U.S. Capitol Police to Be Sued for $10 Million for Killing Unarmed Rioter

She probably walked in through the open front door.
No need to speculate. We know she tried to climb through a smashed window of a barricaded door. That's not being "let in". That's the exact opposite.
it's looting.
Of course no one knows what the SOP's are for the Capital Police. But man what a senseless death for a decorated vet. The guy who shot her should feel her families pain.
Absolutely senseless. The people who ruined her life were the ones who filled her head with lies.

I agree. It was a senseless death but she believed in protesting that election. No one filled her head with lies. There was plenty of proof. Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits by people who were there. One Dem watcher said he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Lots of proof.

She was a fringe QAnon believer. She most certainly was told many, many lies especially about the supposed proof which is anything but. Clearly you believe the same lies.

She wasn’t protesting. She was rioting. Did she believe in rioting?

Gotta laugh at your post. The woman was a decorated war vet. I doubt she would accept lies as truth. Oh and there was loads of proof. You would rather believe the lie that there was no proof.

She was unarmed and shot through a window. She was protesting. Not one gun was found on any of those protesters. Most of them will be charged with trespassing. Not insurrection or sedition.

You keep believe the lies. You are good at it.
Decorated? What exactly did she do in war?

Anyone can be susceptible to lies. Maybe military are more susceptible given their training for obedience. Veterans seem to be over represented in the rioters at the Capitol.

Are you sure she was protesting and not rioting? That window was just smashed by the “protestors”. I wasn’t aware that property destruction was protesting and not rioting.

Well since most have been charged with trespassing I'd say you are wrong. I doubt you will see any of them charged with insurrection or sedition.

As for the murdered woman?? I read she was a decorated vet. I'm sure if you look it up you can verify it. Or not.
She received medals for doing her job. I think she was air traffic controller. Not that she did anything wrong, but she did nothing remarkable. Calling her decorated is an overstatement.

Most were charged with disorderly conduct, violent entry or assault. The idea that most are charged with “just trespassing” is false. Babbitt had she not gotten herself killed would have been charged with violent entry. She was rioting, not protesting.
An aside: USAF members get medals for breathing.....just sayin'

Oh I disagree but most of my family were in the air force and none of them got medals for just breathing.

Try being in SAC you idiot. Lets see how long your lazy ass lasts.
How many medals did they get for just making it thru bootcamp?
you all crack me up. No shit, the lack of honesty in your being is amazing. to make such a statement after all the looting and riots from the antifa BLM protests. Oh, no's no's, those looters weren't part of the protesters, then you make that statement. must really suck to be you!!!!
Looting is not protesting.

Ashlii Babbitt was DEFINITELY part of the protest which became a riot.

A riot for Trump.
what's the difference sylvester?
You don't know the difference between a protest and a riot? I see the problem here.
The clean up operation from the Washington "riot" involved fixing a broken window and picking up discarded cigarrette butts.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Who cares? The turd was shot while attacking the U.S. government. She was a pig, not a hero.

Yeah, karma is going to have fun with you too. Asswipe. WE, are the government. Not those corrupt pieces of shit in DC.

You need to remember that fact.
You forget that "we" includes us, who voted for the candidate who won, only to see a violent attempt to overthrow an election because their candidate lost.

If they been BLM "patriots" you'd be calling for them to be hunted down for treason and wondering why the police didn't shoot more.
you all crack me up. No shit, the lack of honesty in your being is amazing. to make such a statement after all the looting and riots from the antifa BLM protests. Oh, no's no's, those looters weren't part of the protesters, then you make that statement. must really suck to be you!!!!
Looting is not protesting.

Ashlii Babbitt was DEFINITELY part of the protest which became a riot.

A riot for Trump.
what's the difference sylvester?
You don't know the difference between a protest and a riot? I see the problem here.
The clean up operation from the Washington "riot" involved fixing a broken window and picking up discarded cigarrette butts.
And all the poop and urine the trump cultists left in the Capitol.
Of course no one knows what the SOP's are for the Capital Police. But man what a senseless death for a decorated vet. The guy who shot her should feel her families pain.
Absolutely senseless. The people who ruined her life were the ones who filled her head with lies.

