U.S. Capitol Police to Be Sued for $10 Million for Killing Unarmed Rioter

We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Who cares? The turd was shot while attacking the U.S. government. She was a pig, not a hero.

Yeah, karma is going to have fun with you too. Asswipe. WE, are the government. Not those corrupt pieces of shit in DC.

You need to remember that fact.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

No you won't. This won't get to first base. The fact that she was storming the capitol doesn't help.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Key words in this article are "plans" to sue them. Also "within the next 10 days" to file a lawsuit.
This interview was given by the family's lawyer...who can speculate all he wants. It don't make it truth. :)
Big hill to climb to get this kind of judgement..even civil-wise.

She was participating in an insurrection that she as a military veteran should have known was wrong and contrary to the oath she took.
My guess??...settlement for a paltry amount vs the amount her family's hotshot lawyer is demanding.
Hilarious you think a few dozen unarmed people can overthrow the government.

Just think what we’re going to accomplish this summer with our 230 million guns and 40 billion rounds of ammo.

Where did you come up with a "few dozen"? Is this a math deficiency on your part?
"You have no proof that Trump supporters did that."

Ummm, I'm just a fake named avatar playin' on a keyboard.......how would I have proof?

Frankly, I don't, but..............
But you know, there has been enough news coverage in the Rightfield and Leftfield media-verse that sure indicates that those Mace-sprayers, those Cop clubbers, those Door smashers........ that virtually all of 'em were the Duped & Snookered of the MAGACult.

Let's see now.....ummm, they wore Trump ID clothing; waved Trump flags; they came directly from a Trump 'Let's Go Fight' cheer contest; they have long and prolific social media presence where they reveal as part of the Duped & Snookered.

And, per reporting, we got some of them confessing to be Trumpers, and turning in their comrades-in-arms as Trumpers.

So, "proof".......I personally ain't got none.

But, I'm sorta kinda thinkin' the Feds got some.

You too, poster asaratis?
The one who did something stupid was the cop. Now he’ll get to pay for it.

"Now he'll pay for it" ?

Whatcha got in mind there, poster "lantern".
How's he gonna "pay"?
Another dimtard ASSuming that the word pay means violence. Perhaps your mommy should read the OP to you fuckwit Chillicothe. Pay. Hand over money to another party due to wrongful actions by the murdering cop. Oh, were you hoping for a different response? You lost.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Who cares? The turd was shot while attacking the U.S. government. She was a pig, not a hero.
No, YOU are a pig. Denigrating a veteran again. A true swine you are.

Honorable veterans do not commit treason and attack Congress. I bet you think that Timothy McVeigh was a hero because he served in the military. If this pig hadn't been attacking Congress, she wouldn't have been shot.
Funny it’s YOU bringing up McVeigh. Don’t you ever try to say what I mean thinking. Real Americans don’t denigrate veterans or murder them. If you weren’t a dimtard sheep you might know that.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Who cares? The turd was shot while attacking the U.S. government. She was a pig, not a hero.

Yeah, karma is going to have fun with you too. Asswipe. WE, are the government. Not those corrupt pieces of shit in DC.

You need to remember that fact.

Yes, WE are the government. I'm a part of this "WE" that you are talking about. YOU need to remember this fact. donald trump needs to remember it, too. When you attack the Capitol, you are attacking MY HOUSE. Anyone who attacks our house gets to pay for the damage and must make whole all people who were hurt. Sell all of the real estate owned by the attackers of the Capitol and give the proceeds to the Capitol Cops.
Tell us more how a small group of unarmed middle age out of shape citizens nearly ended America.
who needs weapons (guns and knives) when you have the numbers...

I guess that would be BLM? They rioted, looted and murdered last year 8,700 times and still brought all kinds of weapons even with their numbers.

Really?? 8700 times? Wow..that's a lot of murders...

Good god, Jack, how'd you ever graduate grade school unable to fucking read? There were 8,700 RIOTS last year Jack, MAJOR riots, that you slept your little wee life through, BLM riots, meaningless, pointless riots, riots for the sake of rioting, riots because we can and say it is because of racism riots--- attempts on federal workers lives, destruction of lives, property and jobs, centered mainly in 69 cities, with about 47 or 49 police killed in total as I recall, all with violent weapons, over a drugged up counterfeiter, and about 2,000 in all police maimed and injured. All done by the depraved Terrorist Left.

