U.K. to Exempt ‘High-Value’ Business Travelers From Quarantine


Equal Opportunity Asshole
Jul 15, 2012
Rules for thee... But not for the people who bring in the bacon.

The U.K. moved to exempt “high-value” executives from rules requiring people entering the country to quarantine for two weeks, in a move designed to boost business.

The rule change means that from 4 a.m. on Saturday, business people arriving in the U.K. from countries that aren’t on the U.K.’s travel corridors list won’t have to self-isolate for 14 days, the Department for Transport said Thursday in a statement.

“Individuals will only be exempt when undertaking the specific business activity and will only be able to meet with others as required by that specific activity,” the department said.
Rules for thee... But not for the people who bring in the bacon.

The U.K. moved to exempt “high-value” executives from rules requiring people entering the country to quarantine for two weeks, in a move designed to boost business.

The rule change means that from 4 a.m. on Saturday, business people arriving in the U.K. from countries that aren’t on the U.K.’s travel corridors list won’t have to self-isolate for 14 days, the Department for Transport said Thursday in a statement.

“Individuals will only be exempt when undertaking the specific business activity and will only be able to meet with others as required by that specific activity,” the department said.

So Meth Hunter Biden is free to to start taking payoff bribes over in the UK?
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How much more proof of the BULLSHIT do we need, people????




Aaaarrrrrgh. You are so right, and it's so scary. Arrest, getting yelled at, all that.

The best time is when it's nearly over: then if people start refusing, it'll probably take. Right now people are too panicked to rock the boat. I haven't worn a mask yet ---- but then, I don't go anywhere, either. I don't want the fights: choosing my battles.
Rules for thee... But not for the people who bring in the bacon.

The U.K. moved to exempt “high-value” executives from rules requiring people entering the country to quarantine for two weeks, in a move designed to boost business.

The rule change means that from 4 a.m. on Saturday, business people arriving in the U.K. from countries that aren’t on the U.K.’s travel corridors list won’t have to self-isolate for 14 days, the Department for Transport said Thursday in a statement.

“Individuals will only be exempt when undertaking the specific business activity and will only be able to meet with others as required by that specific activity,” the department said.

If these business visitors are really "high value" , shouldn't they be subject to MORE stringent quarantine requirements to protect them from the Deadly 'Rona Virus?
Rules for thee... But not for the people who bring in the bacon.

The U.K. moved to exempt “high-value” executives from rules requiring people entering the country to quarantine for two weeks, in a move designed to boost business.

The rule change means that from 4 a.m. on Saturday, business people arriving in the U.K. from countries that aren’t on the U.K.’s travel corridors list won’t have to self-isolate for 14 days, the Department for Transport said Thursday in a statement.

“Individuals will only be exempt when undertaking the specific business activity and will only be able to meet with others as required by that specific activity,” the department said.

If these business visitors are really "high value" , shouldn't they be subject to MORE stringent quarantine requirements to protect them from the Deadly 'Rona Virus?
That’s why they keep the riff-raff away from them.
Let's all make sure we get in the house by 10 every night because this virus is ready to attack at 10:01 pm until 4:59am.

But apparently only if you aren't a "high value" entertainer or journalist. The Coronavirus is a very intelligent pathogen.
I think it's just scared... Scared of large groups of rioting and high dollar perfumes. Wait... No... That doesn't fit. Supposed to stay away from each other.

What do they have in common? Think think think... Hmmm...

Immoral people! The virus is scared of bad people who do bad things. Yeah... That's it.
Together But Falling Apart
Alex Bartlett

". . . I really don’t believe this will happen, yet I still selfishly hope that this covid era will end, that my kids can return to school without masks, that they will be able to take part in after-school activities and that their future still holds many exciting possibilities and paths.

I hate fearing that the world will suddenly be redefined as a global, technocratic state where diversity becomes equality, families become individuals and the truth, or even just a difference of opinion, becomes a violation of ‘community guidelines’.

It has now been nine months. The fear, uncertainty and self doubt I have about this situation and my future are constant and growing. I have grown extremely weary of sharing relevant articles and interviews that I am certain will alarm and enrage, only to find out they have fallen on deaf ears – unwatched, unread or simply dismissed.. . . "

I think all this difference of opinion will soon be against. .. . "community guidelines."

You peasants shut up and do what you're told. Your betters have spoken, and you will fucking do it.
Rules for thee... But not for the people who bring in the bacon.

The U.K. moved to exempt “high-value” executives from rules requiring people entering the country to quarantine for two weeks, in a move designed to boost business.

The rule change means that from 4 a.m. on Saturday, business people arriving in the U.K. from countries that aren’t on the U.K.’s travel corridors list won’t have to self-isolate for 14 days, the Department for Transport said Thursday in a statement.

“Individuals will only be exempt when undertaking the specific business activity and will only be able to meet with others as required by that specific activity,” the department said.

Finally big business does something

Where are our corporate overlords when we need them? Stupid pricks

My faith in their ability to control our politics was shattered by this "pandemic"

Any concerns about big business not allowing something are totally moot form now on, they do not have that power.
Aaaarrrrrgh. You are so right, and it's so scary. Arrest, getting yelled at, all that.

The best time is when it's nearly over: then if people start refusing, it'll probably take. Right now people are too panicked to rock the boat. I haven't worn a mask yet ---- but then, I don't go anywhere, either. I don't want the fights: choosing my battles.
When I go out to the store I wear my mask because I have to. The other 90% of the time I throw my mask in the back seat of my car and forget about it.

The covid pandemic is bullshit. The percentage of people who die from it is less than one percent.
It's mass population manipulation. The UK proves this.
Seems like these rules in the UK are being written by Nazi Palousy, Gruesome Newsome, The SF mayor, that cow County commissioner in LA, et al...............you know, Dimwingers who think they are dictators who can throw out edicts that apply only to the peasants.

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