"U.S. Government FOR SALE"....Koch Brothers are the buyers

So Koch brothers father my of had dealings with Germany and Soros himself helped deliver Jews to the Nazis, however you are only outraged at the Koch's father because his sons are libertarians and yet it is okay that Soros helped kill Jews.

This is the stupidity of the left personified.
A. I don't know that Soros did what you say he did. I hardly know who the guy is or what he does. If the right wing media wants to warn us about this guy, they're going to have to do a better job of explaining to us who he is and why he is bad for us. I don't see Soros pushing right wing radical libertarian policies.
B. The Koch brothers are very bad people. Sure they give to charities they deem worthy but they are anti middle class and anti American. Why don't you read the book? You might learn something. And I'm all ears about how Soros is the devil. Right now he seems like the boogyman for the GOP.

You are certainly a big fan of the GOP. The claws come out when I attack them. Or the rich people that own them and push the right wing agenda. Are you a libertarian or something? To be honest, I don't even know what you are other than anti Democratic.

The fact that you refuse to even look into just what kind of scumbag Soros is is very telling. As bad as you claim the Kochs to be Soros is. He has bankrupted PUBLIC EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS TO MAKE HIS BILLIONS! He is far more despicable than the Kochs are and you don't care. What an asshole...

– In 1997, during the Asian financial crisis, the then Malaysian Prime Minister, Mahathir bin Mohamad, accused him of bringing down the Malaysian currency, the ringgit, through his trading activities. In Thailand he was branded an “economic war criminal” who “sucks the blood from the people”.

Soros Created ‘Abenomics’
To Suicide Japan’s Economy

Soros Created ‘Abenomics’ To Suicide Japan’s Economy
Soros is a well known supporter of progressive and liberal political causes. Between 1979 and 2015 Soros donated more than $11 billion to various philanthropic causes. He played a significant role in the peaceful transition from communism to capitalism in Eastern Europe (1984–89) and provided one of Europe's largest higher education endowments to the Central European University in Budapest.

I did a quick search and didn't see anything that made him as bad as the Koch's.

Oh, and maybe we should take money out of our politics to give guys like this less power. Do you want to do that? Because I do. But that would mean the Koch's don't have any power either.

One person, one vote. That should be it. If you want to donate, the max you can donate is $100. I would like that. Would you? Would you like to stop guys like the Koch's and Soros from having too much power? See my friend, that is where you will stop short.

Do you like Citizens United?

Not as bad? Soros only crashed britains currency but he's all good. Lol.

And fucked over the people of Malaysia who's retirement programs he stole. Naaaah, he's a GREAT guy. The willful ignorance of the progressives is astonishing.

You believe that but you don't believe the 2007 TARP great recession was all done on purpose by the rich here in America?

Like I give a fuck about Malaysia. Is that all you got?

ALEC Exposed

I'm more worried about what the Koch's are planning here in America, not what's going on in Malaysia.

Through the corporate-funded American Legislative Exchange Council, global corporations and state politicians vote behind closed doors to try to rewrite state laws that govern your rights. These so-called "model bills" reach into almost every area of American life and often directly benefit huge corporations.
In ALEC's own words, corporations have "a VOICE and a VOTE" on specific changes to the law that are then proposed in your state. DO YOU? Numerous resources to help us expose ALEC are provided below. We have also created links to detailed discussions of key issues, which are available on the left.

Yea they are so stupid

45,800 Ford workers to get record profit-sharing checks - The Detroit News


And no coincidence as union membership declined from 35% of the US workforce to less than 10%, so has wages. So when you say unions are why companies leave the USA, you are correct because companies don't like paying good wages and Americans like making good wages.

You are really stupid with your blanket bullshit. Since you are so big on unions, which union do you work with? How much do you contribute to unions to help strengthen them.
I don't work for a union. But I do realize they brought all our wages up. Why else do you think Toyota and Honda pay highschool graduates so well in the south? FOR FEAR THEY WILL UNIONIZE. Why do you think all the companies around me in Metro Detroit paid so well for so many years? They had to keep up with what unions were paying. You may not know it but a rising tide lifts all boats.

So you don't go out and support a union, interesting how you champion them but won't work for one.

I would have loved to find a company that was a union. If you only knew the horrible companies I've worked for that should have been unionized. Unfortunately unions in America are all but dead. Only the UAW has any power really and other than them labor has no voice. Who lobbys for the middle class in Washington besides the unions? The unions keep the Democrats honest.

