U.S. Capitol Police to Be Sued for $10 Million for Killing Unarmed Rioter

We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

When the police shoot and kill an unarmed person Democrats usually cheer on and bail out Antifa and BLM terrorists as they loot, burn, destroy, and perpetrate BILLIONS of dollars in damage to Democrat-run communities all over the US...

....but when a black Democrat cop shoots and kills an unarmed conservative female vet for the crime of trespassing, Democrats & their surrogate fake news media protect THIS cop and bury the story...

Go figure.

How do you know he is a Democrat? She was trying to break through the doors and enter the complex where the VP was presiding over the Senate.
'Black Policeman shoots and kills unarmed white female veteran for TRESPASSING'
- 'Capitol Police Warned In Advance By FBI of Violent Riot, Did Nothing To Prevent, Protect'
- 'Capitol Police Shown On Video Moving Barricades To Give Rioters Access To Capitol'
- 'Capitol Police Shown On Video Leading Trespassers Through The Capitol'
---- So technically Capitol Police LED Babbitt to the exact spot where she was executed by a fellow capitol policeman

Yeah, these are some of the potential headlines Democrats, Capitol Police, and Pelosi sought to avoid / prevented from being reported.....

Antifa looted, burned, & perpetrated several BILLIONS of dollars in damage in Democrat-run communities all over the US when a white policeman shot and killed armed blacks who opposed / fought the police, but the Democrats, fake news media, Antifa...and YOU... are ok with a black cop shooting and killing an unarmed, white, female veteran who was trespassing.

She was shot because she was storming the capitol and trying to break down the doors. That is more than trespassing.

That is why numerous officials were fired or resigned. Because they did not take the proper prdecautions to porotect the Capitol. That does not excuse what happened.

"A viral video does not show police allowing crowds to breach barricades during riots at the U.S. Capitol—as many have claimed on social media—the person who shot the clip has told Newsweek.

Footage captured by Marcus DiPaola, a freelance journalist working at TikTok, has been viewed more than 30 million times on Twitter and more than 1.7 million times on TikTok.

Many who have shared the clip have suggested it shows police letting people get close to the building. One Twitter post that featured the clip alongside the caption: "the police opened the f***ing gates" has been shared more than 200,000 times.

However, officers only backed away after being threatened while being vastly outnumbered, DiPaola said.":

From PolitiFact: We didn’t find evidence of that. Instead, we discovered that some online video is getting misinterpreted. Many officers had to abandon their posts and barricades because they were far outnumbered and overwhelmed.

No oine was lured anywhere. Clearly they were allowed into the rotunda which was a mistake. When she was shot, the video shows no one escorting anyone here. We see smashed windows and the doors barracaded as people tried to force their way in and officers telling them to stop.

Lidsay Graham said this: “I mean, these police officers had every right to use deadly force,” Graham said according to the report. “They should have used it. The people in charge of securing the Capitol let the country down.”

Videos have been shown Trump Supporters asking Capitol Police why they were doing nothing as identified Antifa / BLM members were smashing windows and entering the Capitol....again, the Capitol Police guided them through the building....they facilitated this planned event.

Babbitt was caught up in the mob mentality after the riot was initiated by Antifa / BLM - she entered the Capitol, trespassing on federal property. She was unarmed, as they all were, she took selfies, as many did, she did not attack anyone, she was not a physical threat to anyone.

The officer who shot and killed her said he felt 'at that second' that his life was in danger. He shot through the door at a target he claimed he could not see - hitting Babbitt who was outside the door, Babbitt was surrounded by 2 other officers, who the shooter could not see. After Babbitt was shot and fell, this did not prevent others from entering the room the officer was in.
- If he thought someone outside the room was a threat to his life, why didn't he shoot anyone else who continued and were coming through the door?

Once inside the room, none of the people in the group Babbitt was with - none of the people who broke into the room attacked anyone. According to the reports they just milled around.

What the policeman inadvertently / unknowingly did was give every Police Officer n the country the legal justification for shooting and killing someone - all they have to do is claim that at the moment they shot they FELT their lives were in danger, whether the person they shot had a gun or not.

