U.S.Capitol on lockdown

GW was the worst president ever. Obama was a close 2nd. Now we are divided. If one more person tells me I have white privilege I am going to laugh in their stupid face. PC/cancel culture is the root of the issues in America. Soon everyone will see that.
How are you ranking them?
My partner says I have white privilege. I'm not so sure. Never walked in another culture's shoes.
GW got is into two stupid wars and lied about Iraq. He also saw an awful financial disaster due to his negligence in terms of regulations and oversight. Obama never got us out of the wars in the Middle East, ISIS formed on his watch as did BLM and that utterly divided our country. Obama meant well I believe but his leadership was awful.

ISIS came out of Camp Bucca prison in Iraq in 2004..

The neocons and dual citizens of the PNAC got us into Iraq.. Bibi demanded it with Clean Break Strategy.
ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?

The Islamic State, aka ISIS, was founded by B. Hussein O.

President Trump made that crystal clear, and Obama never disproved the fact.
Read and learn...

Your link...in 2013 the group renamed itself ISIS. Who was the President then? LOL


ShortBus, as even you attest, it was the same group of terrorists. They just appended 'IS' to their name after invading Syria. They formed originally as a resistance to Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.

Are you ever not a complete idiot?

You can't say that, Assflap. The Patriots began in the 1960s but their dynasty didn't start til 2001. You cannot just say, NE was the NE it is now in 1965. No, ISIS may have begun in 2004 but they didn't become a true threat until 2013. Hopefully this analogy helps, Assflap.
Not only did I say it, ShortBus, my link said it too.
No, Assflap. Your link said their fringe began in 2004...like the Patriots in the 60s per my analogy and didn't become the ISIS of true terror until 2013 like the Patriots did in 2001. Do you believe when someone says the Pats Dynasty, people are talking about 1970? No. So please STFU. You look stupid. You lost this debate like you lose every other debate. ISIS became ISIS under BHO's watch.

It's not my fault you're so fucked in the head, ShortBus, you think Al-Qaeda in Iraq wasn't a true threat. They were among the main Sunni forces we were fighting there starting in 2004; until Bush paid other Sunnis to fight them.

You have no idea what I thought about Iraq. It is typical of people like to say untrue things and lie because it is what you are spoon fed and repeat like a child.
The solution to this dispute is simple. An independent commission to look at the election, including Red Chinese involvement, the count, etc.

Like we had in 1877 during that disputed election between Hayes and Tilden.

Like the Georgia recount that your ilk already ignored?
That recount is suspect, just ask yourself this;
How can you claim to be missing the file paper authorization ticket to the suitcase ballots declaring it's location is missing aka unknown, but magically still be counting those missing ballots in a recount? How does your recount count unfolded uncreased ballots that magically came out of mail in envelopes?
You're lying. First, those weren't suitcases, they were official ballot cases. Second, each one was properly labeled to maintain chain of custody.

There is nothing suspect about their recount, their audit or their initial count. It must suck to meander through life feeling like you were robbed of an election? That's gonna sting for a loooong time.

each one was properly labeled to maintain chain of custody YES, but they recently admitted they could not find that paperwork to know who authorized and oversaw the count on those infamous suitcase ballots and where these ballots are stored-because they are missing like the label ticket is.
Very convenient.
link your proof everyone who is recorded to vote for Biden is single count legal voter.
Not everything has a link,=failed rebuttle.
Here's my link, now where's yours?

That wasn't what I asked for in proof, so now we know how MSM takes advantage of your attention to detail and comprehension issues.
It answers your question. Every state canvassed their ballots and certified there results. That's the best proof we have that no illegal votes were counted.

I can't help but notice you keep running from proving your claim. No worries, I figured you were full of shit to begin with.
GW was the worst president ever. Obama was a close 2nd. Now we are divided. If one more person tells me I have white privilege I am going to laugh in their stupid face. PC/cancel culture is the root of the issues in America. Soon everyone will see that.
How are you ranking them?
My partner says I have white privilege. I'm not so sure. Never walked in another culture's shoes.
GW got is into two stupid wars and lied about Iraq. He also saw an awful financial disaster due to his negligence in terms of regulations and oversight. Obama never got us out of the wars in the Middle East, ISIS formed on his watch as did BLM and that utterly divided our country. Obama meant well I believe but his leadership was awful.

ISIS came out of Camp Bucca prison in Iraq in 2004..

The neocons and dual citizens of the PNAC got us into Iraq.. Bibi demanded it with Clean Break Strategy.
ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?

The Islamic State, aka ISIS, was founded by B. Hussein O.

President Trump made that crystal clear, and Obama never disproved the fact.
Read and learn...

Your link...in 2013 the group renamed itself ISIS. Who was the President then? LOL


ShortBus, as even you attest, it was the same group of terrorists. They just appended 'IS' to their name after invading Syria. They formed originally as a resistance to Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.

