TX (R) Congr'man, ex-CIA, "TRUMP actively participated in Russian disinformation"


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018
This TEXAS Republican really ISN'T a REP! And he really wasn't an undercover CIA officer. On your mark, get set, GO....

GOP congressman: Trump ‘actively participated in a Russian disinformation campaign’


20 JUL 2018 AT 10:11 ET

Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX)

In a New York Times op-ed published Friday, Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX), a former undercover CIA officer, bluntly lays out the case that President Donald Trump is being manipulated by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Over the course of my career as an undercover officer in the C.I.A., I saw Russian intelligence manipulate many people. I never thought I would see the day when an American president would be one of them,” Hurd writes.

He explains why this is dangerous.

“By playing into Vladimir Putin’s hands, the leader of the free world actively participated in a Russian disinformation campaign that legitimized Russian denial and weakened the credibility of the United States to both our friends and foes abroad,” Hurd says.

He reiterates the fact that the intelligence community’s conclusion about Russian meddling in the 2016 election are certain.

“Our intelligence community has concluded with high confidence that President Putin personally ordered his security services to undertake an influence campaign aimed at undermining confidence in American democracy to sow chaos in our electoral system,” he writes.

Hurd then outlines the tools Congress can use to counter Russian disinformation and meddling around the world....

GOP congressman: Trump ‘actively participated in a Russian disinformation campaign’
They really ought to go back to weaponizing them border kids. Lefty will get much more mileage out of immigrant munchkins as landmines than spin doctors.
Same old Trump hating rhetoric we've been subjected to for nearly two years now. No proof, just more ridiculous accusations with no basis in reality. All you're succeeding in doing is sealing your fate in November when the people will have their say and your numbers in elected offices will dwindle even further. Enjoy your hate fest because it's gonna cost you big time.
It's revealing that, given an expert's opinion the Rumpbots can only respond with "WAAAAH! You're being mean!!" :crybaby:

--- rather than, you know, actual argument.
It's revealing that, given an expert's opinion the Rumpbots can only respond with "WAAAAH! You're being mean!!" :crybaby:

--- rather than, you know, actual argument.
And what's YOUR argument? "Trump didn't punch Putin in the face at the press conference, he's a traitor WAAAAAH!!!"?
This TEXAS Republican really ISN'T a REP! And he really wasn't an undercover CIA officer. On your mark, get set, GO....

GOP congressman: Trump ‘actively participated in a Russian disinformation campaign’


20 JUL 2018 AT 10:11 ET

Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX)

In a New York Times op-ed published Friday, Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX), a former undercover CIA officer, bluntly lays out the case that President Donald Trump is being manipulated by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Over the course of my career as an undercover officer in the C.I.A., I saw Russian intelligence manipulate many people. I never thought I would see the day when an American president would be one of them,” Hurd writes.

He explains why this is dangerous.

“By playing into Vladimir Putin’s hands, the leader of the free world actively participated in a Russian disinformation campaign that legitimized Russian denial and weakened the credibility of the United States to both our friends and foes abroad,” Hurd says.

He reiterates the fact that the intelligence community’s conclusion about Russian meddling in the 2016 election are certain.

“Our intelligence community has concluded with high confidence that President Putin personally ordered his security services to undertake an influence campaign aimed at undermining confidence in American democracy to sow chaos in our electoral system,” he writes.

Hurd then outlines the tools Congress can use to counter Russian disinformation and meddling around the world....

GOP congressman: Trump ‘actively participated in a Russian disinformation campaign’

The intelligence community has concluded no such thing. Only the Hussein’s political stooges who used fake intel and abused their authority to spy on their political opposition came to that conclusion.
Kim Jong Un Upset to Learn That Trump Is Seeing Other Dictators

PYONGYANG (The Borowitz Report)—The North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, is reportedly “upset” and “hurt” that Donald J. Trump is seeing other dictators, sources in Pyongyang have confirmed.

According to an aide close to the North Korean leader, Kim was “devastated” to see images of Trump warmly embracing another dictator in Helsinki on Monday, just one month after jetting off to Singapore to spend a memorable and intense five hours with Kim.
This TEXAS Republican really ISN'T a REP! And he really wasn't an undercover CIA officer. On your mark, get set, GO....

GOP congressman: Trump ‘actively participated in a Russian disinformation campaign’


20 JUL 2018 AT 10:11 ET

Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX)

In a New York Times op-ed published Friday, Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX), a former undercover CIA officer, bluntly lays out the case that President Donald Trump is being manipulated by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Over the course of my career as an undercover officer in the C.I.A., I saw Russian intelligence manipulate many people. I never thought I would see the day when an American president would be one of them,” Hurd writes.

He explains why this is dangerous.

