U.S attorney general Barr likens stay-at-home orders to slavery

Whites in this country have no conception of what slavery is like. Barr sure as hell doesn't know, they should read some books or read the slave narratives to know what slavery was like.
Barr seems to have gone completely political,
is it really ok to just work for the people who support your party? shouldn't people in power work in the best interest of all Americans.
You sound like the republicans used to sound...the answer of course is yes, but the problem is the question and the timing of the question...you have started caring only now that the shoe is on the other foot...mueller was the last straw, barr is just returning volley now.
Funny considering white have no idea what slavery is as a slave.

You have no clue either. And yes, whites have been slaves.

I am not a white man, I am an Afro American, true conservative, and right of center. White people do not know what it is to be slaves in this country and have their rights denied to them. They have and still are the oppressors

I know who you are. Whites were denied their rights and slaves in the roman empire. The only oppressor is in your victim mind.

Whites have never been denied rights in this country because of their whiteness.

Theyve been denied rights just like blacks. Your sob story falls on deaf ears.
Funny considering white have no idea what slavery is as a slave.

You have no clue either. And yes, whites have been slaves.

I am not a white man, I am an Afro American, true conservative, and right of center. White people do not know what it is to be slaves in this country and have their rights denied to them. They have and still are the oppressors

I know who you are. Whites were denied their rights and slaves in the roman empire. The only oppressor is in your victim mind.

Whites have never been denied rights in this country because of their whiteness.

Theyve been denied rights just like blacks. Your sob story falls on deaf ears.

When were whites SYSTEMATICALLY denied their rights?
Whites in this country have no conception of what slavery is like. Barr sure as hell doesn't know, they should read some books or read the slave narratives to know what slavery was like.
Neither do you, you black asshole.
Funny considering white have no idea what slavery is as a slave.

You have no clue either. And yes, whites have been slaves.

I am not a white man, I am an Afro American, true conservative, and right of center. White people do not know what it is to be slaves in this country and have their rights denied to them. They have and still are the oppressors

I know who you are. Whites were denied their rights and slaves in the roman empire. The only oppressor is in your victim mind.

Whites have never been denied rights in this country because of their whiteness.

Theyve been denied rights just like blacks. Your sob story falls on deaf ears.

When were whites SYSTEMATICALLY denied their rights?
The Barbary Coast slave trade. You know what that was you ignorant black idiot?

Hey, black moron. Thanks to whites, you people were freed way back in 1863.

Hey, black idiot. At it's height, 1.5 percent of the American population owned slaves. Did you know that black moron?

Hey black moron, tell us about the Trans-Sahara slave trade. Want to discuss that black idiot?

Hey, black moron, want to comment on your poor black millionaire hero commie Kaepernick who is being paid $50 million dollars from a company whose dubious labor practices are well documented?

Hey, black moron want to talk about the Native American tribes that owned slaves and fought for the confederacy?


Black idiot.
Funny considering white have no idea what slavery is as a slave.

You have no clue either. And yes, whites have been slaves.

I am not a white man, I am an Afro American, true conservative, and right of center. White people do not know what it is to be slaves in this country and have their rights denied to them. They have and still are the oppressors

I know who you are. Whites were denied their rights and slaves in the roman empire. The only oppressor is in your victim mind.

Whites have never been denied rights in this country because of their whiteness.

Theyve been denied rights just like blacks. Your sob story falls on deaf ears.

When were whites SYSTEMATICALLY denied their rights?

You need to be corrected. Libs are the party of slavery and segregation and have kept blacks in bondage unto this day. They project their tawdry and despicable behavior every day. They are an abomination. Lets not forget how it systemically runs in the lib party as fdr quickly put japanese people into internment camps. This is your party.

Staying at home is slavery? How out of touch must you be to compare lounging at home to slaves. What kind of fantasy world do they live in? Seriously, you don't get much uglier than Trump and his bunch.
No he didn't liken it to slavery, you fucking chowderhead.

He said that stay-at-home orders, and other despotic silliness foisted upon us all by the asinine overreactions to the Commievirus, are the most egregious incursions on our liberties since slavery.

Are you really this unable to read for comprehension or just stupid as a stump?
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Who is in home lockdown but criminals on release?
NYC immediately comes to mind. A huge number of people in NYC live in poorly ventilated concrete jungle apartments, so the stay at home order was like a prison lockdown to them. Those people don't even have a yard where they can go outside and get some fresh air. They had to stay indoors the whole time.