Are you ever not a complete idiot?

You can't say that, Assflap. The Patriots began in the 1960s but their dynasty didn't start til 2001. You cannot just say, NE was the NE it is now in 1965. No, ISIS may have begun in 2004 but they didn't become a true threat until 2013. Hopefully this analogy helps, Assflap.
Not only did I say it, ShortBus, my link said it too.
No, Assflap. Your link said their fringe began in 2004...like the Patriots in the 60s per my analogy and didn't become the ISIS of true terror until 2013 like the Patriots did in 2001. Do you believe when someone says the Pats Dynasty, people are talking about 1970? No. So please STFU. You look stupid. You lost this debate like you lose every other debate. ISIS became ISIS under BHO's watch.

It's not my fault you're so fucked in the head, ShortBus, you think Al-Qaeda in Iraq wasn't a true threat. They were among the main Sunni forces we were fighting there starting in 2004; until Bush paid other Sunnis to fight them.

AQ was the minor leagues compared to ISIS. And ISIS didn't become ISIS until Obama was in charge. Per your own link, Assflap. Maybe you should read the data in your links instead of posting it.
GW was the worst president ever. Obama was a close 2nd. Now we are divided. If one more person tells me I have white privilege I am going to laugh in their stupid face. PC/cancel culture is the root of the issues in America. Soon everyone will see that.
How are you ranking them?
My partner says I have white privilege. I'm not so sure. Never walked in another culture's shoes.
GW got is into two stupid wars and lied about Iraq. He also saw an awful financial disaster due to his negligence in terms of regulations and oversight. Obama never got us out of the wars in the Middle East, ISIS formed on his watch as did BLM and that utterly divided our country. Obama meant well I believe but his leadership was awful.

ISIS came out of Camp Bucca prison in Iraq in 2004..

The neocons and dual citizens of the PNAC got us into Iraq.. Bibi demanded it with Clean Break Strategy.
ISIS garnered power under Obama’s leadership. Didn’t hear about them til he came to power.
They grew out of Al-Qaeda in Iraq which formed to combat our forces in Iraq when Bush idiotically invaded there. They morphed into IS, Islamic State and then later, ISIL or ISIS after they invaded Syria. You really don't know shit, do ya, ShortBus?

The Islamic State, aka ISIS, was founded by B. Hussein O.

President Trump made that crystal clear, and Obama never disproved the fact.
Read and learn...

Your link...in 2013 the group renamed itself ISIS. Who was the President then? LOL


ShortBus, as even you attest, it was the same group of terrorists. They just appended 'IS' to their name after invading Syria. They formed originally as a resistance to Bush's idiotic invasion of Iraq.

Are you ever not a complete idiot?

You can't say that, Assflap. The Patriots began in the 1960s but their dynasty didn't start til 2001. You cannot just say, NE was the NE it is now in 1965. No, ISIS may have begun in 2004 but they didn't become a true threat until 2013. Hopefully this analogy helps, Assflap.
Not only did I say it, ShortBus, my link said it too.
No, Assflap. Your link said their fringe began in 2004...like the Patriots in the 60s per my analogy and didn't become the ISIS of true terror until 2013 like the Patriots did in 2001. Do you believe when someone says the Pats Dynasty, people are talking about 1970? No. So please STFU. You look stupid. You lost this debate like you lose every other debate. ISIS became ISIS under BHO's watch.

It's not my fault you're so fucked in the head, ShortBus, you think Al-Qaeda in Iraq wasn't a true threat. They were among the main Sunni forces we were fighting there starting in 2004; until Bush paid other Sunnis to fight them.

You have no idea what I thought about Iraq. It is typical of people like to say untrue things and lie because it is what you are spoon fed and repeat like a child.
Assfalp doesn't have many ideas. He constantly posts links that debunk his own message as he doesn't fully read them. I have busted him several times on that and made him look even dumber than he is now.

ISIS didn't become the power group it was until 2013. Who was POTUS then? Hmmmm....
Yeah, Senator Hawley, who gave the crowd a fist pump of support shortly before they stormed the Capitol, is a real piece of shit. Every other Senator and House member had the decency to drop their objections due to the terrorist attack on our Capitol. That sick fuck entered his objection anyway, even though it never had a chance of passing.

Thanx for letting us know who to support for president. Josh Hawley for President 2024!

Yeah, good luck with that.

It should come as a surprise to nobody that the Georgia Senate runoff elections on Tuesday were plagued with similar technological voter fraud as the November presidential elections. Former Overstock.com CEO Patrick Byrne revealed what he learned about it via Twitter.

“Last night we watched election data flow real-time from Georgia to Islamabad and China. They take a blank ballot, check live voter rolls overseas, pick one to attribute the vote to, and accept it,” he posted.

