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U.N. rights inquiry says Israel must remove settlers

Israel is a terrorist state masquerading as a peace loving nation.

It's mafia style Mossad enforcement arm works endlessly to keep neighbor nations in constant turmoil.

And is ruled by paranoid Zionists with a psychotic agenda based on racism and fascist principals.

kinda funny----the shill of the kanzeer ----uses the word PARANOID and then
touts paranoia of the asslickers of the nabi dog. Of all the ass licker countries
one those most consistently in TUMOIL is pakistan-----and of all people who engage
in REFERENTIAL THINKING (look that one up sunni-boy) it is pakistanis. A good
way to commit suicide ---become a politician in Pakistan (or a shiite---for really
quick results---a christain---or <gasp> a jew) The overt referential delusions
of pakistanis are almost as psychotic as the one expressed by sunni boy It was from
those jerks ----that DECADES AGO I learned the phrase "ZIONIST CONTROLLED
CIA" which is at the root of all troubles over there------including the invention of the
SHIITES----in fact on jerk tried to tell me that the killing of the son-in-law of
AL KANZEER-----ali-------was really a ZIONIST PLOT----"destroy islaaaam"
another insisted that the MOSSAD was in on the east pakistani "rebellion"
Israel is a terrorist state masquerading as a peace loving nation.

It's mafia style Mossad enforcement arm works endlessly to keep neighbor nations in constant turmoil.

And is ruled by paranoid Zionists with a psychotic agenda based on racism and fascist principals.

sunni boy-----a person with a college degree should know the difference
between "principles" and "principals" since just about all grammar
school graduates know it. Before using words that psychologists
use, learn what they mean.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Legally, without Annexation, this was one of Israel's most vulnerable legal points. It has the greatest probable cause and is outline directly in both the GCIV and Rome Statues.

GENEVA (Reuters) - U.N. human rights investigators called on Israel on Thursday to halt settlement expansion and withdraw all half a million Jewish settlers from the occupied West Bank, saying that its practices could be subject to prosecution as possible war crimes.

A three-member U.N. panel said private companies should stop working in the settlements if their work adversely affected the human rights of Palestinians, and urged member states to ensure companies respected human rights.

"Israel must cease settlement activities and provide adequate, prompt and effective remedy to the victims of violations of human rights," Christine Chanet, a French judge who led the U.N. inquiry, told a news conference.

U.N. rights inquiry says Israel must remove settlers - Yahoo! News

We all knew this was coming.

As I mentioned before, the Palestinians may have a legitimate cause of action. And this is one that I have mention "specifically" before on on of these threads.


This particular cause of action is under the Rome Statues. It has to do with the Administration and Protection of the "Occupied Territories."

Para 2b(viii) said:
The transfer, directly or indirectly, by the Occupying Power of parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies, or the deportation or transfer of all or parts of the population of the occupied territory within or outside this territory;

Now it becomes a legal question because Israel is not a signatory to the ICC Statues and the US has "stated its intention NOT to ratify" (or essentially unsigned) the ICC statues.

Is this a slam dunk case. I don't think so. But it is a legitimate cause of action and course of action. It is a non-violent solution to a Arab-Israeli disagreement on the Palestinian Issue. It is something that should have been pursued a decade ago.

Like I said, neither the Palestinians or Israel have clean hands. Each has made mistakes along the way.

It will be interesting how the diplomatic corps will handle this. Everyone understands that absent annexation, it makes a very strong case on behalf of the Palestinians.

Most Respectfully,
They are already 520,000 Jews in Judeah and Samaria, God Bless, and everyday they gather more.

Israel will prevail over its enemies. Isaiah 41:12-14

Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them. Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all. For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. Do not be afraid, O worm Jacob, O little Israel, for I myself will help you," declares the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.

