U.S. And Russian Alliance is a Good Thing

Obama has done nothing in terms of foreign policy besides to empower Iran to get a nuke, cut off ties with Israel, legitimize Fidel Castro and chum up to China. American -Russian alliance would stabilize the balance of power in the world.
Trump could bring Russia in from the cold | Mary Dejevsky
Well lets talk about that 'alliance'.

  • Russia worked with the United States on the Iran deal
  • Russia actually voted against Israel- unlike the United States
  • Russia (and the rest of the world) 'legitimized' dead Castro long before the United States.
  • Russia is busy building up trade with China too.
If we were more like Russia, we would be more friendly with Iran, more antagonistic towards Israel, have completely open trade with Cuba and wouldn't care at all what China does in the South Pacific.

Of course that may be exactly what you want.
The 1980's called and they want their foreign policy back.

LOL- why do you want the United States to be buddies with Russia- who actually does all of the things you accuse President Obama of doing?

Well lets talk about that 'alliance'.

  • Russia worked with the United States on the Iran deal
  • Russia actually voted against Israel- unlike the United States
  • Russia (and the rest of the world) 'legitimized' dead Castro long before the United States.
  • Russia is busy building up trade with China too.
If we were more like Russia, we would be more friendly with Iran, more antagonistic towards Israel, have completely open trade with Cuba and wouldn't care at all what China does in the South Pacific.

Of course that may be exactly what you want.
It's amazing how stupid the alt-right bitches are.

Here is what John Bolton said about Putin.

"I think Putin knows that he has the high cards, militarily, economically and politically, and he’s prepared to use them," Bolton said. "He gave us notice of his strategy seven or eight years ago when he said, in what is now one of the most frequently repeated quotes from his leadership in Russia, when he said, ‘The breakup of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical tragedy of the 20th century.’

Did Vladimir Putin call the breakup of the USSR 'the greatest geopolitical tragedy of the 20th century?'

The dumb "conservative" morons are siding with a guy who thinks the collapse of the communist empire was a greater tragedy than Nazi Germany's killing of 35 million people in WWII.


Not just Bolton- what about Trump's own cabinet picks?
"Russia is raising grave concerns on several fronts," Mattis said(Defense Secretary nominee)

"Russia has reasserted itself aggressively, invading and occupying Ukraine," said Rep. Mike Pompeo, Trump's pick for CIA director. "And doing nothing to aid in the destruction and defeat of ISIS."

And you are more than willing to subjugate American interests and ideals to cede America's strength because you hate Obama, politicians and Muslims so much.
:laugh: ~~~~ I know
They would protest and scream, "Why can't Trump be more like Putin!"

That's why the motto goes ....."Liberalism is a a mental disorder" ;):D
Churchill said " If your not a conservative by age 40 you are daft." (Paraphrase)

Chamberlain said "If we give Russia- I mean Germany- what they want, we will have peace in our time"(paraphrase)
Putin is no Hitler. Laughable.

You are right- in 1938 Hitler hadn't actually invaded any other countries yet.
Trump has agreed that Russia tried to hack us.

The intelligence agencies report regarding Russia and Trump are unsubstantiated- not debunked.

We don't have to have bad relations with Russia- but as long as Russia supports a terrorist country like Syria, and invades other countries such as Ukraine, we should treat Russia like the dangerous bear that it is.

If we can work with Russia for the agenda of the United States- thats fine- that is what we have been doing(see Iran deal).

If we can't- we work against Russia's programs.

I will give this - Russia always tries to hack everyone, true. So does China, N.Korea, and India, and most first world nations. Did the Russian Government try to influence our election via media propaganda - no more than any other country. I do not agree, be it Trump or Obama, that we should infringe on freedom of the press, foreign or national. I do not agree, be it Trump or Obama, that we should deny American's from seeing /all/ forms of propaganda from the world over.

