Two Thirds of the Great Barrier Reef Bleached

You are the one peddling bullshit, boy.

Boy? I am laughing in your wrinkled old liberal whore face...

Temperature is only one of multiple causes of bleaching...figures you hysterical old women would go straight to the one that your cult priests tell you. idiots...each and every one of you.
SSo DDumb, ever hear of links? Or do you realize that you are so full of shit that there are no credible links for your nonsense.

Sorry is you who is pushing nonsense...tell me, are you really going to claim that the items I listed above weren't public statements made by either the climate science community, or in the mainstream media to which the climate science community made no attempt to correct the statement?

And as to the Great Barrier Reef....for all the hand wringing hysteria...and supposedly "expert" assessment, can you tell me what percentage of the bleaching was due to storms.... and what percent was due to attack by crown of thorns starfish.... what percentage was due to exposure due to very low tides....can you tell me the depth to which the bleaching occurred.....and did they mention in that supposedly "expert" analysis that bleaching isn't the same as dying....not by a long shot?...

The answer to all those questions would be a resounding NO...because it wasn't an expert analysis..which would have determined the answers to those questions before the public ever heard about was just one more example of hysterical hand wringing, sky is falling, pseudoscientific bullshit.
You are the one peddling bullshit, boy.

Coral bleaching - GBRMPA

What causes coral bleaching
The main cause of coral bleaching is heat stress resulting from high sea temperatures.Temperature increases of only one degree celsius for only four weeks can trigger bleaching events.

If these temperatures persist for longer periods (eight weeks or more) corals begin to die. High water temperatures can affect reefs at regional and global scale.

Other stressors can also cause bleaching, including freshwater inundation (low salinity) and poor water quality from sediment or pollutant run-off.

When you see bleaching events that affect corals all over the globe at the same time, about the only common factor is water temperature.

Where's the links to the scientific studies with control groups and things like that?

PS: Bleaching doesn't mean the coral's going to die.

There are none...there is only liberal hysterical handwaving and proclamations of doom by their prophets and high priests.
Once the coral has been bleached long enough and become covered with algea, they are dead. A back to back bleaching event like we are seeing with the Great Barrier Reef is the beginning of that process.

Things change, baby. Giving money to globalists in the name of "Climate Change" is not going to stop that.

The things I have to ask is: Were there studies done on the PPM of Nitrogen, or Phosphorous, Bacteria, etc. in addition to the temp of the water?

You do know more Nitrogen in da wawa = more Algae, correct?

I want to see a link to a controlled experiment proving Coral bleaching is due to solely water temperature changes, please.

Now in what way are we giving money to globalists? That is just a diversion because you are unable to show that the adverse affects of Global Warming is not happening. Such answers on your part simply demonstrate how intellectually lazy you are.

You reply to my post without providing links to a scientific study after I request it, and have the gall to call me intellectually lazy?

Provide a scientific study supporting your claim or be laughed at.
Now in what way are we giving money to globalists? That is just a diversion because you are unable to show that the adverse affects of Global Warming is not happening. Such answers on your part simply demonstrate how intellectually lazy you are.

There are no adverse effects to warming because there is no warming...the only place that warming has happened in the past 2 decades is in computer models and tortured data sets.
The Great Barrier Reef is estimated 9,000 years old. They aren't the polar bears that capture the popular attention...but they are the habitat and engines for a huge ecosystem. Ya...there's no global warming:lalala:

Great Barrier Reef at 'terminal stage': scientists despair at latest coral bleaching data

Scientists with the Australian Research Council’s Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies last week completed aerial surveys of the world’s largest living structure, scoring bleaching at 800 individual coral reefs across 8,000km.

The results show the two consecutive mass bleaching events have affected a 1,500km stretch, leaving only the reef’s southern third unscathed.

Where last year’s bleaching was concentrated in the reef’s northern third, the 2017 event spread further south, and was most intense in the middle section of the Great Barrier Reef. This year’s mass bleaching, second in severity only to 2016, has occurred even in the absence of an El Niño event.

Mass bleaching – a phenomenon caused by global warming-induced rises to sea surface temperatures – has occurred on the reef four times in recorded history.

Prof Terry Hughes, who led the surveys, said the length of time coral needed to recover – about 10 years for fast-growing types – raised serious concerns about the increasing frequency of mass bleaching events.

“The significance of bleaching this year is that it’s back to back, so there’s been zero time for recovery,” Hughes told the Guardian. “It’s too early yet to tell what the full death toll will be from this year’s bleaching, but clearly it will extend 500km south of last year’s bleaching.”

