U.S attorney general Barr likens stay-at-home orders to slavery

Barr said that the only thing worse than lock-down was slavery. He did not equate lock-down to being the same as slavery.


Still wrong no matter how you slice it.

Slavety is dehumanizing.
Lock down is to save lives from infections and deaths.

So the Dimm mayor of Nashville falsely believed while keeping the economic lifeblood of his community closed while hiding Wuhanvirus facts; and instead raised local property taxes 45%!
Go sell your bullshit somewhere's else.
B. Kidd, quit spluttering and tell us why you are unhappy, with real cites.
Libs are the party of slavery and segregation

Southern Democrats in Congress were always Conservatives. Few people owned slaves fewer still owned large number of slaves.

Few people owned slaves. Thats true.

Slave owners were not libs. Libs were the abolitionist, like Lincoln.
Wrong. The abolitionists were Christian conservatives. The Democratic Party is the party of slavery, you can’t hide that fact. Even today the Dems support China and their use of slave labor.

The traditions of slavery go back to pre-history and is accepted in the bible. The Southern Conservative slave owners were steeped in Christianity as well. The Abolitionist ideals were progressive as well as liberal.

Yes, and there's noting liberal about the Democrat party. You are authoritarian leftists.

Also, the opposition to slavery was rooted in Christianity as well

Liberal believe that the people should rule themselves, not Kings or Dictators for Life. We are a liberal Democracy. Both parties have folks with authoritarian tenancies. Banana Republicans are exponentially worse.

How many slaves did Jesus free? How many times did he speak out against it? Slavery and the slave class was just an accepted part of civilization for much longer than civilization has not accepted it.

We? LOL. The last thing you are is a liberal, you're an authoritarian leftist. I'm a liberal. We have nothing in common.

Liberals believe in individual freedom. You believe in elitism for your all powerful rulers backed by mob rule. There is nothing liberal about you at all

Goose stepping Banana Republicans like to claim they are real liberals. We are a liberal democracy because our Constitution declares the people have the right to rule themselves, not some King on high or powerful, wealthy groups of elitist vying for control of the information age.
Do you support mandated mask wearing and businesses being ordered to shut down?

The Feds don't have the authority to do either of those things. However I do support wearing masks in public where may you come in close contact, and spread your germs to others. I never supported shuttering small shops while letting corporate giants operate.
I didn’t say anything about the Feds, although Joe Biden has promised nationwide mask and lockdown mandates if he deems it necessary. I don’t care if you “support wearing masks”, I asked if you supported mandates forcing them.
You won’t answer the question directly, which means you are full of shit when you say you aren’t for some King or high elites controlling us.

Like I said it's up to the States, mostly the Governors, and sometimes like in Texas it's been left up to the locals. I support states rights to determine what is best for the citizens of their state. Joe said he's like to but, he knows the limits of federal power.
Libs are the party of slavery and segregation

Southern Democrats in Congress were always Conservatives. Few people owned slaves fewer still owned large number of slaves.

Few people owned slaves. Thats true.

Slave owners were not libs. Libs were the abolitionist, like Lincoln.
Wrong. The abolitionists were Christian conservatives. The Democratic Party is the party of slavery, you can’t hide that fact. Even today the Dems support China and their use of slave labor.

The traditions of slavery go back to pre-history and is accepted in the bible. The Southern Conservative slave owners were steeped in Christianity as well. The Abolitionist ideals were progressive as well as liberal.

Yes, and there's noting liberal about the Democrat party. You are authoritarian leftists.

Also, the opposition to slavery was rooted in Christianity as well

Liberal believe that the people should rule themselves, not Kings or Dictators for Life. We are a liberal Democracy. Both parties have folks with authoritarian tenancies. Banana Republicans are exponentially worse.

How many slaves did Jesus free? How many times did he speak out against it? Slavery and the slave class was just an accepted part of civilization for much longer than civilization has not accepted it.

We? LOL. The last thing you are is a liberal, you're an authoritarian leftist. I'm a liberal. We have nothing in common.

