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U.S. co-sponsors anti-free speech resolution at the UN

The Definition of Al-Zulm or Oppression In Juristic Terminology: Al-I'tidaa Ala Al-Huqouq Bedoun Wajih Shar'ie - Aggression against Rights without a Divine Permit.

Fighting the Jews and Christians is legislated because They are Idolators and Disbelievers

Allah the Exalted encourages the believers to fight the polytheists, disbelieving Jews and Christians, who uttered this terrible statement and utter lies against Allah, the Exalted. As for the Jews, they claimed that `Uzayr was the son of God, Allah is free of what they attribute to Him. As for the misguidance of Christians over `Isa, it is obvious. This is why Allah declared both groups to be liars,

Tafsir.com Tafsir Ibn Kathir...
Question Mr Fitnuts: have you ever had an original thought???

On matters concerning Islam and historical documents, I am constrained by what can be documented.
I would not consider original thoughts a requirement or a wanted addition.
U.S. co-sponsors anti-free speech resolution at the UN

Free speech death watch. The U.N. Human Rights Council approved the resolution, cosponsored by the U.S. and Egypt, yesterday.

It calls on states to condemn and criminalize "any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence." It also condemns "negative stereotyping of religions and racial groups," which is of course an oblique reference to accurate reporting about the jihad doctrine and Islamic supremacism -- which is always the focus of whining by the Organization of the Islamic Conference and other groups about negative "stereotyping" of Islam. They never say anything when people like Osama bin Laden and Khaled Sheikh Mohammed issue detailed Koranic expositions justifying violence and hatred; but when people like Geert Wilders and others report about such expositions, that's "negative stereotyping."

And the worst aspect of this and all such measures is that the "Incitement" and the "hatred" are in the eye of the beholder. The powerful can decide to silence the powerless by classifying their views as hate speech. The Founding Fathers tried to protect Americans from tyranny by protecting free speech. Now our free speech is threatened, and tyranny will take advantage of that. But we still have the First Amendment, right? Eugene Volokh, in an excellent analysis of the resolution, explains why it isn't that easy to dismiss this:

6. But why the fuss, some might ask, if we're protected by the First Amendment? First, if the U.S. backs a resolution that urges the suppression of some speech, presumably we are taking the view that all countries -- including the U.S. -- should adhere to this resolution. If we are constitutionally barred from adhering to it by our domestic constitution, then we're implicitly criticizing that constitution, and committing ourselves to do what we can to change it.
So to be consistent with our position here, the Administration would presumably have to take what steps it can to ensure that supposed "hate speech" that incites hostility will indeed be punished. It would presumably be committed to filing amicus briefs supporting changes in First Amendment law to allow such punishment, and in principle perhaps the appointment of Justices who would endorse such changes (or even the proposal of express constitutional amendments that would work such changes).​

U.S. co-sponsors anti-free speech resolution at the UN - Jihad Watch
This is wide open to authoritarian abuse. It's shit.
Mr Fitnuts

I have noticed that many of your cut & paste posts come from Robert Spencers site "Jihad Watch"

Here is an article about your hero:

Robert Spencer: Wanna-be Conquistador

In observing and chronicling the Loon world one finds that the subject of history comes up frequently and a lot of times the loons revisit history and distort it so they can manipulate it to fit their ideological worldview. In rare cases however do we have a situation in which history is revisited in such a manner as to blatantly align oneself with ancient pogroms and modern campaigns of complete annihilation and ethnic cleansing.

Yet, this is exactly the case that we have with the completely self-taught, pseudo-Islamic Scholar Robert Spencer. Spencer is the progenitor of the hate site Jihadwatch which is host to some of the most vile anti-Muslim and Islamophobic hysteria on the internet. Spencer himself claims that he is just objectively working to expose the fact that Islam is “extremist,” “violently expansionist,” and sometimes not even a religion at all but a “political ideology.”

Do Spencer’s claims to be an objective analyst of Islam hold water?

Recently, Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs, a former ally of Spencer’s and not an individual sympathetic to Islam exposed Spencer’s partnership with fascist European politicians as well as brought to light the fact that Spencer, on his personal Facebook account joined a group which seeks to reconquer present day Turkey, effectively expel and slaughter 150 Million Muslims and replace them with Christians.

