U.S. Capitol Police to Be Sued for $10 Million for Killing Unarmed Rioter

We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

The case will fail. And the guv will continue to grow its DB of terrorist symps.
They’ll settle out of court because the swamp doesn’t want the coup discussed.

Well, then, they'd better do it quickly, before the discovery phase provides the records and the cop's name to the plaintiffs. Otherwise, it won't do them any good.
According to the plaintiffs' lawyer, they already have the Capitol cop hero's name.

"Cop hero," that's hilarious. After destroying police forces in leftist cities across the country, you think anyone would buy your lies you're actually pro-cop. No one's as stupid as you think they are, no one's as stupid as you are
Yes....Capitol cop hero....I know you supported the wounding and killing of Capitol cops and our legislators on Jan 6th.
kaz was rooting for the insurgents to kill some 'commies'.
weren't we doing that in the 40's? I'm good with commies going down. are you a commie
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Key words in this article are "plans" to sue them. Also "within the next 10 days" to file a lawsuit.
This interview was given by the family's lawyer...who can speculate all he wants. It don't make it truth. :)
Big hill to climb to get this kind of judgement..even civil-wise.

She was participating in an insurrection that she as a military veteran should have known was wrong and contrary to the oath she took.
My guess??...settlement for a paltry amount vs the amount her family's hotshot lawyer is demanding.
Hilarious you think a few dozen unarmed people can overthrow the government.

Just think what we’re going to accomplish this summer with our 230 million guns and 40 billion rounds of ammo.

Yea we got all the way to Pelosis desk without firing a shot. No wonder the left is scared shitless.
Thugs, thieves, vandals, and defecators on public property. Today's GOP.

Thugs ,thieves, vandals and defecators on private property. Todays democrats.
You would like to forget Jan 6th, I get it. But the reality is that those feral whitey righties were your peeps.

You would like to forget 2020. I get it. But the reality is that those feral black lefties were your peeps. Destroying public property and not a single black was killed by a white cop.

And those are rioters and what they did was illegal and they should be arrested. That is not too hard to say.....................unlike orange cultists who are defending their feral ilk at the Capitol on Jan 6th.
isn't a cop car a government car? explain how that's different?
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

The case will fail. And the guv will continue to grow its DB of terrorist symps.
They’ll settle out of court because the swamp doesn’t want the coup discussed.

Well, then, they'd better do it quickly, before the discovery phase provides the records and the cop's name to the plaintiffs. Otherwise, it won't do them any good.
According to the plaintiffs' lawyer, they already have the Capitol cop hero's name.

"Cop hero," that's hilarious. After destroying police forces in leftist cities across the country, you think anyone would buy your lies you're actually pro-cop. No one's as stupid as you think they are, no one's as stupid as you are
Yes....Capitol cop hero....I know you supported the wounding and killing of Capitol cops and our legislators on Jan 6th.
kaz was rooting for the insurgents to kill some 'commies'.
weren't we doing that in the 40's? I'm good with commies going down. are you a commie
Are you defending the fascist insurgents that took over the capitol? One enemy at a time, and the Trumper are the enemy of all that is good in America.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Key words in this article are "plans" to sue them. Also "within the next 10 days" to file a lawsuit.
This interview was given by the family's lawyer...who can speculate all he wants. It don't make it truth. :)
Big hill to climb to get this kind of judgement..even civil-wise.

She was participating in an insurrection that she as a military veteran should have known was wrong and contrary to the oath she took.
My guess??...settlement for a paltry amount vs the amount her family's hotshot lawyer is demanding.
Hilarious you think a few dozen unarmed people can overthrow the government.

Just think what we’re going to accomplish this summer with our 230 million guns and 40 billion rounds of ammo.

Yea we got all the way to Pelosis desk without firing a shot. No wonder the left is scared shitless.
Thugs, thieves, vandals, and defecators on public property. Today's GOP.

Thugs ,thieves, vandals and defecators on private property. Todays democrats.
You would like to forget Jan 6th, I get it. But the reality is that those feral whitey righties were your peeps.

You would like to forget 2020. I get it. But the reality is that those feral black lefties were your peeps. Destroying public property and not a single black was killed by a white cop.

And those are rioters and what they did was illegal and they should be arrested. That is not too hard to say.....................unlike orange cultists who are defending their feral ilk at the Capitol on Jan 6th.
Why hasn’t it been condemned?
It has been....you just don't want to pay attention.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Key words in this article are "plans" to sue them. Also "within the next 10 days" to file a lawsuit.
This interview was given by the family's lawyer...who can speculate all he wants. It don't make it truth. :)
Big hill to climb to get this kind of judgement..even civil-wise.