Isaiah foretold of the worldwide return of Jews to Israel

Bible passage: Isaiah 43:5-6
Fulfilled: late 1900s

In Isaiah 43:5-6, the prophet Isaiah said that the Jews would return to their homeland from the east, the west, the north and the south. Isaiah lived about 2700 years ago. At that time, the Assyrians had forced many Jews in the northern kingdom of Israel into exile. Those Jews were taken to other areas in the Middle East. Then, about 1900 years ago, the Romans destroyed the city of Jerusalem and killed and exiled hundreds of thousands of Jews. Since then, the Jews have been scattered to virtually every country in the world. But, during the past century, millions of Jews have returned to Israel, from the east, the west, the north and the south.

Isaiah 43:5-6

"Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west. I will say to the north, `Give them up!' and to the south, `Do not hold them back.' Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth&#8230;"

Zechariah prophesied the Jews return to Jerusalem

Bible passage: Zechariah 8:7-8

This is what the Lord Almighty says: "I will save my people from the countries of the east and the west. I will bring them back to live in Jerusalem; they will be my people, and I will be faithful and righteous to them as their God."

Ezekiel prophesied prosperity for modern-day Israel. Ezekiel 36:11

I will increase the number of men and animals upon you, and they will be fruitful and become numerous. I will settle people on you as in the past and will make you prosper more than before. Then you will know that I am the Lord.

The ruins of Israel would be rebuilt. Amos 9:11, 13

"In that day I will restore David's fallen tent. I will repair its broken places, restore its ruins, and build it as it used to be,'' &#8230; "The days are coming," declares the Lord, "when the reaper will be overtaken by the plowman and the planter by the one treading grapes. New wine will drip from the mountains and flow from all the hills."
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Force?????? FORCE??????

But you claim to be against ALL violence by ANYONE EVER: how do you square that with your purported morality???

Or is it simply that you're too 'good' to soil your dainty hands with 'force' - but you'll cheer for someone else to do the dirty work while you stand in the back applauding?

I cannot stand to watch the evil of Zionism keep going on, with all its hurting and killing and stealing and nonstop human rights abuses, so I pray for it to stop.

Prophets have prayed such prayers, even praying for God to destroy their own people because of the evil of their own people.

Of course, the Jews killed the Prophets who did that, like the Prophet Isaiah.

Do you think the Prophet Isaiah was sinning when he prayed to God for God to destroy the evil people?

Or do you think the Jews who killed the Prophet Isaiah were sinning when they killed him?

"It is related in the Talmud that Rabbi Simeon ben 'Azzai found in Jerusalem an account wherein it was written that Manasseh killed Isaiah. Manasseh said to Isaiah, "Moses, thy master, said, 'There shall no man see God and live' [Ex. xxxiii. 20, Hebr.]; but thou hast said, 'I saw the Lord seated upon his throne'" (Isa. vi. 1, Hebr.); and went on to point out other contradictions—as between Deut. iv. 7 and Isa. lv. 6; between Ex. xxxiii. 26 and II Kings xx. 6. Isaiah thought: "I know that he will not accept my explanations; why should I increase his guilt?" He then uttered the Unpronounceable Name, a cedar-tree opened, and Isaiah disappeared within it. Then Manasseh ordered the cedar to be sawn asunder, and when the saw reached his mouth Isaiah died; thus was he punished for having said, "I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips" (Yeb. 49b). A somewhat different version of this legend is given in the Yerushalmi (Sanhedrin x.). According to that version Isaiah, fearing Manasseh, hid himself in a cedar-tree, but his presence was betrayed by the fringes of his garment, and Manasseh caused the tree to be sawn in half. A passage of the Targum to Isaiah quoted by Jolowicz ("Die Himmelfahrt und Vision des Prophets Jesajas," p. 8) states that when Isaiah fled from his pursuers and took refuge in the tree, and the tree was sawn in half, the prophet's blood spurted forth. From Talmudical circles the legend of Isaiah's martyrdom was transmitted to the Arabs ("Ta'rikh," ed. De Goeje, i. 644)."

ISAIAH - JewishEncyclopedia.com


and Isaiah was a Jew for the record. - J.
^^^ Juden greed can never be satisfied.... it's in their DNA........ :cool:
Islamen savagery, bigotry, and barbarism can never be satisfied. It's in their DNA, it all began with their terrorist pedophile caravan robbing mass murdering thief prophet Mohammad.
Sherri said she's against violence, but she wishes for someone to force the Jews out of their homes.










