Tyranny of the Majority Leader


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
They stand this man and blame republicans...just horrible people in this Democrat/progressive party

July 3, 2014 4:00 AM
Tyranny of the Majority Leader
Harry Reid is ignoring centuries of Senate precedent in his rush to serve Obama.

By Dave Hoppe

38Patience and reliability are the defining characteristics of successful leadership in the Senate. Good Senate majority leaders work through the rules of the Senate, which protect minority rights, to find a way to please a majority (or possibly a supermajority) of senators and move legislation and nominations to passage. They keep their commitments to open debate, even when their partisan colleagues would prefer to use simple majority power to crush the minority and avoid tough votes or compromises.

The Senate once prided itself on being “the world’s greatest deliberative body.” That it no longer is.

According to the Congressional Research Service, Senator Harry Reid (D., Nev.) has obstructed the amendment process for his colleagues 85 times — more than double the total of his six predecessors combined. Neither Republican nor Democratic senators can offer amendments. This negates every senator’s right to debate and amend legislation and thus fully represent his or her constituents.

This was especially evident in May, when Senator Reid killed three bipartisan pieces of legislation in as many weeks. First, he refused to allow even a limited number of amendments to bipartisan energy legislation.

The following week, he blocked amendments to a bipartisan tax-extenders bill.

Finally, he reached into the Senate Judiciary Committee to torpedo a bipartisan patent bill the committee was poised to mark up. These are the types of bills that passed routinely when the regular order of open debate and amendments was followed in the Senate.

The atmosphere in the Senate has soured due to Senator Reid’s stranglehold on the legislative process. It has been made worse by his failure to keep his repeated — and very specific — promise to follow the Senate’s rules.

At the beginning of the 112th Congress, he acknowledged on the Senate floor that “the proper way to change Senate rules is through the procedures established in those rules,” and he committed to “oppose any effort in this Congress or the next to change the Senate’s rules other than through the regular order.”

all of it here
Tyranny of the Majority Leader | National Review Online
another tantrum by Dear Leader blaming everyone but himself..yawn


Obama Blames Country’s Woes On “Ideologically Driven” Republicans…

Dear Leader also warns Republicans will never win the presidency again unless the party goes full-RINO.

Obama: Well, unfortunately, we have a Congress that’s broken down. And I know that a lot of times people who are watching what’s happening in Washington sort of feel like, “You know, a plague on both their houses. Democrats, Republicans, they’re all the same. None of them care about us.” But the truth is that we have a very specific problem. We have a House of Representatives that is so ideologically driven at this point that they are not able to carry out basic functions of government

ALL of it here if you can stomach another one
Obama Blames Country?s Woes On ?Ideologically Driven? Republicans? | Weasel Zippers
Well, Congress hasn't come up with any good ideas at all. That doesn't mean that Obama isn't a monumental fuck-up but let's be honest. There's a reason that Obama's low approval rating is four times higher than Congress'.
don't you have a thread about billboards to rant in?
another tantrum by Dear Leader blaming everyone but himself..yawn


Obama Blames Country’s Woes On “Ideologically Driven” Republicans…

Dear Leader also warns Republicans will never win the presidency again unless the party goes full-RINO.

Obama: Well, unfortunately, we have a Congress that’s broken down. And I know that a lot of times people who are watching what’s happening in Washington sort of feel like, “You know, a plague on both their houses. Democrats, Republicans, they’re all the same. None of them care about us.” But the truth is that we have a very specific problem. We have a House of Representatives that is so ideologically driven at this point that they are not able to carry out basic functions of government

ALL of it here if you can stomach another one
Obama Blames Country?s Woes On ?Ideologically Driven? Republicans? | Weasel Zippers

He's absolutely right. Obstructionist teabaggers are destroying the country and making a mockery of Congress and the Constitution.
they can't let it get out who has been the real, obstructionist

read it and weep, you all should be ashamed supporting both of these men
Staph, you have already proven your idiocy when you posted nonsense about a bitter teaper group filing a frivolous lawsuit in MS - thinking it is proof of voter fraud. :lmao:

Got News?...WeaselZippers?


I can't think of one single politician worth their salt as leaders of the people. But I find it difficult to sit back and listen to placing ALL the blame on one when ALL are douchebags. Take the republicans in the Senate who set record filibusters on the Dems for instance. Tyranny you say?
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I can't help but notice NRO does not state how much legislation Boehner has blocked.
Points to the bigger question: What are our elected representatives thinking of when they choose their "leaders"? In recent years most of them have been a disgrace, not only to their respective parties, but to America as a whole. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner...are you kidding me?

They MAY be good at their jobs (whatever that is), but all of them are - to put it kindly - totally lacking in charisma, none of them is even a passable public speaker, and none shows any semblance of "Leadership" on any issue.

Say what you will about Newt, but when he was SOH, America KNEW what the Republic position was on the major issues of the day. You might have hated him or the positions he promoted, but there was LEADERSHIP there.

There are excellent politicians on both sides of the aisle, people who can articulate complex positions in a reasonably understandable way, and who can make a case without sounding like an ambulance chasing shyster attorney. None of the current leaders can do that.

It really is disgusting.
Horse patoot, hater dupe. Reid isn't sitting on anything that has a chance in hell of passing. UNLIKE Boehner. You live in a bs dreamworld...change the channel and get some fresh air...
He's absolutely right. Obstructionist teabaggers are destroying the country and making a mockery of Congress and the Constitution.

Apparently every time you hear about people blocking your agenda, you start thinking about lewd sex acts and people's genitals. :cuckoo:

Have you sought help for this condition?
He's absolutely right. Obstructionist teabaggers are destroying the country and making a mockery of Congress and the Constitution.

Which teabaggers would those be? How many teabaggers are actually in Congress and how many hold leadership positions in either chamber? Which teabaggers actually have the clout to kill legislation?
He's absolutely right. Obstructionist teabaggers are destroying the country and making a mockery of Congress and the Constitution.

Apparently every time you hear about people blocking your agenda, you start thinking about lewd sex acts and people's genitals. :cuckoo:

Have you sought help for this condition?

They have nothing else...that shine a brilliant light on the Democrat party

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