"U.S. Government FOR SALE"....Koch Brothers are the buyers

Boogeyman alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Turns out when Citizens United was passed, none of the Republicans I talked to even knew what it was. The GOP snuck that shit in and the fact no one knew what it even was proves the media sure aint liberal.

I don't like Citizens United. Nor did I like the fact that the unions could propagandize their causes without interference. I am fully in favor of eliminating CU, but I also would demand that the unions not be allowed to do the exact same thing. CU was the corporate response to the unions and their constant attack on them.
Sure! All the unions should be able to do is endorse a candidate.

Then the corporations should be allowed to defend themselves. That is "fair" a term you all bleat about all the time. See how that works? No, no you don't. You are only interested in fair when you have all of the advantages and the opponent has to fight with a blindfold and one hand tied behind his back.

For the record I hate multinational corporations, I really do. But the crap you support helps them and strangles the small corporations that made this country great at one time. You are a one dimensional thinker which is why you are easily led about by the nose. That's a common problem with most progressives. You are all very childlike in that way.
I suppose a corporation should have the freedom to run commercials but we want to know who's behind those commercials. Citizens United doesn't sound nearly as bad as it is. That's what Republicans do. They pass a bill called the Freedom Bill or Support The Troops bill but in reality it does the exact opposite.

Nope. I don't want ANYBODY to be able to buy politicians that easily dummy. I don't want ANYBODY to be able to do it. Do you understand? Anything at all? Does anything get through that thick skull of yours?
Boogeyman alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Turns out when Citizens United was passed, none of the Republicans I talked to even knew what it was. The GOP snuck that shit in and the fact no one knew what it even was proves the media sure aint liberal.

I don't like Citizens United. Nor did I like the fact that the unions could propagandize their causes without interference. I am fully in favor of eliminating CU, but I also would demand that the unions not be allowed to do the exact same thing. CU was the corporate response to the unions and their constant attack on them.
Sure! All the unions should be able to do is endorse a candidate.

Then the corporations should be allowed to defend themselves. That is "fair" a term you all bleat about all the time. See how that works? No, no you don't. You are only interested in fair when you have all of the advantages and the opponent has to fight with a blindfold and one hand tied behind his back.

For the record I hate multinational corporations, I really do. But the crap you support helps them and strangles the small corporations that made this country great at one time. You are a one dimensional thinker which is why you are easily led about by the nose. That's a common problem with most progressives. You are all very childlike in that way.
I suppose a corporation should have the freedom to run commercials but we want to know who's behind those commercials. Citizens United doesn't sound nearly as bad as it is. That's what Republicans do. They pass a bill called the Freedom Bill or Support The Troops bill but in reality it does the exact opposite.

Learn the history, you are sounding really stupid.
Boogeyman alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Turns out when Citizens United was passed, none of the Republicans I talked to even knew what it was. The GOP snuck that shit in and the fact no one knew what it even was proves the media sure aint liberal.

You are not to sharp on history are you? The Campaign Finance Bill, better known as McCain-Feingold Bill, was passed in 2002. The House passed the bill 240-189. Republicans voted 41 yes and 176 nay. Democrats voted 198 yes and 12 nay.

The Senate passed the bill 60-40. Republicans voted 11 yes and 38 nay, the Democrats voted 48 yes, 2 nay and an independent vote for it.

Bush signed it into law and questioned the Constitutionality of the law.

The Democrats were the vast majority wanting this piece of crap legislation that led to the Citizens United ruling.

The Democrats sold you out by getting greedy and wanting to secure incumbents to keep their seats.

So spare me the GOP did it, you did it to yourselves, you guys are real dumb shits.
Just look at which Supreme Court justices who were behind Citizens United. They were Bush appointees Alito and Roberts and all the other right leaning justices.

Citizens United is a conservative non-profit organization in the United States. Its president and chairman is David Bossie. It is best known for the U.S. Supreme Court case on campaign finance Citizens United v. FEC.

