U.S. congressman: Here's why America is more successful than Canada


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I can make it really simple for him: the U.S Constitution. Though this guy is probably much further right than I am, he is not inaccurate in the comparisons.

That is why your innovation excels as citizens are free and if the Security Apparatus unlawfully persecutes citizens as they have me, there are multiple organizations and recourse steps one can employ to confront the violation of said Constitutional Rights.

In Canada, our Charter is non-existent and our apparatuses abuse citizens from the cradle to the grave, ensuring our best talent rightfully leave at their earliest opportunity. Those in power abuse our youth and laugh if anyone dares to call the out, media stifles and ignores. They destroy citizens, with the blessing of weak, cowardly politicians, passively or otherwise. In America, liberty was earned by blood. You cherish it, not government patsies.

If America doesn't lean on Canada to clean up it's human right abuses, you are backing an "ally" that is a liability on the world stage. Learn from some of us when we tell you the reality that exists here.

How's this for an attention-grabbing bit of political oratory, delivered in the United States House of Representatives? A Wisconsin Republican opined that Canada and lots of other places are less successful than the United States and offered his theory about why they are "countries that fail."

Rep. Glenn Grothman says it's because of cultural divisions. In Canada's case, he says, those divisions involve language. And he lumped it in with a long list of what he called failed countries.

"I never felt Canada was quite as successful as America," he began in his Nov. 16 speech. "[That's] because, to a degree, their elections pitted the French speakers against the English speakers."

He went on to say it's true in lots of other places, including the continent of Africa that contains 54 countries: "You look at elections in the Middle East, and it is the Sunnis against the Shiites. You look at elections in Africa, and it is one tribe against another tribe."

In other words, he said, when people in these countries "go to the polls, they don't say what is the appropriate money to spend on national defence or what is our roads policy or what should be appropriate criminal justice policy or the length of jail sentences.
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