Democrats scrambled to this policeman's defense, declaring he was justified in shooting an unarmed, white, female vet because in that minute he FELT that his life was in danger. If HE is entitled to this defense, EVERY police officer across the country is / should be, too.

AQ right winger was arrested for firing shots into a Minneapolis police station. He was masquerading as a protestor. Several right wingers agitated the situation.

And yet that case is completely different than the 6 Jan event and has nothing to do with it, despite your desperate attempt to claim it does.
Police deliberately make situation as dangerous as possible, for no good reason.

That's not true.

Spare us all your broad brushing of police.

The broad brush is deserved because when one cop does something bad or wrong, the other cops don't condemn it.
That makes them all complicit after the fact. It prevents fixing things so will cause the next murder.

Oh my, you are mentally ill, my friend.

Or just blissfully ignorant of how police are trained.

Don't you love some white guy screaming racist, racist, racist in your face because you're white and then thinking how great that makes him and all the free shit he should get for it?

Rigby5 should apologize for being in the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching and segregation instead of crowing about it
old rigby believes you and I should die because floyd died. he just said so. wow!!!!

No, what I said is that you and I should have to pay for broken windows because we did not change the illegal way we know the police are being trained and protected.

Again you're lying and portraying a tiny fraction of police as the standard. You're the white guy who cried racist and saying how wonderful you are and you want free shit for it

Although police do rarely pull the trigger to murder people illegally, they illegally point guns at people all the time, and do not condemn illegal murders by other police.
Which makes them accomplices.
The murder of Ashli is proof.
Police illegally shoot unarmed people who are no threat, and the rest of the police say nothing.
Which ensures it will be repeated.
If police were responsible, they would all admit the shooting of Ashli not only was illegal for killing her, but endangering everyone else, including the 2 cops standing next to her.
Apparently, being a conservative nowadays means a complete and total rejection of objectivity and common sense.

Yeah, show me a conservative on a jury and a conservative defendant who's accused of committing a crime (like Ashli nutcase Babbitt or Kyle Rittenhouse) and despite overwhelming evidence that points all the other jurors to vote guilty, I have no problem believing that the conservative juror will not only vote not guilty, he'll also throw them a parade.
And canonize them.

From the party who worships Biden. That's classic. Democrats - accuse others of what you do.

You can't even specifically condemn violence committed by actual leftists, you only make a general bull shit statement you don't support any violence. You're completely brainwashed by the Democrat party
"worships Biden"? No, hun. We are not a cult of personality like your orange cult worshipping your orange god.

It's pretty funny how you say you're not a cult while proving you're a cult. Democrats told you that you don't worship Joe and we do worship Trump, so like an obedient little cultist, you believe that
Irony there from a on-his-knees orange cultist. Need some knee pads? Amazon product ASIN B07WVPNH9W

If I need knee pads I'll remember to ask you since you're well equipped from servicing leftist men
Ah...and there you go with your sexual fantasies.....again. What a lonely, unhappy INCEL you are. :heehee:

You're the one who went there. You are one dingbat chick, Edith
Your sexual fantasies, sweetie. Keep me out of them. :no_text11:
Police deliberately make situation as dangerous as possible, for no good reason.

That's not true.

Spare us all your broad brushing of police.

The broad brush is deserved because when one cop does something bad or wrong, the other cops don't condemn it.
That makes them all complicit after the fact. It prevents fixing things so will cause the next murder.

Oh my, you are mentally ill, my friend.

Or just blissfully ignorant of how police are trained.

Don't you love some white guy screaming racist, racist, racist in your face because you're white and then thinking how great that makes him and all the free shit he should get for it?

Rigby5 should apologize for being in the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching and segregation instead of crowing about it
old rigby believes you and I should die because floyd died. he just said so. wow!!!!

No, what I said is that you and I should have to pay for broken windows because we did not change the illegal way we know the police are being trained and protected.

