U.S. Fracking's Larger Implications

Fracker are going to wreck this nation's water tables, sell the excess petroeum and gas offshore, pocket the profits, invest them offshore, and leave the American people with the cost of cleanup.

Count on that.
Fracker are going to wreck this nation's water tables, sell the excess petroeum and gas offshore, pocket the profits, invest them offshore, and leave the American people with the cost of cleanup.

Count on that.

That's quite a combination of preposterous assumptions.

However, you have just described the agriculture industry. LOL
DKC is already building the infrastructure to ship the LPG coming from fracking OUT of the country.

Much of that LPG will be moving out of the nation via SEARPORT MAINE.

And that's a good thing. :thup:


That's going to be a very good thing for those companies who make money selling it.

For the homeowners in Searsport, of course, this project is tragic.

Well to be fair, pretty much everybody in the Penobscot Bay region will be negatively affected by the project if it goes though, but the people whose real estate is closest to the BIG TANK and pumping facility will be most negatively affected.

And I wouldnt actually even mind that, if those cheapskte fucking trillionaires would pay us for the lost value of our homes and lifestyles.

But that they won't do unless they are forced to do so.

Not much chance of that, I expect.
I live in farm country, about 60 miles from Youngstown. I grew up here and never felt an earthquake until recently. Now they are becoming frequent. I had no interest in leasing my land to the gas companies. One reason was finding out China just bought a third of Chesapeake Gas. :( The other is that I already have a gas well, and don't even use it. And the other is environment. I live on a large creek that my ducks, dogs, cat, horses, and chickens drink from daily. It flows through the middle of my property. There are old salt mines right here in my area. Several people have had to drill several times for well water that has no salt in it, me being one of them.
Ohio is floating on liquid gas. Shale is flat thin rock that crumbles easily. My concern is that if you remove the pressure, the shale will collapse, and the land on top of the shale will fall. Another problem is, all of the farms around me have signed up to allow gas drilling. I am literally surrounded by leased property now.
If I don't lease my land to them too, they can sit right on my neighbor's border and suck my gas right out from under me. Even worse they could e-domain me, if I am in their way.
The leasors are offering a shitload of money, that I have already turned down once, but now I am between a thin rock and a hard place. I'm not sure what to do. I could sell/lease my property and move all the animals, but I don't want to. I'll have no choice if they contaminate the creek, but if they ruin the creek then my selling price would plummet. What a mess. I really don't know what to do now.

Have them pay for a water test & get a copy of it, or get one done from the county/state. Make sure your agreement with the gas & drilling company states that if contamination levels rise, they must supply your farm with all the clean water you need for you & the animals. Make sure this supplied water agreement is transferable to future owners of said property. Get the best price you can & take the money before they steal the gas from you. Good Luck.
Locally there are 2 groups of lawyers that have merged to either go after, or to sign you up with, the gas companies that are pouring in. I planned on using an attorney, and will go ahead and let them horizontal drill I think, but they will have to encase both wells and pay for testing of the well water, and the creek water. They have to do that on a regular basis because we need to know if there is a problem before our animals drop dead. I so don't want to move. It's animal heaven here, and I love it. In the middle of the woods on the creek. aahhh.

Yeah - it will cost them plenty to supply clean water to all the animals on your property. Make sure the language in the contract does not say you have to prove that the degraded water quality was due to their fracking. That is where they screw a lot of people. Just say if the quality degrades for any reason.
In 2007, major Natural Gas conglomerates began hydrofracking in the Marcellus Shale on the Appalachian Basin. Natural Gas prices were at $ 6-8 at the time.

They bought up land based on valued of natural gas sales expected. When the gas was ultimately pulled from the ground, the prices began to plummet. There was not adequate demand for Natural Gas and the fracking method created a Glut.

Companies recognized that the Marcellus was devoid Liquid Natural Gas (LNG), the Transportation Gas. Its the one that is still highly demanded globally, as 17 countries import the product.

The places in this country it can be found? Most specifically, Texas and also Colorado has rich LNG deposits. However, the Marcellus is a Dead Area.
RIGZONE - Eagle Ford Activity Generates over $25B in Economic Output in South Tx.