Liberals believe in individual freedom. You believe in elitism for your all powerful rulers backed by mob rule. There is nothing liberal about you at all

Goose stepping Banana Republicans like to claim they are real liberals. We are a liberal democracy because our Constitution declares the people have the right to rule themselves, not some King on high or powerful, wealthy groups of elitist vying for control of the information age.
Do you support mandated mask wearing and businesses being ordered to shut down?

The Feds don't have the authority to do either of those things. However I do support wearing masks in public where may you come in close contact, and spread your germs to others. I never supported shuttering small shops while letting corporate giants operate.
I didn’t say anything about the Feds, although Joe Biden has promised nationwide mask and lockdown mandates if he deems it necessary. I don’t care if you “support wearing masks”, I asked if you supported mandates forcing them.
You won’t answer the question directly, which means you are full of shit when you say you aren’t for some King or high elites controlling us.

Like I said it's up to the States, mostly the Governors, and sometimes like in Texas it's been left up to the locals. I support states rights to determine what is best for the citizens of their state. Joe said he's like to but, he knows the limits of federal power.
So you do support such mandates from governors, or “kings” as you put it.
Libs are the party of slavery and segregation

Southern Democrats in Congress were always Conservatives. Few people owned slaves fewer still owned large number of slaves.

Few people owned slaves. Thats true.

Slave owners were not libs. Libs were the abolitionist, like Lincoln.
Wrong. The abolitionists were Christian conservatives. The Democratic Party is the party of slavery, you can’t hide that fact. Even today the Dems support China and their use of slave labor.

The traditions of slavery go back to pre-history and is accepted in the bible. The Southern Conservative slave owners were steeped in Christianity as well. The Abolitionist ideals were progressive as well as liberal.

Yes, and there's noting liberal about the Democrat party. You are authoritarian leftists.

Also, the opposition to slavery was rooted in Christianity as well

Liberal believe that the people should rule themselves, not Kings or Dictators for Life. We are a liberal Democracy. Both parties have folks with authoritarian tenancies. Banana Republicans are exponentially worse.

How many slaves did Jesus free? How many times did he speak out against it? Slavery and the slave class was just an accepted part of civilization for much longer than civilization has not accepted it.

We? LOL. The last thing you are is a liberal, you're an authoritarian leftist. I'm a liberal. We have nothing in common.

Liberals believe in individual freedom. You believe in elitism for your all powerful rulers backed by mob rule. There is nothing liberal about you at all

Goose stepping Banana Republicans like to claim they are real liberals. We are a liberal democracy because our Constitution declares the people have the right to rule themselves, not some King on high or powerful, wealthy groups of elitist vying for control of the information age.
Do you support mandated mask wearing and businesses being ordered to shut down?

The Feds don't have the authority to do either of those things. However I do support wearing masks in public where may you come in close contact, and spread your germs to others. I never supported shuttering small shops while letting corporate giants operate.
I didn’t say anything about the Feds, although Joe Biden has promised nationwide mask and lockdown mandates if he deems it necessary. I don’t care if you “support wearing masks”, I asked if you supported mandates forcing them.
You won’t answer the question directly, which means you are full of shit when you say you aren’t for some King or high elites controlling us.

Like I said it's up to the States, mostly the Governors, and sometimes like in Texas it's been left up to the locals. I support states rights to determine what is best for the citizens of their state. Joe said he's like to but, he knows the limits of federal power.
So you do support such mandates from governors, or “kings” as you put it.

Why do you think an elected official is a King. I accept his authority to make such an order or to delegate that authority to local mayors or county judges to make the determination as needed. It's not like mask and shelter in place orders are anything new.
It's not a legal opinion, merely his personal one.
OK, I'm with you on that one.

They aren't unprecedented. I probably call that a mild hyperbole rather than a gross one.

What else in terms of curbing liberties has been greater? Think about it. You cannot go to work. You have to close your business. You cannot go to church, You cannot have a funeral. You cannot visit loved ones., You cannot go to the doctor, you cannot go to the dentist. No live events. No sports. It's been six friggin months of this.

I live in Texas. Been working from home for 15 years now. Except for the live sports, we've been able to do most all of those things. Even went to a wedding. I don't agree with allowing large retail giants to open and forcing small shops to close.

