"U.S. Government FOR SALE"....Koch Brothers are the buyers

"Who are they buying it from?" might be a more interesting question.
This is an oldie but a goody argument the GOP always falls back on. The Democrats are just as bad. They don't care that the Koch's are involved because they like their agenda. I don't. And they use Soros as this boogie man. So funny. Meanwhile we have hard evidence the Koch brothers have moved the GOP too far to the right and they are the kind of family that liked the Nazi's. Real good role models for young republicans.
The amount of money promised by the Koch brothers to "buy" the next election cycle, is STAGGERING.......Can anyone (with a straight face) actually state that the Kochs will not be asking for anything back from those corrupted politicans whom they'll help gain office? Thanks to the Supreme Court, the brothel that is D.C. has gotten even sleazier......
Who will benefit? Cable stations and local channels, printers, conference halls, etc.
And who will lose? Common citizens, including the right wing, ultra conservative dimwits ....
Koch brothers set 889 million budget for 2016

WASHINGTON — Top officials in the Koch brothers' political organization Monday released a staggering $889 million budget to fund the activities of the billionaires' sprawling network ahead of the 2016 presidential contest.
The budget, which pays for everything from advertising and data-gathering technology to grass-roots activism, was released to donors attending the annual winter meeting of Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, according to an attendee.

Damn, I didn't know Soros and the unions had decided to sell.
Are you kidding me? Do you know how many retired union guys collecting pensions shot themselves in the foot by voting in GOP governor rick snyder? He raised their taxes. Of course the unions for sale. Or it is too powerless now to do anything about anything anymore.

As unions decline, inequality rises

See what greed will get ya.
Lots of non union factories moved overseas. Are all americans greedy? Why didn't they move down to a red state instead of China or Mexico? Turns out red necks in red states are greedy too. They actually want a living wage.
The amount of money promised by the Koch brothers to "buy" the next election cycle, is STAGGERING.......Can anyone (with a straight face) actually state that the Kochs will not be asking for anything back from those corrupted politicans whom they'll help gain office? Thanks to the Supreme Court, the brothel that is D.C. has gotten even sleazier......
Who will benefit? Cable stations and local channels, printers, conference halls, etc.
And who will lose? Common citizens, including the right wing, ultra conservative dimwits ....
Koch brothers set 889 million budget for 2016

WASHINGTON — Top officials in the Koch brothers' political organization Monday released a staggering $889 million budget to fund the activities of the billionaires' sprawling network ahead of the 2016 presidential contest.
The budget, which pays for everything from advertising and data-gathering technology to grass-roots activism, was released to donors attending the annual winter meeting of Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, according to an attendee.

Damn, I didn't know Soros and the unions had decided to sell.
Are you kidding me? Do you know how many retired union guys collecting pensions shot themselves in the foot by voting in GOP governor rick snyder? He raised their taxes. Of course the unions for sale. Or it is too powerless now to do anything about anything anymore.

As unions decline, inequality rises

See what greed will get ya.
Lots of non union factories moved overseas. Are all americans greedy? Why didn't they move down to a red state instead of China or Mexico? Turns out red necks in red states are greedy too. They actually want a living wage.

Why didn't they move down to a red state instead of China or Mexico?

Seems a little company called BOING did exactly that and your dear leader tried to stop them.
"Who are they buying it from?" might be a more interesting question.
This is an oldie but a goody argument the GOP always falls back on. The Democrats are just as bad. They don't care ....

Whatever. I'm not interested in your blue/red partisan pissing matches. My comment is meant to point out that the real problem is that our government is for sale, and has been for some time.
Soros isn't selling the Dem party and that's 47% of the government
Who's he selling it to? The same people who already own the GOP.