This reminds me of when the GOP invented NAFTA but now blame Clinton because he signed it.
Turns out when Citizens United was passed, none of the Republicans I talked to even knew what it was. The GOP snuck that shit in and the fact no one knew what it even was proves the media sure aint liberal.

I don't like Citizens United. Nor did I like the fact that the unions could propagandize their causes without interference. I am fully in favor of eliminating CU, but I also would demand that the unions not be allowed to do the exact same thing. CU was the corporate response to the unions and their constant attack on them.
Sure! All the unions should be able to do is endorse a candidate.

Then the corporations should be allowed to defend themselves. That is "fair" a term you all bleat about all the time. See how that works? No, no you don't. You are only interested in fair when you have all of the advantages and the opponent has to fight with a blindfold and one hand tied behind his back.

For the record I hate multinational corporations, I really do. But the crap you support helps them and strangles the small corporations that made this country great at one time. You are a one dimensional thinker which is why you are easily led about by the nose. That's a common problem with most progressives. You are all very childlike in that way.
I suppose a corporation should have the freedom to run commercials but we want to know who's behind those commercials. Citizens United doesn't sound nearly as bad as it is. That's what Republicans do. They pass a bill called the Freedom Bill or Support The Troops bill but in reality it does the exact opposite.

Learn the history, you are sounding really stupid.
You are stupid if you are putting Citizens United on liberals. AND, why don't you join me in ending it? Sign the petition that's going around. No no no. Then you'll defend CU.
No, he's pushing left wing progressive policies. Which you happen to agree with so it's OK for a billionaire to buy the government to push YOUR agenda, but it's not OK for other billionaires to buy their portion of the government to fight it. Is that what I understand you to mean?

Hypocrite much?

Without passing judgment....here are the facts from Open Secrets.org on the AMOUNTS that the Kochs and Soros allocate to "lobbying"

When it comes to the combination of institutional lobbying, 527 group donations and PAC expenditures, Koch Industries far out-spends Soros’ hedge fund and think tank,
$57.4 million to $12.8 million.
Turns out when Citizens United was passed, none of the Republicans I talked to even knew what it was. The GOP snuck that shit in and the fact no one knew what it even was proves the media sure aint liberal.

I don't like Citizens United. Nor did I like the fact that the unions could propagandize their causes without interference. I am fully in favor of eliminating CU, but I also would demand that the unions not be allowed to do the exact same thing. CU was the corporate response to the unions and their constant attack on them.
Sure! All the unions should be able to do is endorse a candidate.

Then the corporations should be allowed to defend themselves. That is "fair" a term you all bleat about all the time. See how that works? No, no you don't. You are only interested in fair when you have all of the advantages and the opponent has to fight with a blindfold and one hand tied behind his back.

For the record I hate multinational corporations, I really do. But the crap you support helps them and strangles the small corporations that made this country great at one time. You are a one dimensional thinker which is why you are easily led about by the nose. That's a common problem with most progressives. You are all very childlike in that way.
I suppose a corporation should have the freedom to run commercials but we want to know who's behind those commercials. Citizens United doesn't sound nearly as bad as it is. That's what Republicans do. They pass a bill called the Freedom Bill or Support The Troops bill but in reality it does the exact opposite.

Learn the history, you are sounding really stupid.
We the People, Not We the Corporations

On January 21, 2010, with its ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the Supreme Court ruled that corporations are persons, entitled by the U.S. Constitution to buy elections and run our government. Human beings are people; corporations are legal fictions.
We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens Unitedand other related cases, and move to amend our Constitution to firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights.
The Supreme Court is misguided in principle, and wrong on the law. In a democracy, the people rule.
We Move to Amend.

