U.S.Capitol on lockdown

It wasn't one election. It was 50 elections conducted under different rules and different equipment. The whole nation was looking at 4 states, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nevada focusing on how the election could have been stolen in those states. What few people seem to consider was that those 4 states could have been Florida, North Carolina Michigan, and Texas or even Ohio, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, and Iowa. No one really knows which states will be the keys to victory and no one knows which states to target for election fraud.
Of course. Hence the dire need to minimize any potential for systemic shenanigans. One needn't know specifics beyond Party affiliation to screw up the entire business. As in this most recent display of idiocy, it's always "Our stupid way or Total anarchy!"

Seems there exists a fixed percentage of focus and destroy programming opposing our innate fight or flight response. Our worst enemy has always been us. No idea wtf we're really doing is our norm.
There will always be isolated cases election fraud and irregulates but if turnout is high enough those isolated cases will be unlikely to effect the election outcome. I don't think election fraud in presidential elections should be a major concern. IMHO, local elections have a much more direct effect on our daily lives than presidential elections and low turnout coupled with ease of shifting election results make any election fraud a real concern.
Okay, I'm convinced. I'll never pierce your hardened defense mechanism. I pass the baton to whomever may have better spears..
It wasn't one election. It was 50 elections conducted under different rules and different equipment. The whole nation was looking at 4 states, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nevada focusing on how the election could have been stolen in those states. What few people seem to consider was that those 4 states could have been Florida, North Carolina Michigan, and Texas or even Ohio, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, and Iowa. No one really knows which states will be the keys to victory and no one knows which states to target for election fraud.
Of course. Hence the dire need to minimize any potential for systemic shenanigans. One needn't know specifics beyond Party affiliation to screw up the entire business. As in this most recent display of idiocy, it's always "Our stupid way or Total anarchy!"

Seems there exists a fixed percentage of focus and destroy programming opposing our innate fight or flight response. Our worst enemy has always been us. No idea wtf we're really doing is our norm.
There will always be isolated cases election fraud and irregulates but if turnout is high enough those isolated cases will be unlikely to effect the election outcome. I don't think election fraud in presidential elections should be a major concern. IMHO, local elections have a much more direct effect on our daily lives than presidential elections and low turnout coupled with ease of shifting election results make any election fraud a real concern.
Okay, I'm convinced. I'll never pierce your hardened defense mechanism. I pass the baton to whomever may have better spears..
In all 4 of the states, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nevada, a paper ballot is produced by the voting machines. None are connected to the Internet during elections.
The seriousness of this assault acknowledged and aside, who checks that "None are connected to the Internet during elections" and how can that be verified? I don't think it can be (with for-profit corporations still building and maintaining the machines). Also, each "paper ballot" is printed after the vote is submitted, not simultaneously, which opens the door for shenanigans. Vote tampering after the fact , not "voter fraud." In the end, the only way to go is hand marked, hand counted paper ballots.
For some of the machines it's pretty easy, they don't have an Internet connection. Dominion machines generally do, however there is no need to connect their machines to the Internet because all election processing is done locally. Since there are several machine manufactures with different models, it's hard to say exactly what provisions are made for Internet Connection. However all of them have one thing in common. All vote collection and processing is controlled locally. There is no need to connect the machines to the Internet during the election or during vote processing. The Internet connection is used strictly to download software updates and all states require validation and recertification after any software or hardware update. When voting software is change, the machine must be reset and a templet of the ballot must entered so there is no way at the polls the software could be modified without tipping off election officials.

To flip votes in this election, the flipper would have to know which states and how many votes to flip before the election. For example, Florida was forecast to be very close and with 29 electoral votes it would be a likely target. However it was not that close. Our flipper could have flipped up to 180,000 votes and it would have had no effect. To have a good chance of changing the election results at least a half million votes would have to be flipped in 8 to 10 states which have different types of machines from different manufactures. And even if our Flipper was lucky enough pick the right states and right numbers, he would likely raise an audit flag. Audit records are produce by every vote and it is not subject to software manipulation. So running a full audit of the election would uncover the fraud.