The group Spencer joined is called The Campaign for the Reconquista in Anatolia. If you recall the Reconquista was that delightful campaign undertaken by Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain which lead to the murder, expulsion and forced conversions of all of Spain’s Muslims and Jews. It also set the stage for the Inquisition. Is it a coincidence that this self described “expert” on Islam would join a group named after a campaign that resulted in the ethnic and religious cleansing of a whole nation? Sure sounds like impartial scholarship to me!

The Campaign for the Reconquista in Anatolia’s lofty mission statement:

Once the former East Roman capital is recaptured every single brick, pavingstone, copper wire, bolt nut & screw, piece of ceramic, shard of glass, plank of wood and fleck of paint, placed within this city after May 29th 1453 will be systematically demolished, melted burnt and ground down into a fine dust, shipped out to the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean in oil tankers and sporadically scattered over a wide area, so that there will be no physical remains of the city of Istanbul whatsoever.

The main aims of this group are to:

. Advocate the total Reconquest and complete reassimilation of the Anatolia penninsular, eastern Thrace, northern Cyprus, Greater Armenia, The Pontus and Antiochia through the medium of Greek, Armenian, Cypriot, Byzantine, Pontic and Syriac National Sovereignty and on an unconditional basis.

. The complete unilateral and nonnegotiable permanent ethnic transformation of these territories in order to co-opt the first aim.

. And the establishment of a National coalitionary Greater European confederative super state in order to secure the first two aims, withguaranteed sovereign borders, fixed permanent garrisons and the necessary military means to ensure alien repatriation with a view to permanent long term resettlement.

* This group entirely understands and accepts that this project will require the displacement of up to 150 million persons, an armed and para-militarily active settler rediasporaof at least 15 million economically viable semi-civilian colonists, an occupation force consisting of at least 2 million professional troops, a military presents in all territories between Anatolia and West Turkestan and anything between 0.5 and 5 trillion dollars worth of fiscal capital in order to complete. Furthermore this group also realises that the territories for resettlement in lower central Asia may not be currently suitable for such a large demographic intake and that therefore, mass sterilisation via sexual segregation and voluntary euthanasia programmes (may for the time being), need to remain on the table in order to prevent a latter humanitarian disaster.

* This group is not a hate group and it entirely recognises the fact that the majority of Turks currently living on the Anatolian peninsular are not responsible for the actions of their ancestors. However, they ARE in possession of stolen land and property that does not rightfully belong to them either as a Nation or as individuals, which essentially makes them a Nation of squatters. Therefore this is a group for the expression and advocation of national, racial and civilizational patriotic duty (no matter how unpleasant that duty might be) and for the principle of ethnic primogenture (particularly among civilized Nations that have either been destroyed or severely ravaged by culturally inferior Nations), so please keep comments above the intellectual level of the average 5 year old’s!
Looking at Spencer one might be tempted to think: this guy couldn’t be part of a Reconquista, his flabby physique suggests he would have a hard time lifting a pocket protector let alone a sword. You would be correct to think that but it seems the proof is in the pudding, Spencer in the footsteps of old Don Quixote De La Mancha dreams to be a chivalrous white knight but instead of fighting wind mills Spencer has set his sight on conquering and “liberating” Constantinople which for over 500 years has been known as Istanbul.

Loonwatch.com - "The Mooslims, they're heeere!"
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Mr Fitnuts

I have noticed that many of your cut & paste posts come from Robert Spencers site "Jihad Watch"

Here is an article about your hero:

Robert Spencer: Wanna-be Conquistador

In observing and chronicling the Loon world one finds that the subject of history comes up frequently and a lot of times the loons revisit history and distort it so they can manipulate it to fit their ideological worldview. In rare cases however do we have a situation in which history is revisited in such a manner as to blatantly align oneself with ancient pogroms and modern campaigns of complete annihilation and ethnic cleansing.

Yet, this is exactly the case that we have with the completely self-taught, pseudo-Islamic Scholar Robert Spencer. Spencer is the progenitor of the hate site Jihadwatch which is host to some of the most vile anti-Muslim and Islamophobic hysteria on the internet. Spencer himself claims that he is just objectively working to expose the fact that Islam is “extremist,” “violently expansionist,” and sometimes not even a religion at all but a “political ideology.”

Do Spencer’s claims to be an objective analyst of Islam hold water?