It's no wonder that NYC had such a high COVID-19 rate. They were all locked up in little boxes with no fresh air or sunlight. Perfect petri dish conditions.
Funny considering white have no idea what slavery is as a slave.

You have no clue either. And yes, whites have been slaves.

I am not a white man, I am an Afro American, true conservative, and right of center. White people do not know what it is to be slaves in this country and have their rights denied to them. They have and still are the oppressors

I know who you are. Whites were denied their rights and slaves in the roman empire. The only oppressor is in your victim mind.

Whites have never been denied rights in this country because of their whiteness.
My gawd, you just going with your ignorance.

Hun, Today right now being white is legal grounds to discriminate against someone. What the hell do you think Affirmative action really is if not to openly discriminate against Whites and asians in some cases? Then you have whole hate Crime nonsense---where whites don't have to actually commit a crime by say or think or be accused of thinking something bad about a black person or black criminals which is often the case.
Stay at home to keep from getting sick and to keep others from getting sick is only slavery in the minds of Trumptarded white people and their well trained lap dog Negroes- you a slave-we slaves boss :auiqs.jpg:

Staying at home is slavery? How out of touch must you be to compare lounging at home to slaves. What kind of fantasy world do they live in? Seriously, you don't get much uglier than Trump and his bunch.

Reason: False statement.

Contrary to the fake news article, Barr did not liken the lockdowns to slavery. He said that slavery was a greater intrusion on civil liberties.

The greatest intrusion since perhaps Slavery......I'm thinking is Barr's hyperbole. Unfortunately, most Banana Republican's are the ditto-heads who question nothing while repeating everything as gospel.
Staying at home is slavery? How out of touch must you be to compare lounging at home to slaves. What kind of fantasy world do they live in?
Try thinking with something other than your own laziness.

My reaction, on seeing the OP, is similar.

Here, we have someone who is content to be forced into “lounging at home”, relieved of the burden of being expected to work to earn his living, content to live at the expense of others and not carry even an ounce of his own weight; and he cannot understand how anyone else would prefer differently.

It is also very likely that he doesn't understand, or perhaps just doesn't care, that the government handouts on which he is living, in lieu of the honest living that he ought to be earning, come at the expense of others, who must work to carry his burden on top of their own; and that if the economy is allowed to drag down far enough, under the #CoronaHoax2020 shutdowns, that eventually, there will be no money for his government handouts, and he'll be homeless, on the streets, starving, along with everyone else.
Whites in this country have no conception of what slavery is like. Barr sure as hell doesn't know, they should read some books or read the slave narratives to know what slavery was like.
Ummm...you shouldn't lie to yourself. Barr I am sure has you beat in all departments concerning knowledge-----------EASILY. And you my dear, are the one that needs to pick up a history book to know what slavery was like for everyone---you obviously have no clue about slavery. You THINK you do but you really don't--You might want to start with who were the people who had slaves in america----HINT: it wasn't just whites and in fact the worse slave owners weren't white but a certain other color.
Funny considering white have no idea what slavery is as a slave.

You have no clue either. And yes, whites have been slaves.

I am not a white man, I am an Afro American, true conservative, and right of center. White people do not know what it is to be slaves in this country and have their rights denied to them. They have and still are the oppressors

I know who you are. Whites were denied their rights and slaves in the roman empire. The only oppressor is in your victim mind.

Whites have never been denied rights in this country because of their whiteness.
My gawd, you just going with your ignorance.

Hun, Today right now being white is legal grounds to discriminate against someone. What the hell do you think Affirmative action really is if not to openly discriminate against Whites and asians in some cases? Then you have whole hate Crime nonsense---where whites don't have to actually commit a crime by say or think or be accused of thinking something bad about a black person or black criminals which is often the case.

You're speaking with a true racist. You'll never get an honest answer from him.
Whites in this country have no conception of what slavery is like. Barr sure as hell doesn't know, they should read some books or read the slave narratives to know what slavery was like.
Ummm...you shouldn't lie to yourself. Barr I am sure has you beat in all departments concerning knowledge-----------EASILY. And you my dear, are the one that needs to pick up a history book to know what slavery was like for everyone---you obviously have no clue about slavery. You THINK you do but you really don't--You might want to start with who were the people who had slaves in america----HINT: it wasn't just whites and in fact the worse slave owners weren't white but a certain other color.

Barr is not smarter than me, he's not even qualified for the position he holds, he knows NOTHING about slavery. If he knew he wouldn't have said what he said, troll!

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