I call that God's Justice, a little bit of reaping what we sow!
This is a beautiful report from the UN Human Rights Council, what I have found, it is an advance report and consists of 37 pages, what I have been able to retrieve. But what I am reading is that the full report is 154 pages.

We see illustrated that there is no need for negotiations about land swaps, Israel's settlements are 100% unlawful and the UN calls for a withdrawal of all settlers from the settlements in the OPT. That includes settlements in both Occupied East Jerusalem and the Occupied West Bank.

pg 21

"112. Israel must, in compliance with article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, cease all settlement activities without preconditions. In addition, it must immediately initiate a process of withdrawal of all settlers from the OPT."


"I call that God's Justice, a little bit of reaping what we sow! "

Yes - and you call yourself a 'pacifist humanitarian Christian', too. That's proof that saying something or calling something doesn't make it so in actual fact.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Legally, without Annexation, this was one of Israel's most vulnerable legal points. It has the greatest probable cause and is outline directly in both the GCIV and Rome Statues.

GENEVA (Reuters) - U.N. human rights investigators called on Israel on Thursday to halt settlement expansion and withdraw all half a million Jewish settlers from the occupied West Bank, saying that its practices could be subject to prosecution as possible war crimes.

A three-member U.N. panel said private companies should stop working in the settlements if their work adversely affected the human rights of Palestinians, and urged member states to ensure companies respected human rights.

"Israel must cease settlement activities and provide adequate, prompt and effective remedy to the victims of violations of human rights," Christine Chanet, a French judge who led the U.N. inquiry, told a news conference.

U.N. rights inquiry says Israel must remove settlers - Yahoo! News

We all knew this was coming.

As I mentioned before, the Palestinians may have a legitimate cause of action. And this is one that I have mention "specifically" before on on of these threads.


This particular cause of action is under the Rome Statues. It has to do with the Administration and Protection of the "Occupied Territories."

Para 2b(viii) said:
The transfer, directly or indirectly, by the Occupying Power of parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies, or the deportation or transfer of all or parts of the population of the occupied territory within or outside this territory;

Now it becomes a legal question because Israel is not a signatory to the ICC Statues and the US has "stated its intention NOT to ratify" (or essentially unsigned) the ICC statues.

Is this a slam dunk case. I don't think so. But it is a legitimate cause of action and course of action. It is a non-violent solution to a Arab-Israeli disagreement on the Palestinian Issue. It is something that should have been pursued a decade ago.

Like I said, neither the Palestinians or Israel have clean hands. Each has made mistakes along the way.

It will be interesting how the diplomatic corps will handle this. Everyone understands that absent annexation, it makes a very strong case on behalf of the Palestinians.

Most Respectfully,

The UN calls for a withdrawal of all settlers from all settlements in the OPT and this includes East Jerusalem.

Annexations are not recognized by the UN, they violate The Fourth Geneva Convention.

" 4. For the purpose of its work, the Mission understands &#8220;Israeli settlements&#8221;, hereinafter &#8220;settlements&#8221;, to encompass all physical and non-physical structures and processes that constitute, enable and support the establishment, expansion and maintenance of Israeli residential communities beyond the 1949 Green Line in the OPT.1 The Mission does not differentiate between &#8220;settlements&#8221;, &#8220;settlement blocks&#8221;, &#8220;outposts&#8221;, or any other structures that have been erected, established, expanded and/or appropriated or any land or natural resources appropriated."

Pg 3 of the report

"18. Israeli settlements are located beyond the 1949 Green Line and include structures in East Jerusalem and in Area C of the West Bank."


"I call that God's Justice, a little bit of reaping what we sow! "

Yes - and you call yourself a 'pacifist humanitarian Christian', too. That's proof that saying something or calling something doesn't make it so in actual fact.

God can render justice any way He sees fit, I accept that. When I see what I think is God rendering justice, I can call it for what it is.

Did you really think God would not respond to all the baby killing and human rights abuses of Zionists?