And don't say the Democrats let the unions down because the Unions let the Democrats down. They voted in Rick Snyder and Rick snyder made Michigan a right to work state. So the union workers get what they deserve. So do the American people when 50% of them don't even vote. I'm doing just fine. In fact I'm doing great. Just like Soros I care. The kocks care too but only about themselves.

I don't want to hear about what Soros did to England. What harm has he done to the American middle class? Give examples.

Lol. Just like you, soros doesn't care. Just a minute ago you said he was having bad affects on our govt.
He is, or could. Lets make it so he can't.

Watch: Lawmakers and Koch Lobbyists Caught Red-Handed Writing Bills In Secret Backrooms
Boogeyman alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Turns out when Citizens United was passed, none of the Republicans I talked to even knew what it was. The GOP snuck that shit in and the fact no one knew what it even was proves the media sure aint liberal.

I don't like Citizens United. Nor did I like the fact that the unions could propagandize their causes without interference. I am fully in favor of eliminating CU, but I also would demand that the unions not be allowed to do the exact same thing. CU was the corporate response to the unions and their constant attack on them.
Sure! All the unions should be able to do is endorse a candidate.
A. I don't know that Soros did what you say he did. I hardly know who the guy is or what he does. If the right wing media wants to warn us about this guy, they're going to have to do a better job of explaining to us who he is and why he is bad for us. I don't see Soros pushing right wing radical libertarian policies.
B. The Koch brothers are very bad people. Sure they give to charities they deem worthy but they are anti middle class and anti American. Why don't you read the book? You might learn something. And I'm all ears about how Soros is the devil. Right now he seems like the boogyman for the GOP.

You are certainly a big fan of the GOP. The claws come out when I attack them. Or the rich people that own them and push the right wing agenda. Are you a libertarian or something? To be honest, I don't even know what you are other than anti Democratic.

The fact that you refuse to even look into just what kind of scumbag Soros is is very telling. As bad as you claim the Kochs to be Soros is. He has bankrupted PUBLIC EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS TO MAKE HIS BILLIONS! He is far more despicable than the Kochs are and you don't care. What an asshole...

– In 1997, during the Asian financial crisis, the then Malaysian Prime Minister, Mahathir bin Mohamad, accused him of bringing down the Malaysian currency, the ringgit, through his trading activities. In Thailand he was branded an “economic war criminal” who “sucks the blood from the people”.

Soros Created ‘Abenomics’
To Suicide Japan’s Economy

Soros Created ‘Abenomics’ To Suicide Japan’s Economy
Soros is a well known supporter of progressive and liberal political causes. Between 1979 and 2015 Soros donated more than $11 billion to various philanthropic causes. He played a significant role in the peaceful transition from communism to capitalism in Eastern Europe (1984–89) and provided one of Europe's largest higher education endowments to the Central European University in Budapest.

I did a quick search and didn't see anything that made him as bad as the Koch's.

Oh, and maybe we should take money out of our politics to give guys like this less power. Do you want to do that? Because I do. But that would mean the Koch's don't have any power either.

One person, one vote. That should be it. If you want to donate, the max you can donate is $100. I would like that. Would you? Would you like to stop guys like the Koch's and Soros from having too much power? See my friend, that is where you will stop short.

Do you like Citizens United?

Not as bad? Soros only crashed britains currency but he's all good. Lol.

And fucked over the people of Malaysia who's retirement programs he stole. Naaaah, he's a GREAT guy. The willful ignorance of the progressives is astonishing.

You believe that but you don't believe the 2007 TARP great recession was all done on purpose by the rich here in America?

Like I give a fuck about Malaysia. Is that all you got?

ALEC Exposed

I'm more worried about what the Koch's are planning here in America, not what's going on in Malaysia.

Through the corporate-funded American Legislative Exchange Council, global corporations and state politicians vote behind closed doors to try to rewrite state laws that govern your rights. These so-called "model bills" reach into almost every area of American life and often directly benefit huge corporations.
In ALEC's own words, corporations have "a VOICE and a VOTE" on specific changes to the law that are then proposed in your state. DO YOU? Numerous resources to help us expose ALEC are provided below. We have also created links to detailed discussions of key issues, which are available on the left.