If we the people are going to tea bag or take back a party it's going to be the Democratic party, not the GOP. The GOP is not an option if you are middle class unless you are a one issue wedge voter.
U.S. Government FOR SALE"....Koch Brothers are the buyers
Why blame the buyers? It seems to me that the sellers are the ones that are supposed to be the public servants and thus above bribery and corruption. You increase the power of government you increase the demand for and the profitability of buying politicians.
U.S. Government FOR SALE"....Koch Brothers are the buyers
Why blame the buyers? It seems to me that the sellers are the ones that are supposed to be the public servants and thus above bribery and corruption. You increase the power of government you increase the demand for and the profitability of buying politicians.
In a May 25, 2001 interview, Grover Norquist told National Public Radio's Mara Liasson, "I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub." Norquist got his wish. Democracy - and at least several thousand people, most of them Democrats, black, and poor - drowned last week in the basin of New Orleans. Our nation failed in its response, because for most of the past 25 years conservatives who don't believe in governance have run our government. - See more at: "You Can't Govern if You Don't Believe in Government"

[FONT=Open Sans, sans-serif]Do you need a more current example?
[FONT=Open Sans, sans-serif]Michigan Governor Rick Snyder Poisons Flint Kids And Then Declares An Emergency


The amount of money promised by the Koch brothers to "buy" the next election cycle, is STAGGERING.......Can anyone (with a straight face) actually state that the Kochs will not be asking for anything back from those corrupted politicans whom they'll help gain office? Thanks to the Supreme Court, the brothel that is D.C. has gotten even sleazier......
Who will benefit? Cable stations and local channels, printers, conference halls, etc.
And who will lose? Common citizens, including the right wing, ultra conservative dimwits ....
Koch brothers set 889 million budget for 2016

WASHINGTON — Top officials in the Koch brothers' political organization Monday released a staggering $889 million budget to fund the activities of the billionaires' sprawling network ahead of the 2016 presidential contest.
The budget, which pays for everything from advertising and data-gathering technology to grass-roots activism, was released to donors attending the annual winter meeting of Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, according to an attendee.
Wanted to share this about the Koch family

Koch brothers’ father did business with the Nazis, book claims — just like Prescott Bush, Henry Ford & some U.S. corporations

Fred Koch, the father of powerful right-wing American billionaires Charles and David Koch, did business with the Nazis. Fred Koch helped build the third-largest oil refinery in Nazi Germany in the 1930s. His project was personally approved by Adolf Hitler, and the oil refinery fueled German planes, helping the Nazis carry out a campaign of genocide and destruction across Europe. Fred Koch was such an admirer of Nazism, he hired a Nazi as a governess for his eldest boys.
Kochs the hidden and self-interested hands behind the rise and growth of the modern conservative movement. These ultra-rich families fund rightist think tanks, form reactionary political organizations, sponsor large scholarships and lobby aggressively for anti-tax policies. Kochs have created a veritable economic and political empire, using their voluminous wealth to bankroll hard-line right-wing political activity. In many ways, the billionaire brothers control the Republican Party. In the 1970s, the right-wing libertarian publication Reason repeatedly gave a platform to Holocaust deniers and Nazi sympathizers. The Koch Brothers have given millions of dollars to the Reason Foundation, and David Koch sits on its board of trustees.

Sooooo, the Koch's dad did business with them, but your buddy Soros actually turned Jews over to the Nazis and proclaimed it the happiest time in his life. And you like Soros and think the Kochs are evil. You're pretty amusing dude. Stupid, but amusing....

Soros isn't pushing right wing libertarian policies last I checked. It is that which I object to. And do you have a link to soror saying that?

So Koch brothers father my of had dealings with Germany and Soros himself helped deliver Jews to the Nazis, however you are only outraged at the Koch's father because his sons are libertarians and yet it is okay that Soros helped kill Jews.