". . . corporations have no consciences, no beliefs, no feelings, no thoughts, no desires. Corporations help structure and facilitate the activities of human beings, to be sure, and their 'personhood' often serves as a useful legal fiction. But they are not themselves members of “We the People” by whom and for whom our Constitution was established."
~Supreme Court Justice Stevens, January 2010
We the People, Not We the Corporations | Move to Amend

Boogeyman alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Turns out when Citizens United was passed, none of the Republicans I talked to even knew what it was. The GOP snuck that shit in and the fact no one knew what it even was proves the media sure aint liberal.
Um...Citizens United was not legislation. It wasn't "passed". The GOP did not "sneak that shit in".

The Citizen's United Supreme Court decision was in all the papers. I remember well. It can't be helped your friends are clueless cave dwellers.
No, he's pushing left wing progressive policies. Which you happen to agree with so it's OK for a billionaire to buy the government to push YOUR agenda, but it's not OK for other billionaires to buy their portion of the government to fight it. Is that what I understand you to mean?

Hypocrite much?

Without passing judgment....here are the facts from Open Secrets.org on the AMOUNTS that the Kochs and Soros allocate to "lobbying"

When it comes to the combination of institutional lobbying, 527 group donations and PAC expenditures, Koch Industries far out-spends Soros’ hedge fund and think tank,
$57.4 million to $12.8 million.

I guess you missed the whole part about how Soros has ALREADY spent 11 BILLION on progressive causes. You're not too swift are ya....
The top five industries which have donated to Harry Reid throughout his career in the Senate:


Reid's biggest donors:

The top five industries which have donated to Harry Reid throughout his career in the Senate:


Yup. And all of his sons are lobbyists. I used to love Harry. When he first got into politics he was as straight arrow as they come. Then the Washington machine got to him and he is now among the most corrupt politicians out there. A big disappointment, but an excellent example of absolute power corrupting absolutely..
Turns out when Citizens United was passed, none of the Republicans I talked to even knew what it was. The GOP snuck that shit in and the fact no one knew what it even was proves the media sure aint liberal.

I don't like Citizens United. Nor did I like the fact that the unions could propagandize their causes without interference. I am fully in favor of eliminating CU, but I also would demand that the unions not be allowed to do the exact same thing. CU was the corporate response to the unions and their constant attack on them.
Sure! All the unions should be able to do is endorse a candidate.

Then the corporations should be allowed to defend themselves. That is "fair" a term you all bleat about all the time. See how that works? No, no you don't. You are only interested in fair when you have all of the advantages and the opponent has to fight with a blindfold and one hand tied behind his back.

For the record I hate multinational corporations, I really do. But the crap you support helps them and strangles the small corporations that made this country great at one time. You are a one dimensional thinker which is why you are easily led about by the nose. That's a common problem with most progressives. You are all very childlike in that way.
I suppose a corporation should have the freedom to run commercials but we want to know who's behind those commercials. Citizens United doesn't sound nearly as bad as it is. That's what Republicans do. They pass a bill called the Freedom Bill or Support The Troops bill but in reality it does the exact opposite.

Learn the history, you are sounding really stupid.
By a 5-to-4 vote along ideological lines, the RIGHT LEANING majority held that under the First Amendment corporate funding of independent political broadcasts in candidate elections cannot be limited. Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote for the majority joined by Chief Justice John G. Roberts and Justices Antonin G. Scalia, Samuel A. Alito, and Clarence Thomas. Justice John Paul Stevens dissented, joined by Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen G. Breyer, and Sonia Sotamayor. The majority maintained that political speech is indispensable to a democracy, which is no less true because the speech comes from a corporation.

Justice Stevens argued that corporations are not members of society and that there are compelling governmental interests to curb corporations' ability to spend money during local and national elections.