You should join Planet Earth sometime and get with the program.

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We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Key words in this article are "plans" to sue them. Also "within the next 10 days" to file a lawsuit.
This interview was given by the family's lawyer...who can speculate all he wants. It don't make it truth. :)
Big hill to climb to get this kind of judgement..even civil-wise.

She was participating in an insurrection that she as a military veteran should have known was wrong and contrary to the oath she took.
My guess??...settlement for a paltry amount vs the amount her family's hotshot lawyer is demanding.

It is illegal to shoot someone who is unarmed and not even a physical threat, for trespassing.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Who cares? The turd was shot while attacking the U.S. government. She was a pig, not a hero.

Yeah, karma is going to have fun with you too. Asswipe. WE, are the government. Not those corrupt pieces of shit in DC.

You need to remember that fact.

Yes, WE are the government. I'm a part of this "WE" that you are talking about. YOU need to remember this fact. donald trump needs to remember it, too. When you attack the Capitol, you are attacking MY HOUSE. Anyone who attacks our house gets to pay for the damage and must make whole all people who were hurt. Sell all of the real estate owned by the attackers of the Capitol and give the proceeds to the Capitol Cops.

You, YOU are a fucking Chinese agent. YOU are a traitor.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Who cares? The turd was shot while attacking the U.S. government. She was a pig, not a hero.
No, YOU are a pig. Denigrating a veteran again. A true swine you are.

Honorable veterans do not commit treason and attack Congress. I bet you think that Timothy McVeigh was a hero because he served in the military. If this pig hadn't been attacking Congress, she wouldn't have been shot.
Funny it’s YOU bringing up McVeigh. Don’t you ever try to say what I mean thinking. Real Americans don’t denigrate veterans or murder them. If you weren’t a dimtard sheep you might know that.

Don't give me this "real Americans" bullshit. Our vets serve with honor. It only has been a very few who have betrayed our country. This woman was one of them. I hope that she is not buried at Arlington. It is a sacred ground meant for heroes.
"Another dimtard ASSuming that the word pay means violence. Perhaps your mommy should read the OP to you fuckwit......."

Ah, poster "lantern", you seem too invested into the Duped & Snookered MAGA-world.
Please, settle down and talk nice. We are all friends here.

After all, my poor avatar simply and sincerely asked what YOU had in mind.

Here, let me show you:

  • Poster "lantern":
The one who did something stupid was the cop. Now he’ll get to pay for it.

  • My poor avatar queries:
Whatcha got in mind there.....
How's he gonna "pay"

And for that simple, sincere, and well-meaning query, poor avataree "lantern" seemingly got discombobulated and defensively resorts to the f-bomb, the 'Mommy' stuff, the 'dimtard' epithet.

What's up with that?

Poster 'lantern' settle down. Breathe.
This is just the internet. No need to have a overwrought keyboard enema about being politely queried over a statement you yourself made.

Is everything OK in your life?
Is this really the right message-board for you, given your defensiveness, unsteadiness, and sensitivity?
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

They need to get the correspondence between Nancy and the Capitol Police to see when she gave the "Let Them in!" order
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

She was participating in an insurrection that she as a military veteran should have known was wrong and contrary to the oath she took.
My guess??...

BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS, Jack. Nobody cares about your guesses. The 5,000 participating in each of the 8,700 BLM riots last year robbing, stealing, looting, killing and burning should know better.

Democrats ought to know better than to run such a totally corrupt election.

George Floyd should KNOW BETTER than to pass counterfeit money, do fentanyl, mug pregnant women, and fight with police trying to arrest him for said crimes.

You know Freaky, you need to calm down and relax. Have you taken that car in your garage out for a drive with your special someone? It might calm you down. :)
No one stole any election. Your boy lost..cause he sucked! And then he threw a tantrum because he lost...and then convinced his lemmings to go storm a seat of democracy.