You really see them above God, I see, well they are not above God, and Israel shall reap what she has sown!

And I am thankful to God and praising God for this!

"I call that God's Justice, a little bit of reaping what we sow! "

Yes - and you call yourself a 'pacifist humanitarian Christian', too. That's proof that saying something or calling something doesn't make it so in actual fact.

God can render justice any way He sees fit, I accept that. When I see what I think is God rendering justice, I can call it for what it is.

Did you really think God would not respond to all the baby killing and human rights abuses of Zionists?

You really see them above God, I see, well they are not above God, and Israel shall reap what she has sown!

And I am thankful to God and praising God for this!

Go soak your head first. You need to cool it.
BBC News - UN: Israeli settlements 'violate Palestinian rights'

Israeli settlements in the occupied territories violate Palestinians' human rights in ways designed to drive them off the land, a UN report states.

The report says settlements displace Palestinians, destroy their crops and property, and subject them to violence.

Israel refused to co-operate with the inquiry by three UN researchers.

The Israeli foreign ministry said the report from the UN Human Rights Council was "counterproductive" and would hamper the peace process.

"counterproductive" and would hamper the peace process?
I think they mean, They've been caught red handed.

Screw Israel's bastard government.

What an appropriate title for your thread!

Israel is a state without legitimacy, a bastard state, who spits in the face of intl law on a daily basis!


Transation; Israel does not have the right to exist Where was the U.N. when Hamas actually increased daily rocket attacks after Israel's withdrawal from Gaza? Just one more example of "International Law" being illegitimate
Did I mention, Israel is the ONLY country ever to refuse to work with a UN human rights enquiry?

Can any of the zionist posters defend that action?
BBC News - UN: Israeli settlements 'violate Palestinian rights'

Israeli settlements in the occupied territories violate Palestinians' human rights in ways designed to drive them off the land, a UN report states.

The report says settlements displace Palestinians, destroy their crops and property, and subject them to violence.

Israel refused to co-operate with the inquiry by three UN researchers.

The Israeli foreign ministry said the report from the UN Human Rights Council was "counterproductive" and would hamper the peace process.

"counterproductive" and would hamper the peace process?
I think they mean, They've been caught red handed.

Screw Israel's bastard government.

always the same Jew and American hating assholes .....Do you guys wake up and masturbate to thoughts of the Evil Jew?

Why does the Jew Hater talk about the ""Evil Jew?" Talk about racist ! Masturbation? She goes down on her man before viewing the beheading of Daniel Pearl
If I was President, I'd send in the marines and drive those god-damn Israeli's back to Israel.

Enough is enough, it's time to send in a coalition force and FUCK UP THEIR SHIT!
Screw the UN. They are nothing but a gaggle of thirld world despots, anti-semites and parasites.
Get those god-damn Israeli insurgents off that fuckin' land, you piece of shit!

The boy screwing, pedophile worshipping, arab scumbags have been trying to get the Jews out of that land for over 60yrs and haven't been able to do so despite the fact that they outnumber the Jews 100's to 1. Proof positive that the brave muslim "warriors" can only suceed in making war on unarmed woman and children, including their own. You would think the muslim hordes would be able to accomplish this by force of arms wouldn't you? Unfortunately the Jews fight back and the muslim "warrior" is a cowardly piece of shit that only makes war on the unarmed and on their wives and daughters.
If I was President, I'd send in the marines and drive those god-damn Israeli's back to Israel.

Enough is enough, it's time to send in a coalition force and FUCK UP THEIR SHIT!

Lol, so you admit, the arabic followers of the pedophilic prophet lack the means to do it themselves. You agree with me that they are too cowardly and weak to get out from behind their wive's skirts and throw the Jews out themselves huh? I understand. I mean after getting your asses kicked EVERY time you've tried in the past you sorta lose faith in your abilities and start to think those stories of arabic glory on the battlefields of yesteryear have nothing to do with the arabs of today and their abilities. Seems like the arab can only make war on defenseless woman and children and when faced with the IDF, they whine and cry for others to do their fighting for them. Cowards.

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