U.S.Capitol on lockdown

I repeat, you can not connect a device to the internet unless the communication hardware is built into it and voting machines have no more need to connected to the internet than your toaster and thus they are not. After the debacle in the 2000 presidential election, states demanded a technological solution for accurate foolproof machines. Those machines lacked a good audit trail and we have been replacing that technology for last 15 years.
Try for the past 40 to 50 years at tremendous expense while producing mountains of red tape and pointless waste. I know. Typical politically driven bullshit. At least you admit that many were wired to the internet at one time. It's not the rocket science you apparently wish it was now.
IMHO, the best voting systems are those that create a paper ballot for the voters inspection before casting and a second electronic record. The electronic record provides for fast processing and paper ballot provides the audit trail. As long as it's hardwired into the machine, there would no way of hacking it short of taking the machine apart.
Govts only began getting serious about this stuff in 2017.
For years, voting machines were a black box, even as more and more states replaced old analog marking systems with computerized options. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act even made it illegal for security researchers to probe voting machines for potential vulnerabilities, which only changed in 2016 with a DMCA exception for voting machine security research.

That paved the way for the program known as the Voting Village, which launched in 2017 as a way for researchers to get their hands on voting machines, likely for the first time, and start hacking them.
It will never end until the machines are mercifully all gone.
Watch the police officer in agony as he gets crushed in a Capitol door.
Those that spew that the Capitol mob were peaceful, maybe you should watch the video:

After January 20th, the all Federal buildings in D.C. will be off limits to the people, just as in Moscow during the Stalinist regime and the Beijing in Maoist China.
I repeat, you can not connect a device to the internet unless the communication hardware is built into it and voting machines have no more need to connected to the internet than your toaster and thus they are not. After the debacle in the 2000 presidential election, states demanded a technological solution for accurate foolproof machines. Those machines lacked a good audit trail and we have been replacing that technology for last 15 years.
Try for the past 40 to 50 years at tremendous expense while producing mountains of red tape and pointless waste. I know. Typical politically driven bullshit. At least you admit that many were wired to the internet at one time. It's not the rocket science you apparently wish it was now.
IMHO, the best voting systems are those that create a paper ballot for the voters inspection before casting and a second electronic record. The electronic record provides for fast processing and paper ballot provides the audit trail. As long as it's hardwired into the machine, there would no way of hacking it short of taking the machine apart.
Govts only began getting serious about this stuff in 2017.
For years, voting machines were a black box, even as more and more states replaced old analog marking systems with computerized options. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act even made it illegal for security researchers to probe voting machines for potential vulnerabilities, which only changed in 2016 with a DMCA exception for voting machine security research.

That paved the way for the program known as the Voting Village, which launched in 2017 as a way for researchers to get their hands on voting machines, likely for the first time, and start hacking them.
It will never end until the machines are mercifully all gone.
I have no problem with hand marked paper ballots. I live in a state were all ballots are hand marked. However, counting should should be done by machine. I don't see anything wrong with DRE voting machines (Direct Recording Electronics) or BMD voting machines (Ballot Marking Devices) provided the programing is in microcode on a ROM chip and the machine produces a paper ballot for the voter's inspection before casting in a ballot box. DRE and BMD machines eliminate unreadable and invalid entrees.
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Can you provide any disinterested, third party study results comparing machines to no machines that support your stated preferences and/or conclusions?
I repeat, you can not connect a device to the internet unless the communication hardware is built into it and voting machines have no more need to connected to the internet than your toaster and thus they are not. After the debacle in the 2000 presidential election, states demanded a technological solution for accurate foolproof machines. Those machines lacked a good audit trail and we have been replacing that technology for last 15 years.
Try for the past 40 to 50 years at tremendous expense while producing mountains of red tape and pointless waste. I know. Typical politically driven bullshit. At least you admit that many were wired to the internet at one time. It's not the rocket science you apparently wish it was now.
IMHO, the best voting systems are those that create a paper ballot for the voters inspection before casting and a second electronic record. The electronic record provides for fast processing and paper ballot provides the audit trail. As long as it's hardwired into the machine, there would no way of hacking it short of taking the machine apart.
Govts only began getting serious about this stuff in 2017.
For years, voting machines were a black box, even as more and more states replaced old analog marking systems with computerized options. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act even made it illegal for security researchers to probe voting machines for potential vulnerabilities, which only changed in 2016 with a DMCA exception for voting machine security research.

