U.S.Capitol on lockdown

“Republican lawmakers are pressing the Trump loyalists in their party to abandon their objections to President-elect Joe Biden’s win as lawmakers huddle in an undisclosed location Wednesday afternoon to wait out the siege of the Capitol,” the Washington Post reports.

“The intervention from Republicans is focused on the GOP lawmakers who have been spearheading the electoral college challenges, including Sens. Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Ted Cruz (R-TX)."

Every single fuckstick Trumpie in congress who supported challenging this electoral vote shit should be removed from their seats by a vote in both chambers.
The media is not going to tell the truth about anything. This protest is no different. This leaves no choice but to investigate any claims of fraud by the release of the ballots and machines in question. It is clear half the country wants proof there was no fraud. Hiding evidence and lying is not a way to prove that.
Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) blamed President Trump for the riots and violence at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, The Hill reports.

Said Sasse: “Today, the United States Capitol — the world’s greatest symbol of self-government — was ransacked while the leader of the free world cowered behind his keyboard — tweeting against his Vice President for fulfilling the duties of his oath to the Constitution.”

He added: “Lies have consequences. This violence was the inevitable and ugly outcome of the President’s addiction to constantly stoking division.”

It's a shame Sasse & Co. violated their oaths during the impeachment trial.
The media is not going to tell the truth about anything. This protest is no different. This leaves no choice but to investigate any claims of fraud by the release of the ballots and machines in question. It is clear half the country wants proof there was no fraud. Hiding evidence and lying is not a way to prove that.

You have Trump's word that there was fraud. What more do you need?
Yes. They should all be shot down right?

If I had my way? I'd make as many examples out of them as I could. Hit em with some rubber bullets and tear gas and watch em stampede...or make them watch November 7th videos of Biden being declared the winner over and over again. :) Either way, I am sure there are many House and Senate Republicans rethinking their strategies as I think they thought they'd be able to get away with a sideshow and go home.

Why do you oppose Peaceful Protests? This looks a lot more peaceful than the Liberal protests in Baltimore or Ferguson or Kenosha IMHO.
Why do you oppose Peaceful Protests? This looks a lot more peaceful than the Liberal protests in Baltimore or Ferguson or Kenosha IMHO.
Didn’t age well.
This is why your opinions are ignored. Go back to sleep,dope.
After this election, rife with fraud, DC should have expected to be descended upon by honest Americans.

And those who believed in fraud went to court and lost. End of story. But I do like the "Look what she was wearing, she was practically asking to be raped" analogy. POS.
After this election, rife with fraud, DC should have expected to be descended upon by honest Americans.

And those who believed in fraud went to court and lost. End of story. But I do like the "Look what she was wearing, she was practically asking to be raped" analogy. POS.
Sorry ‘POS’ we’re entitled to 4 years of coup behavior. It’s only fair.

No, you're entitled to lose because that's what you guys did, you just did it again last night x2.
Bootney will watch the war on TV as he posts threads in USMB.
Of course.

As soon as this bullshit comes to Texas, I'll be right in the middle of it. I'm not driving my ass to DC.

Yeah, don't want you to go out of your way during the revolution. Maybe you can ask them to do it on weekends only.
The corrupt Democrats have awakened a sleeping giant...the people...who took the capitol today. When you steal elections expect consequences. This was Lexington and Concord and we have a martyr for the patriot cause.

GHWB would not approve of you. And the MAGA crowd was anything but giant or sleeping. They've been a vocal group of whiny bitches the last four years.
The media is not going to tell the truth about anything. This protest is no different. This leaves no choice but to investigate any claims of fraud by the release of the ballots and machines in question. It is clear half the country wants proof there was no fraud. Hiding evidence and lying is not a way to prove that.

You have Trump's word that there was fraud. What more do you need?
Four more years of Trump and many people sent to jail, people expelled from Congress and the Senate. For starters.
After this election, rife with fraud, DC should have expected to be descended upon by honest Americans.

And those who believed in fraud went to court and lost. End of story. But I do like the "Look what she was wearing, she was practically asking to be raped" analogy. POS.
After this election, rife with fraud, DC should have expected to be descended upon by honest Americans.

And those who believed in fraud went to court and lost. End of story. But I do like the "Look what she was wearing, she was practically asking to be raped" analogy. POS.
Sorry ‘POS’ we’re entitled to 4 years of coup behavior. It’s only fair.

