U.S.Capitol on lockdown

He’s protecting the country.

He incited sedition.

It’s an American thing.

There's nothing American about sedition.

You wouldn’t understand.

I understand you're trying to rationalize sedition and that you're a brainwashed idiot.

Sedition: conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
The sedition was the democrat party and their overthrow of the country.
You’re a hypocrite.





Our country belongs to the people, not Black Lives Matter and Antifa. So fuck you! Just the tip of the iceberg.

and the people kicked your ass out of the white house, the senate and the house...
suck it up now...
For all the people in favor of the violence in DC, what do you think will be accomplished by these "patriotic protests"?
It took a long long time for these people to wake up. A slow slumbering sleep that the elites pushed and cajoled to the point they called them names and destroy them for any perceived offence to the Progressive Socialist Democratic Republic of Amerika. What you have found out is that there is no concern for Progressive s as much as you have no concern for Deplorables. Bother yourselves. Leave us alone. None of your stupid freaking experimental agendas.
Young female Trump supporter was shot. May have been fatal.

Capitol Police shooting Patriots trying to protest blatant election corruption by the Communist Party USA.


Patriots protest. Traitors committing anarchy in our capital building in an attempted coup... get shot.

Ass. Scamper back to your bunker you feeble headed fuck.

You are the ass and feces. It is where your brain is. You relish it, worship it, roll around in it, eat it, and get hep C. What a disgusting way to die.

The US and the right people will not rest until the fraud of the left has been investigated, tried, and the rightful POTUS put back into place for another four years. America needs to have its trust placed back upon the electoral process again.

Who's gonna investigate the left? You lost the White House, House and Senate. Starting in a couple of weeks, Biden will be replacing all of the department leaders Impeached Trump installed. That means QAnon and Alex Jones will have to lead your investigations.

Look like peaceful protesters to me. Just like the BLM protesters who burned down the National Cathedral.
You only think they're peaceful protesters because you're a rightard.

This a statement where he says stay peaceful. It is sickening we allow anyone to get away with the shit big tech pulls. They are running your lives, you fucking idiots
Instead of renaming Ft Benning after some worthless low IQ hate filled Negro like the Democrats want to do we should name it after the female Patriot that was killed by the government thugs today.
You lost, deal with it. I wouldn't be surprised if we see no more objections in Congress over electors when they resume ratifying the election because of the siege on the Capitol today.

We didn't lose. America lost. It lost its trust in the election process. The court must hear the protests and do the right thing of recounting the ballots and investigating the machines. I doubt this is going away. There will be more protests in the streets.
Nope, America won. We excised the cancer in the Oval office. As far as your trust in elections, that's also good for America as hopefully, you won't bother to vote again since you have no faith in the process. It was that defeatist attitude which led to Democrats winning both Georgia Senate seats to wrestle control of the Senate away from Republicans. And Impeached Trump and his allies have had more than 60 attempts to prove in court that they really had evidence of fraud and they failed each and every time. And let there be protests. That's a Constitutional right. Just stay the fuck out of the Capitol and the White House.

You lost because you're a leftist loser. The cancer is the cheating of the left and its coward, Joe Biden. What a coward and POS he is. He inspires you as it spews forth in your posts like he is.

This siege could be the start of America winning again. My thoughts and prayers that it does. The Supreme Court needs to hear what our POTUS DJT has found and uncovered and then make a decision. Hopefully, to right the wrongs of a fraudulent election and keep the RIGHTFUL winner in his place as the POTUS!!!

Dumbfuck, had Impeached Trump actually have found anything, he would have presented it a court of law to prove the election was rigged. Now we see he didn't do that because he couldn't do that because in reality, he had nothing.

We'll have to see what happens once the protesters are heard.
They were heard today. One was killed. Keep it up.
RIP woman heroine. The woman who was a Trump supporter and shot and killed by the police should be hailed as a heroine. She's much more courageous than Chicken Joe who ran as fast as he could back to the basemant.
It's past 6;00 and there's a curfew.

Why the fuck aren't these DOMESTIC TERRORIST being rounded up and shipped off to Gitmo.
Trump is wrong. We need to escalate the violence.

The time for peaceful protest is over. No justice, no peace.

It is time to fertilizer the tree of liberty with the blood of tyants that would turn this country into a Socialist shithole.

Are you in DC right now, or are you just a dickless big mouth who thinks this is all some kind of video game? Don't talk of violence unless you are putting your own big mouth in the middle of it.
Flash is taking violence while sitting on the can taking a shit.
Why are you against mostly peaceful protests all the sudden?

Another brownshirt desperately trying to justify violence against police at the Capitol.

How did I justify it by asking him about his blatant hypocrisy? Be specific.
Do you condemn the attacks on police at the Capitol?

That I have to ask demonstrates my point already. But lets see how long you try to avoid answering this simple question.
You claimed I tried to “justify violence against police”.

Quote my post doing that, clown.

Meanwhile, throughout the last summer, and still in Portland, the left is being violent against police and these losers are silent.

It is clear that the violence in the Capitol Building was by known Antifa goons, they've been identified from pictures. It was all a set-up and the useful idiots, the MSM, and cowardly Republicans fell for it again.

Explain how the Capitol Building was not under the tightest security and yet the Antifa goons basically waltzed in. Oh, a video shows the goons being allowed to pas through a police line.
The best thing is to hold up the electoral count. Last count Trump 12, Biden 0. And follow what Senator Ted Cruz said. It's late, but still not too late.

well. good plan, for a dumbass terrorist supporting twat. unfortunately, your terrorist tactics failed. they will resume the process as soon as the stench is cleared.
Our country belongs to the people,

And the people spoke through our ELECTIONS and you fuckers lost.

Jesus Christ on a stick.

No wonder you fuckers live in a bubble. You stupid fuckers are so far up Trumps ass you need the artificial environment to survive.
Too late for that lie. As you can see it is not working. The only solution is transparency, tell the states to give up the ballots for scanning and the machines. That will answer all the questions.

Why are you not behind something that could prove there was no fraud?
Trump tells the angry mob to go home and that the election was stolen.
Well it was stolen.

Except that it wasn't. As confirmed by everyone from Barr to the DOJ to the CISA to the local and state election officials. Even republican ones.

Biden won every count, recount, hand count, physical ballot count, electronic tally, the official tally, 306 electors worth of the certificates of ascertainment, and the electoral vote.

While Trump's attorneys starkly refused to even ALLEGE in court that fraud had occurred.

You've been played.
You know it was rigged, and God dammit I hope they beat you liberals silly.
You lost, deal with it. I wouldn't be surprised if we see no more objections in Congress over electors when they resume ratifying the election because of the siege on the Capitol today.
And you believed a 5 yr Russian hoax....God how do you post here I'd be so ashamed
Dumbfuck, no, I didn't. Seems the shame is all yours.
LOL. I couldn't care less about your opinion. You promoted a Russian scam for 5 yrs....5 yrs
What do you call a"patriot" planting IED'S throughout our capital building Trumpies?

Or are you going to try and rationalize domestic terrorism now.

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