I agree. It was a senseless death but she believed in protesting that election. No one filled her head with lies. There was plenty of proof. Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits by people who were there. One Dem watcher said he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Lots of proof.

She was a fringe QAnon believer. She most certainly was told many, many lies especially about the supposed proof which is anything but. Clearly you believe the same lies.

She wasn’t protesting. She was rioting. Did she believe in rioting?

Gotta laugh at your post. The woman was a decorated war vet. I doubt she would accept lies as truth. Oh and there was loads of proof. You would rather believe the lie that there was no proof.

She was unarmed and shot through a window. She was protesting. Not one gun was found on any of those protesters. Most of them will be charged with trespassing. Not insurrection or sedition.

You keep believe the lies. You are good at it.
Decorated? What exactly did she do in war?

Anyone can be susceptible to lies. Maybe military are more susceptible given their training for obedience. Veterans seem to be over represented in the rioters at the Capitol.

Are you sure she was protesting and not rioting? That window was just smashed by the “protestors”. I wasn’t aware that property destruction was protesting and not rioting.

Well since most have been charged with trespassing I'd say you are wrong. I doubt you will see any of them charged with insurrection or sedition.

As for the murdered woman?? I read she was a decorated vet. I'm sure if you look it up you can verify it. Or not.
She received medals for doing her job. I think she was air traffic controller. Not that she did anything wrong, but she did nothing remarkable. Calling her decorated is an overstatement.

Most were charged with disorderly conduct, violent entry or assault. The idea that most are charged with “just trespassing” is false. Babbitt had she not gotten herself killed would have been charged with violent entry. She was rioting, not protesting.
An aside: USAF members get medals for breathing.....just sayin'

Oh I disagree but most of my family were in the air force and none of them got medals for just breathing.

Try being in SAC you idiot. Lets see how long your lazy ass lasts.
How many medals did they get for just making it thru bootcamp?

About as many as those graduating boot camp for the Army, Marine Corp, Coast Guard and the Navy.
We will burn every city down unless they win!n unarmed

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

An unarmed rioter is still a riotor and can still pose a threat to an officer by sheer numbers
A single woman constitutes "sheer numbers"? I don't think so.
Of course no one knows what the SOP's are for the Capital Police. But man what a senseless death for a decorated vet. The guy who shot her should feel her families pain.
Absolutely senseless. The people who ruined her life were the ones who filled her head with lies.

I agree. It was a senseless death but she believed in protesting that election. No one filled her head with lies. There was plenty of proof. Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits by people who were there. One Dem watcher said he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Lots of proof.

She was a fringe QAnon believer. She most certainly was told many, many lies especially about the supposed proof which is anything but. Clearly you believe the same lies.

She wasn’t protesting. She was rioting. Did she believe in rioting?

Gotta laugh at your post. The woman was a decorated war vet. I doubt she would accept lies as truth. Oh and there was loads of proof. You would rather believe the lie that there was no proof.

She was unarmed and shot through a window. She was protesting. Not one gun was found on any of those protesters. Most of them will be charged with trespassing. Not insurrection or sedition.

You keep believe the lies. You are good at it.
Decorated? What exactly did she do in war?

Anyone can be susceptible to lies. Maybe military are more susceptible given their training for obedience. Veterans seem to be over represented in the rioters at the Capitol.

Are you sure she was protesting and not rioting? That window was just smashed by the “protestors”. I wasn’t aware that property destruction was protesting and not rioting.

Well since most have been charged with trespassing I'd say you are wrong. I doubt you will see any of them charged with insurrection or sedition.

As for the murdered woman?? I read she was a decorated vet. I'm sure if you look it up you can verify it. Or not.
She received medals for doing her job. I think she was air traffic controller. Not that she did anything wrong, but she did nothing remarkable. Calling her decorated is an overstatement.

Most were charged with disorderly conduct, violent entry or assault. The idea that most are charged with “just trespassing” is false. Babbitt had she not gotten herself killed would have been charged with violent entry. She was rioting, not protesting.
An aside: USAF members get medals for breathing.....just sayin'

Oh I disagree but most of my family were in the air force and none of them got medals for just breathing.

Try being in SAC you idiot. Lets see how long your lazy ass lasts.
How many medals did they get for just making it thru bootcamp?