That paved the way for the program known as the Voting Village, which launched in 2017 as a way for researchers to get their hands on voting machines, likely for the first time, and start hacking them.
It will never end until the machines are mercifully all gone.
I have no problem with hand marked paper ballots. I live in a state were all ballots are hand marked. However, counting should should be done by machine. I don't see anything wrong with DRE voting machines (Direct Recording Electronics) or BMD voting machines (Ballot Marking Devices) provided the programing is in microcode on a ROM chip and the machine produces a paper ballot for the voter's inspection before casting in a ballot box. DRE and BMD machines eliminate unreadable and invalid entrees.
Getting a nonbiased comparison of different voting methods is not easy. However the links below are pretty good.
To save some time, election experts seem to believe the best overall method for election integrity is hand completed ballots and counting using optical scanners. A good second choice is DRE (Device Recording Electronic) machines that produce a paper ballot for voter inspection.

There are pros cons to every type of voting technology:

Hand Marked Paper Ballots:

  • The very best audit audit rail
  • Can't be hacked
  • Easy system for voter to understand
  • Lack of Accessibility for those with vision or motor impairment
  • Lack of Language Accessibility required by state and federal law
  • No Backup for the ballots in the event of lost, stolen, or damage
  • Ballots not correctly mark create problems in determining voter intention (the hanging chad)

DRE Machines that produce paper and electronic ballots

  • These machines can solve all the Cons of hand marked ballot. They provide electronic machine readable copy of the ballot in addition to a paper ballot for voter inspection before casting. Language is selectable and most of the accessibility problems are solved. Every paper or electronic ballot is machine readable and voter intent is not a problem (no hanging chads).
  • Machines are more costly to purchase and maintain
  • If Internet capability is built into the machine it must be secured during elections.
  • Machines have to validated and certified according state regulations after purchase or update.
  • They are not as simple for voter to use or understand.

As soon as this bullshit comes to Texas, I'll be right in the middle of it.

Screen Shot 2021-01-10 at 5.29.05 PM.png

I loves the smell o' Trump stuff in the morning!
It smells like... Trump stuff!"
Can you provide any disinterested, third party study results comparing machines to no machines that support your stated preferences and/or conclusions?
I can provide the fact that nobody has a shred.of evidence or any good reason whatsoever to believe there was any massive fraud or problem with our system, amd that not one ounce of money or resources should be spent chasing those idiotic fantasies.
Can you provide any disinterested, third party study results comparing machines to no machines that support your stated preferences and/or conclusions?
I can provide the fact that nobody has a shred.of evidence or any good reason whatsoever to believe there was any massive fraud or problem with our system, amd that not one ounce of money or resources should be spent chasing those idiotic fantasies.
Thanks, me too, but does not speak to the issue at hand..

Asked for third party study results, I'm provided only more, clearly biased, "expert" opinion. "About us" from Flopper's first link:
We are committed to building public support for procuring accurate, verifiable and secure voting systems which scan hand-marked paper ballots.
We shall forever demand newer, fancier machines!!! Well surprise, surprise. Exactly what one would expect from the disgusting, age old, voting machine lobby. What a coincidence! Sorry, I've lived in PA all of life. Perhaps yourself, but you ain't fooling me that easy.
Flopper's second link, also not study results, is one clearly very knowledgeable guy's myopic perspective from California. Nowhere is a general election done from the start with paper ballots even mentioned for comparison. Does he really imagine that other countries with large populations fail to regularly conduct elections with paper ballots or what? Ridiculous!
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Can you provide any disinterested, third party study results comparing machines to no machines that support your stated preferences and/or conclusions?
I can provide the fact that nobody has a shred.of evidence or any good reason whatsoever to believe there was any massive fraud or problem with our system, amd that not one ounce of money or resources should be spent chasing those idiotic fantasies.
Thanks, me too, but does not speak to the issue at hand..

