Two Thirds of the Great Barrier Reef Bleached

Flap yap from a low IQ that cannot even bother to back it up with real science. Go hold some ducks hostage or something.

The bleaching of coral is being measured in every ocean by many different scientists from many different nations.

And bleaching of coral is a perfectly natural has always happened and it always will...

And as to real science...I am still waiting for one of you glassy eyed cultist to post a single shred of observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence that supports AGW over natural variability...I have been asking for decades and not one of you have managed the first scrap of such claim that plenty of it has been posted, but you don't seem to be able to find it when asked...and what you post as evidence is at best, evidence that the climate has changed with an opinion that man is the cause tacked on...that is about as good as you can manage.

And let me make a prediction...rather than slap me down and make me your bitch with a single shred of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports AGW over natural will make some idiot remark...probably involving name calling or references to my intelligence, and post a link to some glassy eyed chanting cult dogma hoping that it will fool someone, and not, in fact, post a single shred of observed, measured quantified evidence supporting AGW over natural variabiliy.
Global warming creates climate change. Melt the Arctic Ice and the result is that the climate in some places changes.

How many more times are we supposed to watch that popeye`s wife olive oil video yo keep posting?
It will never get the number of views as the videos that debunk this crap get no matter how often you post it.
Good luck at convincing conservatives of anything....They believe that we humans are just puppets and shouldn't worry about our planet.

Close minded fools.
Sorry is you who is pushing nonsense...tell me, are you really going to claim that the items I listed above weren't public statements made by either the climate science community, or in the mainstream media to which the climate science community made no attempt to correct the statement?

And as to the Great Barrier Reef....for all the hand wringing hysteria...and supposedly "expert" assessment, can you tell me what percentage of the bleaching was due to storms.... and what percent was due to attack by crown of thorns starfish.... what percentage was due to exposure due to very low tides....can you tell me the depth to which the bleaching occurred.....and did they mention in that supposedly "expert" analysis that bleaching isn't the same as dying....not by a long shot?...

The answer to all those questions would be a resounding NO...because it wasn't an expert analysis..which would have determined the answers to those questions before the public ever heard about was just one more example of hysterical hand wringing, sky is falling, pseudoscientific bullshit.
You are the one peddling bullshit, boy.

Coral bleaching - GBRMPA

What causes coral bleaching
The main cause of coral bleaching is heat stress resulting from high sea temperatures.Temperature increases of only one degree celsius for only four weeks can trigger bleaching events.

If these temperatures persist for longer periods (eight weeks or more) corals begin to die. High water temperatures can affect reefs at regional and global scale.

Other stressors can also cause bleaching, including freshwater inundation (low salinity) and poor water quality from sediment or pollutant run-off.

When you see bleaching events that affect corals all over the globe at the same time, about the only common factor is water temperature.

Where's the links to the scientific studies with control groups and things like that?

PS: Bleaching doesn't mean the coral's going to die.

There are none...there is only liberal hysterical handwaving and proclamations of doom by their prophets and high priests.
This is just more of the same unsubstantiated hype. Coral "bleaching".
They say corals can live only within a limited temperature range.
The Nature Conservancy
"corals have a limited temperature range within which they can live,
Starting with a statement that is true and then expanding it to attach the hyped claim that we are exceeding that temperature without having to specify what that temperature might be and what the actual temperature is at the present.
Then the use of the word "bleaching" implying there is some aggressive chemical action in progress that we have caused.
On the surface, coral bleaching looks exactly like what you’re envisioning right now: white, bleached-out coral reefs
There you go, this is what you are supposed to "envision". something like a KKK guy dumping a jug of Javex over a black lives matter black guy.
In reality white coral just lack the colored algae that live on their tissue surface.
“The first thing to understand is that corals get their brilliant colors from tiny algae that live in their tissues
So everybody who is not a colored person was bleached and polar bears have also been bleached by "excessively warm water".
And then again they scream global warming when there are big blooms of colored algae showing up on satellite imagery.
Harmful Algal Blooms
Harmful Algal Blooms
Tiny Plants with a Toxic Punch


That's silly.