This is the stupidity of the left personified.
The amount of money promised by the Koch brothers to "buy" the next election cycle, is STAGGERING.......Can anyone (with a straight face) actually state that the Kochs will not be asking for anything back from those corrupted politicans whom they'll help gain office? Thanks to the Supreme Court, the brothel that is D.C. has gotten even sleazier......
Who will benefit? Cable stations and local channels, printers, conference halls, etc.
And who will lose? Common citizens, including the right wing, ultra conservative dimwits ....
Koch brothers set 889 million budget for 2016

WASHINGTON — Top officials in the Koch brothers' political organization Monday released a staggering $889 million budget to fund the activities of the billionaires' sprawling network ahead of the 2016 presidential contest.
The budget, which pays for everything from advertising and data-gathering technology to grass-roots activism, was released to donors attending the annual winter meeting of Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, according to an attendee.

Is it for sale? I didn't think George Soros would EVER sell it.
Does Soros own the GOP too? Wow! Now that would be something.

Have you been asleep the past 7 years? The GOP hasn't done diddly squat to stop obama.
Soros isn't selling the Dem party and that's 47% of the government
Who's he selling it to? The same people who already own the GOP.

If we the people are going to tea bag or take back a party it's going to be the Democratic party, not the GOP. The GOP is not an option if you are middle class unless you are a one issue wedge voter.

Lobbyist buy off the Democratic legislators every day. The have no intention of standing up to big business.
The amount of money promised by the Koch brothers to "buy" the next election cycle, is STAGGERING.......Can anyone (with a straight face) actually state that the Kochs will not be asking for anything back from those corrupted politicans whom they'll help gain office? Thanks to the Supreme Court, the brothel that is D.C. has gotten even sleazier......
Who will benefit? Cable stations and local channels, printers, conference halls, etc.
And who will lose? Common citizens, including the right wing, ultra conservative dimwits ....
Koch brothers set 889 million budget for 2016

WASHINGTON — Top officials in the Koch brothers' political organization Monday released a staggering $889 million budget to fund the activities of the billionaires' sprawling network ahead of the 2016 presidential contest.
The budget, which pays for everything from advertising and data-gathering technology to grass-roots activism, was released to donors attending the annual winter meeting of Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, according to an attendee.
Wanted to share this about the Koch family

Koch brothers’ father did business with the Nazis, book claims — just like Prescott Bush, Henry Ford & some U.S. corporations

Fred Koch, the father of powerful right-wing American billionaires Charles and David Koch, did business with the Nazis. Fred Koch helped build the third-largest oil refinery in Nazi Germany in the 1930s. His project was personally approved by Adolf Hitler, and the oil refinery fueled German planes, helping the Nazis carry out a campaign of genocide and destruction across Europe. Fred Koch was such an admirer of Nazism, he hired a Nazi as a governess for his eldest boys.
Kochs the hidden and self-interested hands behind the rise and growth of the modern conservative movement. These ultra-rich families fund rightist think tanks, form reactionary political organizations, sponsor large scholarships and lobby aggressively for anti-tax policies. Kochs have created a veritable economic and political empire, using their voluminous wealth to bankroll hard-line right-wing political activity. In many ways, the billionaire brothers control the Republican Party. In the 1970s, the right-wing libertarian publication Reason repeatedly gave a platform to Holocaust deniers and Nazi sympathizers. The Koch Brothers have given millions of dollars to the Reason Foundation, and David Koch sits on its board of trustees.

Sooooo, the Koch's dad did business with them, but your buddy Soros actually turned Jews over to the Nazis and proclaimed it the happiest time in his life. And you like Soros and think the Kochs are evil. You're pretty amusing dude. Stupid, but amusing....

Soros isn't pushing right wing libertarian policies last I checked. It is that which I object to. And do you have a link to soror saying that?

So Koch brothers father my of had dealings with Germany and Soros himself helped deliver Jews to the Nazis, however you are only outraged at the Koch's father because his sons are libertarians and yet it is okay that Soros helped kill Jews.

This is the stupidity of the left personified.

A. I don't know that Soros did what you say he did. I hardly know who the guy is or what he does. If the right wing media wants to warn us about this guy, they're going to have to do a better job of explaining to us who he is and why he is bad for us. I don't see Soros pushing right wing radical libertarian policies.
B. The Koch brothers are very bad people. Sure they give to charities they deem worthy but they are anti middle class and anti American. Why don't you read the book? You might learn something. And I'm all ears about how Soros is the devil. Right now he seems like the boogyman for the GOP.

