U.S. Capitol Police to Be Sued for $10 Million for Killing Unarmed Rioter

We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

So...now we shouldn't comply?
It's so hard to keep up.

When you grow up you might figure it out. Here's a hint, armed, attacking cops, BAD. Unarmed, wrapped in a flag, looking in a window, NOT BAD.
Lumping all cases into two basic categories with no consideration of circumstance, STUPID.
We will burn every city down unless they win!n unarmed

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

An unarmed rioter is still a riotor and can still pose a threat to an officer by sheer numbers
Good to know we can shoot unarmed rioters!
What's been stopping you from doing it?
He's apparently small, middle aged and out of shape.

As opposed to you, fat, lethargic, old, and stupid. Funny how you cry about armed people being killed by cops when they are fighting, but are all happy when an unarmed white woman, TRUMP supporter gets killed. Karma is going slap your fat ass around for a long time.
You poor thing....so hung up on your support of a failed (and dead) insurrectionist that you lash out with personal attacks because your hands are empty of legit points to make. :itsok:
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Ashli left a trail and she was very determined to take back her country and overturn the election. According to her husband she was an avid fan of Qanon. Tragic, but not murder.. Why do you want the name of the Capitol guard?
Michael Leroy Byrd...murderer at large.
A hero and patriot...doing his job to save members of Congress and the Vice President of the United States....a country you apparently are not a supporter of.
We will burn every city down unless they win!n unarmed

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

An unarmed rioter is still a riotor and can still pose a threat to an officer by sheer numbers
So one person can overwhelm the cops by sheer numbers? Damn she must have been really tough.
So you believe there was only one person there? :heehee: Talk about delusional looniness in obedience of the orange god. :heehee:
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Who cares? The turd was shot while attacking the U.S. government. She was a pig, not a hero.

Yeah, karma is going to have fun with you too. Asswipe. WE, are the government. Not those corrupt pieces of shit in DC.

You need to remember that fact.
Sounds like a threat to me....typical inherently violent orange cultist.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Ashli left a trail and she was very determined to take back her country and overturn the election. According to her husband she was an avid fan of Qanon. Tragic, but not murder.. Why do you want the name of the Capitol guard?
Michael Leroy Byrd...murderer at large.
A hero and patriot...doing his job to save members of Congress and the Vice President of the United States....a country you apparently are not a supporter of.
A murderer.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Key words in this article are "plans" to sue them. Also "within the next 10 days" to file a lawsuit.
This interview was given by the family's lawyer...who can speculate all he wants. It don't make it truth. :)
Big hill to climb to get this kind of judgement..even civil-wise.

She was participating in an insurrection that she as a military veteran should have known was wrong and contrary to the oath she took.
My guess??...settlement for a paltry amount vs the amount her family's hotshot lawyer is demanding.
Hilarious you think a few dozen unarmed people can overthrow the government.

Just think what we’re going to accomplish this summer with our 230 million guns and 40 billion rounds of ammo.

Where did you come up with a "few dozen"? Is this a math deficiency on your part?
Well, we saw from the Election how bad they are at math....thus my Avi.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Who cares? The turd was shot while attacking the U.S. government. She was a pig, not a hero.

Yeah, karma is going to have fun with you too. Asswipe. WE, are the government. Not those corrupt pieces of shit in DC.

You need to remember that fact.

Yes, WE are the government. I'm a part of this "WE" that you are talking about. YOU need to remember this fact. donald trump needs to remember it, too. When you attack the Capitol, you are attacking MY HOUSE. Anyone who attacks our house gets to pay for the damage and must make whole all people who were hurt. Sell all of the real estate owned by the attackers of the Capitol and give the proceeds to the Capitol Cops.

You, YOU are a fucking Chinese agent. YOU are a traitor.
Uh Oh.....someone is triggered! Can't handle that their little insurrection failed......badly.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

Who cares? The turd was shot while attacking the U.S. government. She was a pig, not a hero.

Wait, what!!! Isn't the cops the pigs? Dumbass.

How many did they kill or injure?
"Another dimtard ASSuming that the word pay means violence. Perhaps your mommy should read the OP to you fuckwit......."

Ah, poster "lantern", you seem too invested into the Duped & Snookered MAGA-world.
Please, settle down and talk nice. We are all friends here.

After all, my poor avatar simply and sincerely asked what YOU had in mind.

Here, let me show you:

  • Poster "lantern":
The one who did something stupid was the cop. Now he’ll get to pay for it.

  • My poor avatar queries:
Whatcha got in mind there.....
How's he gonna "pay"

And for that simple, sincere, and well-meaning query, poor avataree "lantern" seemingly got discombobulated and defensively resorts to the f-bomb, the 'Mommy' stuff, the 'dimtard' epithet.