Coral bleaching is a term that refers to coral when it is stressed enough to eject the algae that gives it the colors.
That`s laughable. The word bleaching stood for the chemical process it takes to remove or alter the chromophore part of a molecule until the wackos needed a phrase to equate the lack of pigment in coral to OhmyGod global warming = bleaching living things.
On a 1 to 10 fire alarm bell scale your definition "it is stressed out enough to reject algae" ranks even higher.
Happy algae floats around looking for coral to cuddle up to...and the coral ejects it because it`s too stressed out to entertain guests....because it feels too hot since the missing heat has been hiding in the ocean.
And just a few days ago your the end times are upon us team mates said the coral is "bleached" because there is less colored algae floating around.
You are the one peddling bullshit, boy.

Coral bleaching - GBRMPA

What causes coral bleaching
The main cause of coral bleaching is heat stress resulting from high sea temperatures.Temperature increases of only one degree celsius for only four weeks can trigger bleaching events.

If these temperatures persist for longer periods (eight weeks or more) corals begin to die. High water temperatures can affect reefs at regional and global scale.

Other stressors can also cause bleaching, including freshwater inundation (low salinity) and poor water quality from sediment or pollutant run-off.

When you see bleaching events that affect corals all over the globe at the same time, about the only common factor is water temperature.

Where's the links to the scientific studies with control groups and things like that?

PS: Bleaching doesn't mean the coral's going to die.

There are none...there is only liberal hysterical handwaving and proclamations of doom by their prophets and high priests.
This is just more of the same unsubstantiated hype. Coral "bleaching".
They say corals can live only within a limited temperature range.
The Nature Conservancy
"corals have a limited temperature range within which they can live,
Starting with a statement that is true and then expanding it to attach the hyped claim that we are exceeding that temperature without having to specify what that temperature might be and what the actual temperature is at the present.
Then the use of the word "bleaching" implying there is some aggressive chemical action in progress that we have caused.
On the surface, coral bleaching looks exactly like what you’re envisioning right now: white, bleached-out coral reefs
There you go, this is what you are supposed to "envision". something like a KKK guy dumping a jug of Javex over a black lives matter black guy.
In reality white coral just lack the colored algae that live on their tissue surface.
“The first thing to understand is that corals get their brilliant colors from tiny algae that live in their tissues
So everybody who is not a colored person was bleached and polar bears have also been bleached by "excessively warm water".
And then again they scream global warming when there are big blooms of colored algae showing up on satellite imagery.
Harmful Algal Blooms
Harmful Algal Blooms
Tiny Plants with a Toxic Punch


That's silly.

Coral bleaching is a term that refers to coral when it is stressed enough to eject the algae that gives it the colors.
That`s laughable. The word bleaching stood for the chemical process it takes to remove or alter the chromophore part of a molecule until the wackos needed a phrase to equate the lack of pigment in coral to OhmyGod global warming = bleaching living things.
On a 1 to 10 fire alarm bell scale your definition "it is stressed out enough to reject algae" ranks even higher.
Happy algae floats around looking for coral to cuddle up to...and the coral ejects it because it`s too stressed out to entertain guests....because it feels too hot since the missing heat has been hiding in the ocean.
And just a few days ago your the end times are upon us team mates said the coral is "bleached" because there is less colored algae floating around.

You're still being ridiculous here, not sure why but let's give it another go. Bleaching - removing color. Whatever you decide to call it, you miss the point.

Coral and algae have a symbiotic relationship. When conditions cause them to eject the algae, they will eventually deteriorate or die off unless conditions improve. They can survive short term but not long term.
Despite increasing confirmation of the Adaptive Bleaching Hypothesis and its ability to explain coral resilience, most people are unaware of its debate within the scientific community. The ability to rapidly adjust to changing environments by modifying their symbiotic partnerships has been the key to their success for millions of years. As one expert wrote, the “flexibility in coral–algal symbiosis is likely to be a principal factor underlying the evolutionary success of these organisms”.
Where's the links to the scientific studies with control groups and things like that?