She was participating in an insurrection that she as a military veteran should have known was wrong and contrary to the oath she took.
My guess??...settlement for a paltry amount vs the amount her family's hotshot lawyer is demanding.
Hilarious you think a few dozen unarmed people can overthrow the government.

Just think what we’re going to accomplish this summer with our 230 million guns and 40 billion rounds of ammo.

Yea we got all the way to Pelosis desk without firing a shot. No wonder the left is scared shitless.
Thugs, thieves, vandals, and defecators on public property. Today's GOP.

Thugs ,thieves, vandals and defecators on private property. Todays democrats.
You would like to forget Jan 6th, I get it. But the reality is that those feral whitey righties were your peeps.

You would like to forget 2020. I get it. But the reality is that those feral black lefties were your peeps. Destroying public property and not a single black was killed by a white cop.

And those are rioters and what they did was illegal and they should be arrested. That is not too hard to say.....................unlike orange cultists who are defending their feral ilk at the Capitol on Jan 6th.
isn't a cop car a government car? explain how that's different?
Yes it is a government car. You win a prize for figuring that out. They are committing a crime.
Are you defending the fascist insurgents that took over the capitol? One enemy at a time, and the Trumper are the enemy of all that is good in America.
I don't defend anyone. I call out indifferences of the event based on previous events. Too much to decipher in Jan 6, not enough information is known to understand what and who were there. the capitol is america's, not democrats or republicans, it's all americans. So, breaking and entering is never a good idea, however, if cops opened up doors, then they were guests. so which was it? you don't know, and neither do I. again, not enough facts. I do know an unarmed vet was killed by a cop. and you don't care. That's really all I need to know what your morals are.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Key words in this article are "plans" to sue them. Also "within the next 10 days" to file a lawsuit.
This interview was given by the family's lawyer...who can speculate all he wants. It don't make it truth. :)
Big hill to climb to get this kind of judgement..even civil-wise.

She was participating in an insurrection that she as a military veteran should have known was wrong and contrary to the oath she took.
My guess??...settlement for a paltry amount vs the amount her family's hotshot lawyer is demanding.
Hilarious you think a few dozen unarmed people can overthrow the government.

Just think what we’re going to accomplish this summer with our 230 million guns and 40 billion rounds of ammo.

Yea we got all the way to Pelosis desk without firing a shot. No wonder the left is scared shitless.
Thugs, thieves, vandals, and defecators on public property. Today's GOP.

Thugs ,thieves, vandals and defecators on private property. Todays democrats.
You would like to forget Jan 6th, I get it. But the reality is that those feral whitey righties were your peeps.

You would like to forget 2020. I get it. But the reality is that those feral black lefties were your peeps. Destroying public property and not a single black was killed by a white cop.

And those are rioters and what they did was illegal and they should be arrested. That is not too hard to say.....................unlike orange cultists who are defending their feral ilk at the Capitol on Jan 6th.
Why hasn’t it been condemned?
It has been....you just don't want to pay attention.
name one demofk leader who condemned that. I'll wait.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Key words in this article are "plans" to sue them. Also "within the next 10 days" to file a lawsuit.
This interview was given by the family's lawyer...who can speculate all he wants. It don't make it truth. :)
Big hill to climb to get this kind of judgement..even civil-wise.

She was participating in an insurrection that she as a military veteran should have known was wrong and contrary to the oath she took.
My guess??...settlement for a paltry amount vs the amount her family's hotshot lawyer is demanding.
Hilarious you think a few dozen unarmed people can overthrow the government.

Just think what we’re going to accomplish this summer with our 230 million guns and 40 billion rounds of ammo.

Yea we got all the way to Pelosis desk without firing a shot. No wonder the left is scared shitless.
Thugs, thieves, vandals, and defecators on public property. Today's GOP.

Thugs ,thieves, vandals and defecators on private property. Todays democrats.
You would like to forget Jan 6th, I get it. But the reality is that those feral whitey righties were your peeps.

You would like to forget 2020. I get it. But the reality is that those feral black lefties were your peeps. Destroying public property and not a single black was killed by a white cop.