Coyote, if you told these Gore conspiracy nuts that that the arctic ice has completely melted due to global warming, they would just tell you how much easier will be be from now on to drill oil wells at the North pole, or, that your thermometer is upside down. I gave up years ago, and reverted to my (former) inner republican, and now, just smile, and say, "That's ok, because I won't live to see the result of all this".:dunno:
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Now in what way are we giving money to globalists? That is just a diversion because you are unable to show that the adverse affects of Global Warming is not happening. Such answers on your part simply demonstrate how intellectually lazy you are.

There are no adverse effects to warming because there is no warming...the only place that warming has happened in the past 2 decades is in computer models and tortured data sets.
There's other reefs. :)

The World's 10 Most Amazing Coral Reefs (PHOTOS)

They may not compare in size. Has anyone ever considered it could be bacteria or fertilizer runoff killing the reefs? Aye?

Or is it just the quick jump to: Zomg! Global warmin's doin' it!

World's oceans facing biggest coral die-off in history, scientists warn

Since 2014, a massive underwater heatwave, driven by climate change, has caused corals to lose their brilliance and die in every ocean. By the end of this year 38% of the world’s reefs will have been affected. About 5% will have died forever.
Now in what way are we giving money to globalists? That is just a diversion because you are unable to show that the adverse affects of Global Warming is not happening. Such answers on your part simply demonstrate how intellectually lazy you are.

There are no adverse effects to warming because there is no warming...the only place that warming has happened in the past 2 decades is in computer models and tortured data sets.
There's other reefs. :)

The World's 10 Most Amazing Coral Reefs (PHOTOS)

They may not compare in size. Has anyone ever considered it could be bacteria or fertilizer runoff killing the reefs? Aye?

Or is it just the quick jump to: Zomg! Global warmin's doin' it!

World's oceans facing biggest coral die-off in history, scientists warn

Since 2014, a massive underwater heatwave, driven by climate change, has caused corals to lose their brilliance and die in every ocean. By the end of this year 38% of the world’s reefs will have been affected. About 5% will have died forever.

Coral can be cultured in Aquariums, just like pearls.
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  • #28
Now in what way are we giving money to globalists? That is just a diversion because you are unable to show that the adverse affects of Global Warming is not happening. Such answers on your part simply demonstrate how intellectually lazy you are.

There are no adverse effects to warming because there is no warming...the only place that warming has happened in the past 2 decades is in computer models and tortured data sets.
There's other reefs. :)

The World's 10 Most Amazing Coral Reefs (PHOTOS)

They may not compare in size. Has anyone ever considered it could be bacteria or fertilizer runoff killing the reefs? Aye?

Or is it just the quick jump to: Zomg! Global warmin's doin' it!

World's oceans facing biggest coral die-off in history, scientists warn

Since 2014, a massive underwater heatwave, driven by climate change, has caused corals to lose their brilliance and die in every ocean. By the end of this year 38% of the world’s reefs will have been affected. About 5% will have died forever.

Coral can be cultured in Aquariums, just like pearls.

There are corals thousands of years old, approximately one quarter of marine species depend on corals for food or habitat. A record number of coral species are considered endangered. It's great that they can be cultured in aquariums - but it's not going to do much good if there isn't a sustainable habitat for them.
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  • #29
You are the one peddling bullshit, boy.

Boy? I am laughing in your wrinkled old liberal whore face...

Temperature is only one of multiple causes of bleaching...figures you hysterical old women would go straight to the one that your cult priests tell you. idiots...each and every one of you.

Why does coral bleaching happen?
Elevated sea temperatures — often "thanks" to climate change — are the biggest culprits when it comes to coral bleaching. El Niño also plays a role in heating up ocean waters. “The bleaching activity this year was actually predicted last year because of the El Niño cycle that began in mid-2009,” says Wear.

But it can be a perfect storm of stress factors, like the ones listed below, that lead to significant bleaching events:

* Extra-bright sunlight, especially when combined with the aforementioned extra-warm seawater

* Disease

* Pollution from urban or agricultural run-off

* Changes in the salinity, or saltiness, of seawater

* Sedimentation from undersea activities like dredging
SSo DDumb, ever hear of links? Or do you realize that you are so full of shit that there are no credible links for your nonsense.

Sorry is you who is pushing nonsense...tell me, are you really going to claim that the items I listed above weren't public statements made by either the climate science community, or in the mainstream media to which the climate science community made no attempt to correct the statement?

And as to the Great Barrier Reef....for all the hand wringing hysteria...and supposedly "expert" assessment, can you tell me what percentage of the bleaching was due to storms.... and what percent was due to attack by crown of thorns starfish.... what percentage was due to exposure due to very low tides....can you tell me the depth to which the bleaching occurred.....and did they mention in that supposedly "expert" analysis that bleaching isn't the same as dying....not by a long shot?...