PS: Bleaching doesn't mean the coral's going to die.

There are none...there is only liberal hysterical handwaving and proclamations of doom by their prophets and high priests.
This is just more of the same unsubstantiated hype. Coral "bleaching".
They say corals can live only within a limited temperature range.
The Nature Conservancy
"corals have a limited temperature range within which they can live,
Starting with a statement that is true and then expanding it to attach the hyped claim that we are exceeding that temperature without having to specify what that temperature might be and what the actual temperature is at the present.
Then the use of the word "bleaching" implying there is some aggressive chemical action in progress that we have caused.
On the surface, coral bleaching looks exactly like what you’re envisioning right now: white, bleached-out coral reefs
There you go, this is what you are supposed to "envision". something like a KKK guy dumping a jug of Javex over a black lives matter black guy.
In reality white coral just lack the colored algae that live on their tissue surface.
“The first thing to understand is that corals get their brilliant colors from tiny algae that live in their tissues
So everybody who is not a colored person was bleached and polar bears have also been bleached by "excessively warm water".
And then again they scream global warming when there are big blooms of colored algae showing up on satellite imagery.
Harmful Algal Blooms
Harmful Algal Blooms
Tiny Plants with a Toxic Punch


That's silly.

Coral bleaching is a term that refers to coral when it is stressed enough to eject the algae that gives it the colors.
That`s laughable. The word bleaching stood for the chemical process it takes to remove or alter the chromophore part of a molecule until the wackos needed a phrase to equate the lack of pigment in coral to OhmyGod global warming = bleaching living things.
On a 1 to 10 fire alarm bell scale your definition "it is stressed out enough to reject algae" ranks even higher.
Happy algae floats around looking for coral to cuddle up to...and the coral ejects it because it`s too stressed out to entertain guests....because it feels too hot since the missing heat has been hiding in the ocean.
And just a few days ago your the end times are upon us team mates said the coral is "bleached" because there is less colored algae floating around.

You're still being ridiculous here, not sure why but let's give it another go. Bleaching - removing color. Whatever you decide to call it, you miss the point.

Coral and algae have a symbiotic relationship. When conditions cause them to eject the algae, they will eventually deteriorate or die off unless conditions improve. They can survive short term but not long term.
That`s right bleaching removes color. But nothing REMOVED the color from the coral.
It`s white because no color (algae) was deposited in the first place.
So you would have to say global warming prevents the coral from being stained.
But they don`t say that because it`s not the hype-text markup language the GW alarmists patently use.
Like "the coral is too stressed out" . Chicken farmers play soothing muzack in the barn so that their chickens aren`t as stressed out. Maybe some under water muzak helps relieve the stress that freaks out a coral shephard like you?
You still got that bleaching backwards. It`s not been bleached because it does not have stains, like the poop stains in your underwear and none in the underwear of normal people. Their underwear has not been bleached because they use proper sanitation. Try it, you`ll save a lot of Javex which harms the environment
Despite increasing confirmation of the Adaptive Bleaching Hypothesis and its ability to explain coral resilience, most people are unaware of its debate within the scientific community. The ability to rapidly adjust to changing environments by modifying their symbiotic partnerships has been the key to their success for millions of years. As one expert wrote, the “flexibility in coral–algal symbiosis is likely to be a principal factor underlying the evolutionary success of these organisms”.

Strange...with all that sweetness and light...

I wonder why the coral reefs are dying then.

Diver surveys based off Cape York, Australia's northeastern tip, found up to 50 percent mortality in the reef from coral bleaching. Death among the organisms that build the reef's structure is most likely linked to rising temperatures in the ocean, the government announced.
Despite increasing confirmation of the Adaptive Bleaching Hypothesis and its ability to explain coral resilience, most people are unaware of its debate within the scientific community. The ability to rapidly adjust to changing environments by modifying their symbiotic partnerships has been the key to their success for millions of years. As one expert wrote, the “flexibility in coral–algal symbiosis is likely to be a principal factor underlying the evolutionary success of these organisms”.