The new Democracy Suite Voting System from Dominion allows the voter after enter all voting data to press the print button and print his ballot out for review and then deposit in a ballot. An image of ballot is stored in the machine as an audit record.
Thanks for that in depth response, but you're still not really addressing the point. I think it safe to presume that anyone interested in hacking election results (local, state, or national) at this point will be using a very sophisticated, unorthodox method. Something Trump himself could only dream about accomplishing. Of course they'll be no obvious internet connection. No USB cord going to some strange black box. That's a given. Tiny, battery driven, WIFI and spyware technologies abound today. So the question remains "how can {no internet or equivalent methods of remote fiddling) be verified?" I submit once more that it simply can't be.. ever. The machines have to go. It's that simple. They'll always be big money at stake pushing this type of farce along at public expense, just as with the universal testing programs still helping to destroy what's left of our public education system. In neither case should for-profit corporations be involved period. We can begin to relax only when we can drown them all in a bathtub. This should be plain as day to everyone by now. As an aside, "Dominion" is such a telling name it's truly hilarious.
For a device to be connected to the Internet, the device must have communication hardware built into the machine and the vast majority of voting machines have no such need, thus the manufacturer does not provide it. That is also true of optical scanners that read ballots. There are a lot of security precautions in connection with voting. The machines are locked so they can not be tampered and they are stored in secure warehouses. After any change is made to a machine, it has to be recertified.

Even with with the best technology stealing a presidential election would be almost impossible because a presidential election is really 50 elections conducted using different procedures and equipment. And any of those elections may be the key to the presidency but which elections are not known till after the counting. Local elections are much more vulnerable.

A non-automated system where all ballots are marked by the voters and hand counted has it's drawbacks, days and weeks of counting and recounting, cost, and danger of lost and theft ballots etc.
5 elections were targeted, not 50. Men in a dress explanation.
In all 4 of the states, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nevada, a paper ballot is produced by the voting machines. None are connected to the Internet during elections.
The seriousness of this assault acknowledged and aside, who checks that "None are connected to the Internet during elections" and how can that be verified? I don't think it can be (with for-profit corporations still building and maintaining the machines). Also, each "paper ballot" is printed after the vote is submitted, not simultaneously, which opens the door for shenanigans. Vote tampering after the fact , not "voter fraud." In the end, the only way to go is hand marked, hand counted paper ballots.
For some of the machines it's pretty easy, they don't have an Internet connection. Dominion machines generally do, however there is no need to connect their machines to the Internet because all election processing is done locally. Since there are several machine manufactures with different models, it's hard to say exactly what provisions are made for Internet Connection. However all of them have one thing in common. All vote collection and processing is controlled locally. There is no need to connect the machines to the Internet during the election or during vote processing. The Internet connection is used strictly to download software updates and all states require validation and recertification after any software or hardware update. When voting software is change, the machine must be reset and a templet of the ballot must entered so there is no way at the polls the software could be modified without tipping off election officials.

To flip votes in this election, the flipper would have to know which states and how many votes to flip before the election. For example, Florida was forecast to be very close and with 29 electoral votes it would be a likely target. However it was not that close. Our flipper could have flipped up to 180,000 votes and it would have had no effect. To have a good chance of changing the election results at least a half million votes would have to be flipped in 8 to 10 states which have different types of machines from different manufactures. And even if our Flipper was lucky enough pick the right states and right numbers, he would likely raise an audit flag. Audit records are produce by every vote and it is not subject to software manipulation. So running a full audit of the election would uncover the fraud.

