U.S. Capitol Police to Be Sued for $10 Million for Killing Unarmed Rioter

Look at all these orange cultists who would hand out milk and cookies if a mob was breaking down the doors to their home or business.
These are the same imbeciles who said Iraqis would shower our Troops with flowers and candy. They're too stupid to know how moronic they are.
In what way specifically? Was that unarmed woman a deadly threat to an officer? Had she struck someone? You don't get to shoot unarmed people who are protesting. You don't get to shoot unarmed people who are trespassing. Can you even IMAGINE the shit storm of OUTRAGE that would have taken place if this had been an officer shooting an unarmed black female protestor?
She was leading an angry, violent mob into the House chamber where some lawmakers were still holed up. Police would have shot anyone breaching their barricade.
Yeah, he was a real victim alright. Poking a pregnant woman's belly with a gun while robbing her is the sign of a real patriot. The coroner opined that he was dying from an OD WHILE the restraint was being done. The man asked to be put on the ground rather than in the backseat of the car. He began saying "I CAN'T BREATHE" BEFORE they put him under restraint. Care to guess why? Fentanyl is a VERY powerful anesthetic and it suppresses the respiratory centers of the brain. It isn't injected in a medical setting without extensive monitoring of the patient's vitals.

As for "overthrowing the government" really? A few hundred unarmed pissed-off Americans protesting a stolen election are supposed to topple the U.S. government? You people can't be that naive or stupid. A friggin brigade-strength armed force could fan out over all the critical government buildings in DC, INCLUDING the Capitol, White House, and both houses of Congress and there still wouldn't be a way to bring down our government. You people amaze me with your gullibility. Or, is it just blind hatred for the Bad Orange Man?

BTW... if he runs in 2024 and wins, what do you think SHOULD happen as a result? I've asked a few people here the same question and never get an answer.

Floyd never poked a pregnant womans belly with a gun, moreover when he was murdered he was not poking a womans belly with a gun. You guys can repeat all the lies you want, but the case went to court, the evidence was presented on all sides and Chauvin was foud guilty and sent to prison.

You can lie all you want about Babbitt, but that's on tape too. She thought she was fighting a war and she turned into a casualty. There was no stolen election. Whiteys rebellion was waged for no reason. Trump will not be able to run in 2024. And by if some miracle everybdy around him who faces prison decides to take imprisonment to protect trump and he does run, he will lose by a landslide.
Did she bust the door window or did her friend that lifted her to go through it bust it? Or one of the others in the mob? I couldn't tell, in the video I saw?
So breaking a window is now grounds for shooting an unarmed person? Someone who may or may not have broken said window? You can't tell if she did...yet you're OK with someone shooting her at point blank range?
She was leading an angry, violent mob into the House chamber where some lawmakers were still holed up. Police would have shot anyone breaching their barricade.
Oh...so now she was the "leader" of a mob? How many people did this angry "mob" actually injure during this violent confrontation? How did it compare to the countless violent demonstrations by liberals over the past four years? How many of THOSE unarmed protesters were shot at point blank range by the Police?
Floyd never poked a pregnant womans belly with a gun, moreover when he was murdered he was not poking a womans belly with a gun. You guys can repeat all the lies you want, but the case went to court, the evidence was presented on all sides and Chauvin was foud guilty and sent to prison.

You can lie all you want about Babbitt, but that's on tape too. She thought she was fighting a war and she turned into a casualty. There was no stolen election. Whiteys rebellion was waged for no reason. Trump will not be able to run in 2024. And by if some miracle everybdy around him who faces prison decides to take imprisonment to protect trump and he does run, he will lose by a landslide.
Floyd pointed a gun at a pregnant woman's belly and threatened to kill her unborn child if she didn't give up the drugs he thought she had during a home invasion! You can try and make Saint George a martyr, IM2 but it won't change the fact that he was a drug addicted scum bag.
Well, this is well-plowed ground.
These back'n'forth 'debates' over Babbit's death have been going on for months.
Same arguments: She was an unarmed innocent tourist vs she was part of violent mob who violently breached a barricade despite being warned off.