Recently, Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs, a former ally of Spencer’s and not an individual sympathetic to Islam exposed Spencer’s partnership with fascist European politicians as well as brought to light the fact that Spencer, on his personal Facebook account joined a group which seeks to reconquer present day Turkey, effectively expel and slaughter 150 Million Muslims and replace them with Christians.

The group Spencer joined is called The Campaign for the Reconquista in Anatolia. If you recall the Reconquista was that delightful campaign undertaken by Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain which lead to the murder, expulsion and forced conversions of all of Spain’s Muslims and Jews. It also set the stage for the Inquisition. Is it a coincidence that this self described “expert” on Islam would join a group named after a campaign that resulted in the ethnic and religious cleansing of a whole nation? Sure sounds like impartial scholarship to me!

The Campaign for the Reconquista in Anatolia’s lofty mission statement:

Once the former East Roman capital is recaptured every single brick, pavingstone, copper wire, bolt nut & screw, piece of ceramic, shard of glass, plank of wood and fleck of paint, placed within this city after May 29th 1453 will be systematically demolished, melted burnt and ground down into a fine dust, shipped out to the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean in oil tankers and sporadically scattered over a wide area, so that there will be no physical remains of the city of Istanbul whatsoever.

The main aims of this group are to:

. Advocate the total Reconquest and complete reassimilation of the Anatolia penninsular, eastern Thrace, northern Cyprus, Greater Armenia, The Pontus and Antiochia through the medium of Greek, Armenian, Cypriot, Byzantine, Pontic and Syriac National Sovereignty and on an unconditional basis.

. The complete unilateral and nonnegotiable permanent ethnic transformation of these territories in order to co-opt the first aim.

. And the establishment of a National coalitionary Greater European confederative super state in order to secure the first two aims, withguaranteed sovereign borders, fixed permanent garrisons and the necessary military means to ensure alien repatriation with a view to permanent long term resettlement.

* This group entirely understands and accepts that this project will require the displacement of up to 150 million persons, an armed and para-militarily active settler rediasporaof at least 15 million economically viable semi-civilian colonists, an occupation force consisting of at least 2 million professional troops, a military presents in all territories between Anatolia and West Turkestan and anything between 0.5 and 5 trillion dollars worth of fiscal capital in order to complete. Furthermore this group also realises that the territories for resettlement in lower central Asia may not be currently suitable for such a large demographic intake and that therefore, mass sterilisation via sexual segregation and voluntary euthanasia programmes (may for the time being), need to remain on the table in order to prevent a latter humanitarian disaster.

* This group is not a hate group and it entirely recognises the fact that the majority of Turks currently living on the Anatolian peninsular are not responsible for the actions of their ancestors. However, they ARE in possession of stolen land and property that does not rightfully belong to them either as a Nation or as individuals, which essentially makes them a Nation of squatters. Therefore this is a group for the expression and advocation of national, racial and civilizational patriotic duty (no matter how unpleasant that duty might be) and for the principle of ethnic primogenture (particularly among civilized Nations that have either been destroyed or severely ravaged by culturally inferior Nations), so please keep comments above the intellectual level of the average 5 year old’s!
Looking at Spencer one might be tempted to think: this guy couldn’t be part of a Reconquista, his flabby physique suggests he would have a hard time lifting a pocket protector let alone a sword. You would be correct to think that but it seems the proof is in the pudding, Spencer in the footsteps of old Don Quixote De La Mancha dreams to be a chivalrous white knight but instead of fighting wind mills Spencer has set his sight on conquering and “liberating” Constantinople which for over 500 years has been known as Istanbul.

Loonwatch.com - "The Mooslims, they're heeere!"

Here's what we need to keep in mind: When most of us in the US were kids - especially prior to the mid-80's and video games - we entertained ourselves playing games like cowboys and indians, or playing army with the good guys (U.S.) vs the bad guys (Nazi's or Japs). Nobody ever wanted to be the bad guys, but there would alwys be concessions made just so that the game could be played. But after the game, no matter which side you played, you always identified yourself with being the good guy. Except for a few demented souls, everybody wants to be associated with the side that's doing the right thing.

That's why Hitler and the nazi's used the cross and defense of Christianity as a core motivator to convince the German people that they were doing the right thing. They promoted the church and they associated themselves in the media and public functions with church leaders, in order to bring the people along with them.

It was the same thing with the Japanese in WWII, whose warriors were committed to Bushido and to complete sacrifice of their physical and emotional beings in order to fulfill what they believed to be a spiritual effort.