Fracturing... not just a fractured fairy tale.

Eagle Ford shale activity in 2011 alone generated over $25 billion in economic output, supported over 47,000 full-time jobs and provided $257 million in local government revenue, according to a new study by the Center for Community and Business Research, part of the University of Texas at San Antonio's Institute for Economic Development.

The findings are the result of research into the economic impact of Eagle Ford shale activity in 2011 on a 20-county region in South Texas.

The study found that:
•Eagle Ford development resulted in $3.1 billion in salaries and benefits to workers
•Provided more than $12.6 billion in gross regional product
•Added more than $358 million in state revenues, including $120.4 million in severance taxes
•Generated a triple-digit sales tax revenue increase in local counties.
Fracker are going to wreck this nation's water tables, sell the excess petroeum and gas offshore, pocket the profits, invest them offshore, and leave the American people with the cost of cleanup.

Count on that.

So...they have been fraccing since the late 40's and......people are just now noticing these bad things? Or did these bad things not even happen until the recent outbreak of fraccing hysteria happened (can't have more natural gas being developed...quick! what excuses can we come up with next to make it a bad thing!!)?
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Fracker are going to wreck this nation's water tables, sell the excess petroeum and gas offshore, pocket the profits, invest them offshore, and leave the American people with the cost of cleanup.

Count on that.

So...they have been fraccing since the late 40's and......people are just now noticing these bad things? Or did these bad things not even happen until the recent outbreak of fraccing hysteria happened (can't have more natural gas being developed...quick! what excuses can we come up with next to make it a bad thing!!)?

When they were fracking in the 40's and 50's, they were using WATER ONLY to do the work. It was later when the oil companies came up with their various formulas to get more gas out of the well that things started to go south. Many of the fracking formulas today use stuff like benzene and other chemicals that stay in the rock, thereby staying in the water table as well.

If they go back to using water only, go ahead, drill baby drill. But you've got to get them to disclose what they are pumping into the ground (many won't, claiming that their formulas are secret), and if there are toxins in it, they've gotta stop.

People living around fracking areas are experiencing flaming water, and on occasion, mild earthquakes due to the drilling.
Fracker are going to wreck this nation's water tables, sell the excess petroeum and gas offshore, pocket the profits, invest them offshore, and leave the American people with the cost of cleanup.

Count on that.

So...they have been fraccing since the late 40's and......people are just now noticing these bad things? Or did these bad things not even happen until the recent outbreak of fraccing hysteria happened (can't have more natural gas being developed...quick! what excuses can we come up with next to make it a bad thing!!)?

When they were fracking in the 40's and 50's, they were using WATER ONLY to do the work.

They weren't using any more water than I was when doing frac jobs in the mid 90's. And X-link gels were being used WAY before that. Like I said, this stuff has been around a long time, seems kind of silly to get everyone worked up now after it has been safely deployed for half a century.

ABikerSailor said:
Many of the fracking formulas today use stuff like benzene and other chemicals that stay in the rock, thereby staying in the water table as well.

For starters, get it through your head that the formation being fracked isn't the water table. And the procedure which immediately follows the frac is called a "flowback". Want to guess what that means?

ABikerSailor said:
If they go back to using water only, go ahead, drill baby drill. But you've got to get them to disclose what they are pumping into the ground (many won't, claiming that their formulas are secret), and if there are toxins in it, they've gotta stop.

Why? Those formulas have been around for that same half century, and how many people have died from drinking water polluted by fracking in that time? Could the answer be...none?

ABikerSailor said:
People living around fracking areas are experiencing flaming water, and on occasion, mild earthquakes due to the drilling.

Oh please, now we are bringing in the garland nonsense? Go read up on a topic some more, once you learn how hydraulic fracturing CAN pollute a freshwater aquifer, you will also learn why it doesn't happen, or if it does, it is spotted and can be fixed on the spot.
Why is it that the gas companies won't disclose their fracking fluids?

I'll tell ya why, it's because their fluids are dangerous and toxic.
Why is it that the gas companies won't disclose their fracking fluids?