We're 19 trillion in the hole, massive welfare, record numbers on unemployment, 100 million out of work and an economy that has been artificially blown up to the tune of 4 trillion dollars, over the last 5 years. An economy that is collapsing as we speak. Bubba, this had nothing to do with the koch boogey boys.
I know a former union rep that was with a large transit company and he said he was forced to represent people that deserved to be fired and constantly skirted the rules because they had Union protection.

Yep. My dad worked as a truck driver for most of his life and even though he was an asshole he was a good worker. He never shirked I have to give him that much. He complained that at his trucking company there was roughly 20% of the work force who sat around and did nothing but collect a paycheck thanks to "work rules".

The union decided they were going to go on strike and the company told them they couldn't afford to pay any more. The union reps said they were lying. They went on strike and the company shut its doors the next day. Talk about a bunch of morons. Hundreds of workers without a job thanks to simple greed and stupidity.

Yea they are so stupid

45,800 Ford workers to get record profit-sharing checks - The Detroit News


And no coincidence as union membership declined from 35% of the US workforce to less than 10%, so has wages. So when you say unions are why companies leave the USA, you are correct because companies don't like paying good wages and Americans like making good wages.

You are really stupid with your blanket bullshit. Since you are so big on unions, which union do you work with? How much do you contribute to unions to help strengthen them.
Sell me on the GOP. Convince me they are the party for you and me. And please no blanket statements.

You use blanket statements but don't want other to. More of the liberal hypocrisy. Why do you expect others to except your double standards?
You're the one who doesn't like blanket statements. Instead of you bashing me and my feelings, lets start hearing yours. If you don't like my idea, give me your alternative. So far you keep attacking my posts but I don't really get much back from you as far as alternatives.
A. I don't know that Soros did what you say he did. I hardly know who the guy is or what he does. If the right wing media wants to warn us about this guy, they're going to have to do a better job of explaining to us who he is and why he is bad for us. I don't see Soros pushing right wing radical libertarian policies.
B. The Koch brothers are very bad people. Sure they give to charities they deem worthy but they are anti middle class and anti American. Why don't you read the book? You might learn something. And I'm all ears about how Soros is the devil. Right now he seems like the boogyman for the GOP.

You are certainly a big fan of the GOP. The claws come out when I attack them. Or the rich people that own them and push the right wing agenda. Are you a libertarian or something? To be honest, I don't even know what you are other than anti Democratic.

The fact that you refuse to even look into just what kind of scumbag Soros is is very telling. As bad as you claim the Kochs to be Soros is. He has bankrupted PUBLIC EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS TO MAKE HIS BILLIONS! He is far more despicable than the Kochs are and you don't care. What an asshole...

– In 1997, during the Asian financial crisis, the then Malaysian Prime Minister, Mahathir bin Mohamad, accused him of bringing down the Malaysian currency, the ringgit, through his trading activities. In Thailand he was branded an “economic war criminal” who “sucks the blood from the people”.

Soros Created ‘Abenomics’
To Suicide Japan’s Economy

Soros Created ‘Abenomics’ To Suicide Japan’s Economy
Soros is a well known supporter of progressive and liberal political causes. Between 1979 and 2015 Soros donated more than $11 billion to various philanthropic causes. He played a significant role in the peaceful transition from communism to capitalism in Eastern Europe (1984–89) and provided one of Europe's largest higher education endowments to the Central European University in Budapest.

I did a quick search and didn't see anything that made him as bad as the Koch's.

Oh, and maybe we should take money out of our politics to give guys like this less power. Do you want to do that? Because I do. But that would mean the Koch's don't have any power either.

One person, one vote. That should be it. If you want to donate, the max you can donate is $100. I would like that. Would you? Would you like to stop guys like the Koch's and Soros from having too much power? See my friend, that is where you will stop short.

Do you like Citizens United?

Not as bad? Soros only crashed britains currency but he's all good. Lol.

And fucked over the people of Malaysia who's retirement programs he stole. Naaaah, he's a GREAT guy. The willful ignorance of the progressives is astonishing.

You believe that but you don't believe the 2007 TARP great recession was all done on purpose by the rich here in America?

Like I give a fuck about Malaysia. Is that all you got?

ALEC Exposed

I'm more worried about what the Koch's are planning here in America, not what's going on in Malaysia.