This jibes with what we believe we saw happen in the first election. The difference is that this time, Byrne and his team were watching it unfolding in real time.
Byrne has a PHD and millions and he is not giving up on proving fraud. And it looks like he just has.
It turns out Anti-Fa is responsible for the violence yesterday but gaze at the hypocrisy of your new China owned leaders.
Yeah, it was prolly Hunter Biden behind it.

Its time for another round of dipshit rodeo.....as our local Trump supporters desperately scramble for yet another conspiracy theory.

I say keep 'em coming. The deeper you fools burrow into the batshit, the more you demonstrate your own gullibility and absurdity.
Great thing about the patriots yesterday.

It served notice to the Communists in the government that the next time the White guys won't be as polite.

I went to the rifle range this morning and on the way home stopped by a gun store to pick up a couple of AR-15 lower receivers.

The general consensus is the next time Thomas Jefferson's idea that the Tree of Liberty needs to be nourished with the blood of tyrants my very well come to be.

If I was a member of the Communist Party USA (formerly Democrat Party) I would think twice about doing what Communists always do and try and take away the right to keep and bear arms.

It will not go well.
It turns out Anti-Fa is responsible for the violence yesterday but gaze at the hypocrisy of your new China owned leaders.
Yeah, it was prolly Hunter Biden behind it.

Its time for another round of dipshit rodeo.....as our local Trump supporters desperately scramble for yet another conspiracy theory.

I say keep 'em coming. The deeper you fools burrow into the batshit, the more you demonstrate your own gullibility and absurdity.
The conspiracy theory is that the election was fair and free. The evidence was and is being ignored. Fraud will be proven. There are still ballots to scan and machines to audit. Holding them back now surely indicates guilt.
Great thing about the patriots yesterday.

It served notice to the Communists in the government that the next time the White guys won't be as polite.

I went to the rifle range this morning and on the way home stopped by a gun store to pick up a couple of AR-15 lower receivers.

The general consensus is the next time Thomas Jefferson's idea that the Tree of Liberty needs to be nourished with the blood of tyrants my very well come to be.

If I was a member of the Communist Party USA (formerly Democrat Party) I would think twice about doing what Communists always do and try and take away the right to keep and bear arms.

It will not go well.
P-R-I-S-O-N...what’s that spell?

You get the idea
Great thing about the patriots yesterday.

It served notice to the Communists in the government that the next time the White guys won't be as polite.

I went to the rifle range this morning and on the way home stopped by a gun store to pick up a couple of AR-15 lower receivers.

The general consensus is the next time Thomas Jefferson's idea that the Tree of Liberty needs to be nourished with the blood of tyrants my very well come to be.

If I was a member of the Communist Party USA (formerly Democrat Party) I would think twice about doing what Communists always do and try and take away the right to keep and bear arms.

It will not go well.
This guy should be reported. We will read about him shooting up a school because the school is creating communists. The Nashville bomber could have been caught early. Most of the violent nuts could be stopped early.
By the way, Trump's best friend, Putin, is a communist. Trump believes a communist over our own FBI and CIA. Trump felt it was very important to be friendly with communists like Putin and Kim Jong Un.
The worst thing about yesterday was not the shooting the Patriot woman, although that was despicable. The more despicable thing was that the Republicans bent the knee to the Communist Party USA and didn't hold them accountable for stealing the election.

Another example of the fact that we can't depend on either the Executive, Judicial or Legislative Branch of government to protect our Liberty.

The only thing that will protect our Liberty is the Second Amendment. Our Founding Fathers knew this very well.
The 25th Amendment?

The Democrats continue to want to burn Trump at the proverbial stake for any and everything they can possibly manufacture against him. 'Politics of Personal Destruction', anyone? It's a Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrat favorite. They tried for 4 years to destroy President Trump, his family, and everyone who worked for him or supported him. They are still doing it.

They tried to do it to USSC Justice Kavanaugh. They try to do it to every person who runs for President against the Democrats every election.

Trump has to be destroyed because he beat Hillary.

Trump has to be destroyed because he wiped out Barry's 'Legacy'.

Trump has to be destroyed because he beat their every attempt to oust him.

Trump has to be destroyed because he LEGALLY got more votes than Barry ever did.

Trump has to be destroyed because even after he leaves office he will be a threat to not only Democrats but also to the Deep State, Washington Establishment 'Go-Along-To-Get-Along' Republicans, the Fake News Media who have been exposed and APPROPRIATELY VILLAINIZED, Big Tech, China...

The Democrats will attempt to remove the President from office - 'to drag him out by his hair, as Hillary hinted to their plan earlier' - even if it was his very last day in office.
It turns out Anti-Fa is responsible for the violence yesterday but gaze at the hypocrisy of your new China owned leaders.
Yeah, it was prolly Hunter Biden behind it.