The new Democracy Suite Voting System from Dominion allows the voter after enter all voting data to press the print button and print his ballot out for review and then deposit in a ballot. An image of ballot is stored in the machine as an audit record.
Thanks for that in depth response, but you're still not really addressing the point. I think it safe to presume that anyone interested in hacking election results (local, state, or national) at this point will be using a very sophisticated, unorthodox method. Something Trump himself could only dream about accomplishing. Of course they'll be no obvious internet connection. No USB cord going to some strange black box. That's a given. Tiny, battery driven, WIFI and spyware technologies abound today. So the question remains "how can {no internet or equivalent methods of remote fiddling) be verified?" I submit once more that it simply can't be.. ever. The machines have to go. It's that simple. They'll always be big money at stake pushing this type of farce along at public expense, just as with the universal testing programs still helping to destroy what's left of our public education system. In neither case should for-profit corporations be involved period. We can begin to relax only when we can drown them all in a bathtub. This should be plain as day to everyone by now. As an aside, "Dominion" is such a telling name it's truly hilarious.
For a device to be connected to the Internet, the device must have communication hardware built into the machine and the vast majority of voting machines have no such need, thus the manufacturer does not provide it. That is also true of optical scanners that read ballots. There are a lot of security precautions in connection with voting. The machines are locked so they can not be tampered and they are stored in secure warehouses. After any change is made to a machine, it has to be recertified.

Even with with the best technology stealing a presidential election would be almost impossible because a presidential election is really 50 elections conducted using different procedures and equipment. And any of those elections may be the key to the presidency but which elections are not known till after the counting. Local elections are much more vulnerable.

A non-automated system where all ballots are marked by the voters and hand counted has it's drawbacks, days and weeks of counting and recounting, cost, and danger of lost and theft ballots etc.
5 elections were targeted, not 50. Men in a dress explanation.

My statement about the 50 states was
Even with with the best technology stealing a presidential election would be almost impossible because a presidential election is really 50 elections conducted using different procedures and equipment. And any of those elections may be the key to the presidency but which elections are not known till after the counting.

Trumpsters have broken into the Capital building, and the politicians are hiding!
great. maybe some enablers of these retarded terrorists will wake up.

that's the result of enabling a complete asshole like trump.
Remember when the Black Panther Party broke into the capitol in 1967 brandishing guns? They were arrested, released and given their guns back so give me a break. The Patriots were trying to save this country! And btw, there are videos all over, except for the MSM of course, showing that Antifa blended into the Trump supporters and were causing the violence. I saw a video of an Antifa bashing a window and Trump supporters took him down. Research for yourself and stop watching MSM. Watch the live streamers on you tube- watch before they are banned since it seems to be the way nowadays. So much for free speech and equality.
When a cop shot a Negro the Communists said that the police should be defunded.

Since the Capitol police shot a Patriot woman yesterday shouldn't we defund the Capitol police?

Or is the fact she is White different?
No the difference is the respective crimes they were committing. Was the black a traitor who, in an act of seditious insurrection, invaded our nation's Capitol, like the suicidal dumbass white QAnon freak was?
No, he was just trying to pay for something at a convenience store with a counterfeit twenty dollar bill the clerk recognized when her bill check machine notified her to call the police as I recollect.
So one was killed by police who kneeled on his neck until he died after he tried passing off a counterfeit bill, and then later charged with murder ...

while the other was shot trying to break into a secured area of the Capitol designated as the "Speaker's Lobby" which leads directly to the House Chamber where House members were hold up, as thousands of her fellow terrorists had laid siege to our nation's Capitol...

And you cult45 freaks want to compare those two situations??

Do you have any idea at all why you appear as brain-dead zombies to normal people?
Has your therapist ever given you instructions on neat ways to fix your paranoid schizophrenia? ....just wondering... :rolleyes-41:
In all 4 of the states, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nevada, a paper ballot is produced by the voting machines. None are connected to the Internet during elections.
The seriousness of this assault acknowledged and aside, who checks that "None are connected to the Internet during elections" and how can that be verified? I don't think it can be (with for-profit corporations still building and maintaining the machines). Also, each "paper ballot" is printed after the vote is submitted, not simultaneously, which opens the door for shenanigans. Vote tampering after the fact , not "voter fraud." In the end, the only way to go is hand marked, hand counted paper ballots.
For some of the machines it's pretty easy, they don't have an Internet connection. Dominion machines generally do, however there is no need to connect their machines to the Internet because all election processing is done locally. Since there are several machine manufactures with different models, it's hard to say exactly what provisions are made for Internet Connection. However all of them have one thing in common. All vote collection and processing is controlled locally. There is no need to connect the machines to the Internet during the election or during vote processing. The Internet connection is used strictly to download software updates and all states require validation and recertification after any software or hardware update. When voting software is change, the machine must be reset and a templet of the ballot must entered so there is no way at the polls the software could be modified without tipping off election officials.