Personally, so readers will have no suspense: I believe Ashli got killed because Ashli was foolishly deluded by Don Trump's urgings and she thought she was doing the right thing.
Sorry about that Ms. Babbitt. Play stupid games get ........... stupid prizes.

Now, there is much talk ....hell, even the damn former president flogged it from a podium to gin up the crowd's anger (totally totally irresponsible for a leader)......that the world should know the shooters name.
I'm OK with not knowing it. The rationale for not publicizing it is all too apparent by the screechings we read on this narrow social media platform. Naming his name will immediately.....in a micro-second......put him and his wife, children, and relatives in danger by the RWNJ fringies. I believed that wholeheartedly.

In what way specifically? Was that unarmed woman a deadly threat to an officer? Had she struck someone? You don't get to shoot unarmed people who are protesting. You don't get to shoot unarmed people who are trespassing.
I think you do....if .....they are violently tresspassing by smashing barricades despite being warned off, despite being warned that a gun is being aimed. And despite that......she persisted.
Play stupid games get..........

My guess is they'll settle to keep the murdering scum's name secret.
I think think the epithet 'murdering scum' signals why it is good policy to not release the man's name.......so as not to endanger him, his wife, his children, and his relatives. There is a mean-spirited fringie element to Don Trump's RWNJ fanboys.
"Murdering scum" is a tell.

As for "overthrowing the government" really? A few hundred unarmed pissed-off Americans protesting a stolen election are supposed to topple the U.S. government? You people can't be that naive or stupid.
"You people" .... naive, stupid?
Ummm, noper. At least, they wouldn't win the prize. Those incompetent, out-of-control, ne'er-do-wells who sprayed uniformed officers in the face with Mace seemed to have a corner on the 'Stupid Trophy'. No?
The point dear poster Esdraelon is that they.....the mobsters......thought THEY could prevent Biden's vote tally from being confirmed and thus keep Don Trump in office. Don Trump had suggested as much to them. So the championship 'Stupid Gold Medal' goes to those losers. No?

So breaking a window is now grounds for shooting an unarmed person?
Well, it depends.
If one violently breaks down the door to your house, despite you....on the other side......loudly warning 'em to back off, to knock it off. And you warn them you have a gun and you point it at 'em.

And that 'window breaking trespasser' continue into your house......well, I'm fairly sure, you have grounds for pulling the trigger.

Do you understand the analogy, poster Oldestyle?
It ain't a perfect fit, but it is close enough to convey the point, i.e. --- play stupid games win stupid _ _ _ _ _ _.
So breaking a window is now grounds for shooting an unarmed person? Someone who may or may not have broken said window? You can't tell if she did...yet you're OK with someone shooting her at point blank range?
Question for you.... Did you ever watch the full videos of her shooting?

Did you see what was going on by the mob with the adjacent glass door windows, when she was shot climbing through the bullet and shattered proof window she and the angry mob managed to break with bars and bats and helmets and other objects, and with their repeated fury?

What part of that WHOLE scene made you think she and her co- rioters were friendly foe, and not extremely dangerous?

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So breaking a window is now grounds for shooting an unarmed person? Someone who may or may not have broken said window? You can't tell if she did...yet you're OK with someone shooting her at point blank range?
She didn't break the window. The guy with the helmet did.
Oh...so now she was the "leader" of a mob? How many people did this angry "mob" actually injure during this violent confrontation? How did it compare to the countless violent demonstrations by liberals over the past four years? How many of THOSE unarmed protesters were shot at point blank range by the Police?
They injured none during that moment because they were kept away from law makers. And yes, she was leading that mob as she chose to be the first to attempt to get past the police barricade.
Floyd pointed a gun at a pregnant woman's belly and threatened to kill her unborn child if she didn't give up the drugs he thought she had during a home invasion! You can try and make Saint George a martyr, IM2 but it won't change the fact that he was a drug addicted scum bag.
Also won't change the fact that he was murdered.
In what way specifically? Was that unarmed woman a deadly threat to an officer? Had she struck someone? You don't get to shoot unarmed people who are protesting. You don't get to shoot unarmed people who are trespassing. Can you even IMAGINE the shit storm of OUTRAGE that would have taken place if this had been an officer shooting an unarmed black female protestor?
She was attempting to climb a door (with a backpack on) to get to the inside of the lobby. Once in, she would have unlocked the doors that the horde were trying to smash down and you would have had dozens of violent rioters in the Speakers lobby with easy access to members of Congress who were trying to evacuate. She got shot. Which had the effect of backing off the crowd trying to break down the doors. Justified in my opinion. A 12 year military veteran should have known the danger.