Yes, but that means the intelligence community did investigate the claims in the report yea? So they did that and came back saying there was no evidence of it. IF there had been some then he couldn't have /lied/ and said they didn't find any and/or the fucking intelligence agencies are political hacks and need a bleaching. Your choice. (Personally, I think Trump played them like a fiddle.)

Why are your terrorists better than Putin's terrorists? I disagree, fuck em all, let the rest of the world deal with the shit, we clearly can't fucking fix it, in fact, all we do is pour money and resources into the area and make shit worse from the looks of it. I don't like your terrorists, I don't want to support them in any way, shape, or form. From what I hear, Russia is there with the permission of the UN, at the request of Assad. That's their fucking choice and none of our business.
Obama has done nothing in terms of foreign policy besides to empower Iran to get a nuke, cut off ties with Israel, legitimize Fidel Castro and chum up to China. American -Russian alliance would stabilize the balance of power in the world.
Trump could bring Russia in from the cold | Mary Dejevsky
Well lets talk about that 'alliance'.

  • Russia worked with the United States on the Iran deal
  • Russia actually voted against Israel- unlike the United States
  • Russia (and the rest of the world) 'legitimized' dead Castro long before the United States.
  • Russia is busy building up trade with China too.
If we were more like Russia, we would be more friendly with Iran, more antagonistic towards Israel, have completely open trade with Cuba and wouldn't care at all what China does in the South Pacific.

Of course that may be exactly what you want.
The 1980's called and they want their foreign policy back.

LOL- why do you want the United States to be buddies with Russia- who actually does all of the things you accuse President Obama of doing?

Well lets talk about that 'alliance'.

  • Russia worked with the United States on the Iran deal
  • Russia actually voted against Israel- unlike the United States
  • Russia (and the rest of the world) 'legitimized' dead Castro long before the United States.
  • Russia is busy building up trade with China too.
If we were more like Russia, we would be more friendly with Iran, more antagonistic towards Israel, have completely open trade with Cuba and wouldn't care at all what China does in the South Pacific.

Of course that may be exactly what you want.
Why did we make a deal with Iran? Russia was making $$$ off Iranian nuke program.
Last time I checked the United States of Obama voted against Israel just a month ago.
Russia and Castro...Cold War...as I recall NATO won.
Fuck China.
They would protest and scream, "Why can't Trump be more like Putin!"

That's why the motto goes ....."Liberalism is a a mental disorder" ;):D
Churchill said " If your not a conservative by age 40 you are daft." (Paraphrase)

Chamberlain said "If we give Russia- I mean Germany- what they want, we will have peace in our time"(paraphrase)
Putin is no Hitler. Laughable.

You are right- in 1938 Hitler hadn't actually invaded any other countries yet.
Austrian Anschluss?
They would protest and scream, "Why can't Trump be more like Putin!"

That's why the motto goes ....."Liberalism is a a mental disorder" ;):D
Churchill said " If your not a conservative by age 40 you are daft." (Paraphrase)

Chamberlain said "If we give Russia- I mean Germany- what they want, we will have peace in our time"(paraphrase)
Putin is no Hitler. Laughable.

You are right- in 1938 Hitler hadn't actually invaded any other countries yet.
1938 there was no NATO alliance.
They would protest and scream, "Why can't Trump be more like Putin!"

That's why the motto goes ....."Liberalism is a a mental disorder" ;):D
Churchill said " If your not a conservative by age 40 you are daft." (Paraphrase)

Chamberlain said "If we give Russia- I mean Germany- what they want, we will have peace in our time"(paraphrase)
Putin is no Hitler. Laughable.

You are right- in 1938 Hitler hadn't actually invaded any other countries yet.
1930's called and they want their foreign policy back.
It's amazing how stupid the alt-right bitches are.

Here is what John Bolton said about Putin.

"I think Putin knows that he has the high cards, militarily, economically and politically, and he’s prepared to use them," Bolton said. "He gave us notice of his strategy seven or eight years ago when he said, in what is now one of the most frequently repeated quotes from his leadership in Russia, when he said, ‘The breakup of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical tragedy of the 20th century.’

