U.S.Capitol on lockdown

Such a typical duped lefty response.
He’s protecting the country. It’s an American thing. You wouldn’t understand.
In this country, we don't try to overrun the capital when your leader loses.

That's shit that happens in banana republics.
But if you’re BLM or antifa you can destroy federal and private property.
You’re a hypocrite deluxe.
Maybe the local DA can bring charges against those at the capitol who resisted the protesters just like what happened with the mccloskey’s in St. Louis.
The hypocrisy is blinding.
Whining about BLM isn't going to make this any less embarrassing for you and for the country.
This is the first time the Capitol has been breeched since the British did it. The difference is the enemy was inside the building this time.
You lost, deal with it. I wouldn't be surprised if we see no more objections in Congress over electors when they resume ratifying the election because of the siege on the Capitol today.

We didn't lose. America lost. It lost its trust in the election process. The court must hear the protests and do the right thing of recounting the ballots and investigating the machines. I doubt this is going away. There will be more protests in the streets.
Nope, America won. We excised the cancer in the Oval office. As far as your trust in elections, that's also good for America as hopefully, you won't bother to vote again since you have no faith in the process. It was that defeatist attitude which led to Democrats winning both Georgia Senate seats to wrestle control of the Senate away from Republicans. And Impeached Trump and his allies have had more than 60 attempts to prove in court that they really had evidence of fraud and they failed each and every time. And let there be protests. That's a Constitutional right. Just stay the fuck out of the Capitol and the White House.

You lost because you're a leftist loser. The cancer is the cheating of the left and its coward, Joe Biden. What a coward and POS he is. He inspires you as it spews forth in your posts like he is.

This siege could be the start of America winning again. My thoughts and prayers that it does. The Supreme Court needs to hear what our POTUS DJT has found and uncovered and then make a decision. Hopefully, to right the wrongs of a fraudulent election and keep the RIGHTFUL winner in his place as the POTUS!!!

Dumbfuck, had Impeached Trump actually have found anything, he would have presented it a court of law to prove the election was rigged. Now we see he didn't do that because he couldn't do that because in reality, he had nothing.
blm protesters would have been shot long before entering the building. but let's enable magatards.
Right! Except for the fact they took over an entire city block for months and burned the country and that didn't happen.
lol. false equivalency is false. on june 3, blm protests in dc happened.

this is how the Lincoln memorial was protected.

View attachment 438259

fun fact. nobody inside the memorial was about to perform constitutional duties.

Well, there are alot of flat screens in there.
He’s protecting the country.

He incited sedition.

It’s an American thing.

There's nothing American about sedition.

You wouldn’t understand.

I understand you're trying to rationalize sedition and that you're a brainwashed idiot.

Sedition: conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
The sedition has been going on for thirty years. Obama put it on steroids, There is nothing seditious about wanting transparency and integrity in our elections. Americans are being denied that for obvious reasons. The days of sitting down and shutting up are over.

Scan the ballots and forensically audit the machines. It is the only solution. The only thing that can restore trust.


The elections were on the up and up as multiple public state officials and courts have found, including Trumps own people


Every fucking state certified their election.


He’s protecting the country.

He incited sedition.

It’s an American thing.

There's nothing American about sedition.

You wouldn’t understand.

I understand you're trying to rationalize sedition and that you're a brainwashed idiot.

Sedition: conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
Hey, bro.

The last time the Capitol was invaded was by the British during the War of 1812.
And what's gobsmacking here is that you Trumpie,Qnuts,proud boy fucksticks took you ques..... from a loser.

That's how stupid you are.




Sad, it happened.

Has it been confirmed who she was and that she was a Trump protester?

And stop blaming Trump when he still should be POTUS for another four.
And now Trumps inciting you stupid fucks to commit sedition..... has got a women killed.

Pieces of shit. Everyone of you Trumpies.
He’s protecting the country.

He incited sedition.

It’s an American thing.

There's nothing American about sedition.

You wouldn’t understand.

I understand you're trying to rationalize sedition and that you're a brainwashed idiot.

Sedition: conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
The sedition has been going on for thirty years. Obama put it on steroids, There is nothing seditious about wanting transparency and integrity in our elections. Americans are being denied that for obvious reasons. The days of sitting down and shutting up are over.

Scan the ballots and forensically audit the machines. It is the only solution. The only thing that can restore trust.



Every fucking state certified their election.


The elections were on the up and up as multiple public state officials and courts have found, including Trumps own people

Then release the ballots and machines. People do not trust state officials or politicians. If there was no fraud what difference would it make.
Young female Trump supporter was shot. May have been fatal.

Capitol Police shooting Patriots trying to protest blatant election corruption by the Communist Party USA.


Patriots protest. Traitors committing anarchy in our capital building in an attempted coup... get shot.

Ass. Scamper back to your bunker you feeble headed fuck.

You are the ass and feces. It is where your brain is. You relish it, worship it, roll around in it, eat it, and get hep C. What a disgusting way to die.

The US and the right people will not rest until the fraud of the left has been investigated, tried, and the rightful POTUS put back into place for another four years. America needs to have its trust placed back upon the electoral process again.

Who's gonna investigate the left? You lost the White House, House and Senate. Starting in a couple of weeks, Biden will be replacing all of the department leaders Impeached Trump installed. That means QAnon and Alex Jones will have to lead your investigations.

Such a typical duped lefty response.
He’s protecting the country. It’s an American thing. You wouldn’t understand.
In this country, we don't try to overrun the capital when your leader loses.

That's shit that happens in banana republics.
But if you’re BLM or antifa you can destroy federal and private property.
You’re a hypocrite deluxe.
Maybe the local DA can bring charges against those at the capitol who resisted the protesters just like what happened with the mccloskey’s in St. Louis.
The hypocrisy is blinding.
Whining about BLM isn't going to make this any less embarrassing for you and for the country.
You’re a hypocrite. You’re dodging. You’re a hypocrite.
For all the people in favor of the violence in DC, what do you think will be accomplished by these "patriotic protests"?

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