Through the corporate-funded American Legislative Exchange Council, global corporations and state politicians vote behind closed doors to try to rewrite state laws that govern your rights. These so-called "model bills" reach into almost every area of American life and often directly benefit huge corporations.
In ALEC's own words, corporations have "a VOICE and a VOTE" on specific changes to the law that are then proposed in your state. DO YOU? Numerous resources to help us expose ALEC are provided below. We have also created links to detailed discussions of key issues, which are available on the left.

You should. He feels about you like he felt about them. You are a pissant to be stepped on to garner him wealth. You think he does this shit because he's a nice guy? He does it to make money and you ignore it because he hasn't fucked you over...yet. You're the very definition of deaf dumb and blind.
The fact that you refuse to even look into just what kind of scumbag Soros is is very telling. As bad as you claim the Kochs to be Soros is. He has bankrupted PUBLIC EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS TO MAKE HIS BILLIONS! He is far more despicable than the Kochs are and you don't care. What an asshole...

– In 1997, during the Asian financial crisis, the then Malaysian Prime Minister, Mahathir bin Mohamad, accused him of bringing down the Malaysian currency, the ringgit, through his trading activities. In Thailand he was branded an “economic war criminal” who “sucks the blood from the people”.

Soros Created ‘Abenomics’
To Suicide Japan’s Economy

Soros Created ‘Abenomics’ To Suicide Japan’s Economy
Soros is a well known supporter of progressive and liberal political causes. Between 1979 and 2015 Soros donated more than $11 billion to various philanthropic causes. He played a significant role in the peaceful transition from communism to capitalism in Eastern Europe (1984–89) and provided one of Europe's largest higher education endowments to the Central European University in Budapest.

I did a quick search and didn't see anything that made him as bad as the Koch's.

Oh, and maybe we should take money out of our politics to give guys like this less power. Do you want to do that? Because I do. But that would mean the Koch's don't have any power either.

One person, one vote. That should be it. If you want to donate, the max you can donate is $100. I would like that. Would you? Would you like to stop guys like the Koch's and Soros from having too much power? See my friend, that is where you will stop short.

Do you like Citizens United?

Not as bad? Soros only crashed britains currency but he's all good. Lol.

And fucked over the people of Malaysia who's retirement programs he stole. Naaaah, he's a GREAT guy. The willful ignorance of the progressives is astonishing.

You believe that but you don't believe the 2007 TARP great recession was all done on purpose by the rich here in America?

Like I give a fuck about Malaysia. Is that all you got?

ALEC Exposed

I'm more worried about what the Koch's are planning here in America, not what's going on in Malaysia.

Through the corporate-funded American Legislative Exchange Council, global corporations and state politicians vote behind closed doors to try to rewrite state laws that govern your rights. These so-called "model bills" reach into almost every area of American life and often directly benefit huge corporations.
In ALEC's own words, corporations have "a VOICE and a VOTE" on specific changes to the law that are then proposed in your state. DO YOU? Numerous resources to help us expose ALEC are provided below. We have also created links to detailed discussions of key issues, which are available on the left.

We're 19 trillion in the hole, massive welfare, record numbers on unemployment, 100 million out of work and an economy that has been artificially blown up to the tune of 4 trillion dollars, over the last 5 years. An economy that is collapsing as we speak. Bubba, this had nothing to do with the koch boogey boys.
Do you know of a politician who says they are going to solve the debt? Name them please.
Soros is a well known supporter of progressive and liberal political causes. Between 1979 and 2015 Soros donated more than $11 billion to various philanthropic causes. He played a significant role in the peaceful transition from communism to capitalism in Eastern Europe (1984–89) and provided one of Europe's largest higher education endowments to the Central European University in Budapest.

I did a quick search and didn't see anything that made him as bad as the Koch's.

Oh, and maybe we should take money out of our politics to give guys like this less power. Do you want to do that? Because I do. But that would mean the Koch's don't have any power either.

One person, one vote. That should be it. If you want to donate, the max you can donate is $100. I would like that. Would you? Would you like to stop guys like the Koch's and Soros from having too much power? See my friend, that is where you will stop short.

Do you like Citizens United?

Not as bad? Soros only crashed britains currency but he's all good. Lol.

And fucked over the people of Malaysia who's retirement programs he stole. Naaaah, he's a GREAT guy. The willful ignorance of the progressives is astonishing.