If anything is certain, it's that spiritual propaganda has proven to be perhaps the strongest of all motivators in bringing people to sacrifice their lives and families in the support of a war effort. If you can inject a spiritual element into a lethal conflict, you'll find loving, doting fathers sending their first born sons to their death, with a twinkle of pride in their eyes. Sorrow, yes, but it's overwhelmed by pride and a sense of doing the right thing - as a result of the religious component.

That's how successful foreign policy experts earn their stripes - by working with leadership and media, and using every other tool to bring the people into support of their objectives. Religion is the most core, steadfast, and reliable tool for this effort. If you couple it with patriotism, in response to a perceived direct threat, you have a win.

That is where Jihad Watch comes into the mix. They look at over a billion examples of life in muslim countries and they flag every time something happens that they can attribute to "jihad" or "evil muslim". They constantly frame it as "the good guys" keeping the rest of us good folks informed, because we always want to be associated with the good guys. It's human nature.

Because of the nature of religious beliefs, education, patriotism, and a need for a "just cause" in the face of perceived evil, there will be many, many people who will wear the mantle as if it were their own. The threat has become personal, and they will respond accordingly.

That's how propaganda works. Those who operate as radical jihaddists have faced the same indoctrination, only they've been shown a small window that's focused to make us the enemy.

In the end, both are the same. They are foreign policy agenda's for political/economic gain. They use focused hatred, whose goal is to encourage people to engage in a doctrine of hate and to to call it good. It is the ultimate deception, where those who believe they are working for justice are commiting ultimate acts of evil.
U.S. co-sponsors anti-free speech resolution at the UN

Free speech death watch. The U.N. Human Rights Council approved the resolution, cosponsored by the U.S. and Egypt, yesterday.

It calls on states to condemn and criminalize "any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence." It also condemns "negative stereotyping of religions and racial groups," which is of course an oblique reference to accurate reporting about the jihad doctrine and Islamic supremacism -- which is always the focus of whining by the Organization of the Islamic Conference and other groups about negative "stereotyping" of Islam. They never say anything when people like Osama bin Laden and Khaled Sheikh Mohammed issue detailed Koranic expositions justifying violence and hatred; but when people like Geert Wilders and others report about such expositions, that's "negative stereotyping."

And the worst aspect of this and all such measures is that the "Incitement" and the "hatred" are in the eye of the beholder. The powerful can decide to silence the powerless by classifying their views as hate speech. The Founding Fathers tried to protect Americans from tyranny by protecting free speech. Now our free speech is threatened, and tyranny will take advantage of that. But we still have the First Amendment, right? Eugene Volokh, in an excellent analysis of the resolution, explains why it isn't that easy to dismiss this:

6. But why the fuss, some might ask, if we're protected by the First Amendment? First, if the U.S. backs a resolution that urges the suppression of some speech, presumably we are taking the view that all countries -- including the U.S. -- should adhere to this resolution. If we are constitutionally barred from adhering to it by our domestic constitution, then we're implicitly criticizing that constitution, and committing ourselves to do what we can to change it.
So to be consistent with our position here, the Administration would presumably have to take what steps it can to ensure that supposed "hate speech" that incites hostility will indeed be punished. It would presumably be committed to filing amicus briefs supporting changes in First Amendment law to allow such punishment, and in principle perhaps the appointment of Justices who would endorse such changes (or even the proposal of express constitutional amendments that would work such changes).​

U.S. co-sponsors anti-free speech resolution at the UN - Jihad Watch

Put simply, the right to free association is no longer supported by the U.S.? Big surprise there. Oil up your rifles.
Put simply, the right to free association is no longer supported by the U.S.? Big surprise there. Oil up your rifles.

Yup. There were thousands of patriots who showed up in Pittsburgh to protest the globalist G-20 effort and they were labelled as anarchists and leftists by the media. I saw footage of peacefull protesters who were completely encircled by countless cops and military, then chased down and arrested because they were assembling in a park to make their voices heard.

The experiment is over. The revolution will not be televised. We're now in the first stages of the last fight for American liberty, and most be don't even know it's happening.
Put simply, the right to free association is no longer supported by the U.S.? Big surprise there. Oil up your rifles.