Asked for third party study results, I'm provided only more, clearly biased, "expert" opinion. "About us" from Flopper's first link:
We are committed to building public support for procuring accurate, verifiable and secure voting systems which scan hand-marked paper ballots.
We shall forever demand newer, fancier machines!!! Well surprise, surprise. Exactly what one would expect from the disgusting, age old, voting machine lobby. What a coincidence! Sorry, I've lived in PA all of life. Perhaps yourself, but you ain't fooling me that easy.
Flopper's second link, also not study results, is one clearly very knowledgeable guy's myopic perspective from California. Nowhere is a general election done from the start with paper ballots even mentioned for comparison. Does he really imagine that other countries with large populations fail to regularly conduct elections with paper ballots or what? Ridiculous!
In my state every single election is done on a hand marked ballot and has been for many years. As I said, there is nothing wrong with hand marked ballots but that doesn't mean that's only way to have a successful secure election. Now if you say, ballots should be hand counted, that I disagree with
Can you provide any disinterested, third party study results comparing machines to no machines that support your stated preferences and/or conclusions?
I can provide the fact that nobody has a shred.of evidence or any good reason whatsoever to believe there was any massive fraud or problem with our system, amd that not one ounce of money or resources should be spent chasing those idiotic fantasies.
Can you provide any disinterested, third party study results comparing machines to no machines that support your stated preferences and/or conclusions?
I can provide the fact that nobody has a shred.of evidence or any good reason whatsoever to believe there was any massive fraud or problem with our system, amd that not one ounce of money or resources should be spent chasing those idiotic fantasies.
Thanks, me too, but does not speak to the issue at hand..

Asked for third party study results, I'm provided only more, clearly biased, "expert" opinion. "About us" from Flopper's first link:
We are committed to building public support for procuring accurate, verifiable and secure voting systems which scan hand-marked paper ballots.
We shall forever demand newer, fancier machines!!! Well surprise, surprise. Exactly what one would expect from the disgusting, age old, voting machine lobby. What a coincidence! Sorry, I've lived in PA all of life. Perhaps yourself, but you ain't fooling me that easy.
Flopper's second link, also not study results, is one clearly very knowledgeable guy's myopic perspective from California. Nowhere is a general election done from the start with paper ballots even mentioned for comparison. Does he really imagine that other countries with large populations fail to regularly conduct elections with paper ballots or what? Ridiculous!
Take a look at the attached list of voting methods used in each state.
It appear the only states that do not use any hand marked ballots at polling places are Arkansas, Georgia, and Delaware.
In 19 states voting is all hand marked ballots except those needing help due to disability or language
Take a look at the attached list of voting methods used in each state.
It appear the only states that do not use any hand marked ballots at polling places are Arkansas, Georgia, and Delaware.
In 19 states voting is all hand marked ballots except those needing help due to disability or language
Doesn't actually address the question, not a study, and I believe it was Georgia that most recently forced 100% unverifiable voting machines upon its citizenry just this past year. You know, those machines you keep saying you have no problem with along with those other things you've said you have no problem with?
Too late. Already said it. Multiple times.
In Georgia it took about 10 days working 24 hours a day to count just two choices, Biden and Trump. The total number of voter choices on a presidential ballot is typically 100 to 175. In my state it was 140 in 2020. Imagine counting 3 million ballots with 140 items to count on each ballot. The November election vote counters would be celebrating Christmas at the vote counting center. And once they got through, they start recounting those that are two close to call. And then if there is full audit called for, the count starts all over again. In a presidential election we might have to change inauguration back to March.

By contrast a voting center with 5 optical scanner doing the counting can count up to 3 million ballots in 24 hours with an accuracy of 20 errors per million ballots.
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Take a look at the attached list of voting methods used in each state.
It appear the only states that do not use any hand marked ballots at polling places are Arkansas, Georgia, and Delaware.
In 19 states voting is all hand marked ballots except those needing help due to disability or language
Doesn't actually address the question, not a study, and I believe it was Georgia that most recently forced 100% unverifiable voting machines upon its citizenry just this past year. You know, those machines you keep saying you have no problem with along with those other things you've said you have no problem with?
The difference between the hand recount totals and the machine count totals was 20 votes and they went to Biden.
Yes, you're very opinionated as am I. I think we're long past establishing that useless understanding. Meanwhile, still waiting for research results from studies fairly comparing the two side by side.. Btw, I'm delighted that Trump lost bigly, in case you've somehow convinced yourself otherwise.
The difference between the hand recount totals and the machine count totals was 20 votes and they went to Biden.
Machine marked, machine printed ballots? So what?

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