To flip votes in this election, the flipper would have to know which states and how many votes to flip before the election. For example, Florida was forecast to be very close and with 29 electoral votes it would be a likely target. However it was not that close. Our flipper could have flipped up to 180,000 votes and it would have had no effect. To have a good chance of changing the election results at least a half million votes would have to be flipped in 8 to 10 states which have different types of machines from different manufactures. And even if our Flipper was lucky enough pick the right states and right numbers, he would likely raise an audit flag. Audit records are produce by every vote and it is not subject to software manipulation. So running a full audit of the election would uncover the fraud.

The new Democracy Suite Voting System from Dominion allows the voter after enter all voting data to press the print button and print his ballot out for review and then deposit in a ballot. An image of ballot is stored in the machine as an audit record.
Thanks for that in depth response, but you're still not really addressing the point. I think it safe to presume that anyone interested in hacking election results (local, state, or national) at this point will be using a very sophisticated, unorthodox method. Something Trump himself could only dream about accomplishing. Of course they'll be no obvious internet connection. No USB cord going to some strange black box. That's a given. Tiny, battery driven, WIFI and spyware technologies abound today. So the question remains "how can {no internet or equivalent methods of remote fiddling) be verified?" I submit once more that it simply can't be.. ever. The machines have to go. It's that simple. They'll always be big money at stake pushing this type of farce along at public expense, just as with the universal testing programs still helping to destroy what's left of our public education system. In neither case should for-profit corporations be involved period. We can begin to relax only when we can drown them all in a bathtub. This should be plain as day to everyone by now. As an aside, "Dominion" is such a telling name it's truly hilarious.
For a device to be connected to the Internet, the device must have communication hardware built into the machine and the vast majority of voting machines have no such need, thus the manufacturer does not provide it. That is also true of optical scanners that read ballots. There are a lot of security precautions in connection with voting. The machines are locked so they can not be tampered and they are stored in secure warehouses. After any change is made to a machine, it has to be recertified.

Even with with the best technology stealing a presidential election would be almost impossible because a presidential election is really 50 elections conducted using different procedures and equipment. And any of those elections may be the key to the presidency but which elections are not known till after the counting. Local elections are much more vulnerable.

A non-automated system where all ballots are marked by the voters and hand counted has it's drawbacks, days and weeks of counting and recounting, cost, and danger of lost and theft ballots etc.
5 elections were targeted, not 50. Men in a dress explanation.

My statement about the 50 states was
Even with with the best technology stealing a presidential election would be almost impossible because a presidential election is really 50 elections conducted using different procedures and equipment. And any of those elections may be the key to the presidency but which elections are not known till after the counting.

True. But it is about 15 counties really that stole it. So obvious. 45 states counted. 5 with Trump way ahead. STOP COUNTING. Fucking bullshit.
It wasn't one election. It was 50 elections conducted under different rules and different equipment. The whole nation was looking at 4 states, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nevada focusing on how the election could have been stolen in those states. What few people seem to consider was that those 4 states could have been Florida, North Carolina Michigan, and Texas or even Ohio, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, and Iowa. No one really knows which states will be the keys to victory and no one knows which states to target for election fraud.
Of course. Hence the dire need to minimize any potential for systemic shenanigans. One needn't know specifics beyond Party affiliation to screw up the entire business. As in this most recent display of idiocy, it's always "Our stupid way or Total anarchy!"