Again you're lying and portraying a tiny fraction of police as the standard. You're the white guy who cried racist and saying how wonderful you are and you want free shit for it

Although police do rarely pull the trigger to murder people illegally, they illegally point guns at people all the time, and do not condemn illegal murders by other police.
Which makes them accomplices.
The murder of Ashli is proof.
Police illegally shoot unarmed people who are no threat, and the rest of the police say nothing.
Which ensures it will be repeated.
If police were responsible, they would all admit the shooting of Ashli not only was illegal for killing her, but endangering everyone else, including the 2 cops standing next to her.
Apparently, being a conservative nowadays means a complete and total rejection of objectivity and common sense.

Yeah, show me a conservative on a jury and a conservative defendant who's accused of committing a crime (like Ashli nutcase Babbitt or Kyle Rittenhouse) and despite overwhelming evidence that points all the other jurors to vote guilty, I have no problem believing that the conservative juror will not only vote not guilty, he'll also throw them a parade.
And canonize them.

From the party who worships Biden. That's classic. Democrats - accuse others of what you do.

You can't even specifically condemn violence committed by actual leftists, you only make a general bull shit statement you don't support any violence. You're completely brainwashed by the Democrat party
"worships Biden"? No, hun. We are not a cult of personality like your orange cult worshipping your orange god.

It's pretty funny how you say you're not a cult while proving you're a cult. Democrats told you that you don't worship Joe and we do worship Trump, so like an obedient little cultist, you believe that
Irony there from a on-his-knees orange cultist. Need some knee pads? Amazon product ASIN B07WVPNH9W

If I need knee pads I'll remember to ask you since you're well equipped from servicing leftist men
Ah...and there you go with your sexual fantasies.....again. What a lonely, unhappy INCEL you are. :heehee:

You're the one who went there. You are one dingbat chick, Edith
Your sexual fantasies, sweetie. Keep me out of them. :no_text11:

bodecea's responses.

A) No I'm not, YOU are. I'm not, you are you are!
B) OMG I'm hot. I'm so hot everyone is in love with me. You are in love with me. I'm in love with me. If you're looking for me, I'll be in the bedroom with my lover, me

bodecea this time: I'll go with B ...
Police deliberately make situation as dangerous as possible, for no good reason.

That's not true.

Spare us all your broad brushing of police.

The broad brush is deserved because when one cop does something bad or wrong, the other cops don't condemn it.
That makes them all complicit after the fact. It prevents fixing things so will cause the next murder.

Oh my, you are mentally ill, my friend.

Or just blissfully ignorant of how police are trained.

Don't you love some white guy screaming racist, racist, racist in your face because you're white and then thinking how great that makes him and all the free shit he should get for it?

Rigby5 should apologize for being in the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching and segregation instead of crowing about it
old rigby believes you and I should die because floyd died. he just said so. wow!!!!

No, what I said is that you and I should have to pay for broken windows because we did not change the illegal way we know the police are being trained and protected.

Again you're lying and portraying a tiny fraction of police as the standard. You're the white guy who cried racist and saying how wonderful you are and you want free shit for it

Although police do rarely pull the trigger to murder people illegally, they illegally point guns at people all the time, and do not condemn illegal murders by other police.
Which makes them accomplices.
The murder of Ashli is proof.
Police illegally shoot unarmed people who are no threat, and the rest of the police say nothing.
Which ensures it will be repeated.
If police were responsible, they would all admit the shooting of Ashli not only was illegal for killing her, but endangering everyone else, including the 2 cops standing next to her.
Apparently, being a conservative nowadays means a complete and total rejection of objectivity and common sense.

Yeah, show me a conservative on a jury and a conservative defendant who's accused of committing a crime (like Ashli nutcase Babbitt or Kyle Rittenhouse) and despite overwhelming evidence that points all the other jurors to vote guilty, I have no problem believing that the conservative juror will not only vote not guilty, he'll also throw them a parade.
And canonize them.

From the party who worships Biden. That's classic. Democrats - accuse others of what you do.

You can't even specifically condemn violence committed by actual leftists, you only make a general bull shit statement you don't support any violence. You're completely brainwashed by the Democrat party
"worships Biden"? No, hun. We are not a cult of personality like your orange cult worshipping your orange god.