And those are rioters and what they did was illegal and they should be arrested. That is not too hard to say.....................unlike orange cultists who are defending their feral ilk at the Capitol on Jan 6th.
isn't a cop car a government car? explain how that's different?
Yes it is a government car. You win a prize for figuring that out. They are committing a crime.
so just as much government property as anything destroyed at the capitol, right? where's the fbi? I'll watch for your silence.
The one time the Left cheered the police for shooting someone.
I’m not cheering. It was a damn tragedy.

It was a tragedy.
And unjustified no matter what that puke says

It wasw more than justified.

Suddenly the cops shooting unarmed people is good to you. That while you racists call for cops who shoot armed blacks to be destroyed to exploit blacks

She was storming the capitol complex in a terrorist attack to stop the certification of the election. A complex that contained the VP of the United States. These cops who shot blacks were not in any danger. Tell me why you have to shoot someone 8 times in the back.

What a load of bull. And on a "terrorism" scale of one to Democrat fascists rioting and looting in our cities last year, it was a three or four. And you supported terrorism, murder, looting and burning cities then. Your feigned indignation is outright laughable.

You are the ones who support terrorists. Right wing terrorists killed more people than Islamic terrorists during Trump's Presidency. There is no evidence anyone was killed in these incidents. The police made it worst by showing up in military type gear and exacerbated the problem. However the vast majority of protests were peaceful.

Another lying fascist who accuses others of what you do. I condemned the violence from January 6 immediately. But you just lie and lie and lie. And yet you actually did support fascists looting and rioting all last year.

You're one smelly lying skank

You are the lying fascist. A Trump supporter never tells the truth because they can't. The fact is that the majority of protests were peaceful. You want to condemn everyone who is protesting as fascists. I also didn't hear you complain about right wing agitators including one who shot up a police station during a demonstration and screamed "Justice for Floyd".

A right-wing extremist shot up a Minneapolis police precinct during a BLM protest and screamed 'Justice for Floyd!' prosecutors say

If you had seen that, you would be yelling at the left for the violence.

You're one sick racist fascist fuck. You're the one who wants to destroy your enemies, Nazi piece of shit

That is so much right wing nonsense. We have the right wing propaganda outfits. We also have a nyriad of right wing websites. No one has control over the media.
Hilarious lie.

You are the liar. We already know that. Except it is not hilarious.
Says shitforbrains who thinks conservatives control the media.

What is Fox News? OANN? Newsmax? The Washington Examiner? You are the shit for brains guy around here.
Keep going.
4 out of 2,000.

There are numerous websites as well as national and local radio shows. The fact that you spout stupid ideas shows how effective the right wing propaganda media works.
Ah. So an AM radio station in Boise is just like The NY Times and CNN.

Crazy right wing ideas have no trouble getting circulated. You are living proof of that.
You haven't watched the msm over the last 4+ years apparently.

The right wing media is the real danger to this country. They have constantly amplified Trump's lies. They are responsible for the attack on the capitol.

OMG, that's funny. You worship fake news who just endlessly make shit up. And no one lies like the Democrat party. Suddenly you care about lies. LOL. No, racist, you don't

You are the one who spreads fake news fed to you by the right wing media. You are the rascist Republican.
Orange cultists are all about believing The Big Lie because they've been well groomed by the orange con-man.

Trump is orange, OMG. you are master of the obvious. Did you notice there are plants out side too, genius?
Democrats stole the election, the fraud was in big Democrat cities. Particularly Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Las Vegas and Phoenix
No evidence of that. Trump's AG said there was no fraud that would have changed the outcome.

COMPLETE BULLSHIT LIES. There is every evidence of the fraud, it has been shown over and over again ad nauseum and I will document all of it soon again so that it cannot be refuted. And AG Barr never said that. All he said is that his department had not FOUND any fraud yet in wherever they looked!

But then, Barr said a lot of things, about Hillary, about Obumma, about Democrats, and about Bidden------ funny how the left only take note when a republican says something they think they can twist and spin for their own efforts.

You still beating this dead horse, Freaky? There are laws against that. :)

You've documented nothing but the same alt-right blather derived from 6K votes in one Michigan county that's been blown up into a national conspiracy. Besides the 67 lower court cases and 3 Supreme Court cases being shitcanned, I got you some stats news here.:auiqs.jpg:

No one is stupid enough to believe your lies. Democrats stole the election. You did it so openly that your denials are just lame and obviously lies. You know it was stolen too, you're just in favor of it because you're a fascist and a racist

No they didn't. 67 lower court judges and three SC rulings disagree with you. But just to show there's no hard feelings, I offer you this coffee mug. :auiqs.jpg:
View attachment 486686
Biden's cheated---he had Chinese communists and other steal the election. Everyone with brains knows it.