You believe that but you don't believe the 2007 TARP great recession was all done on purpose by the rich here in America?

Like I give a fuck about Malaysia. Is that all you got?

ALEC Exposed

I'm more worried about what the Koch's are planning here in America, not what's going on in Malaysia.

Through the corporate-funded American Legislative Exchange Council, global corporations and state politicians vote behind closed doors to try to rewrite state laws that govern your rights. These so-called "model bills" reach into almost every area of American life and often directly benefit huge corporations.
In ALEC's own words, corporations have "a VOICE and a VOTE" on specific changes to the law that are then proposed in your state. DO YOU? Numerous resources to help us expose ALEC are provided below. We have also created links to detailed discussions of key issues, which are available on the left.

We're 19 trillion in the hole, massive welfare, record numbers on unemployment, 100 million out of work and an economy that has been artificially blown up to the tune of 4 trillion dollars, over the last 5 years. An economy that is collapsing as we speak. Bubba, this had nothing to do with the koch boogey boys.
Do you know of a politician who says they are going to solve the debt? Name them please.

They all do, then they resort to freebies, gravy train, and other trinkets out of the treasury to curry continuing favor.
Boogeyman alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Turns out when Citizens United was passed, none of the Republicans I talked to even knew what it was. The GOP snuck that shit in and the fact no one knew what it even was proves the media sure aint liberal.

I don't like Citizens United. Nor did I like the fact that the unions could propagandize their causes without interference. I am fully in favor of eliminating CU, but I also would demand that the unions not be allowed to do the exact same thing. CU was the corporate response to the unions and their constant attack on them.
Sure! All the unions should be able to do is endorse a candidate.

Then the corporations should be allowed to defend themselves. That is "fair" a term you all bleat about all the time. See how that works? No, no you don't. You are only interested in fair when you have all of the advantages and the opponent has to fight with a blindfold and one hand tied behind his back.

For the record I hate multinational corporations, I really do. But the crap you support helps them and strangles the small corporations that made this country great at one time. You are a one dimensional thinker which is why you are easily led about by the nose. That's a common problem with most progressives. You are all very childlike in that way.
The fact that you refuse to even look into just what kind of scumbag Soros is is very telling. As bad as you claim the Kochs to be Soros is. He has bankrupted PUBLIC EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT SYSTEMS TO MAKE HIS BILLIONS! He is far more despicable than the Kochs are and you don't care. What an asshole...

– In 1997, during the Asian financial crisis, the then Malaysian Prime Minister, Mahathir bin Mohamad, accused him of bringing down the Malaysian currency, the ringgit, through his trading activities. In Thailand he was branded an “economic war criminal” who “sucks the blood from the people”.

Soros Created ‘Abenomics’
To Suicide Japan’s Economy

Soros Created ‘Abenomics’ To Suicide Japan’s Economy
Soros is a well known supporter of progressive and liberal political causes. Between 1979 and 2015 Soros donated more than $11 billion to various philanthropic causes. He played a significant role in the peaceful transition from communism to capitalism in Eastern Europe (1984–89) and provided one of Europe's largest higher education endowments to the Central European University in Budapest.

I did a quick search and didn't see anything that made him as bad as the Koch's.

Oh, and maybe we should take money out of our politics to give guys like this less power. Do you want to do that? Because I do. But that would mean the Koch's don't have any power either.

One person, one vote. That should be it. If you want to donate, the max you can donate is $100. I would like that. Would you? Would you like to stop guys like the Koch's and Soros from having too much power? See my friend, that is where you will stop short.

Do you like Citizens United?

Not as bad? Soros only crashed britains currency but he's all good. Lol.

And fucked over the people of Malaysia who's retirement programs he stole. Naaaah, he's a GREAT guy. The willful ignorance of the progressives is astonishing.

You believe that but you don't believe the 2007 TARP great recession was all done on purpose by the rich here in America?

Like I give a fuck about Malaysia. Is that all you got?

ALEC Exposed

I'm more worried about what the Koch's are planning here in America, not what's going on in Malaysia.

Through the corporate-funded American Legislative Exchange Council, global corporations and state politicians vote behind closed doors to try to rewrite state laws that govern your rights. These so-called "model bills" reach into almost every area of American life and often directly benefit huge corporations.
In ALEC's own words, corporations have "a VOICE and a VOTE" on specific changes to the law that are then proposed in your state. DO YOU? Numerous resources to help us expose ALEC are provided below. We have also created links to detailed discussions of key issues, which are available on the left.

