U.S.Capitol on lockdown

Ashli Target didn't break into the Capitol to ask for democracy. She broke in because she's a domestic terrorist who sought to kill democracy. Democracy isn't storming the Capitol because you're pissed you lost an election. She got what she deserves. She should be given a Darwin award.
The Patriots knocked over a bench so the low IQ hateful asshole Democrat Negro Mayor of DC demanded the National Guard be called out. However, when the Negros and Communists were rioting, looting, defacing statues, breaking into buildings and setting fire to DC the bitch didn't want the National Gard to be called out.

For decades up to Jan 6, the calculus of the ruling elites was this:

"We want to keep our gravy train going. The Left is willing to use force to take down the entire system if they don't get what they want, but the Right never will. Therefore, we always give in to the Left and not make waves."

Two days ago, "the Right never will" disappeared, and that will forever change the calculus.
What the filthy ass Moon Bats have done with the stolen election was wake up the sleeping giant.
Look at Virginia Lobby Day 1/20/20. Thousands of patriots show up at the Virginia capitol and are then completely ignored by the clueless Leftist assholes. Peaceful assembly is worthless. Make the untouchable feel touchable.
Let's hope Trump starts declassifying his ass off right now and keeps it up until Jan. 20th.

He'll either be 25th'd or impeached again before he gets to do that.
He can do it anytime he wants. Lawyers will handle the impeachment, and Trump will handle the declassification. You worried assflap?
If he gets impeached again, it won't be like the last one. This one will be over in 24-48 hours. And this one will result in a conviction in the Senate. Git him out now.
It does not rise to the standard of a high crime or misdemeanor. The end.
Sure it does. Inciting a seditious insurrection to storm the Capitol. I can't wait to see all the charges brought against him when he leaves office. This will just be one of many.
The FBI is going to arrest them and never release their names because they are Anti_Fa of BLM.
If they were ANTIFA or BLM I don’t understand why Trump would have thanked them after telling them to go home. And that he loved them and to remember this moment. Damn shame twitter made him delete those particular tweets. Based on Trumps posts himself I’m pretty sure they weren’t ANTIFA or BLM
He thanked them for a job well done. They will go down in history as the first Americans led by a US president who successful assaulted the US Capital. Now that's one for the history books.
I hope he tells his followers to run the banks and sell all stocks on 1/22. Just 20% would cause hell.

Boycott any companyt that supports Dems. Try us.
In all 4 of the states, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Nevada, a paper ballot is produced by the voting machines. None are connected to the Internet during elections.
The seriousness of this assault acknowledged and aside, who checks that "None are connected to the Internet during elections" and how can that be verified? I don't think it can be (with for-profit corporations still building and maintaining the machines). Also, each "paper ballot" is printed after the vote is submitted, not simultaneously, which opens the door for shenanigans. Vote tampering after the fact , not "voter fraud." In the end, the only way to go is hand marked, hand counted paper ballots.
For some of the machines it's pretty easy, they don't have an Internet connection. Dominion machines generally do, however there is no need to connect their machines to the Internet because all election processing is done locally. Since there are several machine manufactures with different models, it's hard to say exactly what provisions are made for Internet Connection. However all of them have one thing in common. All vote collection and processing is controlled locally. There is no need to connect the machines to the Internet during the election or during vote processing. The Internet connection is used strictly to download software updates and all states require validation and recertification after any software or hardware update. When voting software is change, the machine must be reset and a templet of the ballot must entered so there is no way at the polls the software could be modified without tipping off election officials.

To flip votes in this election, the flipper would have to know which states and how many votes to flip before the election. For example, Florida was forecast to be very close and with 29 electoral votes it would be a likely target. However it was not that close. Our flipper could have flipped up to 180,000 votes and it would have had no effect. To have a good chance of changing the election results at least a half million votes would have to be flipped in 8 to 10 states which have different types of machines from different manufactures. And even if our Flipper was lucky enough pick the right states and right numbers, he would likely raise an audit flag. Audit records are produce by every vote and it is not subject to software manipulation. So running a full audit of the election would uncover the fraud.