You are certainly a big fan of the GOP. The claws come out when I attack them. Or the rich people that own them and push the right wing agenda. Are you a libertarian or something? To be honest, I don't even know what you are other than anti Democratic.
Soros isn't selling the Dem party and that's 47% of the government
Who's he selling it to? The same people who already own the GOP.

If we the people are going to tea bag or take back a party it's going to be the Democratic party, not the GOP. The GOP is not an option if you are middle class unless you are a one issue wedge voter.

Lobbyist buy off the Democratic legislators every day. The have no intention of standing up to big business.
If the unions aren't going to lobby for workers who will?
The amount of money promised by the Koch brothers to "buy" the next election cycle, is STAGGERING.......Can anyone (with a straight face) actually state that the Kochs will not be asking for anything back from those corrupted politicans whom they'll help gain office? Thanks to the Supreme Court, the brothel that is D.C. has gotten even sleazier......
Who will benefit? Cable stations and local channels, printers, conference halls, etc.
And who will lose? Common citizens, including the right wing, ultra conservative dimwits ....
Koch brothers set 889 million budget for 2016

WASHINGTON — Top officials in the Koch brothers' political organization Monday released a staggering $889 million budget to fund the activities of the billionaires' sprawling network ahead of the 2016 presidential contest.
The budget, which pays for everything from advertising and data-gathering technology to grass-roots activism, was released to donors attending the annual winter meeting of Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, according to an attendee.
Wanted to share this about the Koch family

Koch brothers’ father did business with the Nazis, book claims — just like Prescott Bush, Henry Ford & some U.S. corporations

Fred Koch, the father of powerful right-wing American billionaires Charles and David Koch, did business with the Nazis. Fred Koch helped build the third-largest oil refinery in Nazi Germany in the 1930s. His project was personally approved by Adolf Hitler, and the oil refinery fueled German planes, helping the Nazis carry out a campaign of genocide and destruction across Europe. Fred Koch was such an admirer of Nazism, he hired a Nazi as a governess for his eldest boys.
Kochs the hidden and self-interested hands behind the rise and growth of the modern conservative movement. These ultra-rich families fund rightist think tanks, form reactionary political organizations, sponsor large scholarships and lobby aggressively for anti-tax policies. Kochs have created a veritable economic and political empire, using their voluminous wealth to bankroll hard-line right-wing political activity. In many ways, the billionaire brothers control the Republican Party. In the 1970s, the right-wing libertarian publication Reason repeatedly gave a platform to Holocaust deniers and Nazi sympathizers. The Koch Brothers have given millions of dollars to the Reason Foundation, and David Koch sits on its board of trustees.

Sooooo, the Koch's dad did business with them, but your buddy Soros actually turned Jews over to the Nazis and proclaimed it the happiest time in his life. And you like Soros and think the Kochs are evil. You're pretty amusing dude. Stupid, but amusing....

Soros isn't pushing right wing libertarian policies last I checked. It is that which I object to. And do you have a link to soror saying that?

No, he's pushing left wing progressive policies. Which you happen to agree with so it's OK for a billionaire to buy the government to push YOUR agenda, but it's not OK for other billionaires to buy their portion of the government to fight it. Is that what I understand you to mean?

Hypocrite much?
The amount of money promised by the Koch brothers to "buy" the next election cycle, is STAGGERING.......Can anyone (with a straight face) actually state that the Kochs will not be asking for anything back from those corrupted politicans whom they'll help gain office? Thanks to the Supreme Court, the brothel that is D.C. has gotten even sleazier......
Who will benefit? Cable stations and local channels, printers, conference halls, etc.
And who will lose? Common citizens, including the right wing, ultra conservative dimwits ....
Koch brothers set 889 million budget for 2016