Yup. There were thousands of patriots who showed up in Pittsburgh to protest the globalist G-20 effort and they were labelled as anarchists and leftists by the media. I saw footage of peacefull protesters who were completely encircled by countless cops and military, then chased down and arrested because they were assembling in a park to make their voices heard.

The experiment is over. The revolution will not be televised. We're now in the first stages of the last fight for American liberty, and most be don't even know it's happening.

I like to think that this isn't the last stage, it's the first. The American people aren't stupid, they just have to have a reason to act, as all reasonable people do. A lot of people I know IRL are talking about these things, and I have confidence that the right things will be done. It doesn't look like it right now because the squeaky wheels are getting the grease, but those days will come to a close, soon.
Put simply, the right to free association is no longer supported by the U.S.? Big surprise there. Oil up your rifles.

Yup. There were thousands of patriots who showed up in Pittsburgh to protest the globalist G-20 effort and they were labelled as anarchists and leftists by the media. I saw footage of peacefull protesters who were completely encircled by countless cops and military, then chased down and arrested because they were assembling in a park to make their voices heard.

The experiment is over. The revolution will not be televised. We're now in the first stages of the last fight for American liberty, and most be don't even know it's happening.

I like to think that this isn't the last stage, it's the first. The American people aren't stupid, they just have to have a reason to act, as all reasonable people do. A lot of people I know IRL are talking about these things, and I have confidence that the right things will be done. It doesn't look like it right now because the squeaky wheels are getting the grease, but those days will come to a close, soon.

People are definitely waking up to what's going on. I was talking to a gentleman at my house the other day who was quoting me on some work. He said

"Do you know that you won't be able to sell your property without $10-15k in "carbon-related" upgrades once they put Cap & Trade in place? I can't believe we're governed by such idiots".

I said

"Do you really think their idiots? The people who wrote the bill are Harvard and Yale economists with years worth of experience. They know exactly how it'll impact us. This isn't incompetency - it's treason and it's planned."

He just looked at me, and I could see the wheels turning in his head. Then he said

"Well, I try not to think that way..."

and I said

"I used to do the same, until it just became too obvious. When I remove party names or affiliations, and I just add up all of the things that are happening or that were allowed that work against us, I can only conclude that it's calculate, it's designed to eliminate the middle class and our economy, and that it's treason by those who are pulling all of the pieces together."

So it's just the two of us, standing in our driveway, and they guy looks around and then literally whispers to me

"You're the first person I've actiually discussed this with, and frankly, I'm scared shitless that we're all gonna be screwed sooner than later".

I laughed and said "We're already screwed. Now we just need to figure out how we're gonna get through it."

And I hired him to do the job.

My biggest concern isn't that people aren't waking up. It's what they're waking up to. People may realize we're being screwed, but if they think it;s something or someone other than the globalist bankers who control our government, they can easiliy be misguided into a solution that enables the globalists (like succession) rather than disabling them.
Yup. There were thousands of patriots who showed up in Pittsburgh to protest the globalist G-20 effort and they were labelled as anarchists and leftists by the media. I saw footage of peacefull protesters who were completely encircled by countless cops and military, then chased down and arrested because they were assembling in a park to make their voices heard.

The experiment is over. The revolution will not be televised. We're now in the first stages of the last fight for American liberty, and most be don't even know it's happening.

I like to think that this isn't the last stage, it's the first. The American people aren't stupid, they just have to have a reason to act, as all reasonable people do. A lot of people I know IRL are talking about these things, and I have confidence that the right things will be done. It doesn't look like it right now because the squeaky wheels are getting the grease, but those days will come to a close, soon.

People are definitely waking up to what's going on. I was talking to a gentleman at my house the other day who was quoting me on some work. He said

"Do you know that you won't be able to sell your property without $10-15k in "carbon-related" upgrades once they put Cap & Trade in place? I can't believe we're governed by such idiots".

I said

"Do you really think their idiots? The people who wrote the bill are Harvard and Yale economists with years worth of experience. They know exactly how it'll impact us. This isn't incompetency - it's treason and it's planned."

He just looked at me, and I could see the wheels turning in his head. Then he said

"Well, I try not to think that way..."

and I said

"I used to do the same, until it just became too obvious. When I remove party names or affiliations, and I just add up all of the things that are happening or that were allowed that work against us, I can only conclude that it's calculate, it's designed to eliminate the middle class and our economy, and that it's treason by those who are pulling all of the pieces together."