The new Democracy Suite Voting System from Dominion allows the voter after enter all voting data to press the print button and print his ballot out for review and then deposit in a ballot. An image of ballot is stored in the machine as an audit record.
Thanks for that in depth response, but you're still not really addressing the point. I think it safe to presume that anyone interested in hacking election results (local, state, or national) at this point will be using a very sophisticated, unorthodox method. Something Trump himself could only dream about accomplishing. Of course they'll be no obvious internet connection. No USB cord going to some strange black box. That's a given. Tiny, battery driven, WIFI and spyware technologies abound today. So the question remains "how can {no internet or equivalent methods of remote fiddling) be verified?" I submit once more that it simply can't be.. ever. The machines have to go. It's that simple. They'll always be big money at stake pushing this type of farce along at public expense, just as with the universal testing programs still helping to destroy what's left of our public education system. In neither case should for-profit corporations be involved period. We can begin to relax only when we can drown them all in a bathtub. This should be plain as day to everyone by now. As an aside, "Dominion" is such a telling name it's truly hilarious.
For a device to be connected to the Internet, the device must have communication hardware built into the machine and the vast majority of voting machines have no such need, thus the manufacturer does not provide it. That is also true of optical scanners that read ballots. There are a lot of security precautions in connection with voting. The machines are locked so they can not be tampered and they are stored in secure warehouses. After any change is made to a machine, it has to be recertified.

Even with with the best technology stealing a presidential election would be almost impossible because a presidential election is really 50 elections conducted using different procedures and equipment. And any of those elections may be the key to the presidency but which elections are not known till after the counting. Local elections are much more vulnerable.

A non-automated system where all ballots are marked by the voters and hand counted has it's drawbacks, days and weeks of counting and recounting, cost, and danger of lost and theft ballots etc.
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One interesting thing about the police in America.

Not only do they have all the Negroes nd Communists pissed at them but they managed to get the Patriots pissed at them also.

No respect I tell you, no respect at all.
Coming to US very soon. The same kind of arrests will be happening here before you know it.
You'd best hide under your bed.
Pull that assflap over your head. You hear nothing but what you want and are a narrow minded hater who thinks the destruction of this country is a good thing.
Bedwetter, the ones who are trying to destroy this nation were the traitorous insurgents who followed Impeached Trump's directions and stormed our Capitol building yesterday in a failed attempt to prevent Biden from being certified as the winner of the 2020 election.

How that turn out? 4 dead; many hospitalized; dozens arrested; the Capitol vandalized and left bloodied; all but one objection dropped, dashing all of Trump's hopes of flipping the election to him; and Biden being declared the winner and next president of the United States.

It's a well-run campaign.
For a device to be connected to the Internet, the device must have communication hardware built into the machine and the vast majority of voting machines have no such need, thus the manufacturer does not provide it. That is also true of optical scanners that read ballots. There are a lot of security precautions in connection with voting. The machines are locked so they can not be tampered and they are stored in secure warehouses. After any change is made to a machine, it has to be recertified.
Again, thanks for sharing your unsourced perspective, but that's all it amounts to. It rings of happy talk straight from voting machine sales people and brochures. Apparently unlike you, I have a strong computer background and where there's enough grease and will ways have easily been found. Hackers have hacked all such machines in seconds to minutes. I've attended local meetings where the same pap was simply fed and repeated to very knowledgeable locals screaming the contrary and demanding hand marked, hand counted paper ballots. The additional expense is way overblown. Most of the rest of world manages very well with paper. It's extremely cheap by comparison. There's no real excuse for us doing otherwise. Hell, the mailed in ballots most used this time were hand marked, hand counted (or countable) paper ballots. When the shit (covid) hits the fan it all suddenly becomes obvious.
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For a device to be connected to the Internet, the device must have communication hardware built into the machine and the vast majority of voting machines have no such need, thus the manufacturer does not provide it. That is also true of optical scanners that read ballots. There are a lot of security precautions in connection with voting. The machines are locked so they can not be tampered and they are stored in secure warehouses. After any change is made to a machine, it has to be recertified.
Again, thanks for sharing your unsourced perspective, but that's all it amounts to. It rings of happy talk straight from voting machine sales people and brochures. Apparently unlike you, I have a strong computer background and where there's enough grease and will ways have easily been found. Hackers have hacked all such machines in seconds to minutes. I've attended local meetings where the same pap was simply fed and repeated to very knowledgeable locals screaming the contrary and demanding hand marked, hand counted paper ballots. The additional expense is way overblown. Most of the rest of world manages very well with paper. It's extremely cheap by comparison. There's no real excuse for us doing otherwise. Hell, the mailed in ballots most used this time were hand marked, hand counted (or countable) paper ballots. When the shit (covid) hits the fan it all suddenly becomes obvious.
I repeat, you can not connect a device to the internet unless the communication hardware is built into it and voting machines have no more need to connected to the internet than your toaster and thus they are not. After the debacle in the 2000 presidential election, states demanded a technological solution for accurate foolproof machines. Those machines lacked a good audit trail and we have been replacing that technology for last 15 years.

IMHO, the best voting systems are those that create a paper ballot for the voters inspection before casting and a second electronic record. The electronic record provides for fast processing and paper ballot provides the audit trail. As long as it's hardwired into the machine, there would no way of hacking it short of taking the machine apart.

I partly agree with your belief about paper. Some things need to be on paper. A paperless society will never work.

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