I agree with that.
B. Kidd, quit spluttering and tell us why you are unhappy, with real cites.

People who have falsely lost their jobs and businesses in Nashville due their Dimm mayor's lies, indeed know what I'm talking about.
Apparently you don't, "Falsely" is a nonsense term. We have 4% of the population of the world with 20% of the deaths, so "false" does not cut it. Now give us solid cites to support your arguments.
I live in Texas. Been working from home for 15 years now. Except for the live sports, we've been able to do most all of those things. Even went to a wedding. I don't agree with allowing large retail giants to open and forcing small shops to close.

Well you have had a very different experience than those of us living in blue states. It's been a fucking nightmare. Virtually none of our favorite resturants have survived.
B. Kidd, quit spluttering and tell us why you are unhappy, with real cites.

People who have falsely lost their jobs and businesses in Nashville due their Dimm mayor's lies, indeed know what I'm talking about.
Apparently you don't, "Falsely" is a nonsense term. We have 4% of the population of the world with 20% of the deaths, so "false" does not cut it. Now give us solid cites to support your arguments.
LOL You really believe then when they tell you there have only been 4,000 deaths in China?
B. Kidd, quit spluttering and tell us why you are unhappy, with real cites.

People who have falsely lost their jobs and businesses in Nashville due their Dimm mayor's lies, indeed know what I'm talking about.
Apparently you don't, "Falsely" is a nonsense term. We have 4% of the population of the world with 20% of the deaths, so "false" does not cut it. Now give us solid cites to support your arguments.
LOL You really believe then when they tell you there have only been 4,000 deaths in China?
I said nothing about China, that's you, Rawley. Please try to stay aware and on track.
I said nothing about China, that's you, Rawley. Please try to stay aware and on track.

LOL "We have 4% of the population of the world with 20% of the deaths"

You don't count the Chinese in the world's population? That's pretty fucking racist of you, Rainmen.
I said nothing about China, that's you, Rawley. Please try to stay aware and on track.

LOL "We have 4% of the population of the world with 20% of the deaths"

You don't count the Chinese in the world's population? That's pretty fucking racist of you, Rainmen.
Rawley, you are confused again. Go back, read the strain, and see who introduced China. Hint: it was you. :)
I said nothing about China, that's you, Rawley. Please try to stay aware and on track.

LOL "We have 4% of the population of the world with 20% of the deaths"

You don't count the Chinese in the world's population? That's pretty fucking racist of you, Rainmen.
Rawley, you are confused again. Go back, read the strain, and see who introduced China. Hint: it was you. :)
Tell me now, are you seriously this dim, or are you just an asshole? I'm going with 'just an asshole,' because no one can be that dim.
I said nothing about China, that's you, Rawley. Please try to stay aware and on track.

LOL "We have 4% of the population of the world with 20% of the deaths"
You don't count the Chinese in the world's population? That's pretty fucking racist of you, Rainmen.
Rawley, you are confused again. Go back, read the strain, and see who introduced China. Hint: it was you. :)
Tell me now, are you seriously this dim, or are you just an asshole? I'm going with 'just an asshole,' because no one can be that dim.
You are stumbling along in this thread, but the ad homs only make you look silly.

Staying at home is slavery? How out of touch must you be to compare lounging at home to slaves. What kind of fantasy world do they live in? Seriously, you don't get much uglier than Trump and his bunch.

NO....that isn't what he said...he said that after slavery, the lock down orders were the worst violation of Constitutional Rights in our history....
It’s still not. 100 years of Jim Crow and the Japanese internment would disagree with fixer Barr quite vehemently.

And it was DEMOCRATS who did that too you dummy!

And? What does that have to do with anything?

YOU brought it up you dumb bunny!
And in context what I said directly related to the subject. The political party responsible for them is irrelevant, especially today.

And what I said did too. Are you really so stupid that you can't understand that? In BOTH cases it is Democrat Party abuse of power.


I understand your desire to change the subject, but again, what does that have to do with Fixer Barr's wildly inaccurate (and ridiculous) statement saying that stay at home orders were the biggest assault on civil liberties since slavery?

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