U.S. Corporate Heads Must Be Having Kittens About Now


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Last year, after the Big Orange Idiot won the Electoral College vote, U.S. corporate leaders were beside themselves with joy. They would finally have one of their own sitting in the White House.

The heads of Big Business and conservatives nationwide envisioned a return to poisoning the environment at will, employers being free to treat employees like dirt, Wall Street crooks could see themselves once again free to screw small investors every way possible. Life looked absolutely rosy.

But after the Big Orange Idiot’s inauguration, he saw himself as king, not president, and the many hopes and dreams of the fat cats began to go sour. And given recent events, business heads are feeling a return to sour would be a big improvement.

Big Orange is now in a contest to prove who is craziest, him, or the leader of North Korea. And the Big Orange Idiot is determined to win this contest, having lost on most other issues.

Those many corporate heads who danced in the street when the Electoral votes were counted, are now having kittens, fearing Big Orange will anger China with a “first strike” nuclear attack on Pyongyang. (In such an event, China will defend their North Korean ally.)

War itself does not worry these businessmen. They do not care who or how many Big Orange’s stupidity kills, there concerns are financial. U.S. corporations have hundreds-of-billions of dollars invested in their manufacturing facilities in China. But now, their Republican savior, the Big Orange Idiot, is threatening to destroy their business relationship with Chinese leaders. The fat cats are terrified they will soon be watching their billions-of-dollars in Asian investments evaporate.

All that conservative BS, ballyhooing how great the Big Orange Idiot was going to be for business, if he acts on his whims...oops.

China pledges neutrality - unless US strikes North Korea first

Trump warns U.S. 'locked and loaded' as North readies missiles



Big Orange's administration, so far. (Except for the Mueller investigation.)

Corporate heads are more interested in running their business than they are about the silly drama of Washington DC, which is more of an annoyance than anything else.

A majority of the people I know in the financial services industry just roll their eyes when politics are brought up. It's just childish noise for the most part.

A majority of Americans don't look at every last damn thing through a political prism, thankfully.
even if the US were to strike N. Korea ----in some way-----I do not believe that China will step in
Liberals HATE corporations...then pour their pension money into the very corporations they claim to hate. Yeah liberals are fucking retarded.
Last year, after the Big Orange Idiot won the Electoral College vote, U.S. corporate leaders were beside themselves with joy. They would finally have one of their own sitting in the White House.

The heads of Big Business and conservatives nationwide envisioned a return to poisoning the environment at will, employers being free to treat employees like dirt, Wall Street crooks could see themselves once again free to screw small investors every way possible. Life looked absolutely rosy.

But after the Big Orange Idiot’s inauguration, he saw himself as king, not president, and the many hopes and dreams of the fat cats began to go sour. And given recent events, business heads are feeling a return to sour would be a big improvement.

Big Orange is now in a contest to prove who is craziest, him, or the leader of North Korea. And the Big Orange Idiot is determined to win this contest, having lost on most other issues.

Those many corporate heads who danced in the street when the Electoral votes were counted, are now having kittens, fearing Big Orange will anger China with a “first strike” nuclear attack on Pyongyang. (In such an event, China will defend their North Korean ally.)

War itself does not worry these businessmen. They do not care who or how many Big Orange’s stupidity kills, there concerns are financial. U.S. corporations have hundreds-of-billions of dollars invested in their manufacturing facilities in China. But now, their Republican savior, the Big Orange Idiot, is threatening to destroy their business relationship with Chinese leaders. The fat cats are terrified they will soon be watching their billions-of-dollars in Asian investments evaporate.

All that conservative BS, ballyhooing how great the Big Orange Idiot was going to be for business, if he acts on his whims...oops.

China pledges neutrality - unless US strikes North Korea first

Trump warns U.S. 'locked and loaded' as North readies missiles


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Big Orange's administration, so far. (Except for the Mueller investigation.)

Seven endless wars of profit and they're still not satisfied, wait till Eric Prince gets them to privatize war openly.
It appears that the grown ups are ignoring Trump and just doing what needs to be done to keep out of war. Trump is just hot air. Even his fans know that now.

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