73 lower court and Supreme Court cases dismissed. It would seem..you have no brains.
Do brains "take away the (conservative butthurt) pain?".
He lost. Deal with it.

And none of the courts ruled on the merits of the case. Keep lying, racist fascist, it doesn't make your lies truth
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

The case will fail. And the guv will continue to grow its DB of terrorist symps.
They’ll settle out of court because the swamp doesn’t want the coup discussed.

Well, then, they'd better do it quickly, before the discovery phase provides the records and the cop's name to the plaintiffs. Otherwise, it won't do them any good.
According to the plaintiffs' lawyer, they already have the Capitol cop hero's name.

"Cop hero," that's hilarious. After destroying police forces in leftist cities across the country, you think anyone would buy your lies you're actually pro-cop. No one's as stupid as you think they are, no one's as stupid as you are
Yes....Capitol cop hero....I know you supported the wounding and killing of Capitol cops and our legislators on Jan 6th.
kaz was rooting for the insurgents to kill some 'commies'.

Actually, I condemned anyone on January 6 committing violence. Unlike you who still hasn't condemned endless looting, rioting and burning by leftists all last summer.

You're a liar, it's what leftists just are
Democrats stole the election.,,,,,,Democrats clearly stole the election
Poster 'kaz', if no contributor to this forum has requested that you present your evidence, to attempt to prove the above assertions, well, poster "kaz"....lemme be the first.
So prove it.
Show or go.
And for Jimminy' Cricket's sake.....don't whine unless you can back up your own word.


Those 9 billion rounds of ammo purchased last year is going to be handy.
Well, poster Weatherman, with your Billion (with a 'B') rounds of ammo.....you should be able to handily shoot those Kamala Harris book outta the hands of those kids swimming across the Rio Grande? No?
Wasn't it your avatar who went all in on that laugher and hyped it to the venue?

Or space lasers aimed at the audit building.
Oh no, oh no! Poster Jack,.........don't touch that 3rd rail. The forum hosts a resident anti-semite, tho I cannot recall his avatar name off hand. And that "Space Laser" (Yiddish Model v.1.0) is sure to send the forum into some Zionist, Jews Killed Lincoln hyper-ventilation.
So please be careful.


Meanwhile a unarmed woman was shot and killed while on her hands and knees crawling through a barricade and no one really talks about it on tv because she was part of the terrorist attack on the capital.
Ah, sonofagun! It is assertions like that that just won't let that old shibboleth about the un-informed and mis-informed's fanboyism for Don Trump.
It's a cliche' validator, some might say.

ps.....poster Resnic, google up the website 'BellingCat'. Find their coverage on 'Ashli Babbitt's Journey'. You might find it interesting. You might learn something to better inform you.

Biden's cheated---he had Chinese communists and other steal the election.

OK, let's finish this with that beauty.
So, poster Turtlesoup.....you wanna prove that your word is good? That you have credibility? Veracity? Gravitas?

OK, if you have a sense of responsibility towards your own word as an adult, well, you may wanna rush out and get your hands on the proofs of your assertion.

And, of course, bring it back to the forum members so we can feel good about your participation here.

Just sayin'.

Chillicoath says, no it isn't, no it isn't, no it isn't {covers ears, has a tantrum}

Sure, sport, Democrats ended voter accountability, but then didn't cheat. You're such a terrible liar. Shallow and obvious
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

The case will fail. And the guv will continue to grow its DB of terrorist symps.
They’ll settle out of court because the swamp doesn’t want the coup discussed.

Well, then, they'd better do it quickly, before the discovery phase provides the records and the cop's name to the plaintiffs. Otherwise, it won't do them any good.
According to the plaintiffs' lawyer, they already have the Capitol cop hero's name.

"Cop hero," that's hilarious. After destroying police forces in leftist cities across the country, you think anyone would buy your lies you're actually pro-cop. No one's as stupid as you think they are, no one's as stupid as you are
Yes....Capitol cop hero....I know you supported the wounding and killing of Capitol cops and our legislators on Jan 6th.
kaz was rooting for the insurgents to kill some 'commies'.
weren't we doing that in the 40's? I'm good with commies going down. are you a commie
Are you defending the fascist insurgents that took over the capitol? One enemy at a time, and the Trumper are the enemy of all that is good in America.

