
if any wonder this is why I oppose both parties...

The debt is owed by USA.INC......it's no different than Wal-Mart. Get rid of the Federal Reserve but audit it first and confiscate it's ill-gotten wealth. Dissolve USA.INC as it is insolvent and return to a honest monetary system and return to being a republic like it was intended to be.
copied a link but it wouldnt let me post it so I took out the stuff

the message remains the same
And the debt has grown immensely less in the nearly two years of the Trump administration than Obozo's in 8!
Which is easier, working within the system to get the best candidates or declaring "this is why I oppose both parties"? Don't bother answering. We finally have a president who admits to being a Nationalist and the crazy angry left hates him for it. We got virtually nothing when the Debit rose about 9 trillion under the eight stagnant years of the Obama administration but the crazy angry left seems anxious to judge Trump after two years even when the DOW hovers around 25,000 and unemployment is at a historic low. Hypocrite nut case lefties enjoy the economic boom but they manage to find a glass half empty even before Trump's agenda if fully realized. No surprises here.
Which is easier, working within the system to get the best candidates or declaring "this is why I oppose both parties"? Don't bother answering. We finally have a president who admits to being a Nationalist and the crazy angry left hates him for it. We got virtually nothing when the Debit rose about 9 trillion under the eight stagnant years of the Obama administration but the crazy angry left seems anxious to judge Trump after two years even when the DOW hovers around 25,000 and unemployment is at a historic low. Hypocrite nut case lefties enjoy the economic boom but they manage to find a glass half empty even before Trump's agenda if fully realized. No surprises here.

not sure what youre talking about,,,I just cant steal from my own children or my unborn grandchildren

I would rather die alone than with thieves and scoundrels,,,

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