Seems there exists a fixed percentage of focus and destroy programming opposing our innate fight or flight response. Our worst enemy has always been us. No idea wtf we're really doing is our norm.
There will always be isolated cases election fraud and irregulates but if turnout is high enough those isolated cases will be unlikely to effect the election outcome. I don't think election fraud in presidential elections should be a major concern. IMHO, local elections have a much more direct effect on our daily lives than presidential elections and low turnout coupled with ease of shifting election results make any election fraud a real concern.
Okay, I'm convinced. I'll never pierce your hardened defense mechanism. I pass the baton to whomever may have better spears..
A few links for your edification:
Only 8 manufacturers : Registered Manufacturers | U.S. Election Assistance Commission
Trumpsters have broken into the Capital building, and the politicians are hiding!
great. maybe some enablers of these retarded terrorists will wake up.

that's the result of enabling a complete asshole like trump.
Remember when the Black Panther Party broke into the capitol in 1967 brandishing guns? They were arrested, released and given their guns back so give me a break. The Patriots were trying to save this country! And btw, there are videos all over, except for the MSM of course, showing that Antifa blended into the Trump supporters and were causing the violence. I saw a video of an Antifa bashing a window and Trump supporters took him down. Research for yourself and stop watching MSM. Watch the live streamers on you tube- watch before they are banned since it seems to be the way nowadays. So much for free speech and equality.
Not really very accurate.
Black Panthers never broke into the US capital in 1967. Two Black Panthers walked into the California Capital building unopposed in order to read a manifesto but they were not allowed to do so and they left. There were no weapons discharged and no one was killed. Not exactly comparable to President's attack on the US Capital.

Armed Black Panthers in the Capitol, 50 years on - Capitol Weekly
While I do not support their protest, I do support their right to protest.
Unfortunately this was not a protest. They were on federal property uninvited. They assaulted federal employees. They damaged / broke federal property. These are all acts listed under sedition. Once they passed that barricade it ceased being a protest. Then it became sedition.
You have to be "invited" to protest your corrupt congress critters? How orwellian..
Storming the capital with threats of violence, guns, and ties to restrain hostages is not a protest; it is violent attack on the government. In most countries, these so called protestors would not have been able to walk out of the building celebrating their victory. They would have been carried out in body bags or under arrest. It is disgraceful to see these people waking away from the capital free to continue to spread mayhem.
I'm sorry but how many of them had ties, guns, or did any violence---thousands if not more went after our CORRUPT CONGRESS----------MOST by far away were not violent.

Our corrupt congress needs to be removed and sorry anything less than by overwhelming numbers they aren't going to leave.
In all 4 of the states, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nevada, a paper ballot is produced by the voting machines. None are connected to the Internet during elections.
The seriousness of this assault acknowledged and aside, who checks that "None are connected to the Internet during elections" and how can that be verified? I don't think it can be (with for-profit corporations still building and maintaining the machines). Also, each "paper ballot" is printed after the vote is submitted, not simultaneously, which opens the door for shenanigans. Vote tampering after the fact , not "voter fraud." In the end, the only way to go is hand marked, hand counted paper ballots.
For some of the machines it's pretty easy, they don't have an Internet connection. Dominion machines generally do, however there is no need to connect their machines to the Internet because all election processing is done locally. Since there are several machine manufactures with different models, it's hard to say exactly what provisions are made for Internet Connection. However all of them have one thing in common. All vote collection and processing is controlled locally. There is no need to connect the machines to the Internet during the election or during vote processing. The Internet connection is used strictly to download software updates and all states require validation and recertification after any software or hardware update. When voting software is change, the machine must be reset and a templet of the ballot must entered so there is no way at the polls the software could be modified without tipping off election officials.

To flip votes in this election, the flipper would have to know which states and how many votes to flip before the election. For example, Florida was forecast to be very close and with 29 electoral votes it would be a likely target. However it was not that close. Our flipper could have flipped up to 180,000 votes and it would have had no effect. To have a good chance of changing the election results at least a half million votes would have to be flipped in 8 to 10 states which have different types of machines from different manufactures. And even if our Flipper was lucky enough pick the right states and right numbers, he would likely raise an audit flag. Audit records are produce by every vote and it is not subject to software manipulation. So running a full audit of the election would uncover the fraud.