The answer to all those questions would be a resounding NO...because it wasn't an expert analysis..which would have determined the answers to those questions before the public ever heard about was just one more example of hysterical hand wringing, sky is falling, pseudoscientific bullshit.
You are the one peddling bullshit, boy.

Coral bleaching - GBRMPA

What causes coral bleaching
The main cause of coral bleaching is heat stress resulting from high sea temperatures.Temperature increases of only one degree celsius for only four weeks can trigger bleaching events.

If these temperatures persist for longer periods (eight weeks or more) corals begin to die. High water temperatures can affect reefs at regional and global scale.

Other stressors can also cause bleaching, including freshwater inundation (low salinity) and poor water quality from sediment or pollutant run-off.

When you see bleaching events that affect corals all over the globe at the same time, about the only common factor is water temperature.

Where's the links to the scientific studies with control groups and things like that?

PS: Bleaching doesn't mean the coral's going to die.

There are none...there is only liberal hysterical handwaving and proclamations of doom by their prophets and high priests.
This is just more of the same unsubstantiated hype. Coral "bleaching".
They say corals can live only within a limited temperature range.
The Nature Conservancy
"corals have a limited temperature range within which they can live,
Starting with a statement that is true and then expanding it to attach the hyped claim that we are exceeding that temperature without having to specify what that temperature might be and what the actual temperature is at the present.
Then the use of the word "bleaching" implying there is some aggressive chemical action in progress that we have caused.
On the surface, coral bleaching looks exactly like what you’re envisioning right now: white, bleached-out coral reefs
There you go, this is what you are supposed to "envision". something like a KKK guy dumping a jug of Javex over a black lives matter black guy.
In reality white coral just lack the colored algae that live on their tissue surface.
“The first thing to understand is that corals get their brilliant colors from tiny algae that live in their tissues
So everybody who is not a colored person was bleached and polar bears have also been bleached by "excessively warm water".
And then again they scream global warming when there are big blooms of colored algae showing up on satellite imagery.
Harmful Algal Blooms
Harmful Algal Blooms
Tiny Plants with a Toxic Punch

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  • #31
SSo DDumb, ever hear of links? Or do you realize that you are so full of shit that there are no credible links for your nonsense.

Sorry is you who is pushing nonsense...tell me, are you really going to claim that the items I listed above weren't public statements made by either the climate science community, or in the mainstream media to which the climate science community made no attempt to correct the statement?

And as to the Great Barrier Reef....for all the hand wringing hysteria...and supposedly "expert" assessment, can you tell me what percentage of the bleaching was due to storms.... and what percent was due to attack by crown of thorns starfish.... what percentage was due to exposure due to very low tides....can you tell me the depth to which the bleaching occurred.....and did they mention in that supposedly "expert" analysis that bleaching isn't the same as dying....not by a long shot?...

The answer to all those questions would be a resounding NO...because it wasn't an expert analysis..which would have determined the answers to those questions before the public ever heard about was just one more example of hysterical hand wringing, sky is falling, pseudoscientific bullshit.
You are the one peddling bullshit, boy.

Coral bleaching - GBRMPA

What causes coral bleaching
The main cause of coral bleaching is heat stress resulting from high sea temperatures.Temperature increases of only one degree celsius for only four weeks can trigger bleaching events.

If these temperatures persist for longer periods (eight weeks or more) corals begin to die. High water temperatures can affect reefs at regional and global scale.

Other stressors can also cause bleaching, including freshwater inundation (low salinity) and poor water quality from sediment or pollutant run-off.

When you see bleaching events that affect corals all over the globe at the same time, about the only common factor is water temperature.

Where's the links to the scientific studies with control groups and things like that?

PS: Bleaching doesn't mean the coral's going to die.

There are none...there is only liberal hysterical handwaving and proclamations of doom by their prophets and high priests.
This is just more of the same unsubstantiated hype. Coral "bleaching".
They say corals can live only within a limited temperature range.
The Nature Conservancy
"corals have a limited temperature range within which they can live,
Starting with a statement that is true and then expanding it to attach the hyped claim that we are exceeding that temperature without having to specify what that temperature might be and what the actual temperature is at the present.
Then the use of the word "bleaching" implying there is some aggressive chemical action in progress that we have caused.
On the surface, coral bleaching looks exactly like what you’re envisioning right now: white, bleached-out coral reefs
There you go, this is what you are supposed to "envision". something like a KKK guy dumping a jug of Javex over a black lives matter black guy.
In reality white coral just lack the colored algae that live on their tissue surface.
“The first thing to understand is that corals get their brilliant colors from tiny algae that live in their tissues
So everybody who is not a colored person was bleached and polar bears have also been bleached by "excessively warm water".
And then again they scream global warming when there are big blooms of colored algae showing up on satellite imagery.
Harmful Algal Blooms
Harmful Algal Blooms
Tiny Plants with a Toxic Punch


That's silly.