So it's just the two of us, standing in our driveway, and they guy looks around and then literally whispers to me

"You're the first person I've actiually discussed this with, and frankly, I'm scared shitless that we're all gonna be screwed sooner than later".

I laughed and said "We're already screwed. Now we just need to figure out how we're gonna get through it."

And I hired him to do the job.

My biggest concern isn't that people aren't waking up. It's what they're waking up to. People may realize we're being screwed, but if they think it;s something or someone other than the globalist bankers who control our government, they can easily be misguided into a solution that enables the globalists (like succession) rather than disabling them.
From the fire into the frying pan. It has been going on for so many years do you really think if the people even had a solution they would have the ability to fight any of it at this point?

Then to "get through it" the majority sellout, screw someone else over and look for ways to survive regardless of the cost to others.
RodIshi, yes I do. If there really were no hope, we would have gone full blown Fascist a long time ago. We didn't. People do matter.
RodIshi, yes I do. If there really were no hope, we would have gone full blown Fascist a long time ago. We didn't. People do matter.
I suppose today looking from the situation we face each day and have faced for the last ten plus years I don't feel as optimistic as you do. I see it getting much worse for people before enough will truly give a hoot to work together to clean it up.
  • Thanks
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Here's what we need to keep in mind: When most of us in the US were kids - especially prior to the mid-80's and video games - we entertained ourselves playing games like cowboys and indians, or playing army with the good guys (U.S.) vs the bad guys (Nazi's or Japs). Nobody ever wanted to be the bad guys, but there would alwys be concessions made just so that the game could be played. But after the game, no matter which side you played, you always identified yourself with being the good guy. Except for a few demented souls, everybody wants to be associated with the side that's doing the right thing.

That's why Hitler and the nazi's used the cross and defense of Christianity as a core motivator to convince the German people that they were doing the right thing. They promoted the church and they associated themselves in the media and public functions with church leaders, in order to bring the people along with them.

It was the same thing with the Japanese in WWII, whose warriors were committed to Bushido and to complete sacrifice of their physical and emotional beings in order to fulfill what they believed to be a spiritual effort.

If anything is certain, it's that spiritual propaganda has proven to be perhaps the strongest of all motivators in bringing people to sacrifice their lives and families in the support of a war effort. If you can inject a spiritual element into a lethal conflict, you'll find loving, doting fathers sending their first born sons to their death, with a twinkle of pride in their eyes. Sorrow, yes, but it's overwhelmed by pride and a sense of doing the right thing - as a result of the religious component.

That's how successful foreign policy experts earn their stripes - by working with leadership and media, and using every other tool to bring the people into support of their objectives. Religion is the most core, steadfast, and reliable tool for this effort. If you couple it with patriotism, in response to a perceived direct threat, you have a win.

That is where Jihad Watch comes into the mix. They look at over a billion examples of life in muslim countries and they flag every time something happens that they can attribute to "jihad" or "evil muslim". They constantly frame it as "the good guys" keeping the rest of us good folks informed, because we always want to be associated with the good guys. It's human nature.

Because of the nature of religious beliefs, education, patriotism, and a need for a "just cause" in the face of perceived evil, there will be many, many people who will wear the mantle as if it were their own. The threat has become personal, and they will respond accordingly.

That's how propaganda works. Those who operate as radical jihaddists have faced the same indoctrination, only they've been shown a small window that's focused to make us the enemy.

In the end, both are the same. They are foreign policy agenda's for political/economic gain. They use focused hatred, whose goal is to encourage people to engage in a doctrine of hate and to to call it good. It is the ultimate deception, where those who believe they are working for justice are commiting ultimate acts of evil.
You did pretty well up to the point where you brought up Hitler,
He used a swastika not a cross he replaced the bible 2with Mien Kamph and he had church leaders thrown into concentration camps.
Jew you mischaracterize what Jw Does.


Because non-Muslims in the West, as well as in India, China, Russia, and the world over, are facing a concerted effort by Islamic jihadists, the motives and goals of whom are largely ignored by the Western media, to destroy their societies and bring them forcibly into the Islamic world -- and to commit violence to that end even while their overall goal remains out of reach. That effort goes under the general rubric of jihad.

Why Jihad Watch? - Jihad Watch

The Federal government has made it clear Islam is not and never will be a threat to the way of life in the west.

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