You have your talking lie and you're going to pound it for everything you can get out of it, huh? Speaking of racism, I haven't seen you condemn the lily white leftist Democrat racists calling Tim Scott "Uncle Tim." Want to find the nearest racist? Find the nearest mirror
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

The case will fail. And the guv will continue to grow its DB of terrorist symps.
They’ll settle out of court because the swamp doesn’t want the coup discussed.

Well, then, they'd better do it quickly, before the discovery phase provides the records and the cop's name to the plaintiffs. Otherwise, it won't do them any good.
According to the plaintiffs' lawyer, they already have the Capitol cop hero's name.

"Cop hero," that's hilarious. After destroying police forces in leftist cities across the country, you think anyone would buy your lies you're actually pro-cop. No one's as stupid as you think they are, no one's as stupid as you are
Yes....Capitol cop hero....I know you supported the wounding and killing of Capitol cops and our legislators on Jan 6th.
kaz was rooting for the insurgents to kill some 'commies'.

Actually, I condemned anyone on January 6 committing violence. Unlike you who still hasn't condemned endless looting, rioting and burning by leftists all last summer.

You're a liar, it's what leftists just are
You continue to lie, Kaz. You are guilty of lying and poor logic. One, blm and the insurgents are not equitable in wrong, and the protests (as opposed to the looters) do not need to be condemned.

You need to think seriously about what you believe.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

The case will fail. And the guv will continue to grow its DB of terrorist symps.
They’ll settle out of court because the swamp doesn’t want the coup discussed.

Well, then, they'd better do it quickly, before the discovery phase provides the records and the cop's name to the plaintiffs. Otherwise, it won't do them any good.
According to the plaintiffs' lawyer, they already have the Capitol cop hero's name.

"Cop hero," that's hilarious. After destroying police forces in leftist cities across the country, you think anyone would buy your lies you're actually pro-cop. No one's as stupid as you think they are, no one's as stupid as you are
Yes....Capitol cop hero....I know you supported the wounding and killing of Capitol cops and our legislators on Jan 6th.
kaz was rooting for the insurgents to kill some 'commies'.
weren't we doing that in the 40's? I'm good with commies going down. are you a commie
Are you defending the fascist insurgents that took over the capitol? One enemy at a time, and the Trumper are the enemy of all that is good in America.

You have your talking lie and you're going to pound it for everything you can get out of it, huh? Speaking of racism, I haven't seen you condemn the lily white leftist Democrat racists calling Tim Scott "Uncle Tim." Want to find the nearest racist? Find the nearest mirror
Oh, give it up your laughable squabbling. Condemn Trump for inspiring and fomenting the Insurgency, and then we can talk.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

The case will fail. And the guv will continue to grow its DB of terrorist symps.
They’ll settle out of court because the swamp doesn’t want the coup discussed.

Well, then, they'd better do it quickly, before the discovery phase provides the records and the cop's name to the plaintiffs. Otherwise, it won't do them any good.
According to the plaintiffs' lawyer, they already have the Capitol cop hero's name.

"Cop hero," that's hilarious. After destroying police forces in leftist cities across the country, you think anyone would buy your lies you're actually pro-cop. No one's as stupid as you think they are, no one's as stupid as you are
Yes....Capitol cop hero....I know you supported the wounding and killing of Capitol cops and our legislators on Jan 6th.
kaz was rooting for the insurgents to kill some 'commies'.

Actually, I condemned anyone on January 6 committing violence. Unlike you who still hasn't condemned endless looting, rioting and burning by leftists all last summer.

You're a liar, it's what leftists just are
You continue to lie, Kaz. You are guilty of lying and poor logic. One, blm and the insurgents are not equitable in wrong, and the protests (as opposed to the looters) do not need to be condemned.

You need to think seriously about what you believe.

Virtually all conservatives condemned the violence on January 6. None of the leftists condemned the leftist violence all last summer.

And January 6 didn't involve any of the burning or looting or murder that you leftist fascists committed repeatedly.

Continuing to lie proves nothing other than what a complete sack of shit liar you are
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

The case will fail. And the guv will continue to grow its DB of terrorist symps.
They’ll settle out of court because the swamp doesn’t want the coup discussed.

Well, then, they'd better do it quickly, before the discovery phase provides the records and the cop's name to the plaintiffs. Otherwise, it won't do them any good.
According to the plaintiffs' lawyer, they already have the Capitol cop hero's name.

