TX Road Rage: Motorcyclist shot dead when he threatened to shoot family in SUV

The OP doesn't mention his race. Why are you?
Because it's a discussion forum?

Poor wittle Snowflake.
Fuck around and find out:

Another future Delta airlines pilot gets himself dead when he was illegally weaving between cars, gets cutoff by a SUV. He then parked his bike in the middle of the road, walked back with his gun pointed at the SUV. The man driving it told him to put his gun down because his kids were in the vehicle. Instead the punk open fired. Luckily his aim sucked and the man returned fire putting him down. Thank God for the Second Amendment!


Gun-toting Texas whack-jobs offing each other.


That’s one shitty way to look at it.

Anyone with a brain looks at it as a man defending his family.

Says a lot about you, pussy.
He was not raised by a family and has no family.
Fuck around and find out:

Another future Delta airlines pilot gets himself dead when he was illegally weaving between cars, gets cutoff by a SUV. He then parked his bike in the middle of the road, walked back with his gun pointed at the SUV. The man driving it told him to put his gun down because his kids were in the vehicle. Instead the punk open fired. Luckily his aim sucked and the man returned fire putting him down. Thank God for the Second Amendment!


Gun-toting Texas whack-jobs offing each other.


Dumbass is breaking the law lane splitting and he gets pissed because he almost gets run over while committing a crime.
Good thing the guy had his pistol or that feral kneegrow could have hurt someone.
Interesting that there has yet to be a mention of the fact that the nineteen year old motorcyclist was in possession of a handgun, which is illegal under federal laws...

Unless we think he was wielding a long gun...

Was thinking the exact same thing.
Funny how the media didnt bring that up.
Interesting that there has yet to be a mention of the fact that the nineteen year old motorcyclist was in possession of a handgun, which is illegal under federal laws...

Unless we think he was wielding a long gun...
Are motorcycles not an extention of the Castle Doctrine?
If they are it wouldnt matter in this case,he left his castle went looking for trouble and he found it.
Fuck around and find out:

Another future Delta airlines pilot gets himself dead when he was illegally weaving between cars, gets cutoff by a SUV. He then parked his bike in the middle of the road, walked back with his gun pointed at the SUV. The man driving it told him to put his gun down because his kids were in the vehicle. Instead the punk open fired. Luckily his aim sucked and the man returned fire putting him down. Thank God for the Second Amendment!


Gun-toting Texas whack-jobs offing each other.

Everyone agrees that the black guy on the motorcycle was in the wrong here

Except you
Because Crepitus is a fucking worthless kuunt.
And again with the pile on. You kids are afraid to respond without help.
Fuck around and find out:

Another future Delta airlines pilot gets himself dead when he was illegally weaving between cars, gets cutoff by a SUV. He then parked his bike in the middle of the road, walked back with his gun pointed at the SUV. The man driving it told him to put his gun down because his kids were in the vehicle. Instead the punk open fired. Luckily his aim sucked and the man returned fire putting him down. Thank God for the Second Amendment!


Gun-toting Texas whack-jobs offing each other.


Dumbass is breaking the law lane splitting and he gets pissed because he almost gets run over while committing a crime.
Good thing the guy had his pistol or that feral kneegrow could have hurt someone.
Yeah, yeah, I understand it's a racism thing now.
It was gooded right in my neighborhood. How awesome is that....

I'd like to send the shooter a check if anyone has his contact info. Thank-you for your service sir!
Fuck around and find out:

Another future Delta airlines pilot gets himself dead when he was illegally weaving between cars, gets cutoff by a SUV. He then parked his bike in the middle of the road, walked back with his gun pointed at the SUV. The man driving it told him to put his gun down because his kids were in the vehicle. Instead the punk open fired. Luckily his aim sucked and the man returned fire putting him down. Thank God for the Second Amendment!


Gun-toting Texas whack-jobs offing each other.


Dumbass is breaking the law lane splitting and he gets pissed because he almost gets run over while committing a crime.
Good thing the guy had his pistol or that feral kneegrow could have hurt someone.
Yeah, yeah, I understand it's a racism thing now.

I dont care if it was a Honky.
Fuck around and find out:

Another future Delta airlines pilot gets himself dead when he was illegally weaving between cars, gets cutoff by a SUV. He then parked his bike in the middle of the road, walked back with his gun pointed at the SUV. The man driving it told him to put his gun down because his kids were in the vehicle. Instead the punk open fired. Luckily his aim sucked and the man returned fire putting him down. Thank God for the Second Amendment!


I think we need to get the mothballed "Drive Friendly" signs and put them in unfriendly areas in which not enough lanes cause cars to crawl. Also, we need to close down the bind-rape-kill drug cartels pouring crazymaker pills over the border. :th_waiting:
How do assholes like you remain a fugitive of natural selection this long?

Because our society fosters and cares for the weak, the lame, and the ignorant. If you have a weak will, mush for brains and hate in your heart then our society wants to prop you up.

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