The new Democracy Suite Voting System from Dominion allows the voter after enter all voting data to press the print button and print his ballot out for review and then deposit in a ballot. An image of ballot is stored in the machine as an audit record.
Thanks for that in depth response, but you're still not really addressing the point. I think it safe to presume that anyone interested in hacking election results (local, state, or national) at this point will be using a very sophisticated, unorthodox method. Something Trump himself could only dream about accomplishing. Of course they'll be no obvious internet connection. No USB cord going to some strange black box. That's a given. Tiny, battery driven, WIFI and spyware technologies abound today. So the question remains "how can {no internet or equivalent methods of remote fiddling) be verified?" I submit once more that it simply can't be.. ever. The machines have to go. It's that simple. They'll always be big money at stake pushing this type of farce along at public expense, just as with the universal testing programs still helping to destroy what's left of our public education system. In neither case should for-profit corporations be involved period. We can begin to relax only when we can drown them all in a bathtub. This should be plain as day to everyone by now. As an aside, "Dominion" is such a telling name it's truly hilarious.
For a device to be connected to the Internet, the device must have communication hardware built into the machine and the vast majority of voting machines have no such need, thus the manufacturer does not provide it. That is also true of optical scanners that read ballots. There are a lot of security precautions in connection with voting. The machines are locked so they can not be tampered and they are stored in secure warehouses. After any change is made to a machine, it has to be recertified.

Even with with the best technology stealing a presidential election would be almost impossible because a presidential election is really 50 elections conducted using different procedures and equipment. And any of those elections may be the key to the presidency but which elections are not known till after the counting. Local elections are much more vulnerable.

A non-automated system where all ballots are marked by the voters and hand counted has it's drawbacks, days and weeks of counting and recounting, cost, and danger of lost and theft ballots etc.
5 elections were targeted, not 50. Men in a dress explanation.

My statement about the 50 states was
Even with with the best technology stealing a presidential election would be almost impossible because a presidential election is really 50 elections conducted using different procedures and equipment. And any of those elections may be the key to the presidency but which elections are not known till after the counting.

True. But it is about 15 counties really that stole it. So obvious. 45 states counted. 5 with Trump way ahead. STOP COUNTING. Fucking bullshit.
Yes Trump was generally ahead in early vote counting, but it does not really matter. Trump pushed GOP voters to not trust Vote by Mail, so they voted on Nov. 3rd. In all of the contested states, the Legislatures of those states had enacted laws or orders that all votes cast on election day would be counted first. Then after those votes were counted the balance of the votes cast by mail would be counted. While it is true that there are 50 separate elections, really each county within the states process the elections according to the rules of the state, so in fact there are 1000's of actual elections across the country. Some of these counties took longer to do the initial vote count. Some quit counting at 2AM, some worked thru the night, these are all variables that would make a big picture for any election, not just this one. Some ballots come in quickly to the County voting systems, others take some time to be opened and verified. However most GOP votes were in person and counted first, then the rest who generally did not favor Trump were counted, which is why many of the elections showed Trump with a large lead early on.

But the only count that matters is the one at the end, that is certified by each County Voting official and by each Sect. of State. Early vote counts are just like basing who wins a Football game based on the score at the End of the first Qtr.
An armed attack on the US congress by US terrorists egged on by a president leaving off is not an insurrection?
That would make a good fictional story but, that ain't what happened.

That's exactly what happened. What did you think was going to happen with a bunch of seditionists egged on by their lord and savior...well, now you know.

"And after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women," Trump told the crowd. "And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong."

Now, we're seeing who was causing the violence. BLM and antifa were infiltrated into the crowd. The media narrates another lie. They are the true enemy of america that push division, racism, and hate.

Again, shouldn't have been there. They were treated with kid gloves. If those people storming the Capitol yesterday had been black, they'd still be removing bodies from the grounds. Sorry, you don't get the to flip the narrative. What happened yesterday was a disgrace. Egged on by the POS sitting in the WH. Glad he's gone in two weeks. He's gonna be in a lot of hot water.

Lol, and nothing was condemned by the left over the past year of rioting. No, they wouldn't be removing bodies. Another lie. BLM were looting all year long and weren't being shot down while they were stealing and pillaging private properties. Quit lying.

Waah!!! Keep rationalizing. Last summer, protesters were tear gassed and hit with rubber bullets..all so the lump could walk to a church and hold up a bible the wrong way. Sure, protesting social justice and fomenting insurrection are SO the same thing. :)
After trying to alledgedly burn down an historical old church by night, and then act like peaceful protestor's by day, then they got exactly what they deserved if didn't have enough sense to move on out.