What's up with that?

Poster 'lantern' settle down. Breathe.
This is just the internet. No need to have a overwrought keyboard enema about being politely queried over a statement you yourself made.

Is everything OK in your life?
Is this really the right message-board for you, given your defensiveness, unsteadiness, and sensitivity?
Poor baby. You’re throwing tantrums because YOU got shown up and outsmarted because you ASSumed something and got proven to be a dipshit. Polite query? No, you were being you’re usual asshole self. One must question the quality of your upbringing and education. YOU got outsmarted. YOU got your shit thrown back in your face and YOU looked stupid. You’re not doing well in this thread.

You sound upset that your insurrection for your orange god failed so badly.
We will burn every city down unless they win!n unarmed

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

An unarmed rioter is still a riotor and can still pose a threat to an officer by sheer numbers
Good to know we can shoot unarmed rioters!
The officer had probable cause to believe that his life, and that of others was in danger. That is why he has not been charges. He would have been justified in shooting more of them but he used restraint.
Your a liar. You weren't there and you don't know jack. Just another commie liar.
"Your"...:heehee: Were you there? Let us know.
Of course no one knows what the SOP's are for the Capital Police. But man what a senseless death for a decorated vet. The guy who shot her should feel her families pain.
Absolutely senseless. The people who ruined her life were the ones who filled her head with lies.

I agree. It was a senseless death but she believed in protesting that election. No one filled her head with lies. There was plenty of proof. Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits by people who were there. One Dem watcher said he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Lots of proof.

She was a fringe QAnon believer. She most certainly was told many, many lies especially about the supposed proof which is anything but. Clearly you believe the same lies.

She wasn’t protesting. She was rioting. Did she believe in rioting?

Gotta laugh at your post. The woman was a decorated war vet. I doubt she would accept lies as truth. Oh and there was loads of proof. You would rather believe the lie that there was no proof.

She was unarmed and shot through a window. She was protesting. Not one gun was found on any of those protesters. Most of them will be charged with trespassing. Not insurrection or sedition.

You keep believe the lies. You are good at it.
Decorated? What exactly did she do in war?

Anyone can be susceptible to lies. Maybe military are more susceptible given their training for obedience. Veterans seem to be over represented in the rioters at the Capitol.

Are you sure she was protesting and not rioting? That window was just smashed by the “protestors”. I wasn’t aware that property destruction was protesting and not rioting.

Well since most have been charged with trespassing I'd say you are wrong. I doubt you will see any of them charged with insurrection or sedition.

As for the murdered woman?? I read she was a decorated vet. I'm sure if you look it up you can verify it. Or not.

Looks like more than just trespassing to me.
Of course no one knows what the SOP's are for the Capital Police. But man what a senseless death for a decorated vet. The guy who shot her should feel her families pain.
Absolutely senseless. The people who ruined her life were the ones who filled her head with lies.

I agree. It was a senseless death but she believed in protesting that election. No one filled her head with lies. There was plenty of proof. Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits by people who were there. One Dem watcher said he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Lots of proof.

She was a fringe QAnon believer. She most certainly was told many, many lies especially about the supposed proof which is anything but. Clearly you believe the same lies.

She wasn’t protesting. She was rioting. Did she believe in rioting?

Gotta laugh at your post. The woman was a decorated war vet. I doubt she would accept lies as truth. Oh and there was loads of proof. You would rather believe the lie that there was no proof.

She was unarmed and shot through a window. She was protesting. Not one gun was found on any of those protesters. Most of them will be charged with trespassing. Not insurrection or sedition.

You keep believe the lies. You are good at it.
Decorated? What exactly did she do in war?

Anyone can be susceptible to lies. Maybe military are more susceptible given their training for obedience. Veterans seem to be over represented in the rioters at the Capitol.

Are you sure she was protesting and not rioting? That window was just smashed by the “protestors”. I wasn’t aware that property destruction was protesting and not rioting.

Well since most have been charged with trespassing I'd say you are wrong. I doubt you will see any of them charged with insurrection or sedition.

As for the murdered woman?? I read she was a decorated vet. I'm sure if you look it up you can verify it. Or not.
She received medals for doing her job. I think she was air traffic controller. Not that she did anything wrong, but she did nothing remarkable. Calling her decorated is an overstatement.

Most were charged with disorderly conduct, violent entry or assault. The idea that most are charged with “just trespassing” is false. Babbitt had she not gotten herself killed would have been charged with violent entry. She was rioting, not protesting.
An aside: USAF members get medals for breathing.....just sayin'
Of course no one knows what the SOP's are for the Capital Police. But man what a senseless death for a decorated vet. The guy who shot her should feel her families pain.
Absolutely senseless. The people who ruined her life were the ones who filled her head with lies.