You should. He feels about you like he felt about them. You are a pissant to be stepped on to garner him wealth. You think he does this shit because he's a nice guy? He does it to make money and you ignore it because he hasn't fucked you over...yet. You're the very definition of deaf dumb and blind.

We know the Koch's and ALEC are anti middle class because of the legislation they push. What bills is Soro's trying to pass that are bad for the middle class here in America? I'm not defending Soros. I don't know enough about him. What's he trying to do to the American middle class?

And why are you deaf dumb and blind when it comes to conservative rich people like the Koch's and Citizens United? Reminds me of how Republicans hate illegal immigrants but as soon as you bring up illegal employers they start defending the practice of hiring illegals. You guys go right back to "jobs Americans won't do" or "do you want a apple to cost $10?"
Why blame the buyers? It seems to me that the sellers are the ones that are supposed to be the public servants and thus above bribery and corruption. You increase the power of government you increase the demand for and the profitability of buying politicians.

I tend to agree......Now, of the "buyers" and "sellers" who are the pimps and who are the whores?
Not as bad? Soros only crashed britains currency but he's all good. Lol.

And fucked over the people of Malaysia who's retirement programs he stole. Naaaah, he's a GREAT guy. The willful ignorance of the progressives is astonishing.

You believe that but you don't believe the 2007 TARP great recession was all done on purpose by the rich here in America?

Like I give a fuck about Malaysia. Is that all you got?

ALEC Exposed

I'm more worried about what the Koch's are planning here in America, not what's going on in Malaysia.

Through the corporate-funded American Legislative Exchange Council, global corporations and state politicians vote behind closed doors to try to rewrite state laws that govern your rights. These so-called "model bills" reach into almost every area of American life and often directly benefit huge corporations.
In ALEC's own words, corporations have "a VOICE and a VOTE" on specific changes to the law that are then proposed in your state. DO YOU? Numerous resources to help us expose ALEC are provided below. We have also created links to detailed discussions of key issues, which are available on the left.

We're 19 trillion in the hole, massive welfare, record numbers on unemployment, 100 million out of work and an economy that has been artificially blown up to the tune of 4 trillion dollars, over the last 5 years. An economy that is collapsing as we speak. Bubba, this had nothing to do with the koch boogey boys.
Do you know of a politician who says they are going to solve the debt? Name them please.

They all do, then they resort to freebies, gravy train, and other trinkets out of the treasury to curry continuing favor.
Show me one link to one candidate who says they are going to solve the debt. They may point to the debt as a problem but they never ever ever say they are going to pay it off. Do you know the difference between debt and deficit?
The amount of money promised by the Koch brothers to "buy" the next election cycle, is STAGGERING.......Can anyone (with a straight face) actually state that the Kochs will not be asking for anything back from those corrupted politicans whom they'll help gain office? Thanks to the Supreme Court, the brothel that is D.C. has gotten even sleazier......
Who will benefit? Cable stations and local channels, printers, conference halls, etc.
And who will lose? Common citizens, including the right wing, ultra conservative dimwits ....
Koch brothers set 889 million budget for 2016

WASHINGTON — Top officials in the Koch brothers' political organization Monday released a staggering $889 million budget to fund the activities of the billionaires' sprawling network ahead of the 2016 presidential contest.
The budget, which pays for everything from advertising and data-gathering technology to grass-roots activism, was released to donors attending the annual winter meeting of Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, according to an attendee.
I hereby challenge you to go to opensecrets.org and look up the donors for the ten most influential members of the Democratic Party, and then do the same for the top ten Republicans.

I then defy you to tell me the differences between their donors.

Guess which politician's list of career top donors this is:


Look at all those big name Wall Street and law firms!
And fucked over the people of Malaysia who's retirement programs he stole. Naaaah, he's a GREAT guy. The willful ignorance of the progressives is astonishing.

You believe that but you don't believe the 2007 TARP great recession was all done on purpose by the rich here in America?

Like I give a fuck about Malaysia. Is that all you got?

ALEC Exposed

I'm more worried about what the Koch's are planning here in America, not what's going on in Malaysia.