No, you're entitled to lose because that's what you guys did, you just did it again last night x2.
There is already evidence of real time vote switching from last night's election. Purdue suddenly lost 32,000 votes. Votes only go up, not down.

If you do not believe yours eyes you have huge problems.
Who says protest should be peaceful? You don't fix major corruption with peace.

This is just push back from a stolen election. No justice no peace.

Sometimes the Tree of Liberty must be fertilized with the blood of tyrants.

The Supreme Court would not hear it based on riots from the Left.

The Legislatures didn't want to make waves and didn't do the right thing.

The Right just reacted to that reality.

God bless them.

God damn the filthy Communists that will destroy this country for their Socialist greed.

God damn the weak members of Congress of both parties that let the Communists get away with the thievery.

The tyrant is your Orange God who is trying to turn our country into a laughing stock third world shithole, rube.
After this election, rife with fraud, DC should have expected to be descended upon by honest Americans.

And those who believed in fraud went to court and lost. End of story. But I do like the "Look what she was wearing, she was practically asking to be raped" analogy. POS.
After this election, rife with fraud, DC should have expected to be descended upon by honest Americans.

And those who believed in fraud went to court and lost. End of story. But I do like the "Look what she was wearing, she was practically asking to be raped" analogy. POS.
Sorry ‘POS’ we’re entitled to 4 years of coup behavior. It’s only fair.

No, you're entitled to lose because that's what you guys did, you just did it again last night x2.
There is already evidence of real time vote switching from last night's election. Purdue suddenly lost 32,000 votes.

Of course there is, I did it myself.
The media is not going to tell the truth about anything. This protest is no different. This leaves no choice but to investigate any claims of fraud by the release of the ballots and machines in question. It is clear half the country wants proof there was no fraud. Hiding evidence and lying is not a way to prove that.

You have Trump's word that there was fraud. What more do you need?
Four more years of Trump and many people sent to jail, people expelled from Congress and the Senate. For starters.

Ah. Fan fiction. Attaboy.
He’s protecting the country.

He incited sedition.

It’s an American thing.

There's nothing American about sedition.

You wouldn’t understand.

I understand you're trying to rationalize sedition and that you're a brainwashed idiot.

Sedition: conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
The sedition has been going on for thirty years. Obama put it on steroids, There is nothing seditious about wanting transparency and integrity in our elections. Americans are being denied that for obvious reasons. The days of sitting down and shutting up are over.

Scan the ballots and forensically audit the machines. It is the only solution. The only thing that can restore trust.

They hand counted the ballots you idiotic rube
He’s protecting the country.

He incited sedition.

It’s an American thing.

There's nothing American about sedition.

You wouldn’t understand.

I understand you're trying to rationalize sedition and that you're a brainwashed idiot.

Sedition: conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
The sedition has been going on for thirty years. Obama put it on steroids, There is nothing seditious about wanting transparency and integrity in our elections. Americans are being denied that for obvious reasons. The days of sitting down and shutting up are over.

Scan the ballots and forensically audit the machines. It is the only solution. The only thing that can restore trust.

They hand counted the ballots you idiotic rube
So what? Illegal votes can be counted as many times as needed. You are the rube.
What do you call a"patriot" planting IED'S throughout our capital building Trumpies?

Or are you going to try and rationalize domestic terrorism now.
Patriots stand-up against the usurpation of our Constitution by the liberal media and their Democratic Party handlers. Lexington and Concord was today. Innocent patriot was murdered in cold blood. This is an uprising against the Washington D.C. liberal media cabal.
I'll give Trump this.

He exposed the hollow, amoralness of a republican party taken over by the most radical elements of our society, a fringe base who's makeup is one of conspiracy kooks, fascist, racist and dead enders.

Is it any wonder they swarm to Trump like flies swarm to a dead bloated body.
The media is not going to tell the truth about anything. This protest is no different. This leaves no choice but to investigate any claims of fraud by the release of the ballots and machines in question. It is clear half the country wants proof there was no fraud. Hiding evidence and lying is not a way to prove that.

You have Trump's word that there was fraud. What more do you need?
Four more years of Trump and many people sent to jail, people expelled from Congress and the Senate. For starters.

Ah. Fan fiction. Attaboy.
Scan the ballots, audit the machines, then come back and we'll talk.

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