WASHINGTON — Top officials in the Koch brothers' political organization Monday released a staggering $889 million budget to fund the activities of the billionaires' sprawling network ahead of the 2016 presidential contest.
The budget, which pays for everything from advertising and data-gathering technology to grass-roots activism, was released to donors attending the annual winter meeting of Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, according to an attendee.
Wanted to share this about the Koch family

Koch brothers’ father did business with the Nazis, book claims — just like Prescott Bush, Henry Ford & some U.S. corporations

Fred Koch, the father of powerful right-wing American billionaires Charles and David Koch, did business with the Nazis. Fred Koch helped build the third-largest oil refinery in Nazi Germany in the 1930s. His project was personally approved by Adolf Hitler, and the oil refinery fueled German planes, helping the Nazis carry out a campaign of genocide and destruction across Europe. Fred Koch was such an admirer of Nazism, he hired a Nazi as a governess for his eldest boys.
Kochs the hidden and self-interested hands behind the rise and growth of the modern conservative movement. These ultra-rich families fund rightist think tanks, form reactionary political organizations, sponsor large scholarships and lobby aggressively for anti-tax policies. Kochs have created a veritable economic and political empire, using their voluminous wealth to bankroll hard-line right-wing political activity. In many ways, the billionaire brothers control the Republican Party. In the 1970s, the right-wing libertarian publication Reason repeatedly gave a platform to Holocaust deniers and Nazi sympathizers. The Koch Brothers have given millions of dollars to the Reason Foundation, and David Koch sits on its board of trustees.

Sooooo, the Koch's dad did business with them, but your buddy Soros actually turned Jews over to the Nazis and proclaimed it the happiest time in his life. And you like Soros and think the Kochs are evil. You're pretty amusing dude. Stupid, but amusing....

Soros isn't pushing right wing libertarian policies last I checked. It is that which I object to. And do you have a link to soror saying that?

So Koch brothers father my of had dealings with Germany and Soros himself helped deliver Jews to the Nazis, however you are only outraged at the Koch's father because his sons are libertarians and yet it is okay that Soros helped kill Jews.

This is the stupidity of the left personified.

A. I don't know that Soros did what you say he did. I hardly know who the guy is or what he does. If the right wing media wants to warn us about this guy, they're going to have to do a better job of explaining to us who he is and why he is bad for us. I don't see Soros pushing right wing radical libertarian policies.
B. The Koch brothers are very bad people. Sure they give to charities they deem worthy but they are anti middle class and anti American. Why don't you read the book? You might learn something. And I'm all ears about how Soros is the devil. Right now he seems like the boogyman for the GOP.

You are certainly a big fan of the GOP. The claws come out when I attack them. Or the rich people that own them and push the right wing agenda. Are you a libertarian or something? To be honest, I don't even know what you are other than anti Democratic.

When you make stupid assumptions and accusations while excusing your party and all the rich in your party. The double standard is really telling.
Republicans got their wish and have practically destroyed unions in America. So what has been accomplished? The rich got richer and the poor got poorer.

And then Rethuglicans will try to turn around and blame liberals for the inequality and try to ignore that its their policies that destroyed the middle class. And meanwhile the richest Republicans are crying about the debt all while their $1 billion is now $8 billion and USMB redumblicans are soooo worried about them.

No, the unions have done themselves in. A good friend of mine is a retired Chief Engineer from the former US maritime service. He worked for APL (look them up) and thanks to the unions he had a wonderful salary, excellent benefits, and a wonderful retirement (he makes more in one year retired than you probably will in your entire life) but he also admitted that the union had killed the American shipping industry. they so priced themselves out of competition that now the only American flagged shipping line is Matson Bros. and they are only US flagged because they have to be by law as they are part of the US Military Sealift Command.

Hundreds of shipping lines were forced out of business by the unions and their demands.

The same thing is happening in the trades. I have an acquaintance who is a union electrician. He gets very little work from his shop (San Jose) so he moved up here to Nevada where he works on non union jobs to survive. The union gives the jobs to their friends and the rest of the guys like the guy I know are left to fend for themselves on maybe three gigs in a year. That's retarded. And THAT is what has killed the unions.
Soros isn't selling the Dem party and that's 47% of the government
Who's he selling it to? The same people who already own the GOP.