Through the corporate-funded American Legislative Exchange Council, global corporations and state politicians vote behind closed doors to try to rewrite state laws that govern your rights. These so-called "model bills" reach into almost every area of American life and often directly benefit huge corporations.
In ALEC's own words, corporations have "a VOICE and a VOTE" on specific changes to the law that are then proposed in your state. DO YOU? Numerous resources to help us expose ALEC are provided below. We have also created links to detailed discussions of key issues, which are available on the left.

We're 19 trillion in the hole, massive welfare, record numbers on unemployment, 100 million out of work and an economy that has been artificially blown up to the tune of 4 trillion dollars, over the last 5 years. An economy that is collapsing as we speak. Bubba, this had nothing to do with the koch boogey boys.
Do you know of a politician who says they are going to solve the debt? Name them please.

They all do, then they resort to freebies, gravy train, and other trinkets out of the treasury to curry continuing favor.
Show me one link to one candidate who says they are going to solve the debt. They may point to the debt as a problem but they never ever ever say they are going to pay it off. Do you know the difference between debt and deficit?

Prove to me that you know the difference between the debt and deficit. This is fun.
Boogeyman alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Turns out when Citizens United was passed, none of the Republicans I talked to even knew what it was. The GOP snuck that shit in and the fact no one knew what it even was proves the media sure aint liberal.

I don't like Citizens United. Nor did I like the fact that the unions could propagandize their causes without interference. I am fully in favor of eliminating CU, but I also would demand that the unions not be allowed to do the exact same thing. CU was the corporate response to the unions and their constant attack on them.
Sure! All the unions should be able to do is endorse a candidate.

Then the corporations should be allowed to defend themselves. That is "fair" a term you all bleat about all the time. See how that works? No, no you don't. You are only interested in fair when you have all of the advantages and the opponent has to fight with a blindfold and one hand tied behind his back.

For the record I hate multinational corporations, I really do. But the crap you support helps them and strangles the small corporations that made this country great at one time. You are a one dimensional thinker which is why you are easily led about by the nose. That's a common problem with most progressives. You are all very childlike in that way.
So far you guys have agreed with me that multi national corporations are bad and so is citizens united but you have been convinced liberals are to blame.

What are Republicans and conservatives doing to solve our problem with Citizens united and multinational corporations. Nothing? Then clean up your own house first before you tell me mine is a mess.
Boogeyman alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Turns out when Citizens United was passed, none of the Republicans I talked to even knew what it was. The GOP snuck that shit in and the fact no one knew what it even was proves the media sure aint liberal.

You are not to sharp on history are you? The Campaign Finance Bill, better known as McCain-Feingold Bill, was passed in 2002. The House passed the bill 240-189. Republicans voted 41 yes and 176 nay. Democrats voted 198 yes and 12 nay.

The Senate passed the bill 60-40. Republicans voted 11 yes and 38 nay, the Democrats voted 48 yes, 2 nay and an independent vote for it.

Bush signed it into law and questioned the Constitutionality of the law.

The Democrats were the vast majority wanting this piece of crap legislation that led to the Citizens United ruling.

The Democrats sold you out by getting greedy and wanting to secure incumbents to keep their seats.

So spare me the GOP did it, you did it to yourselves, you guys are real dumb shits.
Boogeyman alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Turns out when Citizens United was passed, none of the Republicans I talked to even knew what it was. The GOP snuck that shit in and the fact no one knew what it even was proves the media sure aint liberal.

I don't like Citizens United. Nor did I like the fact that the unions could propagandize their causes without interference. I am fully in favor of eliminating CU, but I also would demand that the unions not be allowed to do the exact same thing. CU was the corporate response to the unions and their constant attack on them.
Sure! All the unions should be able to do is endorse a candidate.

Then the corporations should be allowed to defend themselves. That is "fair" a term you all bleat about all the time. See how that works? No, no you don't. You are only interested in fair when you have all of the advantages and the opponent has to fight with a blindfold and one hand tied behind his back.

For the record I hate multinational corporations, I really do. But the crap you support helps them and strangles the small corporations that made this country great at one time. You are a one dimensional thinker which is why you are easily led about by the nose. That's a common problem with most progressives. You are all very childlike in that way.
I suppose a corporation should have the freedom to run commercials but we want to know who's behind those commercials. Citizens United doesn't sound nearly as bad as it is. That's what Republicans do. They pass a bill called the Freedom Bill or Support The Troops bill but in reality it does the exact opposite.
Boogeyman alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Turns out when Citizens United was passed, none of the Republicans I talked to even knew what it was. The GOP snuck that shit in and the fact no one knew what it even was proves the media sure aint liberal.