After seeing that kind of anarchy and mayhem over the summer, IMHO Trump should have been able to walk over to that church without any decent good citizen's standing in his way, but those who were either the culprits or those consealing the culprits, (otherwise under the guise of peaceful protest), uhhh might be seen that they were still gathered there after knowing the damage to the area that was caused by the out of control mob in which they supported.

If they weren't supportive, then they would have dispersed and left the area as not to be blamed for the violence and mayhem that had taken place there.

Having to be sprayed or shot with rubber bullet's could have been avoided, but the dummy's had lost their minds by remaining at the scenes of the crimes in which they then invited that backlash that came along with the acts of acting stupid.
An armed attack on the US congress by US terrorists egged on by a president leaving off is not an insurrection?
That would make a good fictional story but, that ain't what happened.

That's exactly what happened. What did you think was going to happen with a bunch of seditionists egged on by their lord and savior...well, now you know.

"And after this, we're going to walk down there, and I'll be there with you, we're going to walk down ... to the Capitol and we are going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women," Trump told the crowd. "And we're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them. Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and you have to be strong."

Now, we're seeing who was causing the violence. BLM and antifa were infiltrated into the crowd. The media narrates another lie. They are the true enemy of america that push division, racism, and hate.

Again, shouldn't have been there. They were treated with kid gloves. If those people storming the Capitol yesterday had been black, they'd still be removing bodies from the grounds. Sorry, you don't get the to flip the narrative. What happened yesterday was a disgrace. Egged on by the POS sitting in the WH. Glad he's gone in two weeks. He's gonna be in a lot of hot water.

Lol, and nothing was condemned by the left over the past year of rioting. No, they wouldn't be removing bodies. Another lie. BLM were looting all year long and weren't being shot down while they were stealing and pillaging private properties. Quit lying.

Waah!!! Keep rationalizing. Last summer, protesters were tear gassed and hit with rubber bullets..all so the lump could walk to a church and hold up a bible the wrong way. Sure, protesting social justice and fomenting insurrection are SO the same thing. :)
After trying to alledgedly burn down an historical old church by night, and then act like peaceful protestor's by day, then they got exactly what they deserved if didn't have enough sense to move on out.

Those were Qanon and Trump supporters.
The Russian Loving, 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward, Pussygrabbing LOSER will go down in U.S. History as the first president to LOSE the Popular Vote TWICE. He will be remembered for being One Term Wonder who incited Insurrection.

Fuck Him and Fuck his Fucking Asshole Suplporters
New England Patriots Coach Bill Belichick Refuse Honor From The Traitor.

New England Patriots football coach Bill Belichick said he no longer plans to go to Washington to accept the Presidential Medal of Freedom from Donald Trump after last week’s riot at the U.S. Capitol, which he called “tragic.”

In a statement Monday, Belichick said that, although he had been “flattered” to receive the honor, “the tragic events of last week” led him to “not move forward with the award.”
Above all, I am an American citizen with great reverence for our nation’s values, freedom and democracy,” Belichick wrote, adding that one of the “most rewarding” moments of his career had been last year’s “conversations about social justice” with his football team.
Great fun.

Maybe these idiots are upset because they've realized they've been had by an orange buffoon.
More likely because they have been cheated and disenfranchised as their votes were nullified by
Dominion vote changing machines and traitors in judge's robes.

Their futures have been stolen away and you seem to be okay with that. That makes YOU expendable.
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The Russian Loving, 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward, Pussygrabbing LOSER will go down in U.S. History as the first president to LOSE the Popular Vote TWICE. He will be remembered for being One Term Wonder who incited Insurrection.

Fuck Him and Fuck his Fucking Asshole Suplporters
Out of Klonopin and Xanax? It shows, psycho.
No Voter Fraud was found. Not one of the 50-Secretaries of State report any Election/Voter Fraud.

You lost. Get the fuck over it.
Forty-five of the states are not in question. Only five are, or were now that the election is officially stolen.
Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin and Arizona.
All under the direction of leftist Secretaries of State. And they didn't see a single thing they objected to.
What a shock.

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