It's pretty funny how you say you're not a cult while proving you're a cult. Democrats told you that you don't worship Joe and we do worship Trump, so like an obedient little cultist, you believe that
Irony there from a on-his-knees orange cultist. Need some knee pads? Amazon product ASIN B07WVPNH9W

If I need knee pads I'll remember to ask you since you're well equipped from servicing leftist men
Ah...and there you go with your sexual fantasies.....again. What a lonely, unhappy INCEL you are. :heehee:

You're the one who went there. You are one dingbat chick, Edith
Your sexual fantasies, sweetie. Keep me out of them. :no_text11:

bodecea's responses.

A) No I'm not, YOU are. I'm not, you are you are!
B) OMG I'm hot. I'm so hot everyone is in love with me. You are in love with me. I'm in love with me. If you're looking for me, I'll be in the bedroom with my lover, me

bodecea this time: I'll go with B ...
:itsok: Poor INCEL boy is in a rut. Keeps posting the same thing.
Police deliberately make situation as dangerous as possible, for no good reason.

That's not true.

Spare us all your broad brushing of police.

The broad brush is deserved because when one cop does something bad or wrong, the other cops don't condemn it.
That makes them all complicit after the fact. It prevents fixing things so will cause the next murder.

Oh my, you are mentally ill, my friend.

Or just blissfully ignorant of how police are trained.

Don't you love some white guy screaming racist, racist, racist in your face because you're white and then thinking how great that makes him and all the free shit he should get for it?

Rigby5 should apologize for being in the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching and segregation instead of crowing about it
old rigby believes you and I should die because floyd died. he just said so. wow!!!!

No, what I said is that you and I should have to pay for broken windows because we did not change the illegal way we know the police are being trained and protected.

Again you're lying and portraying a tiny fraction of police as the standard. You're the white guy who cried racist and saying how wonderful you are and you want free shit for it

Although police do rarely pull the trigger to murder people illegally, they illegally point guns at people all the time, and do not condemn illegal murders by other police.
Which makes them accomplices.
The murder of Ashli is proof.
Police illegally shoot unarmed people who are no threat, and the rest of the police say nothing.
Which ensures it will be repeated.
If police were responsible, they would all admit the shooting of Ashli not only was illegal for killing her, but endangering everyone else, including the 2 cops standing next to her.
Apparently, being a conservative nowadays means a complete and total rejection of objectivity and common sense.

Yeah, show me a conservative on a jury and a conservative defendant who's accused of committing a crime (like Ashli nutcase Babbitt or Kyle Rittenhouse) and despite overwhelming evidence that points all the other jurors to vote guilty, I have no problem believing that the conservative juror will not only vote not guilty, he'll also throw them a parade.
And canonize them.

From the party who worships Biden. That's classic. Democrats - accuse others of what you do.

You can't even specifically condemn violence committed by actual leftists, you only make a general bull shit statement you don't support any violence. You're completely brainwashed by the Democrat party
"worships Biden"? No, hun. We are not a cult of personality like your orange cult worshipping your orange god.

It's pretty funny how you say you're not a cult while proving you're a cult. Democrats told you that you don't worship Joe and we do worship Trump, so like an obedient little cultist, you believe that
Irony there from a on-his-knees orange cultist. Need some knee pads? Amazon product ASIN B07WVPNH9W

If I need knee pads I'll remember to ask you since you're well equipped from servicing leftist men
Ah...and there you go with your sexual fantasies.....again. What a lonely, unhappy INCEL you are. :heehee:

You're the one who went there. You are one dingbat chick, Edith
Your sexual fantasies, sweetie. Keep me out of them. :no_text11:

bodecea's responses.

A) No I'm not, YOU are. I'm not, you are you are!
B) OMG I'm hot. I'm so hot everyone is in love with me. You are in love with me. I'm in love with me. If you're looking for me, I'll be in the bedroom with my lover, me

bodecea this time: I'll go with B ...
:itsok: Poor INCEL boy is in a rut. Keeps posting the same thing.
oh the irony. you are truly naive.
Police deliberately make situation as dangerous as possible, for no good reason.

That's not true.

Spare us all your broad brushing of police.