The amount of money promised by the Koch brothers to "buy" the next election cycle, is STAGGERING.......Can anyone (with a straight face) actually state that the Kochs will not be asking for anything back from those corrupted politicans whom they'll help gain office? Thanks to the Supreme Court, the brothel that is D.C. has gotten even sleazier......
Who will benefit? Cable stations and local channels, printers, conference halls, etc.
And who will lose? Common citizens, including the right wing, ultra conservative dimwits ....
Koch brothers set 889 million budget for 2016

WASHINGTON — Top officials in the Koch brothers' political organization Monday released a staggering $889 million budget to fund the activities of the billionaires' sprawling network ahead of the 2016 presidential contest.
The budget, which pays for everything from advertising and data-gathering technology to grass-roots activism, was released to donors attending the annual winter meeting of Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce, according to an attendee.

What's Soros' budget?
Boogeyman alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Turns out when Citizens United was passed, none of the Republicans I talked to even knew what it was. The GOP snuck that shit in and the fact no one knew what it even was proves the media sure aint liberal.

You are not to sharp on history are you? The Campaign Finance Bill, better known as McCain-Feingold Bill, was passed in 2002. The House passed the bill 240-189. Republicans voted 41 yes and 176 nay. Democrats voted 198 yes and 12 nay.

The Senate passed the bill 60-40. Republicans voted 11 yes and 38 nay, the Democrats voted 48 yes, 2 nay and an independent vote for it.

Bush signed it into law and questioned the Constitutionality of the law.

The Democrats were the vast majority wanting this piece of crap legislation that led to the Citizens United ruling.

The Democrats sold you out by getting greedy and wanting to secure incumbents to keep their seats.

So spare me the GOP did it, you did it to yourselves, you guys are real dumb shits.
Just look at which Supreme Court justices who were behind Citizens United. They were Bush appointees Alito and Roberts and all the other right leaning justices.

Citizens United is a conservative non-profit organization in the United States. Its president and chairman is David Bossie. It is best known for the U.S. Supreme Court case on campaign finance Citizens United v. FEC.

This reminds me of when the GOP invented NAFTA but now blame Clinton because he signed it.

Clinton should have never signed NAFTA and Bush should have never signed CFR.

Had the crap piece of legislation not been put into law, then Citizens United would never had gone before the Supreme Court, your party sold you out and now you blame the Republicans, you are precious, no wonder you are such a good Democrat.
Turns out when Citizens United was passed, none of the Republicans I talked to even knew what it was. The GOP snuck that shit in and the fact no one knew what it even was proves the media sure aint liberal.

I don't like Citizens United. Nor did I like the fact that the unions could propagandize their causes without interference. I am fully in favor of eliminating CU, but I also would demand that the unions not be allowed to do the exact same thing. CU was the corporate response to the unions and their constant attack on them.
Sure! All the unions should be able to do is endorse a candidate.

Then the corporations should be allowed to defend themselves. That is "fair" a term you all bleat about all the time. See how that works? No, no you don't. You are only interested in fair when you have all of the advantages and the opponent has to fight with a blindfold and one hand tied behind his back.

For the record I hate multinational corporations, I really do. But the crap you support helps them and strangles the small corporations that made this country great at one time. You are a one dimensional thinker which is why you are easily led about by the nose. That's a common problem with most progressives. You are all very childlike in that way.
I suppose a corporation should have the freedom to run commercials but we want to know who's behind those commercials. Citizens United doesn't sound nearly as bad as it is. That's what Republicans do. They pass a bill called the Freedom Bill or Support The Troops bill but in reality it does the exact opposite.

Nope. I don't want ANYBODY to be able to buy politicians that easily dummy. I don't want ANYBODY to be able to do it. Do you understand? Anything at all? Does anything get through that thick skull of yours?
The OP writer focused on the Koch brothers, with the implication only right leaning money is trying to buy the government. This was a heavily biased and hypocritical OP.
What's Soros' budget?

Just some facts.....

Koch Industries, an oil refiner, is the nation’s second largest private company with about $100 billion in annual revenue.
Soros is chairman of
Soros Fund Management, a highly successful hedge fund that has provided financial and investment strategies to a variety of funds. As of June 30, 2009, the hedge fund had holdings valued at $4.2 billion.

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