good Friday — President Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theatre. He would die the next day.
Abraham Lincoln Was Shot on Good Friday. Some Thought It Was Fate
100 percent of the thread premise fails as a hasty generalization fallacy.
100 percent of your posts fail the know-it-all blowhard fallacy.
When your rent is due, pray to God.

Why so hostile?

Because its really in MONEY WE TRUST. I also get sick of Evangelicals involved in politics.

They get tired of atheists in politics.

Are we a secular nation or not??
We are.

And it’s neither ‘un-American’ nor ‘anti-religion’ to advocate for the removal of ‘in god we trust’ from our currency – in fact, it's very American and pro-religion.
Pissing and moaning about what is or isn't on our money while we spend ourselves into oblivion seems pretty fucking stupid to me, but whatever. Do you think the future generations picking up this tab give a shit if the money they'll forced to fork over is pretty, woke, or less offensive?

Gosh, it really sucks having to pay for the astronomical debt you saddled us with, but it's somehow not as bad since the money doesn't say God & lacks Harriet Tubman's mug.
"In God We Trust" was only added to paper money during the Cold War.

When the opposing ideology was one of State Mandated Atheism.

So, now, why the hostility to religion?

It reveals, once again, that the idea of Multiculturalism, was always a lie.

It was always meant to be an assault on Traditional American Culture.

It was mainly opposing the "godless communists".

I didn't say anything about being hostile to religion. I simply remarked on when it was added to our paper currency. It replaced "E. Pluribus Unum".

Two Thirds of college democrats ARE hostile.
"In God We Trust" was only added to paper money during the Cold War.

When the opposing ideology was one of State Mandated Atheism.

So, now, why the hostility to religion?

It reveals, once again, that the idea of Multiculturalism, was always a lie.

It was always meant to be an assault on Traditional American Culture.

It was mainly opposing the "godless communists".

I didn't say anything about being hostile to religion. I simply remarked on when it was added to our paper currency. It replaced "E. Pluribus Unum".

Two Thirds of college democrats ARE hostile.

Eh, you could be right. Doesn't bother me a lot. Kinda like taking "IGWT" off our currency. As someone said, it seems a minor problem in relation to others we are facing.
"In God We Trust" was only added to paper money during the Cold War.

When the opposing ideology was one of State Mandated Atheism.

So, now, why the hostility to religion?

It reveals, once again, that the idea of Multiculturalism, was always a lie.

It was always meant to be an assault on Traditional American Culture.

It was mainly opposing the "godless communists".

I didn't say anything about being hostile to religion. I simply remarked on when it was added to our paper currency. It replaced "E. Pluribus Unum".

Two Thirds of college democrats ARE hostile.

Eh, you could be right. Doesn't bother me a lot. Kinda like taking "IGWT" off our currency. As someone said, it seems a minor problem in relation to others we are facing.

It is a symbol of Traditional American culture.

And the majority of young dems are hostile to it.

The peaceful everyone existing together future the multiculturalists promised US, is turning out to be a big fat lie.

What happens when Traditional Americans realized that they were lied to, are now the minority and will now be shit on and expected to like it?
"In God We Trust" was only added to paper money during the Cold War.

When the opposing ideology was one of State Mandated Atheism.

So, now, why the hostility to religion?

It reveals, once again, that the idea of Multiculturalism, was always a lie.

It was always meant to be an assault on Traditional American Culture.

It was mainly opposing the "godless communists".

I didn't say anything about being hostile to religion. I simply remarked on when it was added to our paper currency. It replaced "E. Pluribus Unum".

Two Thirds of college democrats ARE hostile.

Stupid as stumps too
When your rent is due, pray to God.
Here is what happened. The baby boomers like other generations partied as youngsters. Partied a hundred times more in fact. With the added twist of massive sexing. So before marriage at the clubs, the beaches, the mountains drinking and drugging and having a damn old good time. But many did not stop. Hell the partying is still going on for some in their 60's and 70's that did not stop or slow down at all. Generation X even expanded on it but are more pragmatic. The millenium generation has many who believes they are totally owed and because they are much more diverse have a politically driven hatred for the older ones. And the partying goe on and on and on...So God took a breather forced on us by the elites. Lets face it....partay is cooler then being responsible anyday isn't it? Because you certainly did not replace God with any personal responsibilities.

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