Strange...with all that sweetness and light...

I wonder why the coral reefs are dying then.

Diver surveys based off Cape York, Australia's northeastern tip, found up to 50 percent mortality in the reef from coral bleaching. Death among the organisms that build the reef's structure is most likely linked to rising temperatures in the ocean, the government announced.

Bleaching isn't dying...and if some reefs are dying, it isn't due to what small bit of warming we have seen...corals evolved to live in oceans that are much warmer than they are at present.

But rather than simply accept alarmist claptrap predictions of the future with no notice of the past, lets take a look at the past.

Zerbini et al., 2017
“Our estimated rates for the northern Mediterranean, a relatively small regional sea, are slightly lower than the global mean rate, + 1.7 ± 0.2 mm/year, recently published in the IPCC AR5 (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 5th Assessment Report) … Our regional results, however, are in close agreement with the global mean rate, + 1.2 mm/year, published by Hay et al. (2015) which is currently being discussed by the oceanographic community.”

McAneney et al., 2017
“Global averaged sea-level rise is estimated at about 1.7 ± 0.2 mm year−1 (Rhein et al. 2013), however, this global average rise ignores any local land movements. Church et al. (2006) and J. A. Church (2016; personal communication) suggest a long-term average rate of relative (ocean relative to land) sea-level rise of ∼1.3 mm year.”

Wenzel and Schröter, 2014
“Global mean sea level change since 1900 is found to be 1.77 ± 0.38 mm year on average. … [T]he acceleration found for the global mean, +0.0042 ± 0.0092 mm year, is not significant“

Now compare that with sea level increase during the middle holocene period which were in excess of 9mm per year.. Between 6500 and 6800 years ago, sea levels were rising at a rate of 1- 2 METERS greater than the present...that would be because it was much warmer during that time than the present...

How did corals as fragile and delicate as you believe them to be survive such rapid change? If corals are dying due to us, it is because of what we are putting in the water...certainly not due to the relatively minuscule change in climate that we have seen. Considering they survived and thrived during the holocene period, it would seem more likely that the presently small rate of sea level rise is causing stress among corals.

In addition several modern studies have found that falling sea levels are causing great harm to corals.

Eghbert et al., 2017
“In September 2015, altimetry data show that sea level was at its lowest in the past 12 years [Indonesia], affecting corals living in the bathymetric range exposed to unusual emersion. In March 2016, Bunaken Island (North Sulawesi) displayed up to 85% mortality on reef flats dominated by Porites, Heliopora and Goniastrea corals with differential mortality rates by coral genus.”
“[R]apid sea level fall could be more important in the dynamics and resilience of Indonesian reef flat communities than previously thought. This study reports coral mortality in Indonesia after an El Niño-induced sea level fall. The fact that sea level fall, or extremely low tides, induces coral mortality is not new, but this study demonstrates that through rapid sea level fall, the 2015–2016 El Niño has impacted Indonesian shallow coral reefs well before high sea surface temperature could trigger any coral bleaching. Sea level fall appears as a major mortality factor for Bunaken Island in North Sulawesi, and altimetry suggests similar impact throughout Indonesia.”

Dechnik et al., 2017
t is generally accepted that relative sea level reached a maximum of 1–1.5 m above present mean sea level (pmsl) by ~7 ka [7,000 years ago] (Lewis et al., 2013).”
“Over the last few decades, the global decline of modern reefs has been linked to environmental and climatic changes in response to anthropogenic activities. However, recent geological and ecological research on fossil reefs in the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) and wider Indo-Pacific identified intervals of significant reef ‘turn-off’ in response to natural environmental forces earlier in their development during the mid- to late Holocene.”
“Increased upwelling, turbidity and cyclone activity in response to increased sea-surface temperature (SST’s), precipitation and El-Nino Southern Oscillation variability have been ruled out as possible mechanisms of reef turn-off for the mid-outer platform reefs. Rather, a fall (~0.5 m) in relative sea level at 4–3.5 ka is the most likely explanation for why reefs in the northern and southern regions turned off during this time.”
“Similar hiatuses in Holocene reef growth were identified in Japan from about 5.9 to 5.8 ka, 4.4 to 4.0 ka and from 3.3 to 3.2 ka. They were attributed to oscillating sea level and relatively cold sea-surface temperatures.”