Its time for another round of dipshit rodeo.....as our local Trump supporters desperately scramble for yet another conspiracy theory.

I say keep 'em coming. The deeper you fools burrow into the batshit, the more you demonstrate your own gullibility and absurdity.
The conspiracy theory is that the election was fair and free. The evidence was and is being ignored. Fraud will be proven. There are still ballots to scan and machines to audit. Holding them back now surely indicates guilt.

Nope, there's nothing left to scan or audit. It's over. You lost.

This is you, still waiting for your team to kick the game winning field goal; even though the game ended hours earlier and the teams, stadium staff and fans all left already...

Great thing about the patriots yesterday.

It served notice to the Communists in the government that the next time the White guys won't be as polite.

I went to the rifle range this morning and on the way home stopped by a gun store to pick up a couple of AR-15 lower receivers.

The general consensus is the next time Thomas Jefferson's idea that the Tree of Liberty needs to be nourished with the blood of tyrants my very well come to be.

If I was a member of the Communist Party USA (formerly Democrat Party) I would think twice about doing what Communists always do and try and take away the right to keep and bear arms.

It will not go well.
This guy should be reported. We will read about him shooting up a school because the school is creating communists. The Nashville bomber could have been caught early. Most of the violent nuts could be stopped early.
By the way, Trump's best friend, Putin, is a communist. Trump believes a communist over our own FBI and CIA. Trump felt it was very important to be friendly with communists like Putin and Kim Jong Un.

You being a stupid uneducated low information Moon Bat probably don't know that Thomas Jefferson said that the Tree of Liberty needs to be nourished with the blood of tyrants, do you?

Do you even know that we have the right to keep and bear arms and do you even have a clue why it was included? Hint; it wasn't so we could hunt deer.

Do you even know who Tomas Jefferson is?
What do you call a"patriot" planting IED'S throughout our capital building Trumpies?

Or are you going to try and rationalize domestic terrorism now.
Patriots stand-up against the usurpation of our Constitution by the liberal media and their Democratic Party handlers. Lexington and Concord was today. Innocent patriot was murdered in cold blood. This is an uprising against the Washington D.C. liberal media cabal.
And guess who can be charged with her murder ... ? Everyone of the yahoos who stormed the Capitol today.
I do not recall you being this outraged during the BLM destructive riots. Hypocrisy 101. How many small businesses were destroyed today?
This was not a riot or event a protest. It was a planned attack on the US Capital for the specific purpose of stopping congress from doing it's constitutional duty of counting and certifying the electoral votes . Trump sent them there to do his bidding.
It wasn’t planned. It as an ad hoc emotional response IMO. It this was planned then Trump should be jailed.
Pipe bombs are not an ad hoc emotional response.
What do you call a"patriot" planting IED'S throughout our capital building Trumpies?

Or are you going to try and rationalize domestic terrorism now.
Patriots stand-up against the usurpation of our Constitution by the liberal media and their Democratic Party handlers. Lexington and Concord was today. Innocent patriot was murdered in cold blood. This is an uprising against the Washington D.C. liberal media cabal.
And guess who can be charged with her murder ... ? Everyone of the yahoos who stormed the Capitol today.
I do not recall you being this outraged during the BLM destructive riots. Hypocrisy 101. How many small businesses were destroyed today?
This was not a riot or event a protest. It was a planned attack on the US Capital for the specific purpose of stopping congress from doing it's constitutional duty of counting and certifying the electoral votes . Trump sent them there to do his bidding.
It wasn’t planned. It as an ad hoc emotional response IMO. It this was planned then Trump should be jailed.
Pipe bombs are not an ad hoc emotional response.
Two out of 50k? Come on man.
It turns out Anti-Fa is responsible for the violence yesterday but gaze at the hypocrisy of your new China owned leaders.
Yeah, it was prolly Hunter Biden behind it.

Its time for another round of dipshit rodeo.....as our local Trump supporters desperately scramble for yet another conspiracy theory.

I say keep 'em coming. The deeper you fools burrow into the batshit, the more you demonstrate your own gullibility and absurdity.
The conspiracy theory is that the election was fair and free. The evidence was and is being ignored. Fraud will be proven. There are still ballots to scan and machines to audit. Holding them back now surely indicates guilt.

Nope, there's nothing left to scan or audit. It's over. You lost.

This is you, still waiting for your team to kick the game winning field goal; even though the game ended hours earlier and the teams, stadium staff and fans all left already...

Are you saying all the evidence has been destroyed? That is what Communists do. That is what our nation is now or will be shortly. China owns Biden and Democrats and many Republicans. You are no longer an American you are a "Americomm" and still an Assflap.

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