And a black female prisoner getting shot or killed? Uhh....that's already happened. :)
They did not outnumber the mob which she was a part of. That's why they were allowed to use deadly force even though they didn't know (or even if they did) that she was unarmed due to disparity of force:
The mob did not squeeze through a broken out pane of glass and follow Babbitt to the place where she
was illegally executed.
The officers there could have simply taken Ashli into custody in cuffs but they thought it would be better
to murder her without warning or a chance to simply surrender.

Your rationalizations for an extra judicial execution will be on trial soon and I suspect
a judge will go with the law vs. your inexplicable stupidity and love of police state
She was attempting to climb a door (with a backpack on) to get to the inside of the lobby. Once in, she would have unlocked the doors that the horde were trying to smash down and you would have had dozens of violent rioters in the Speakers lobby with easy access to members of Congress who were trying to evacuate. She got shot. Which had the effect of backing off the crowd trying to break down the doors. Justified in my opinion. A 12 year military veteran should have known the danger.

And a black female prisoner getting shot or killed? Uhh....that's already happened.
Pretty hard to unlock anything if the cops present in the lobby simply handcuffed
and placed Babbitt under arrest.

They had the numerical advantage and they had the guns.
Did you ever, in your zeal to murder people, think of that, fascist police state imbecile?

When this case gets to court the judge will want to know why the police did not do just that
when they were clearly in control. Maybe as a friend of the court you can explain why murdering
an unarmed woman was way better than simply placing her under arrest.

Your and your little murder loving group of idiots can have your few minutes of fame
standing up for the right to needlessly shoot US citizens to death vs. the law of the land.

You've argued in favor of authoritarian violence constantly. Scratch a leftist jerk off and
just below the surface you'll find a police state monster itching to kill opposition to his
fascistic rule by force.
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You weren't' there all you "know" is what the lying media tells you.

It's rather odd that you can criticize me for not knowing what happened due to me not being there, yet you seem to know exactly what happened, despite you not being there, either.

Hypocrite much?

I know what I saw in the video. That's what I base my opinion on, and the only thing I base my opinion on. I believe the police officer was absolutely justified in shooting...
Pretty hard to unlock anything if the cops present in the lobby simply handcuffed
and placed Babbitt under arrest.

They had the numerical advantage and they had the guns.
Did you ever, in your zeal to murder people, think of that, fascist police state imbecile?

When this case gets to court the judge will want to know why the police did not do just that
when they were clearly in control. Maybe as a friend of the court you can explain why murdering
an unarmed woman was way better than simply placing her under arrest.

Your and your little murder loving group of idiots can have your few minutes of fame
standing up for the right to needlessly shoot US citizens to death vs. the law of the land.

You've argued in favor of authoritarian violence constantly. Scratch a leftist jerk off and
just below the surface you'll find a police state monster itching to kill opposition to his
fascistic rule by force.

If there are no police there she's through that window and unlocking the doors. Then the angry mob would have their hostages.
She was told to stand down and she didn't. Sure put the breaks on that crowd didn't it? You've got an angry mob at the door and
if those doors are unlocked, you and I both know that any member of Congress they catch is a hostage.

There will be no court case. The officer has been cleared. Your lust for blood and revenge notwithstanding.
The crowd that day got off light. If that were a group of BLM protesters behaving in the same way those Trump
supporters were in the Capitol, they would have been carting the bodies out for hours and sponging up the blood for days.

I fully support finding and prosecuting anyone there that day..no matter how long it takes.

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