Meltzner et al., 2017
“Half-metre sea-level fluctuations on centennial timescales from mid-Holocene corals of Southeast Asia … RSL [relative sea level] history between 6850 and 6500 cal years BP that includes two 0.6 m fluctuations, with rates of RSL change reaching 13±4 mm per year.”
“Here RSL rose to an initial peak of +1.9 m [above present] at 6,720 cal years BP, then fell rapidly to a lowstand of +1.3 m, remaining at about that level for ∼100 years, before rising to a second peak at +1.7 m shortly after 6,550 cal years BP. Around 6,480 cal years BP, RSL appears to have fallen again to +1.3 m before rising to a third peak at +1.6 m or higher. … The peak rate of RSL rise, averaged over a 20-year running time window over the period of study (∼6,850–6,500 cal years BP), is +9.6±4.2 mm per year (2σ); the peak rate of RSL fall is −12.6±4.2 mm per year.”
“The central dome of each microatoll grew during a period when RSL was high; RSL then fell rapidly, killing the upper portions of the corals; RSL then stabilized at a lower elevation, forming a series of low concentric annuli ∼0.6 m higher than present-day analogues; RSL [relative sea level] then rose ∼0.6 m in less than a century, allowing the coral to grow upward to 1.2 m higher than modern living corals.”

More and more papers are coming out questioning "consensus" climate science. The ridiculousness of it has become simply unsupportable...everything being due to climate change, and all climate change being due to us with our paltry contribution to atmospheric CO2 is just plain stupid...CO2 as a climate driver simply does not pass the smell test because in the past, ice ages have begun with atmospheric CO2 levels above 1000ppm...modern CO2 is not is the same stuff that has always been around and it didn't cause climate change back then and it isn't causing climate change now...CO2 follows does not drive it.
the reefs wont recover from the bleaching

It never hurts to do a bit of research before making a declarative statement like that..

Reefs Recover From Bleaching

Marine scientists say they are astonished at the spectacular recovery of certain coral reefs in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Marine Park from a devastating coral bleaching event in 2006.

The fact is, and remains, that corals evolved to live in oceans much warmer than the relatively cold period of earth history we live in.
Despite increasing confirmation of the Adaptive Bleaching Hypothesis and its ability to explain coral resilience, most people are unaware of its debate within the scientific community. The ability to rapidly adjust to changing environments by modifying their symbiotic partnerships has been the key to their success for millions of years. As one expert wrote, the “flexibility in coral–algal symbiosis is likely to be a principal factor underlying the evolutionary success of these organisms”.
Given your other 'scientific' statements, how about a link to a credible source for that statement.
the reefs wont recover from the bleaching

It never hurts to do a bit of research before making a declarative statement like that..

Reefs Recover From Bleaching

Marine scientists say they are astonished at the spectacular recovery of certain coral reefs in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Marine Park from a devastating coral bleaching event in 2006.

The fact is, and remains, that corals evolved to live in oceans much warmer than the relatively cold period of earth history we live in.
LOL Gotta love how these 'Conservatives' find new ways of lying.

Reefs Recover From Bleaching

Reefs recover from bleaching

The Great Barrier Reef has recovered much
quicker than scientists expected.
Marine scientists say they are astonished at the spectacular recovery of certain coral reefs in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Marine Park from a devastating coral bleaching event in 2006.

Certain corals, and that was in 2006. Now we have had two major bleaching events back to back. I guess we will have the opportunity to see how well those 'certain' corals do. We already know how the rest do.
Despite increasing confirmation of the Adaptive Bleaching Hypothesis and its ability to explain coral resilience, most people are unaware of its debate within the scientific community. The ability to rapidly adjust to changing environments by modifying their symbiotic partnerships has been the key to their success for millions of years. As one expert wrote, the “flexibility in coral–algal symbiosis is likely to be a principal factor underlying the evolutionary success of these organisms”.
Given your other 'scientific' statements, how about a link to a credible source for that statement.