About as many as those graduating boot camp for the Army, Marine Corp, Coast Guard and the Navy.
We will burn every city down unless they win!n unarmed

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

An unarmed rioter is still a riotor and can still pose a threat to an officer by sheer numbers
A single woman constitutes "sheer numbers"? I don't think so.
"a single woman"...... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
We will burn every city down unless they win!n unarmed

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

An unarmed rioter is still a riotor and can still pose a threat to an officer by sheer numbers
A single woman constitutes "sheer numbers"? I don't think so.

She wasn't a "single woman", she was part of an assaulting mob. When you're leading the assault, you're the first one to be hit when the shooting starts. Asli was trying to be the first one through the door.
We will burn every city down unless they win!n unarmed

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

An unarmed rioter is still a riotor and can still pose a threat to an officer by sheer numbers
A single woman constitutes "sheer numbers"? I don't think so.

And again, not even a warning shot.
That is deliberate murder.
you all crack me up. No shit, the lack of honesty in your being is amazing. to make such a statement after all the looting and riots from the antifa BLM protests. Oh, no's no's, those looters weren't part of the protesters, then you make that statement. must really suck to be you!!!!
Looting is not protesting.

Ashlii Babbitt was DEFINITELY part of the protest which became a riot.

A riot for Trump.
what's the difference sylvester?
You don't know the difference between a protest and a riot? I see the problem here.
The clean up operation from the Washington "riot" involved fixing a broken window and picking up discarded cigarrette butts.
And all the poop and urine the trump cultists left in the Capitol.
Was in port a potties
Oh just stop with this crap, Freaky. Walked In??? Please. They overran it.
I get it Jack that you are a child of limited mental ability that you can't even build yourself a garage so I'll try to take it slow for you:
Walked in? You bet. After the initial few forced their way in with some help from the guards, the other 95% did indeed WALK THE FUCK IN. Once you break into a place, it is broken in and others don't have to KEEP breaking in, Jack.

Waving the Confederate flag in the Rotunda. Sheesh.
People are free to wave any damn flag they want, Jack. Immaterial here, just as you are.

It's poison. It's cancer. It's bile and hatred.
Sorry to hear of your ongoing family problems. Hope you find a good witch-doctor or whatever you use to treat it.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Who cares? The turd was shot while attacking the U.S. government. She was a pig, not a hero.

Yeah, karma is going to have fun with you too. Asswipe. WE, are the government. Not those corrupt pieces of shit in DC.

You need to remember that fact.
You forget that "we" includes us, who voted for the candidate who won, only to see a violent attempt to overthrow an election because their candidate lost.

If they been BLM "patriots" you'd be calling for them to be hunted down for treason and wondering why the police didn't shoot more.
No it doesn’t, it implies the posters use of we!
We will burn every city down unless they win!n unarmed

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

An unarmed rioter is still a riotor and can still pose a threat to an officer by sheer numbers
A single woman constitutes "sheer numbers"? I don't think so.

And again, not even a warning shot.
That is deliberate murder.
Too bad....she's a Darwin award winner.
you all crack me up. No shit, the lack of honesty in your being is amazing. to make such a statement after all the looting and riots from the antifa BLM protests. Oh, no's no's, those looters weren't part of the protesters, then you make that statement. must really suck to be you!!!!
Looting is not protesting.

Ashlii Babbitt was DEFINITELY part of the protest which became a riot.

A riot for Trump.
what's the difference sylvester?
You don't know the difference between a protest and a riot? I see the problem here.
The clean up operation from the Washington "riot" involved fixing a broken window and picking up discarded cigarrette butts.
And all the poop and urine the trump cultists left in the Capitol.
Was in port a potties
Not inside the Capitol....your buddies pooped and pee'd all over the Capitol. Rioters left feces, urine in hallways and offices during mobbing of US Capitol

Don't you cultists know how to use a restroom?
Oh man - I SO wish them luck proving that shooting a Q-Kook climbing through a busted out window during a violent insurrection is worth 10 mil.
As Zog says: "As usual lawyers end up making money. Sad."
Put me in that camp.

And I'd have shot the traitor too!
She was directly outside House Chamber and had bragged about "Storming the Capitol"

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