The broad brush is deserved because when one cop does something bad or wrong, the other cops don't condemn it.
That makes them all complicit after the fact. It prevents fixing things so will cause the next murder.

Oh my, you are mentally ill, my friend.

Or just blissfully ignorant of how police are trained.

Don't you love some white guy screaming racist, racist, racist in your face because you're white and then thinking how great that makes him and all the free shit he should get for it?

Rigby5 should apologize for being in the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching and segregation instead of crowing about it
old rigby believes you and I should die because floyd died. he just said so. wow!!!!

No, what I said is that you and I should have to pay for broken windows because we did not change the illegal way we know the police are being trained and protected.

Again you're lying and portraying a tiny fraction of police as the standard. You're the white guy who cried racist and saying how wonderful you are and you want free shit for it

Although police do rarely pull the trigger to murder people illegally, they illegally point guns at people all the time, and do not condemn illegal murders by other police.
Which makes them accomplices.
The murder of Ashli is proof.
Police illegally shoot unarmed people who are no threat, and the rest of the police say nothing.
Which ensures it will be repeated.
If police were responsible, they would all admit the shooting of Ashli not only was illegal for killing her, but endangering everyone else, including the 2 cops standing next to her.
Apparently, being a conservative nowadays means a complete and total rejection of objectivity and common sense.

Yeah, show me a conservative on a jury and a conservative defendant who's accused of committing a crime (like Ashli nutcase Babbitt or Kyle Rittenhouse) and despite overwhelming evidence that points all the other jurors to vote guilty, I have no problem believing that the conservative juror will not only vote not guilty, he'll also throw them a parade.
And canonize them.

From the party who worships Biden. That's classic. Democrats - accuse others of what you do.

You can't even specifically condemn violence committed by actual leftists, you only make a general bull shit statement you don't support any violence. You're completely brainwashed by the Democrat party
"worships Biden"? No, hun. We are not a cult of personality like your orange cult worshipping your orange god.

It's pretty funny how you say you're not a cult while proving you're a cult. Democrats told you that you don't worship Joe and we do worship Trump, so like an obedient little cultist, you believe that
Irony there from a on-his-knees orange cultist. Need some knee pads? Amazon product ASIN B07WVPNH9W

If I need knee pads I'll remember to ask you since you're well equipped from servicing leftist men
Ah...and there you go with your sexual fantasies.....again. What a lonely, unhappy INCEL you are. :heehee:

You're the one who went there. You are one dingbat chick, Edith
Your sexual fantasies, sweetie. Keep me out of them. :no_text11:

bodecea's responses.

A) No I'm not, YOU are. I'm not, you are you are!
B) OMG I'm hot. I'm so hot everyone is in love with me. You are in love with me. I'm in love with me. If you're looking for me, I'll be in the bedroom with my lover, me

bodecea this time: I'll go with B ...
:itsok: Poor INCEL boy is in a rut. Keeps posting the same thing.

Awwww, and I made the little girl cry. Poor dear. Play with your dolls a while and come back when you feel better
Awwww, and I made the little girl cry. Poor dear. Play with your dolls a while and come back when you feel better
they really don't get it. naive as shit. her post was her fourth in the thread. hilarious.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Awwww, and I made the little girl cry. Poor dear. Play with your dolls a while and come back when you feel better
they really don't get it. naive as shit. her post was her fourth in the thread. hilarious.

I don't understand why leftists like bodecea always want to talk about how everyone feels. It's a bizarre thing to me. Who gives a fuck?
Awwww, and I made the little girl cry. Poor dear. Play with your dolls a while and come back when you feel better
they really don't get it. naive as shit. her post was her fourth in the thread. hilarious.

I don't understand why leftists like bodecea always want to talk about how everyone feels. It's a bizarre thing to me. Who gives a fuck?
Huge difference. A attack on the capitol was a attack against the US. Also the VP of the United States was in the building.
attack? hahahaahahahahahha no guns, yet an attack, can you hear yourself? hahahahhahahahaha protest, PROTEST. no guns. no attack.