“By playing into Vladimir Putin’s hands, the leader of the free world actively participated in a Russian disinformation campaign that legitimized Russian denial and weakened the credibility of the United States to both our friends and foes abroad,” Hurd says.

He reiterates the fact that the intelligence community’s conclusion about Russian meddling in the 2016 election are certain.

“Our intelligence community has concluded with high confidence that President Putin personally ordered his security services to undertake an influence campaign aimed at undermining confidence in American democracy to sow chaos in our electoral system,” he writes.

Hurd then outlines the tools Congress can use to counter Russian disinformation and meddling around the world....

GOP congressman: Trump ‘actively participated in a Russian disinformation campaign’

He’s the “establishment.” So Trump supporters must ignore him.

Just like anyone who isn’t a republican is a “liberal” and must be ignored.

Anyone in the press is the “enemy of the people” and must be ignored.

Any former employees of Trump who is contradicts him is “disgruntled and must be ignored.

Any government official who ignores Trump is “the swamp” and must be ignored.

Any intelligence leader who contradicts Trump is the “Deep State” and must be ignored.

There is pretty much just Trump, Hannity, and Fox and Friends that Trump supporters are allowed to listen to.
So... this guy’s opinion is fact, in what universe? If you think his opinion is more significant just bc he’s Republican I’m telling you now it doesn’t matter. Anti-Trumpers are anti-Trumpers no matter their political affiliation. If you want a really good example of a GOP member who’s lost his marbles or is just one big FAKE, look up Jeff Flake.
This TEXAS Republican really ISN'T a REP! And he really wasn't an undercover CIA officer. On your mark, get set, GO....

GOP congressman: Trump ‘actively participated in a Russian disinformation campaign’


20 JUL 2018 AT 10:11 ET

Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX)

In a New York Times op-ed published Friday, Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX), a former undercover CIA officer, bluntly lays out the case that President Donald Trump is being manipulated by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Over the course of my career as an undercover officer in the C.I.A., I saw Russian intelligence manipulate many people. I never thought I would see the day when an American president would be one of them,” Hurd writes.

He explains why this is dangerous.

“By playing into Vladimir Putin’s hands, the leader of the free world actively participated in a Russian disinformation campaign that legitimized Russian denial and weakened the credibility of the United States to both our friends and foes abroad,” Hurd says.

He reiterates the fact that the intelligence community’s conclusion about Russian meddling in the 2016 election are certain.

“Our intelligence community has concluded with high confidence that President Putin personally ordered his security services to undertake an influence campaign aimed at undermining confidence in American democracy to sow chaos in our electoral system,” he writes.

Hurd then outlines the tools Congress can use to counter Russian disinformation and meddling around the world....

GOP congressman: Trump ‘actively participated in a Russian disinformation campaign’

The intelligence community has concluded no such thing. Only the Hussein’s political stooges who used fake intel and abused their authority to spy on their political opposition came to that conclusion.


WASHINGTON — American intelligence officials have concluded that the president of Russia, Vladimir V. Putin, personally “ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidential election,” and turned from seeking to “denigrate” Hillary Clinton to developing “a clear preference for President-elect Trump.”

The conclusions were part of a declassified intelligence report, ordered by President Obama, that was released on Friday.

Putin Ordered ‘Influence Campaign’ Aimed at U.S. Election, Report Says

This from January of last year. Here is the full report.....that of course you’ve never heard of. And of course you won’t read.

Page ii, paragraph two of Key Assessments. The intelligence community assessment that Putin personally ordering the influence operation on the 2016 election is bolded.

Read the full, unclassified intelligence report on Russian hacking here

You can ignore the evidence. But you can’t make us ignore the evidence.
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So... this guy’s opinion is fact, in what universe? If you think his opinion is more significant just bc he’s Republican I’m telling you now it doesn’t matter. Anti-Trumpers are anti-Trumpers no matter their political affiliation. If you want a really good example of a GOP member who’s lost his marbles or is just one big FAKE, look up Jeff Flake.

The guy is a source matter expert. He’s a republican. Hes from one of the most conservative states in the country. He’s citing the US intelligence community on Putin’s attack on the US.

Why would you ignore him?

Especially after Trump was just caught lying about Russian attacks on the US to protect Russia. Twice. And then lying to try and cover it up.
It's revealing that, given an expert's opinion the Rumpbots can only respond with "WAAAAH! You're being mean!!" :crybaby:

--- rather than, you know, actual argument.
And what's YOUR argument? "Trump didn't punch Putin in the face at the press conference, he's a traitor WAAAAAH!!!"?