Coral bleaching is a term that refers to coral when it is stressed enough to eject the algae that gives it the colors.
SSo DDumb, ever hear of links? Or do you realize that you are so full of shit that there are no credible links for your nonsense.

Sorry is you who is pushing nonsense...tell me, are you really going to claim that the items I listed above weren't public statements made by either the climate science community, or in the mainstream media to which the climate science community made no attempt to correct the statement?

And as to the Great Barrier Reef....for all the hand wringing hysteria...and supposedly "expert" assessment, can you tell me what percentage of the bleaching was due to storms.... and what percent was due to attack by crown of thorns starfish.... what percentage was due to exposure due to very low tides....can you tell me the depth to which the bleaching occurred.....and did they mention in that supposedly "expert" analysis that bleaching isn't the same as dying....not by a long shot?...

The answer to all those questions would be a resounding NO...because it wasn't an expert analysis..which would have determined the answers to those questions before the public ever heard about was just one more example of hysterical hand wringing, sky is falling, pseudoscientific bullshit.
You are the one peddling bullshit, boy.

Coral bleaching - GBRMPA

What causes coral bleaching
The main cause of coral bleaching is heat stress resulting from high sea temperatures.Temperature increases of only one degree celsius for only four weeks can trigger bleaching events.

If these temperatures persist for longer periods (eight weeks or more) corals begin to die. High water temperatures can affect reefs at regional and global scale.

Other stressors can also cause bleaching, including freshwater inundation (low salinity) and poor water quality from sediment or pollutant run-off.

When you see bleaching events that affect corals all over the globe at the same time, about the only common factor is water temperature.

Where's the links to the scientific studies with control groups and things like that?

PS: Bleaching doesn't mean the coral's going to die.

There are none...there is only liberal hysterical handwaving and proclamations of doom by their prophets and high priests.
This is just more of the same unsubstantiated hype. Coral "bleaching".
They say corals can live only within a limited temperature range.
The Nature Conservancy
"corals have a limited temperature range within which they can live,
Starting with a statement that is true and then expanding it to attach the hyped claim that we are exceeding that temperature without having to specify what that temperature might be and what the actual temperature is at the present.
Then the use of the word "bleaching" implying there is some aggressive chemical action in progress that we have caused.
On the surface, coral bleaching looks exactly like what you’re envisioning right now: white, bleached-out coral reefs
There you go, this is what you are supposed to "envision". something like a KKK guy dumping a jug of Javex over a black lives matter black guy.
In reality white coral just lack the colored algae that live on their tissue surface.
“The first thing to understand is that corals get their brilliant colors from tiny algae that live in their tissues
So everybody who is not a colored person was bleached and polar bears have also been bleached by "excessively warm water".
And then again they scream global warming when there are big blooms of colored algae showing up on satellite imagery.
Harmful Algal Blooms
Harmful Algal Blooms
Tiny Plants with a Toxic Punch

That does not even make sense.
because coral bleaching started during the industrial revolution!

When thousands of child labourers were sent to Australia to bleach that coral.

So, we have another really dumb cocksuck that cannot stay on subject. The people here that actually are reading the science on this issue have presented articles concerning the affects of elevated ocean temperatures on the coral, and all you present is nonsense. You lack of intellect is obvious.
So, we have another really dumb cocksuck that cannot stay on subject. The people here that actually are reading the science on this issue have presented articles concerning the affects of elevated ocean temperatures on the coral, and all you present is nonsense. You lack of intellect is obvious.

And we have the same old vulgar liberal whores promoting the same old unsubstantiated pseudoscientific bullshit. I can't help but note that you answered none of my questions regarding the state of the coral and the degree to which it was bleached...which would indicate what caused the bleaching...that would be because the so called expert analysis wasn' was just hysterical handwaving and nothing more.
I just cant understand how people still use GW and climate change as if they are the same thing...
I just cant understand how people still use GW and climate change as if they are the same thing...
Climate change is a better rubber word. You can stretch and use it for almost everything including abnormally cold winter conditions and blizzards. GW is not as good as a propaganda sound byte for these events as "climate change"
Do people really believe that our earth on it's own is entirely static, and nothing would ever change except that man fucks it up?

Because that is a juvenile and uneducated belief. Which is the hallmark of the "global warming" hysterics.
Flap yap from a low IQ that cannot even bother to back it up with real science. Go hold some ducks hostage or something.

The bleaching of coral is being measured in every ocean by many different scientists from many different nations.

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