"Fanone was part of a group of officers trying to hold off thousands of rioters trying to break through a door on the west terrace of the Capitol. He was pulled into the crowd, beaten with poles, hit multiple times on the neck with a stun gun, rendered unconscious and suffered a mild heart attack. He was stripped of his badge and radio, and said someone tried to grab his firearm.

He said he heard someone yell, “Kill him with his own gun.”

That sounds like a attack to me.
Wait, he was rendered unconscious yet claims he heard somebody say these things? Sounds like bullshit to me.
Just checking....has that lawsuit been filed yet? And if not, why not?
Your sexual fantasies, sweetie. Keep me out of them. :no_text11:
then why do you act interested?
You have a strange idea of "act interested". I bet you are one of those males who believe that "no" means "yes", aren't you?
Just checking, Trump been arrested yet? Just checking, Dominion file any lawsuit yet? Just checking, you pull your head out of your ass yet? No, no, and no.
Awwww, and I made the little girl cry. Poor dear. Play with your dolls a while and come back when you feel better
they really don't get it. naive as shit. her post was her fourth in the thread. hilarious.

I don't understand why leftists like bodecea always want to talk about how everyone feels. It's a bizarre thing to me. Who gives a fuck?

Leftists have been taught that their emotions are immensely important to everyone. It confuses them when they tell conservatives all about their feelings and we shrug and don't give a shit.
Police deliberately make situation as dangerous as possible, for no good reason.

That's not true.

Spare us all your broad brushing of police.

The broad brush is deserved because when one cop does something bad or wrong, the other cops don't condemn it.
That makes them all complicit after the fact. It prevents fixing things so will cause the next murder.

Oh my, you are mentally ill, my friend.

Or just blissfully ignorant of how police are trained.

Don't you love some white guy screaming racist, racist, racist in your face because you're white and then thinking how great that makes him and all the free shit he should get for it?

Rigby5 should apologize for being in the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching and segregation instead of crowing about it
old rigby believes you and I should die because floyd died. he just said so. wow!!!!

No, what I said is that you and I should have to pay for broken windows because we did not change the illegal way we know the police are being trained and protected.

Again you're lying and portraying a tiny fraction of police as the standard. You're the white guy who cried racist and saying how wonderful you are and you want free shit for it

Although police do rarely pull the trigger to murder people illegally, they illegally point guns at people all the time, and do not condemn illegal murders by other police.
Which makes them accomplices.
The murder of Ashli is proof.
Police illegally shoot unarmed people who are no threat, and the rest of the police say nothing.
Which ensures it will be repeated.
If police were responsible, they would all admit the shooting of Ashli not only was illegal for killing her, but endangering everyone else, including the 2 cops standing next to her.
Apparently, being a conservative nowadays means a complete and total rejection of objectivity and common sense.

Yeah, show me a conservative on a jury and a conservative defendant who's accused of committing a crime (like Ashli nutcase Babbitt or Kyle Rittenhouse) and despite overwhelming evidence that points all the other jurors to vote guilty, I have no problem believing that the conservative juror will not only vote not guilty, he'll also throw them a parade.
And canonize them.

From the party who worships Biden. That's classic. Democrats - accuse others of what you do.

You can't even specifically condemn violence committed by actual leftists, you only make a general bull shit statement you don't support any violence. You're completely brainwashed by the Democrat party
"worships Biden"? No, hun. We are not a cult of personality like your orange cult worshipping your orange god.

It's pretty funny how you say you're not a cult while proving you're a cult. Democrats told you that you don't worship Joe and we do worship Trump, so like an obedient little cultist, you believe that
Irony there from a on-his-knees orange cultist. Need some knee pads? Amazon product ASIN B07WVPNH9W

If I need knee pads I'll remember to ask you since you're well equipped from servicing leftist men
Ah...and there you go with your sexual fantasies.....again. What a lonely, unhappy INCEL you are. :heehee:

You're the one who went there. You are one dingbat chick, Edith
Your sexual fantasies, sweetie. Keep me out of them. :no_text11:

bodecea's responses.