If we the people are going to tea bag or take back a party it's going to be the Democratic party, not the GOP. The GOP is not an option if you are middle class unless you are a one issue wedge voter.

Lobbyist buy off the Democratic legislators every day. The have no intention of standing up to big business.
If the unions aren't going to lobby for workers who will?

I have no issue with unions, if you want to unionize go ahead. To say the best party to take back is the Democratic Party is plain stupid, they are beholding to the lobbyist.

You best chance is to vote out incumbents and pressure the new Congress to write laws to limit lobbyist and that is a slim chance.
Republicans got their wish and have practically destroyed unions in America. So what has been accomplished? The rich got richer and the poor got poorer.

And then Rethuglicans will try to turn around and blame liberals for the inequality and try to ignore that its their policies that destroyed the middle class. And meanwhile the richest Republicans are crying about the debt all while their $1 billion is now $8 billion and USMB redumblicans are soooo worried about them.

No, the unions have done themselves in. A good friend of mine is a retired Chief Engineer from the former US maritime service. He worked for APL (look them up) and thanks to the unions he had a wonderful salary, excellent benefits, and a wonderful retirement (he makes more in one year retired than you probably will in your entire life) but he also admitted that the union had killed the American shipping industry. they so priced themselves out of competition that now the only American flagged shipping line is Matson Bros. and they are only US flagged because they have to be by law as they are part of the US Military Sealift Command.

Hundreds of shipping lines were forced out of business by the unions and their demands.

The same thing is happening in the trades. I have an acquaintance who is a union electrician. He gets very little work from his shop (San Jose) so he moved up here to Nevada where he works on non union jobs to survive. The union gives the jobs to their friends and the rest of the guys like the guy I know are left to fend for themselves on maybe three gigs in a year. That's retarded. And THAT is what has killed the unions.

I know a former union rep that was with a large transit company and he said he was forced to represent people that deserved to be fired and constantly skirted the rules because they had Union protection.
The amount of money promised by the Koch brothers to "buy" the next election cycle, is STAGGERING.......Can anyone (with a straight face) actually state that the Kochs will not be asking for anything back from those corrupted politicans whom they'll help gain office? Thanks to the Supreme Court, the brothel that is D.C. has gotten even sleazier......
Who will benefit? Cable stations and local channels, printers, conference halls, etc.
And who will lose? Common citizens, including the right wing, ultra conservative dimwits ....
Koch brothers set 889 million budget for 2016

WASHINGTON — Top officials in the Koch brothers' political organization Monday released a staggering $889 million budget to fund the activities of the billionaires' sprawling network ahead of the 2016 presidential contest.
The budget, which pays for everything from advertising and data-gathering technology to grass-roots activism, was released to donors attending the annual winter meeting of Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, according to an attendee.
Wanted to share this about the Koch family

Koch brothers’ father did business with the Nazis, book claims — just like Prescott Bush, Henry Ford & some U.S. corporations

Fred Koch, the father of powerful right-wing American billionaires Charles and David Koch, did business with the Nazis. Fred Koch helped build the third-largest oil refinery in Nazi Germany in the 1930s. His project was personally approved by Adolf Hitler, and the oil refinery fueled German planes, helping the Nazis carry out a campaign of genocide and destruction across Europe. Fred Koch was such an admirer of Nazism, he hired a Nazi as a governess for his eldest boys.
Kochs the hidden and self-interested hands behind the rise and growth of the modern conservative movement. These ultra-rich families fund rightist think tanks, form reactionary political organizations, sponsor large scholarships and lobby aggressively for anti-tax policies. Kochs have created a veritable economic and political empire, using their voluminous wealth to bankroll hard-line right-wing political activity. In many ways, the billionaire brothers control the Republican Party. In the 1970s, the right-wing libertarian publication Reason repeatedly gave a platform to Holocaust deniers and Nazi sympathizers. The Koch Brothers have given millions of dollars to the Reason Foundation, and David Koch sits on its board of trustees.