I don't like Citizens United. Nor did I like the fact that the unions could propagandize their causes without interference. I am fully in favor of eliminating CU, but I also would demand that the unions not be allowed to do the exact same thing. CU was the corporate response to the unions and their constant attack on them.
Sure! All the unions should be able to do is endorse a candidate.

Then the corporations should be allowed to defend themselves. That is "fair" a term you all bleat about all the time. See how that works? No, no you don't. You are only interested in fair when you have all of the advantages and the opponent has to fight with a blindfold and one hand tied behind his back.

For the record I hate multinational corporations, I really do. But the crap you support helps them and strangles the small corporations that made this country great at one time. You are a one dimensional thinker which is why you are easily led about by the nose. That's a common problem with most progressives. You are all very childlike in that way.
So far you guys have agreed with me that multi national corporations are bad and so is citizens united but you have been convinced liberals are to blame.

What are Republicans and conservatives doing to solve our problem with Citizens united and multinational corporations. Nothing? Then clean up your own house first before you tell me mine is a mess.

What are libs doing to overturn Roe v Wade? Nothing.
Soros is a well known supporter of progressive and liberal political causes. Between 1979 and 2015 Soros donated more than $11 billion to various philanthropic causes. He played a significant role in the peaceful transition from communism to capitalism in Eastern Europe (1984–89) and provided one of Europe's largest higher education endowments to the Central European University in Budapest.

I did a quick search and didn't see anything that made him as bad as the Koch's.

Oh, and maybe we should take money out of our politics to give guys like this less power. Do you want to do that? Because I do. But that would mean the Koch's don't have any power either.

One person, one vote. That should be it. If you want to donate, the max you can donate is $100. I would like that. Would you? Would you like to stop guys like the Koch's and Soros from having too much power? See my friend, that is where you will stop short.

Do you like Citizens United?

Not as bad? Soros only crashed britains currency but he's all good. Lol.
Do I give a fuck about Britain? What has he done to hurt me?

Do you like Citizens United? If you would join me in an attempt to end it, you will also end Soros and Koch's power in Washington. But as usual you won't answer a question that will get you to admit the Koch's and Soros and all billionaires have too much power in our government. Maybe one day you'll realize they are why the debt is where it is, not liberals.

Turns out we don't have to pay taxes. We do so willingly. But only rich people know they don't have to pay taxes. And if poor people try it they'll go in front of a kangaroo court and be found guilty of what rich people get away with all the time.

Maybe one day you'll realize........no, you never will. It's weird how you libs say its accepted law when it comes to abortion and the recent gay marriage ruling but citizens united must be overturned.

Then don't complain about Soro's influence in our government if you don't really want to change it. You like the status quo. That's the definition of conservative.

Where is soros influencing our govt?

He has given $11 billion to left wing propaganda organizations.
The amount of money promised by the Koch brothers to "buy" the next election cycle, is STAGGERING.......Can anyone (with a straight face) actually state that the Kochs will not be asking for anything back from those corrupted politicans whom they'll help gain office? Thanks to the Supreme Court, the brothel that is D.C. has gotten even sleazier......
Who will benefit? Cable stations and local channels, printers, conference halls, etc.
And who will lose? Common citizens, including the right wing, ultra conservative dimwits ....
Koch brothers set 889 million budget for 2016

WASHINGTON — Top officials in the Koch brothers' political organization Monday released a staggering $889 million budget to fund the activities of the billionaires' sprawling network ahead of the 2016 presidential contest.
The budget, which pays for everything from advertising and data-gathering technology to grass-roots activism, was released to donors attending the annual winter meeting of Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, according to an attendee.
I hereby challenge you to go to opensecrets.org and look up the donors for the ten most influential members of the Democratic Party, and then do the same for the top ten Republicans.

I then defy you to tell me the differences between their donors.

Guess which politician's list of career top donors this is:


Look at all those big name Wall Street and law firms!

The Kochs may actually be different. A bit, anyway. They admit they enlarged their inherited fortune via corporate welfare, but they say they just played the game as it was, but they really believe in removing hidden govt incentives from markets.

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