"Cop hero," that's hilarious. After destroying police forces in leftist cities across the country, you think anyone would buy your lies you're actually pro-cop. No one's as stupid as you think they are, no one's as stupid as you are
Yes....Capitol cop hero....I know you supported the wounding and killing of Capitol cops and our legislators on Jan 6th.
kaz was rooting for the insurgents to kill some 'commies'.
weren't we doing that in the 40's? I'm good with commies going down. are you a commie
Are you defending the fascist insurgents that took over the capitol? One enemy at a time, and the Trumper are the enemy of all that is good in America.

You have your talking lie and you're going to pound it for everything you can get out of it, huh? Speaking of racism, I haven't seen you condemn the lily white leftist Democrat racists calling Tim Scott "Uncle Tim." Want to find the nearest racist? Find the nearest mirror
Oh, give it up your laughable squabbling. Condemn Trump for inspiring and fomenting the Insurgency, and then we can talk.

And storm's dick goes flat in raging insecurity as he suddenly needs the validation of others.

I don't care what the voices in your head are saying. Speak for yourself. Or just get the gender reassignment surgery. Whatever
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

The case will fail. And the guv will continue to grow its DB of terrorist symps.
They’ll settle out of court because the swamp doesn’t want the coup discussed.

Well, then, they'd better do it quickly, before the discovery phase provides the records and the cop's name to the plaintiffs. Otherwise, it won't do them any good.
According to the plaintiffs' lawyer, they already have the Capitol cop hero's name.

"Cop hero," that's hilarious. After destroying police forces in leftist cities across the country, you think anyone would buy your lies you're actually pro-cop. No one's as stupid as you think they are, no one's as stupid as you are
Yes....Capitol cop hero....I know you supported the wounding and killing of Capitol cops and our legislators on Jan 6th.
kaz was rooting for the insurgents to kill some 'commies'.
weren't we doing that in the 40's? I'm good with commies going down. are you a commie
Are you defending the fascist insurgents that took over the capitol? One enemy at a time, and the Trumper are the enemy of all that is good in America.

You have your talking lie and you're going to pound it for everything you can get out of it, huh? Speaking of racism, I haven't seen you condemn the lily white leftist Democrat racists calling Tim Scott "Uncle Tim." Want to find the nearest racist? Find the nearest mirror
Oh, give it up your laughable squabbling. Condemn Trump for inspiring and fomenting the Insurgency, and then we can talk.

And storm's dick goes flat in raging insecurity as he suddenly needs the validation of others.

I don't care what the voices in your head are saying. Speak for yourself. Or just get the gender reassignment surgery. Whatever
Kaz won't condemn Trump the Traitor. Kaz supports the Insurgency privately although he says he condemns it. Kaz, in fact, loves it.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

The case will fail. And the guv will continue to grow its DB of terrorist symps.
They’ll settle out of court because the swamp doesn’t want the coup discussed.

Well, then, they'd better do it quickly, before the discovery phase provides the records and the cop's name to the plaintiffs. Otherwise, it won't do them any good.
According to the plaintiffs' lawyer, they already have the Capitol cop hero's name.

"Cop hero," that's hilarious. After destroying police forces in leftist cities across the country, you think anyone would buy your lies you're actually pro-cop. No one's as stupid as you think they are, no one's as stupid as you are
Yes....Capitol cop hero....I know you supported the wounding and killing of Capitol cops and our legislators on Jan 6th.
kaz was rooting for the insurgents to kill some 'commies'.
weren't we doing that in the 40's? I'm good with commies going down. are you a commie
Are you defending the fascist insurgents that took over the capitol? One enemy at a time, and the Trumper are the enemy of all that is good in America.

You have your talking lie and you're going to pound it for everything you can get out of it, huh? Speaking of racism, I haven't seen you condemn the lily white leftist Democrat racists calling Tim Scott "Uncle Tim." Want to find the nearest racist? Find the nearest mirror
Oh, give it up your laughable squabbling. Condemn Trump for inspiring and fomenting the Insurgency, and then we can talk.

And storm's dick goes flat in raging insecurity as he suddenly needs the validation of others.

I don't care what the voices in your head are saying. Speak for yourself. Or just get the gender reassignment surgery. Whatever
Kaz won't condemn Trump the Traitor. Kaz supports the Insurgency privately although he says he condemns it. Kaz, in fact, loves it.

OMG you're a terrible liar. Suddenly you're pro-cop and pro-America. What a total joke of a human being you are

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