For the same reason you don't pay more taxes than is required of you...BECAUSE IT ISN'T REQUIRED OF YOU. If it was required, they would do it. It isn't.

ABikerSailor said:
I'll tell ya why, it's because their fluids are dangerous and toxic.

And you should pay taxes which aren't required of you because obviously you are a tax cheat.
Why is it that the gas companies won't disclose their fracking fluids?

For the same reason you don't pay more taxes than is required of you...BECAUSE IT ISN'T REQUIRED OF YOU. If it was required, they would do it. It isn't.

ABikerSailor said:
I'll tell ya why, it's because their fluids are dangerous and toxic.

And you should pay taxes which aren't required of you because obviously you are a tax cheat.

There are several states where laws are currently being passed to force them to disclose their formulas to the government to determine if they are toxic or not. Colorado is one.
It's very apparent several on this page have no concept of geology, water tables, aquifers, and most importantly fracking. The DEQ in Pennsylvania and North Dakota and other states have a little better understanding as to what is used, pollution issues and controls, furthermore the monitoring of proprietary elements involved. Unless you are willing to do some independent research, read unbiased assessments, you are doomed to be nothing more than an uneducated pawn in the environmental game. Simply unbelievable how ignorant people can be, a real testament to how this country got so financially screwed up.
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I'm pretty sure that in the old days they used diesel fuel in frac jobs.
Regarding the ingredients, or "recipies", here's a simple breakdown. (image)

Companies spend many millions of dollars developing frac compounds and formulas which are tailor-made depending on the application. My guess is that they are trademarked.


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Natural Gas Is A Bridge To Nowhere Absent A Carbon Price AND Strong Standards To Reduce Methane Leakage | ThinkProgress
^Another study finds that Natural gas is no cleaner then coal

^Study finds that Fracking costs more than the net benefit it creates
Ohio Earthquake Linked To Fracking Injection Wells | ThinkProgress
^4.0 earthquake in Ohio caused by fracking

USGS Report: Link Between Fracking and Oklahoma Earthquakes | Crooks and Liars
^Fracking responsible for earthquakes/
^Fracking linked to Oklahoma’s historic 5.6 earthquake.
^Fracking responsible for around 50 earthquakes in Oklahoma alone during a year.

Wall Street Journal Spins Fracking Study To Downplay Risks | Media Matters for America
^A Duke University study found that 81% water wells near Fracking sites were contaminated with ethane, compared to 9% that are not near Fracking sites
^Also methane concentrations were 17 times higher in wells near Fracking sites.

BBC News - Shale gas drilling 'contaminates drinking water'
^ Shale gas drilling contaminates drinking water.

Maryland To Sue Chesapeake Energy For PA Fracking Blowout | ThinkProgress
^Maryland set to sue Chesapeake Energy for PA fracking blowout; which ended up contaminating water drinking supplies.

Daily Kos: Natural Gas, How Clean is it? A Bad News, more Bad News Story
^It is true that Natural Gas emits less Carbon into the atmosphere; however it emits more methane into the atmosphere
^Also to mine natural gas fracking techniques must be used.

Daily Kos: "Massive" Fracking Blowout spill in PA. (Updated)
^Fracking spill occurs

Congressional report: 29 human carcinogens found in hydraulic fracturing fluids | The Washington Independent
^29 Chemicals used in Fracking are known to cause cancer.

REPORT: Seven States Where Republicans Are Ruining The Environment | ThinkProgress
^Water tests in fracking have discovered that due to fracking drinking and other water supplies now contain unhealthy levels of radon, mercury, sulfates, carbonates and nitrates.
^Fracking also has been known to cause small earthquakes.

Daily Kos: Fracked Water Not Fit to Drink
^The 71,000 fracking gas wells in Penn. has resulted in 1.3 billion gallons of highly polluted water to be produced over 3 years.
^In Texas areas that saw around a 40% increase in natural gas wells has resulted in children having around 4 times the risk to have asthma.

Natural gas from shale worse for global warming than coal, Cornell study says | PennLive.com
^Fracking/shale is worse than coal

REPORT: Will Natural Gas Fuel America in the 21st Century?
^Fracking/shale worse than coal


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