U.S. expects rise in troop casualties


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2007
General says toll will grow as more forces deploy in security plan.

Eight Americans die in three separate attacks.

BAGHDAD — A U.S. Army general on Sunday warned that American casualties would rise in the coming months, a prediction underscored by the deaths of six soldiers and a foreign journalist in a roadside bombing north of Baghdad. Five other American troops died elsewhere over the weekend.

Maj. Gen. Rick Lynch, commander of the 3rd Infantry Division, said casualties would climb as American troops went deeper into enemy territory as part of a stepped-up military operation ordered by President Bush in January. Lynch, who oversees a swath of territory to the south and east of Baghdad, gave his bleak prediction on the heels of the deadliest month so far this year for American forces in Iraq.

In April, 104 U.S. troops were killed, only the fourth time since the beginning of 2005 that U.S. deaths have exceeded 100 in a single month. At least 25 troops have been killed so far in May, a grim start to a month in which Democrats are expected to keep up pressure on the White House to plan a withdrawal from Iraq.

At least 3,376 American troops have been killed since the U.S.-led invasion in March 2003, according to the website icasualties.org, which tallies casualties.

The latest American deaths came on a bloody day for Iraqi security forces and civilians as well. At least 58 Iraqis died in a string of attacks, including 42 killed when a car bomb tore through a market in the Baghdad neighborhood of Bayaa.

North of the capital, in Samarra, 12 police officers died when a suicide bomber rammed a car into the police headquarters.

Witnesses said scores of vehicles filled with people waving black flags representing the Islamic State of Iraq, an Al Qaeda-linked Sunni Arab insurgent group, cruised menacingly through the city before the attack. The occupants fired on police stations, killing one officer before the car bomber struck.

Samarra's police chief, Col. Jaleel Nahi Hassoun, was killed in the blast.

In February 2006, Sunni insurgents destroyed Samarra's Golden Mosque, one of Shiite Islam's most important shrines, in an attack that unleashed fierce sectarian warfare.


How much longer and how much worse before it gets better?
Doubt it will get better in this decade. just look at Israel and how long they've been fighting. It'll be just as bad on us as long as we stay in the region I'm guessing with every mistake by our troops fualing hatereds that will flame for years.

Sucks for the troops there. Hopefully casualties wont go up like people are predicting.
This should make libs very happy

The more the terrorists attack, the more libs will scream for surrender
General says toll will grow as more forces deploy in security plan.

Eight Americans die in three separate attacks.

BAGHDAD — A U.S. Army general on Sunday warned that American casualties would rise in the coming months, a prediction underscored by the deaths of six soldiers and a foreign journalist in a roadside bombing north of Baghdad. Five other American troops died elsewhere over the weekend.

Maj. Gen. Rick Lynch, commander of the 3rd Infantry Division, said casualties would climb as American troops went deeper into enemy territory as part of a stepped-up military operation ordered by President Bush in January. Lynch, who oversees a swath of territory to the south and east of Baghdad, gave his bleak prediction on the heels of the deadliest month so far this year for American forces in Iraq.

In April, 104 U.S. troops were killed, only the fourth time since the beginning of 2005 that U.S. deaths have exceeded 100 in a single month. At least 25 troops have been killed so far in May, a grim start to a month in which Democrats are expected to keep up pressure on the White House to plan a withdrawal from Iraq.

At least 3,376 American troops have been killed since the U.S.-led invasion in March 2003, according to the website icasualties.org, which tallies casualties.

The latest American deaths came on a bloody day for Iraqi security forces and civilians as well. At least 58 Iraqis died in a string of attacks, including 42 killed when a car bomb tore through a market in the Baghdad neighborhood of Bayaa.

North of the capital, in Samarra, 12 police officers died when a suicide bomber rammed a car into the police headquarters.

Witnesses said scores of vehicles filled with people waving black flags representing the Islamic State of Iraq, an Al Qaeda-linked Sunni Arab insurgent group, cruised menacingly through the city before the attack. The occupants fired on police stations, killing one officer before the car bomber struck.

Samarra's police chief, Col. Jaleel Nahi Hassoun, was killed in the blast.

In February 2006, Sunni insurgents destroyed Samarra's Golden Mosque, one of Shiite Islam's most important shrines, in an attack that unleashed fierce sectarian warfare.


How much longer and how much worse before it gets better?

Not only that. There's a good chance that this experimental government we've put into place in Iraq isn't going to last much longer.

If the Iraqi government falls apart YOU will get your wish, and the Dems will be forced to keep America in Iraq.

Dems are going to cave on their surrender bill anyway

Did you see where Soros and Moveon.org are pissed at the Dems in Congress because the troops are STILL in Iraq?
Yes they'll cave on this bill eventually. I doubt the dems really don't want the troops out before the next prez election anyway so they can use it as a decisive wedge issue. Repubs on the other hand are probably wishing it will go away. McCain doesn't stand a chance if it's on, he looses the religious right on his social issues then looses most of America on the war. Gulianie, same thing. I like waz his name. Ron Paul, I think for the repubs and Hillary for the dems.
If the Iraqi government falls apart YOU will get your wish, and the Dems will be forced to keep America in Iraq.
Not really. We could still pack up, screw any still with us, and go home. If americans are that against the war and they're getting there.
Yes they'll cave on this bill eventually. I doubt the dems really don't want the troops out before the next prez election anyway so they can use it as a decisive wedge issue. Repubs on the other hand are probably wishing it will go away. McCain doesn't stand a chance if it's on, he looses the religious right on his social issues then looses most of America on the war. Gulianie, same thing. I like waz his name. Ron Paul, I think for the repubs and Hillary for the dems.

Of course libs want it as an issue

Dems never want to solve any problem - they would rather have the issue for the nextr election
Ya shore like those sterotypes, don't ya red. Evil libs, evil dems, bullshit.
Ya shore like those sterotypes, don't ya red. Evil libs, evil dems, bullshit.

If is true - White Flag Harry was grinning when he said he was happy to think about the Dem gains in Congress in the next election

Shows what really matters to him
and you don't think repubs and cons have ever said or thought such things. Even Bush has, he speaks out both sides of his mouth as bad as the rest of them.
This should make libs very happy

The more the terrorists attack, the more libs will scream for surrender

actually, it makes me terribly sad.... to think that you would continue to enthusiastically wave your pompoms for this failed idiotic idea of establishing a multicultural democracy in Iraq even as our boys die for a fatally flawed agenda..... and our true enemies remain untouched. That is treasonous, in my book.
actually, it makes me terribly sad.... to think that you would continue to enthusiastically wave your pompoms for this failed idiotic idea of establishing a multicultural democracy in Iraq even as our boys die for a fatally flawed agenda..... and our true enemies remain untouched. That is treasonous, in my book.

Dems are delighted at any bad news from Iraq

The last thing they want is victory - it would destroy any chances they would have in 08
Dems are delighted at any bad news from Iraq

The last thing they want is victory - it would destroy any chances they would have in 08

I am not delighted by bad news from Iraq at ALL..... I certainly want victory in Iraq and am not all worried about '08.

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