I agree. It was a senseless death but she believed in protesting that election. No one filled her head with lies. There was plenty of proof. Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits by people who were there. One Dem watcher said he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Lots of proof.

She was a fringe QAnon believer. She most certainly was told many, many lies especially about the supposed proof which is anything but. Clearly you believe the same lies.

She wasn’t protesting. She was rioting. Did she believe in rioting?

Gotta laugh at your post. The woman was a decorated war vet. I doubt she would accept lies as truth. Oh and there was loads of proof. You would rather believe the lie that there was no proof.

She was unarmed and shot through a window. She was protesting. Not one gun was found on any of those protesters. Most of them will be charged with trespassing. Not insurrection or sedition.

You keep believe the lies. You are good at it.
Decorated? What exactly did she do in war?

Anyone can be susceptible to lies. Maybe military are more susceptible given their training for obedience. Veterans seem to be over represented in the rioters at the Capitol.

Are you sure she was protesting and not rioting? That window was just smashed by the “protestors”. I wasn’t aware that property destruction was protesting and not rioting.

Well since most have been charged with trespassing I'd say you are wrong. I doubt you will see any of them charged with insurrection or sedition.

As for the murdered woman?? I read she was a decorated vet. I'm sure if you look it up you can verify it. Or not.

Looks like more than just trespassing to me.

Most will be charged with trespassing. If some are charged with something else we shall see.
Are you sure she was protesting and not rioting? That window was just smashed by the “protestors”. I wasn’t aware that property destruction was protesting and not rioting.
you all crack me up. No shit, the lack of honesty in your being is amazing. to make such a statement after all the looting and riots from the antifa BLM protests. Oh, no's no's, those looters weren't part of the protesters, then you make that statement. must really suck to be you!!!!
So.....you are trying to draw a line from the Summer riots (which were wrong and illegal) to the Capitol Cop who shot rioter Babbitt? How does that work out?
Of course no one knows what the SOP's are for the Capital Police. But man what a senseless death for a decorated vet. The guy who shot her should feel her families pain.
Absolutely senseless. The people who ruined her life were the ones who filled her head with lies.

I agree. It was a senseless death but she believed in protesting that election. No one filled her head with lies. There was plenty of proof. Hundreds if not thousands of signed affidavits by people who were there. One Dem watcher said he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Lots of proof.

She was a fringe QAnon believer. She most certainly was told many, many lies especially about the supposed proof which is anything but. Clearly you believe the same lies.

She wasn’t protesting. She was rioting. Did she believe in rioting?

Gotta laugh at your post. The woman was a decorated war vet. I doubt she would accept lies as truth. Oh and there was loads of proof. You would rather believe the lie that there was no proof.

She was unarmed and shot through a window. She was protesting. Not one gun was found on any of those protesters. Most of them will be charged with trespassing. Not insurrection or sedition.

You keep believe the lies. You are good at it.
Decorated? What exactly did she do in war?

Anyone can be susceptible to lies. Maybe military are more susceptible given their training for obedience. Veterans seem to be over represented in the rioters at the Capitol.

Are you sure she was protesting and not rioting? That window was just smashed by the “protestors”. I wasn’t aware that property destruction was protesting and not rioting.

Well since most have been charged with trespassing I'd say you are wrong. I doubt you will see any of them charged with insurrection or sedition.

As for the murdered woman?? I read she was a decorated vet. I'm sure if you look it up you can verify it. Or not.
She received medals for doing her job. I think she was air traffic controller. Not that she did anything wrong, but she did nothing remarkable. Calling her decorated is an overstatement.

Most were charged with disorderly conduct, violent entry or assault. The idea that most are charged with “just trespassing” is false. Babbitt had she not gotten herself killed would have been charged with violent entry. She was rioting, not protesting.
An aside: USAF members get medals for breathing.....just sayin'

Oh I disagree but most of my family were in the air force and none of them got medals for just breathing.

Try being in SAC you idiot. Lets see how long your lazy ass lasts.
you all crack me up. No shit, the lack of honesty in your being is amazing. to make such a statement after all the looting and riots from the antifa BLM protests. Oh, no's no's, those looters weren't part of the protesters, then you make that statement. must really suck to be you!!!!
Looting is not protesting.

Ashlii Babbitt was DEFINITELY part of the protest which became a riot.

A riot for Trump.
what's the difference sylvester?
You don't know the difference between a protest and a riot? I see the problem here.

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