Sure isn't surprising that you would have no idea of what is going on in actual science...your glassy eyed chanting cult leaders don't give you folks much real science to isn't perceived as a portent of imminent doom, you guys just don't get to hear about it.. & pubs/Kinzie et al.pdf

Adaptive bleaching: A general phenomenon
the reefs wont recover from the bleaching

It never hurts to do a bit of research before making a declarative statement like that..

Reefs Recover From Bleaching

Marine scientists say they are astonished at the spectacular recovery of certain coral reefs in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Marine Park from a devastating coral bleaching event in 2006.

The fact is, and remains, that corals evolved to live in oceans much warmer than the relatively cold period of earth history we live in.
LOL Gotta love how these 'Conservatives' find new ways of lying.

Reefs Recover From Bleaching

Reefs recover from bleaching

The Great Barrier Reef has recovered much
quicker than scientists expected.
Marine scientists say they are astonished at the spectacular recovery of certain coral reefs in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Marine Park from a devastating coral bleaching event in 2006.

Certain corals, and that was in 2006. Now we have had two major bleaching events back to back. I guess we will have the opportunity to see how well those 'certain' corals do. We already know how the rest do.

Again..the rapid recovery is just more evidence supporting the adaptive bleaching hypothesis...

I am not surprised that you are unaware of this...and not surprised that you would ignore millions of years of adaptive evolution in oceans far warmer and more acidic than anything we have seen in order to proclaim your doom and gloom...even if it is all bullshit.

What exactly makes you so damned stupid crick? Go get most any middle schooler to help you look at this graph....and have them point out the areas where the rate of change and magnitude of change are far greater than anything we have seen. It's just need to find someone smarter than yourself (any 5th grader should do) to point it out to you......fool.


And as long as you have their attention, have them point out the same temperature spikes, rate of change and magnitude finger prints that show up in Antarctic ice core reconstructions over the past 10,000 years as well....just so you understand that the changes, both rate, and magnitude were global in nature.


As these graphs clearly point out, corals have lived through far faster, and greater temperature changes than we have seen...millions upon millions of years of adaptive evolution are not going to be brought down by the minor changes we have seen..and any actual scientist would know this...fear mongers however tend to ignore millions of years of history that prove them wrong and play to those who lack the education to see through their BS...
What's the matter crick...can't handle the truth? Face long as you look to climate science, and envirowacos for your information, you are going to be wrong.
What's the matter crick...can't handle the truth?

We've pointed out the rank dishonesty of your cherrypicking tactics before. And you've always run. It's gotten boring. You just lack the guts and ethics for honest debate. You always just run, and then repeat the same debunked nonsense again later. It'squite boring, and you're not worth the time of any honest person.

And that won't ever change. You'll always have to run from us, and we'll always be here laughing when you do. You've hitched your wagon to a retard propaganda cult, so retard propaganda is all you have. All the science flatly contradicts your cult dogma, so fraud and cherrypicking are you only options.

So, how do you handle the constant humiliation? I mean, besides drinking heavily and weeping at us.
What's the matter crick...can't handle the truth?

We've pointed out the rank dishonesty of your cherrypicking tactics before. And you've always run. It's gotten boring. You just lack the guts and ethics for honest debate. You always just run, and then repeat the same debunked nonsense again later. It'squite boring, and you're not worth the time of any honest person.

And that won't ever change. You'll always have to run from us, and we'll always be here laughing when you do. You've hitched your wagon to a retard propaganda cult, so retard propaganda is all you have. All the science flatly contradicts your cult dogma, so fraud and cherrypicking are you only options.

So, how do you handle the constant humiliation? I mean, besides drinking heavily and weeping at us.

Sorry hairball...projecting your methods on me won't make you less of an as swipe...and it won't lessen the humiliation you feel that prompts you to project it onto others...

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