A) No I'm not, YOU are. I'm not, you are you are!
B) OMG I'm hot. I'm so hot everyone is in love with me. You are in love with me. I'm in love with me. If you're looking for me, I'll be in the bedroom with my lover, me

bodecea this time: I'll go with B ...
:itsok: Poor INCEL boy is in a rut. Keeps posting the same thing.
oh the irony. you are truly naive.
I certainly am not the one supporting insurrection at the Capitol......I've got that going for me.
Awwww, and I made the little girl cry. Poor dear. Play with your dolls a while and come back when you feel better
they really don't get it. naive as shit. her post was her fourth in the thread. hilarious.

I don't understand why leftists like bodecea always want to talk about how everyone feels. It's a bizarre thing to me. Who gives a fuck?

Leftists have been taught that their emotions are immensely important to everyone. It confuses them when they tell conservatives all about their feelings and we shrug and don't give a shit.
You’re so right. If we don’t feel like them, we’re not moral
Police deliberately make situation as dangerous as possible, for no good reason.

That's not true.

Spare us all your broad brushing of police.

The broad brush is deserved because when one cop does something bad or wrong, the other cops don't condemn it.
That makes them all complicit after the fact. It prevents fixing things so will cause the next murder.

Oh my, you are mentally ill, my friend.

Or just blissfully ignorant of how police are trained.

Don't you love some white guy screaming racist, racist, racist in your face because you're white and then thinking how great that makes him and all the free shit he should get for it?

Rigby5 should apologize for being in the party of slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow, lynching and segregation instead of crowing about it
old rigby believes you and I should die because floyd died. he just said so. wow!!!!

No, what I said is that you and I should have to pay for broken windows because we did not change the illegal way we know the police are being trained and protected.

Again you're lying and portraying a tiny fraction of police as the standard. You're the white guy who cried racist and saying how wonderful you are and you want free shit for it

Although police do rarely pull the trigger to murder people illegally, they illegally point guns at people all the time, and do not condemn illegal murders by other police.
Which makes them accomplices.
The murder of Ashli is proof.
Police illegally shoot unarmed people who are no threat, and the rest of the police say nothing.
Which ensures it will be repeated.
If police were responsible, they would all admit the shooting of Ashli not only was illegal for killing her, but endangering everyone else, including the 2 cops standing next to her.
Apparently, being a conservative nowadays means a complete and total rejection of objectivity and common sense.

Yeah, show me a conservative on a jury and a conservative defendant who's accused of committing a crime (like Ashli nutcase Babbitt or Kyle Rittenhouse) and despite overwhelming evidence that points all the other jurors to vote guilty, I have no problem believing that the conservative juror will not only vote not guilty, he'll also throw them a parade.
And canonize them.

From the party who worships Biden. That's classic. Democrats - accuse others of what you do.

You can't even specifically condemn violence committed by actual leftists, you only make a general bull shit statement you don't support any violence. You're completely brainwashed by the Democrat party
"worships Biden"? No, hun. We are not a cult of personality like your orange cult worshipping your orange god.

It's pretty funny how you say you're not a cult while proving you're a cult. Democrats told you that you don't worship Joe and we do worship Trump, so like an obedient little cultist, you believe that
Irony there from a on-his-knees orange cultist. Need some knee pads? Amazon product ASIN B07WVPNH9W

If I need knee pads I'll remember to ask you since you're well equipped from servicing leftist men
Ah...and there you go with your sexual fantasies.....again. What a lonely, unhappy INCEL you are. :heehee:

You're the one who went there. You are one dingbat chick, Edith
Your sexual fantasies, sweetie. Keep me out of them. :no_text11:

bodecea's responses.

A) No I'm not, YOU are. I'm not, you are you are!
B) OMG I'm hot. I'm so hot everyone is in love with me. You are in love with me. I'm in love with me. If you're looking for me, I'll be in the bedroom with my lover, me

bodecea this time: I'll go with B ...
:itsok: Poor INCEL boy is in a rut. Keeps posting the same thing.
oh the irony. you are truly naive.
I certainly am not the one supporting insurrection at the Capitol......I've got that going for me.

Right, you're the one who supported burning, looting and rioting in cities across the country

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