Did Vladimir Putin call the breakup of the USSR 'the greatest geopolitical tragedy of the 20th century?'

The dumb "conservative" morons are siding with a guy who thinks the collapse of the communist empire was a greater tragedy than Nazi Germany's killing of 35 million people in WWII.


Not just Bolton- what about Trump's own cabinet picks?
"Russia is raising grave concerns on several fronts," Mattis said(Defense Secretary nominee)

"Russia has reasserted itself aggressively, invading and occupying Ukraine," said Rep. Mike Pompeo, Trump's pick for CIA director. "And doing nothing to aid in the destruction and defeat of ISIS."

And you are more than willing to subjugate American interests and ideals to cede America's strength because you hate Obama, politicians and Muslims so much.
American interest is real world power.
LOL- why do you want the United States to be buddies with Russia- who actually does all of the things you accuse President Obama of doing?

Well lets talk about that 'alliance'.

  • Russia worked with the United States on the Iran deal
  • Russia actually voted against Israel- unlike the United States
  • Russia (and the rest of the world) 'legitimized' dead Castro long before the United States.
  • Russia is busy building up trade with China too.
If we were more like Russia, we would be more friendly with Iran, more antagonistic towards Israel, have completely open trade with Cuba and wouldn't care at all what China does in the South Pacific.

Of course that may be exactly what you want.

Oh look, GLOBAL thought police. Get out of here with your globalist bullshit. Russia can think whatever the fuck they want and vote however they want - we're not their keepers. Jesus.
Obama has done nothing in terms of foreign policy besides to empower Iran to get a nuke, cut off ties with Israel, legitimize Fidel Castro and chum up to China. American -Russian alliance would stabilize the balance of power in the world.
Trump could bring Russia in from the cold | Mary Dejevsky
Can't believe I'm hearing this from a conservative who would have been all over Obama had he chummed up to Putin.

The fact is an alliance between the US and Russia is extremely unlikely. About the only thing both countries can agree on is stopping nuclear proliferation and we've had agreements on that for years.

We disagree on political ideology, human rights, religious freedom, NATO, Israel, practically every issue in the Middle East, Tibet, Taiwan, Ukraine, Syria, Iran, Turkey and North Korea. Trump seems to think Russia will be a great ally in fighting terrorism which is nonsense. They have never offered to share intelligence with the US even when it was to their benefit. The only reason Putin is fighting ISIS in Syria is they are a threat to Assad who Putin needs to increase Russia influence in Middle East.

About the only thing Russia wants from the US is for us to stay out of their backyard in the Ukraine, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East and that is not going to happen.

The relationship between US and Russia will always be tense, until the remnants of the old USSR, Putin and his gang are finally swept away.
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Obama has done nothing in terms of foreign policy besides to empower Iran to get a nuke, cut off ties with Israel, legitimize Fidel Castro and chum up to China. American -Russian alliance would stabilize the balance of power in the world.
Trump could bring Russia in from the cold | Mary Dejevsky
Can't believe I'm hearing this from a conservative who would have been all over Obama had he chummed up to Putin.

The fact is an alliance between the US and Russia is extremely unlikely. About the only thing both countries can agree on is stopping nuclear proliferation and we've had agreements on that for years.

We disagree on political ideology, human rights, religious freedom, NATO, Israel, practically every issue in the Middle East, Tibet, Taiwan, Ukraine, Syria, Iran, Turkey and North Korea. Trump seems to think Russia will be a great ally in fighting terrorism which is nonsense. They have never offered to share intelligence with the US even when it was to their benefit. The only reason Putin is fighting ISIS in Syria is they are a threat to Assad who Putin needs to increase Russia influence in Middle East.

About the only thing Russia wants from the US is for us to stay out of their backyard in the Ukraine, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East and that is not going to happen.

The relationship between US and Russia will always be tense, until the remnants of the old USSR, Putin and his gang are finally swept away.
I would have applauded Obama. Now if Putin legalizes pot and gay marriage you would hail him

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