Sooooo, the Koch's dad did business with them, but your buddy Soros actually turned Jews over to the Nazis and proclaimed it the happiest time in his life. And you like Soros and think the Kochs are evil. You're pretty amusing dude. Stupid, but amusing....

Soros isn't pushing right wing libertarian policies last I checked. It is that which I object to. And do you have a link to soror saying that?

So Koch brothers father my of had dealings with Germany and Soros himself helped deliver Jews to the Nazis, however you are only outraged at the Koch's father because his sons are libertarians and yet it is okay that Soros helped kill Jews.

This is the stupidity of the left personified.

A. I don't know that Soros did what you say he did. I hardly know who the guy is or what he does. If the right wing media wants to warn us about this guy, they're going to have to do a better job of explaining to us who he is and why he is bad for us. I don't see Soros pushing right wing radical libertarian policies.
B. The Koch brothers are very bad people. Sure they give to charities they deem worthy but they are anti middle class and anti American. Why don't you read the book? You might learn something. And I'm all ears about how Soros is the devil. Right now he seems like the boogyman for the GOP.

You are certainly a big fan of the GOP. The claws come out when I attack them. Or the rich people that own them and push the right wing agenda. Are you a libertarian or something? To be honest, I don't even know what you are other than anti Democratic.

The fact that you refuse to even look into just what kind of scumbag Soros is is very telling. As bad as you claim the Kochs to be Soros is. He has bankrupted PUBLIC EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS TO MAKE HIS BILLIONS! He is far more despicable than the Kochs are and you don't care. What an asshole...

– In 1997, during the Asian financial crisis, the then Malaysian Prime Minister, Mahathir bin Mohamad, accused him of bringing down the Malaysian currency, the ringgit, through his trading activities. In Thailand he was branded an “economic war criminal” who “sucks the blood from the people”.

Soros Created ‘Abenomics’
To Suicide Japan’s Economy

Soros Created ‘Abenomics’ To Suicide Japan’s Economy
Republicans got their wish and have practically destroyed unions in America. So what has been accomplished? The rich got richer and the poor got poorer.

And then Rethuglicans will try to turn around and blame liberals for the inequality and try to ignore that its their policies that destroyed the middle class. And meanwhile the richest Republicans are crying about the debt all while their $1 billion is now $8 billion and USMB redumblicans are soooo worried about them.

No, the unions have done themselves in. A good friend of mine is a retired Chief Engineer from the former US maritime service. He worked for APL (look them up) and thanks to the unions he had a wonderful salary, excellent benefits, and a wonderful retirement (he makes more in one year retired than you probably will in your entire life) but he also admitted that the union had killed the American shipping industry. they so priced themselves out of competition that now the only American flagged shipping line is Matson Bros. and they are only US flagged because they have to be by law as they are part of the US Military Sealift Command.

Hundreds of shipping lines were forced out of business by the unions and their demands.

The same thing is happening in the trades. I have an acquaintance who is a union electrician. He gets very little work from his shop (San Jose) so he moved up here to Nevada where he works on non union jobs to survive. The union gives the jobs to their friends and the rest of the guys like the guy I know are left to fend for themselves on maybe three gigs in a year. That's retarded. And THAT is what has killed the unions.

I know a former union rep that was with a large transit company and he said he was forced to represent people that deserved to be fired and constantly skirted the rules because they had Union protection.

Yep. My dad worked as a truck driver for most of his life and even though he was an asshole he was a good worker. He never shirked I have to give him that much. He complained that at his trucking company there was roughly 20% of the work force who sat around and did nothing but collect a paycheck thanks to "work rules".

The union decided they were going to go on strike and the company told them they couldn't afford to pay any more. The union reps said they were lying. They went on strike and the company shut its doors the next day. Talk about a bunch of morons. Hundreds of workers without a job thanks to simple greed and stupidity.

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