I see they've now gone into petty cash and bought a projector for the echoscreen. Nice touch.
So... this guy’s opinion is fact, in what universe? If you think his opinion is more significant just bc he’s Republican I’m telling you now it doesn’t matter. Anti-Trumpers are anti-Trumpers no matter their political affiliation. If you want a really good example of a GOP member who’s lost his marbles or is just one big FAKE, look up Jeff Flake.
Unless and just in case you forgot, in America, it is OK and acceptable to be anti or pro just about anything, including and even especially a President.

Trump's Team Is Terrified He Sabotaged His Mueller Defense Strategy by Cozying Up to Putin: Report

President Donald Trump's supplicatory performance with the Russian president at a press conference in Helsinki on Monday did nothing to help his argument that he's not in Vladimir Putin's pocket — and a new report from CNN found that his legal team fears it may have done him real damage on the legal front.

Trump is a danger to himself as well as to others. A unfortunate combination of crazy and stupid
So... this guy’s opinion is fact, in what universe? If you think his opinion is more significant just bc he’s Republican I’m telling you now it doesn’t matter. Anti-Trumpers are anti-Trumpers no matter their political affiliation. If you want a really good example of a GOP member who’s lost his marbles or is just one big FAKE, look up Jeff Flake.
Attention! Highly recommended reading...…

Experts Explain Why Trump's Defenders Refuse to Accept That Their Precious President Is Damaged Goods

…......when you can watch a video in which, before your very eyes and in plain English, the president sides with a hostile foreign leader over his own intelligence agencies, blatantly sucks up to that same despot on a number of occasions, and even offers to turn over anti-Putin critics to be persecuted as a trade-off for America pursuing legitimate criminal cases against Russians who wronged our country. If you see that and then insist that Trump didn't betray America to Russia — never mind whether you believe that betrayal technically constitutes treason, a point which is legitimately arguable — you are either (a) more loyal to Russia than America, a scenario that may apply to Trump himself but almost certainly does not apply to the vast majority of the people supporting him right now or (b) rendering yourself willfully insane in the literal definition of that word — that is, adopting a state of mind that prevents you from perceiving the reality that is right in front of you.
This TEXAS Republican really ISN'T a REP! And he really wasn't an undercover CIA officer. On your mark, get set, GO....

GOP congressman: Trump ‘actively participated in a Russian disinformation campaign’


20 JUL 2018 AT 10:11 ET

Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX)

In a New York Times op-ed published Friday, Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX), a former undercover CIA officer, bluntly lays out the case that President Donald Trump is being manipulated by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Over the course of my career as an undercover officer in the C.I.A., I saw Russian intelligence manipulate many people. I never thought I would see the day when an American president would be one of them,” Hurd writes.

He explains why this is dangerous.

“By playing into Vladimir Putin’s hands, the leader of the free world actively participated in a Russian disinformation campaign that legitimized Russian denial and weakened the credibility of the United States to both our friends and foes abroad,” Hurd says.

He reiterates the fact that the intelligence community’s conclusion about Russian meddling in the 2016 election are certain.

“Our intelligence community has concluded with high confidence that President Putin personally ordered his security services to undertake an influence campaign aimed at undermining confidence in American democracy to sow chaos in our electoral system,” he writes.

Hurd then outlines the tools Congress can use to counter Russian disinformation and meddling around the world....

GOP congressman: Trump ‘actively participated in a Russian disinformation campaign’

I don't know where you get your propaganda but Rep. Will Hurd is a republican and he is in the congress.

As for your claim that he didn't work under cover for the CIA, that's false too.

The truth is just a few seconds away on line using any search engine. I did. I went to his encyclopedia page.

Everything you stated is prove total lies on his encyclopedia page.

I believe that over any right wing propaganda you or anyone else posts.

Will Hurd - Wikipedia

Trump's Team Is Terrified He Sabotaged His Mueller Defense Strategy by Cozying Up to Putin: Report

President Donald Trump's supplicatory performance with the Russian president at a press conference in Helsinki on Monday did nothing to help his argument that he's not in Vladimir Putin's pocket — and a new report from CNN found that his legal team fears it may have done him real damage on the legal front.

Trump is a danger to himself as well as to others. A unfortunate combination of crazy and stupid
Got anything besides CNN talking points? I didn't think so.

Trump's Team Is Terrified He Sabotaged His Mueller Defense Strategy by Cozying Up to Putin: Report

President Donald Trump's supplicatory performance with the Russian president at a press conference in Helsinki on Monday did nothing to help his argument that he's not in Vladimir Putin's pocket — and a new report from CNN found that his legal team fears it may have done him real damage on the legal front.

Trump is a danger to himself as well as to others. A unfortunate combination of crazy and stupid
Got anything besides CNN talking points? I didn't think so.
CNN Talking points? That is coming from his legal team as reported by CNN and others. Are they making this up? Is it fake news? Just because you don't like it, that does not invalidate it.

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