And yes, Floyd deserved to get pinched for passing funny money...but die for it? Have his hands cuffed behind his back while lying face down?..already subdued?..with a knee
on his neck (yes, his neck, not his back) for 9:29???..No.
Tell us more how a small group of unarmed middle age out of shape citizens nearly ended America.

I can tell you about 500 arrested so far, with more to come. I can tell you about many of them still sitting in jail without bail. I can tell you about the upgraded charges that will get most of them convicted of felonies, which means an end to their gun rights and voting rights.


You cannot tell us ANY of these things, you don't know jack other than from garbage the media has fed you, you can't even tell us the fact that a great many of these people, about 25% of them, are guilty of nothing more than simple misdemeanor trespass. I mean, they basically just walked into the Capitol-- -- THEIR Capitol (yes, OK, after others had mostly forced their way in).

That's just being a criminal nuisance, not an asteroid to the center of all democratic stability as man has known it. And certainly not worth dying over.

You can't even tell us that the entire 1-6 event was an invention created to:
  1. Engineer the final Pelosi-spite-driven seething impeachment revenge lashing out at Trump because she knew that withered, dried-out snatch of her 5' 6" Carla Tortelli frame of hers fell about 100 light-years short or Trump's standards; he was just too much red blooded macho he-man for her. The Nance had tried her whiles with Trump--- the man wasn't born she couldn't lick, she thought, and Donald told the wrinkled prune to go take a hike.
  2. For the Left hopefully, a riot at the Capitol was just the kind of staged diversion from stealing the election from Trump that they needed to keep questions about how a no-name twice-failed senile loser like Biden could possibly beat the hugely successful and popular downhill locomotive marathon runner of Donald Trump---- with record numbers without even campaigning!
It goes beyond the pale anyone can even suggest there was no hanky panky with this election we are not being told the whole truth about and still keep a straight face.
"You have no proof that Trump supporters did that."

Ummm, I'm just a fake named avatar playin' on a keyboard.......how would I have proof?

Frankly, I don't, but..............
But you know, there has been enough news coverage in the Rightfield and Leftfield media-verse that sure indicates that those Mace-sprayers, those Cop clubbers, those Door smashers........ that virtually all of 'em were the Duped & Snookered of the MAGACult.

Let's see now.....ummm, they wore Trump ID clothing; waved Trump flags; they came directly from a Trump 'Let's Go Fight' cheer contest; they have long and prolific social media presence where they reveal as part of the Duped & Snookered.

And, per reporting, we got some of them confessing to be Trumpers, and turning in their comrades-in-arms as Trumpers.

So, "proof".......I personally ain't got none.

But, I'm sorta kinda thinkin' the Feds got some.

You too, poster asaratis?
What an expected STUPID reply! The fact that you may have seen people wearing Trumper clothes, carrying Trumper flags, beating on cops...then saying "some of them confessing to be Trumpers" (but not necessarily the ones who beat on the cops) proves none of your claim that Trumpers beat on cops. Even the outright lie that one Capitol policeman was bashed in the head with a fire extinguisher has been debunked. The man died the next day of a stroke.

I'll agree that there were many Trumpers demonstrating that evening. There were also many Antifa and BLM activists there.

...and if you paid attention to the news and the timeline of events, you may have noticed that the attempts to invade the Capitol building came before the end of Trump's speech. You may have also noticed news stories that the attack on the Capitol had been planned as much as two weeks ahead of January 6th, and that two bombs were stashed in the area the night before.

No. You've still proved NOTHING, doofus.

...though I do expect you to stupidly try again.

The next time you want to call my attention to one of your posts, just type @ a s a r a t i s (without spaces)...like I'm doing with your user name here: Chillicothe

To get any user's attention to your post, just type @ u s e r n a m e (no spaces) and get Username . You will get a list of similar usernames...just click on the one you want.

Just trying to help you out. Which way did you come in?
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We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Who cares? The turd was shot while attacking the U.S. government. She was a pig, not a hero.

Wait, what!!! Isn't the cops the pigs? Dumbass.

We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

So...now we shouldn't comply?
It's so hard to keep up.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Who cares? The turd was shot while attacking the U.S. government. She was a pig, not a hero.

Wait, what!!! Isn't the cops the pigs? Dumbass.

It must suck to have demofk scramble brains

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